Puppy Stardust 007

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Puppy Stardust 007

#1 Post by zigbert »

ImagePuppy Stardust 007

Stardust 008 is released here

This is still Puppy 4.3.1 - thanks to Barry for this wonder-OS

Focus on desktop flow and user easiness.
- Desktop in DeepThougt taken to next stage.
- Cleanup in apps, menus and kilobytes.


Comments version 007
This release is the beginning of a new way to handle themes in Puppy. It introduce Global themes that includes all the unige theme-settings. Wallpaper, Icons, Gtk, JWM, Widgets, Analog-clock. Mouse-cursor and sidebar is not yet implemented. It is the app Ptheme that handles this. A gui will make it all more flexible, but is not yet there. Stardust 007 contains 4 different Global themes. Orange, Green, Gray and Blue, - available from top tray. My niece, Ayla, has helped a lot building these themes. I hope she enjoyed our company as much as I did :) . Building these global themes is not like putting together themes the ordinary way. 4 unique icon themes would weight alone 1mb, which is of course completely inconceivable in the Stardust philosophy. To save iso-space icons and analog clock is generated during first boot. The script is placed in $HOME/.stardust/ together with some color profiles. The generation is not at all pefect. The blue theme is just a showcase of what a possible solution. It is the package netpbm that is used to build new icons/clocks. The Puppy netpbm-pack misses the tool pnmnorm, which could have given a improved result. If you're a compiler, and wants to give it a shot, - wonderful. Tweaking $HOME/.stardust/startdut_installer must be heaven for every bling boy :) ..........Go!!!

Some icons have been replaced (thanks to Ayla). A decent Stardust icon-theme must be nice even when jwm scales it for the Favorites menu or in the tray. There are still improvements to be made. Maybe you know of a better image-viewer-icon. If you check the Favorites menu, you'll see the Viewnior-icon looks bad.

Here comes next goodie for all blingy boys. I have included 4 new classes in jwmrc. - applet, ontop, curtain, maximized. You'll find the complete settings in $HOME/.jwmrc, but the important is that this gives us new possibilities with gtkdialog. If you want to start a script maximized (like Ptheme splash), you start script like this; gtkdialog3 --class=jwm-maximized -p ptheme --center. If you want to make a applet/screenlet using gtkdialog, this is now possible with the --class=jwm-applet: no window decoration, no entry in taskbar, shows up in all desktops, stays in background. The class ontop keeps your script above other windows, but below main traybar. The class curtain covers everything on screen. Remember that all windows can still be moved by pressing the alt-key. - a nice feature to freely place your applet. To remember placement on screen, see pmusic or 'gtkdialog - tips and tricks'.

On the core side of Stardust, new printers should be detected. Prehistoric pointed me to patriots splix-pack, which includes support of several samsung, xerox and dell printers.

Some of the Type1 fonts has returned. My shrinking in this area has been too hard, but I think we covers the font requests now. Print test page works, geany has got monospace, pdf calls for type1 fonts don't end up using pdingobats (encrypted pdfs :) ).

After testing the epson ink-level tool, I had to remove it. It misses a lib, and doesn't work on newer printers. Do anyone know if there exist a updated version, or maybe it just need a recompile, - I don't know.

See changelog for complete list of bugfixes, but 2 are to be especially mentioned. Rob (tasmod) has fixed the xf-prot (virus-checker) tool in Stardust. Xf-prot is not working in Puppy 4.3.1. See the tale of this post for all Puppy 4.3.1 bugfixes in Stardust. The previous release of Puppy Stardust included improved menu-handling. This was really buggy, and are now hopefully working as intended.

