Palemoon-27.9.4SSE portable installer

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Palemoon-27.9.4SSE portable installer

#1 Post by jrb »

I've had a request to make a portable browser installer for palemoon-27.9.4SSE.linux-i686.tar.bz2, a browser that will work on very old computers:
keniv wrote:Hello jrb,
I have installed your precise light on my old Toshiba laptop. It might have the poorest spec of any machine using it at p3 800MHz and 320MB though I am ready to be corrected. It seems to be working fine. I have installed palemoon 27.9.4SSE as the browser. I think its the most up to date one I can use on this machine. I also use it with lucid 528 which I also have on the machine. I don't know if there is a portable version of this but if there is would it be possible to include it in your "portable browser installer" if you decide to add it to your update. I would help those with low spec machines to run a reasonable browser from the off. Thanks for all your work on precise light.


So here is an installer which will download and install to a drive of your choice, run it from there and place a menu entry in Menu->Internet->PalemoonSSE portable. It will also download and install if your version is older.

Give it a try and let me know how it works. Tested in Precise-light, Bionic32-light and tahr-605.

Cheers, J

Caution, will conflict with Portable Browser Installer
Palemoon for older computers
(7.2 KiB) Downloaded 691 times

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#2 Post by keniv »

Can confirm this works with a machine with the specs outlined in the above post. As well as being quite new it is also fast as compared with a modern FF or SM on this hardware.



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#3 Post by jrb »

I'm heading out on a road trip for the next two or three weeks. Will not be able to offer support until I get back.

Cheers, J

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#4 Post by Robert123 »

sorry wrong thread.
Devuan Linux, Stardust 013 (4.31) updated [url][/url]

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#5 Post by pcplague2 »

Hello jrb,

Could not install Palemoon-27.9.4SSE using your script, it puts palemoon link on the menu but when it starts for the first time (clicking in palemoon on the menu) starts to download from their site but gives ftp user/password error and doesn't download anything.
Uninstalled in PPM.
Checked I had yad-0.40.3-i686 installed.
How I solved it, got a package from the other thread ... c3b62d9d6f used the version
Palemoon_27.9.4_sse_glibc219_tweak-portable.tar.gz extracted the palemoon32 dir to mnt/home then when cliked in plmn did nothing, then tryed clicking in palemoon-bin and worked, changed start page got out and started again so confirmed that profile was working.
Since i didn't learn yet how to create menu entrys just draged and drop to desktop and choose create link.

Working with puppy linux for 2 weeks and loving it.

Pc is a old portable Compaq EVO N600c with PIII M 1.2GHz (SSE only) 1Gb SDRAM, 9Gb Ext3 partition, 1Gb swap partition
Using Bionicpup32 19.03 (not light).

Everything was working except the browser (light), installed also, could not find a more recent one (they dropped SSE only support after version 20)
I use it mainly to browse internet because has a "big" screen 1400x1050 and control it by vnc (installed then x11vnc-0.9.14-i486-1gv.txz).

Thanks for your good work.
Paulo Pestana <- All the way from Portugal 8)

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Mike Walsh
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#6 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ pcplague2:-

I confess I'm at a loss to understand how you got Pale Moon running. If you started it from palemoon-bin, instead of from the plmn script, it wouldn't create the profile in the first place, not would it look inside the portable-PaleMoon directory to find it.

My guess is that by doing it this way, Pale Moon has created its profile in the standard location; /root/.moonchild productions/palemoon. (That's a 'hidden' directory; you need to click on the 'eye' symbol in ROX's menubar to be able to see it.)

Out of curiosity, is that where the profile is?

Try this for me, please:-

Open the Pale Moon-portable directory. Open the 'palemoon32' directory. Now; Right-click->Window->Terminal here. Enter the following, please:-

Code: Select all

What happens? If it doesn't fire up, what readout do you get?

Mike. :wink:

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#7 Post by pcplague2 »

Hi Mike

Did what you said, it really created the profile in the user dir and plmn asks for a more recent GLIBC_2.25 than 2.19.
Updated package manager search for glibc_2 or glibc and nothing even choose DEV bellow EXE.


PS: attached sreen capture
PIII M (SSE) palemoon .jpg
(216.81 KiB) Downloaded 39 times
Paulo Pestana <- All the way from Portugal 8)

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#8 Post by pcplague2 »

Checked version I have.

# ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.27-3ubuntu1) 2.27
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Roland McGrath and Ulrich Drepper.

Doing more research ...
Paulo Pestana <- All the way from Portugal 8)

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Mike Walsh
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#9 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ pcplague2:-

You still haven't given me the terminal output I asked for.

I can tell you why you're having all this trouble with it. Because you've completely bypassed the intended sequence of events, that's why.

The plmn script checks for and if necessary creates the profile directory. If it exists, it tells PaleMoon to use it. It then passes control to

....the LAUNCH script. This is the one that sets Palemoon to use the built-in glibc-2.19, followed by firing the browser up from the palemoon "binary", OK?

Because you've started it from the 'palemoon-bin' script binary, it's gone off on its merry way.....and you've 'thumbed your nose' at the entire, carefully set-up launch sequence designed to allow it to run the way it should do!