Changelog since Stardust 006:
# 4 global Stardust themes (thanks to Ayla)
# Ptheme with mood-buttons. No gui yet.
# Support of samsung and xerox printers (thanks to patriot)
# Added classes to jwm-config: applet, ontop, curtain, maximized
# Verify jwm configuration at startup
# Some Type1 fonts (sans, roman, monospace) have returned.
# New icons: spread48, audio48, mixer48, camera48 (thanks to Ayla)
# Reorganized favorites menu
# Monospace font in Geany.
# Epson ink-gui is removed. should be recompiled.
# Updated lameSMBexplorer to 0.1.7b (patriot)
# Updated theme_swither to run change jwm-theme in cli.
# Updated pcc, pwidgets, ptray, pmenu
# Removed: /usr/sbin/background_reshape --> crops wallpapers (jpg)
# Bugfix: Removed jwmconfig from menu. (thanks to trio)
# Bugfix: choose dir in Pmenu (main/favorites)
# Bugfix: Cups printing testpage (thanks to several of you)
# Bugfix: optional menu-items. - icons and appearances. (thanks to trio)
# Bugfix: cleaned up noise in lock24.png.
# Bugfix: Pwidgets - clock-arrows-theme-bug (I am trying yet another time, Rob)
# Bugfix: Pwidgets - Weather_Station (thanks to tasmod)
# Bugfix: Pwidgets - RssFeed (thanks to trio)
# Bugfix: Gap between icon and label in shutdown menu.
# Bugfix 4.3.1: Xf-prot virus checker (thanks to tasmod)
# Bugfix 4.3.1: Allow unique 24 pixel icons and symlinked icons in icon-themes.



If you have Puppy installed, you MUST run this with the prefix 'puppy pfix=ram'. Else, the Stardust desktop will not install.

username: puppy
password: linux

pup_stardust-007.iso (99Mb)
md5sum: 8beee464f4880219f6bd3f93bef41f47

Here is the good old Stardust icon-theme updated for Puppy Stardust (thanks to 01micko)

The following list shows many items that is taken out of the iso. But, it is not as critical as it seems. Most of these are tiny apps, and you have not been aware of many of them. Simply because other apps do the job.

Aqualung has left, and Pmusic is back. Pmusic has evolved in both features and speed, so It is more a matter of longterm strategy. I hope it will be possible to build more around ffmpeg in the future. We could hopefully get rid of lidsnd, libsamplerate and maybe libxine...

Gadmin-Rsync is out as well, since it crashed on first run. I don't think Pbackup fill the backup issue completely. It would be wonderful if there exists a tiny but complete backup suit.

If you see something that you would have changed, added or removed, I will be very glad if you mentioned it. Because of my limited time, it would be best if you deliver the patch.... My knowledge of network/internet tools is close to zero, so these are nearly untouched.

Possible improvement is easy to see
- alternative multimedia tools using ffmpeg.
- hunt more files we don't need.
- upgrade gui in some of the scripts.
- extend the control center.
- replacement of Gparted (901kb)
- boot Puppy with pfix=fsck
- compile mhwaveedit without libsndfile
- driver adds/updates
- ...

This is meant to be a full featured user-oriented Puppy....Though, I have to admit that the biggest modem drivers is removed.

So what's added
- Stardust desktop environment - including pcc (Puppy control center), desktop configuration tools and Pwidgets
- Pwireless2 (replaces Pwireless)
- ATI graphic drivers
- Broadcom wifi drivers
- splix - Samsung, Xerox, Dell printer drivers
- acpid
- Pmusic (replaces aqualung)
- woo-ff
- printoxx
- floppy-formater (replaces floppy-format.sh)
- getez (replaces PmirrorGet)
- gtkmoz (replaces PuppyBrowser)
- Pupradio (replaces pstreamvid)
- seahaven
- lameSMBexplorer (replaces pnethood)
- pstartupsound
- startmount
- fileedit (set to defaulttextviewer)
- default-wizard

Some scripts has been upgraded
- sfsconverter
- cpu-scaling tool
- JwmThemeMaker
- you2pup
- Pburn
- icon_switcher
- theme_switcher

And what does the Stardust-generator change
- Install desktop at first startup rather than keep it in the iso to save space
- snap desktop icons - medium grid
- simple Pmount facelift
- Xlock is fixed
- start pCD instead of defaultmediaplayer when click on audio-CD icon
- seamonkey buttons
- defaultaudioplayer is changed from aqualung to pmusic
- defaultaudiomixer is changed from zmixer to alsamixer
- Updated P-series
- Net-setup goes to Pwireless2 for wireless configuration
- Darker background color in: rxvt, geany, abiword
- Generates icon-themes, gtk-themes and analog clock-skins

And of course, something had to leave
*** Programs ***
- aqualung
- libmad
- madplay
- background_reshape
- burniso2cd
- cdp
- cgtkcalc
- didiwiki
- e3
- floppy-format.sh
- gcolor2 (color chooser)
- gdmap
- gexec
- gfnrename - maybe better than PRename, but this is bash and easy updated.
- glightoff
- gtkdialog markup editor - devx ???
- gtklogfileviewer - Does any script use anymore ???
- gtksourceview
- Net-setup (old version)
- nicoedit
- pcdripper
- Pdisk - could maybe be in use by some wizard
- picpuz
- pictureviewer
- pmirror/mirdir
- pmwget (PMirrorget)
- pnetnood
- pplog
- pstreamvid
- ptooltips - tool to show tooltips in gtkdialog - not longer in use
- PuppyBrowser
- PuppyPdf - Abiword does exactly the same
- Pwireless
- quisp
- rsync / gadmin-rsync - crashes on first run
- securetelnetshell
- tile
- waveplay - linked to aplay
- xAutoconnect - Pwireless2 should do the job
- xcalc
- xclipboard
- Xconsole
- xfontsel
- ycalc
- zfind
- zmixer

*** Trimming ***
- cdrkit - Pburn has very few dependencies
- libsnd (only mhwaveedit (aqualung) use libsnd)
- jwmconfig2
- netpbm

*** Control panel has ditched some ***
- countrywizard
- XserverWizard
- wizardwizard
- And plenty of menu items

*** Graphics ***
- All wallpapers
- some Gtk-themes
- All Icon-themes
- many mini-icons

*** misc ***
- some apps NOT in control center has also lost their place in the menu
--> sfs-version-converter - warnings pointing to it is changed.
--> Pstopwatch - Ptimer should be enough.
- some documentation files
- some audio files
- the biggest modem drivers
- many fixed fonts

Puppy 4.3.1 Bugfixes
- JWM tray configuration.
- JWM keyboard shortcut configuration.
- Xlock - Lock screen.
- Kill pid of wallpaper setter when closing window.
- Shutdown / Reboot from menu after NFS error.
- Execute code from Geany with 'execute' button.
- Xf-prot virus checker (thanks to tasmod)
- Allow unique 24 pixel icons and symlinked icons in icon-themes.
Last edited by zigbert on Fri 05 Feb 2010, 21:41, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by 01micko »


Checksum087e0a5b673c4abdadecdd86a1f52c37 pup_stardust-006.iso:pup_stardust-007.iso.delta

Save in same dir as Stardust 006 iso image and click delta...it opens gui.. click GENERATE.. 007 is generated..

Last edited by 01micko on Sun 31 Jan 2010, 01:57, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by `f00 »

Looking good in concept - nice to see a rational approach to theming. If Ayla likes, she might look at how AfterStep handles color in themes (also a good approach, it's under Look in the docs and ASWallpaper editor uses it for the xml), and yes AS is a bit heavy with all the local docs and such (but very helpful to have if no pupconn). Great to see a return of some type1 fonts as well (optimizing can be a thankless task at times with all the variety of end-user display). Epson inklevel was problematical even with older model for me (one reason I gave up on printer, paper cheap but ink is dear), the s/w display did not match actual ink reserves.

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#4 Post by trio »


When you reach Final (will there be any final?...It's such ajoy building an OS :lol: ), why don't you make a retro version? Or may be you'd like to give the Stardust magic generator script (making stardust from 431 retro) or the detailed list of what you've changed. Many would love to have stardust on their dinosaurs


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Looks good here

#5 Post by prehistoric »

Hi zigbert,

I'm posting from Stardust 007 now. Bringing this installation up went very smoothly. This is the first time I've been able to use my printer 'out of the box'. Both the CUPS and Abiword test pages look good. One of the printers I went to test turned out to be a Brother HL-2040. For some reason, I'm willing to bet that works out of the box too.

I'm currently running on "Box Oven", a dual-core development machine with more memory and RAID storage than I know what to do with. It also ran well on "Bookcase" a.k.a. "Darth Book", a Celeron-based mini-ITX box. I'll be testing on laptops and lower-performance desktops tomorrow.

I'll be looking at strategies for supporting HP, Canon and Epson printers while I'm testing, as I will be visiting people with those brands.

Does this mean I didn't find anything wrong? (I have a reputation to consider.) No, the screen-shot application lacks a tool-tip message on mouse over. (Whew! Thank goodness I found something. Now, I can go to bed.) :wink:

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#6 Post by trio »

The one click "theme-color-tone" is crazy.......we should expand more
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#7 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi I downloaded stardust to take it on a test run, The first time downloading it was pain .ca was averaging around 30kb/s and less and stopped a couple of times, maybe a high server load. So the md5sum didn't match, so I proceeded to use Uget and that worked, nice thing about Uget you can use passwords etc. ANyways so once I finally got it up and going, the backdrop failed to load. Everything is really dark, like geany, rxvt, man it feels Gothic. Anyways while I have it running I might as well compile a few things, below is the latest Uget, packaged it as small as possible :)
(63.39 KiB) Downloaded 623 times
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

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#8 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's Htop, everybody usually likes Htop better than Top. Well its small enough :)
(40.4 KiB) Downloaded 617 times
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

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#9 Post by technosaurus »

mhwaveedit updated to 1.4.17 without libsndfile
glib updated to 2.22.2
(157.25 KiB) Downloaded 657 times
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].

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#10 Post by jpeps »

printer test working; jpg files work for background. NICE!!

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#11 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Zigbert I did say I would compile Pup-Shots on stardust, bit of a job getting it all together but it works. :) http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 985#387985
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
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#12 Post by ttuuxxx »

technosaurus wrote:mhwaveedit updated to 1.4.17 without libsndfile
glib updated to 2.22.2
haaa I was going to compile mhwaveedit next :) why the glib update?
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

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It would be more popular if fewer people downloaded it!

#13 Post by drongo »

Concurrent download limit exceeded.

I'll try later.

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#14 Post by 01micko »


Try uget that ttuuxx posted or pswget in 4.3.1 and late model pups

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#15 Post by ttuuxxx »

I hate the look of calcoo so here's the latest Galculator.
(68.62 KiB) Downloaded 624 times
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
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Downloaded OK

#16 Post by drongo »

Thanks 01micko. Tried uget, clicked on hyperlink to get the URL and downloaded it with Seamonkey!

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#17 Post by zigbert »

trio wrote:Ziggy,

When you reach Final (will there be any final?...It's such ajoy building an OS :lol: ), why don't you make a retro version? Or may be you'd like to give the Stardust magic generator script (making stardust from 431 retro) or the detailed list of what you've changed. Many would love to have stardust on their dinosaurs

Let things settle a bit, before we spread the Stardust code. It is much easier to keep the developer role (rather than; Manager of compatibility issues) when working inside a hardcoded Puppy Stardust.


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Re: Looks good here

#18 Post by zigbert »

prehistoric wrote:Does this mean I didn't find anything wrong? (I have a reputation to consider.) No, the screen-shot application lacks a tool-tip message on mouse over. (Whew! Thank goodness I found something. Now, I can go to bed.) :wink:
Let's talk about snap-shot tools. I think ttuuxxx/minhundhetteperro have made a great tool, but it's too big for Stardust. I will recommend it to those who are looking for a power-tool. Now look at Trios snap-shot tool in Puppy/Stardust. The main problem is not the function, but its name: mtpaintsnapshot.sh interferes with mtpaint when Stardust tries to detect icon (see mtpaint in Favorites menu) via globicons. It would be nice to have it renamed and a new .desktop file. Also; why not let the user set the delay time. 10 sec could be the default choice.


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#19 Post by zigbert »

trio wrote:The one click "theme-color-tone" is crazy.......we should expand more

Be aware that these themes will require more ram, even if they are not in the iso. I decided to choose those 4 colors based on what I have seen of screenshots on this forum. Violet is also used........ In the end we need to keep a balance between size and feature.

....but, oh yeah, it has a LOT more potential, than Stardust 007 shows.


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#20 Post by zigbert »

Thanks a lot for the compiled packages!!!!

Uget is already in Puppy 4.3.1, but your pack is newer. I have included getez in Stardust. Is this doing the same as uget? I could possibly remove getez?

galculator??? I wonder why Barry never decided to use this galculator. I guess he has his reasons since it is added to the official repo?

Hopefully we manage in the future to give you a non-goth option using the global color schemes.


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