You've now, unfortunately, set-up a load of files/directories all over the place, and the poor damn browser doesn't know what the hell it's meant to be doing. We do build these things the way we do for a very good reason. I can't be held responsible for what happens if you insist on trying to run it in a way it wasn't meant to be.....

Sorry and all that.

Mike. :roll:

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#10 Post by pcplague2 »

Ok , so let's start again ....

Burned bionicpup32-8.0+21-uefi.iso to a 4Gb USB using balenaetcher in windows.

Since this version accepts swap in a file I Loaded BionicPup32 19.03 linux 4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae [i686]only using ram (no savefile) option in the boot options and deleted the ext3 and swap partitition (had to choose swapoff), created a new ext3 partition ( I choose ext3 instead of ext4 because some older puppies had problems with it) so now I have a 10gb ext3 partition to install.

Universal install,internal HD, select HD, install puppy to sda2, FRUGAL, dir upupbb19.03frugal, install bootloader in sda MBR(options pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck), reboot, no save.
After rebooting from HD just changed Keyboard (to Portuguese) and TMZ to Lisbon, had to restart X then reboot to create save.
Choose administrator, sda2, Normal (no encrypt), then instead of recomended save to folder choose save to file, ext3, 512 Mb,
created 128Mb swapfile.

After rebooting puppy setup appeared already configured just clicked Ok, checked internet by going to package Manager (PPM) and update database, rebooted again to start fresh, no more puppy setup...
To test the file, since internet browser (Light) doesn't work, activate samba and transfer the test file over network to /mnt/home.
So copied to /mnt/home, clicked on sda2 icon wich opened the dir with ROX, opened terminal here (LXTerminal)

#ls -a
bash: ./ cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I was expecting it but curious to see what error it would give.
So clicked on it and PPM window "Do you want to install this package:" OK

appeared a xterm window with another window with yellow backgound containing the text.

You are about to install PalemoonSSE-portable.
It can be installed on harddrive (ssd) or any removeable drive,
it will survive changes of drive name (usb).
To reinstall or change drive locations just type pminst in
a terminal or go to /usr/local/bin and click on pminst
Clicking Menu->Internet->PalemoonSSE-portable
will start PalemoonSSE.
After your first run of PalemoonSSE you will be asked if you
want to make it your default browser:
pmportable_launch "$@"
will be enterd in /usr/local/bin/defautbrowser

Window from PPM The following package has been succesfuly installed PACKAGE: palemoon_portainstall-27.9.4SSE-0.4 CATEGORY: Internet ...look in 'internet' in the menu (bottom-left of screen to run the application.
Clicked Ok the yellow window then on xterm window appeared:
What drivewould you like to install PalemoonPortable on? eg: sda3
So I wrote sda2 and enter
Downloading Palemoon...
ftp://contrib:*password*@ftp.palemoon.o ... 86.tar.bz2
=> 'palemoon-27.9.4SSE.linux-i686.tar.bz2'
Resolving (
Connecting to ( ||21... connected.
Logging in as contrib ...
Login incorrect.

Extracting Palemoon...
tar (child): palemoon-27.9.4SSE.linux-i686.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Done, the portable Palemoon folder is Palemoon_32
You can now delete the archive: ... 86.tar.bz2

Would you like to make Palemoon the default browser? y/n


Pressed enter and window vanishes.
Confirmed "PalemoonSSE portable" in the menu
Just for fun clicked in it and ... appeared a light blue window " PALEMOON-SSE PORTABLE INSTALL " click to install Palemoon-SSE: and a button with Palemoon inside.
clicked and the script starts again, appears the yellow windows then in xterm PalemoonPortable has already been installed. Do you wish to reinstall?y/n
grep: option requires an argument -- 'e'
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try 'grep --help' for more information.
What drivewould you like to install PalemoonPortable on? eg: sda3
Downloading Palemoon...
ftp://contrib:*password*@ftp.palemoon.o ... 86.tar.bz2
=> 'palemoon-27.9.4SSE.linux-i686.tar.bz2'
Resolving (
Connecting to ( ||21... connected.
Logging in as contrib ...
Login incorrect.

Extracting Palemoon...
tar (child): palemoon-27.9.4SSE.linux-i686.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Done, the portable Palemoon folder is Palemoon_32
You can now delete the archive: ... 86.tar.bz2

ln: failed to create symbolic link'/usr/local/bin/pmportable_launch': File exists
grep: option requires an argument -- 'e'
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try 'grep --help' for more information.

/usr/local/bin/pminst: line 79: /mnt/Palemoon-27.9.4SSE/palemoon: No such file or directory

Would you like to make Palemoon the default browser? y/n

It was all written manually because I could not find a way to copy the text from xterm window (this portable has no prtscr key).

So I 'll wait for an answer to what shall I do now.

I have another archive "Palemoon.27.9.4_sse_glibc219_tweak-portable.tar.gz" if necessary.

Sorry for bothering you.
Paulo Pestana <- All the way from Portugal 8)

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#11 Post by pcplague2 »

My PC configuratioon:

Pup-SysInfo Hardware Report (Summary), Thu 21 May 2020

Current Time: 11:44:44
System Uptime: 0d 0h 4m
Load Average: 0.53 0.69 0.36
Processes: 166 total, 2 running

====> BASE SYSTEM <====

PC Manufacturer: Compaq
Product Name: Evo N600c

Motherboard Vendor: Compaq
Product Name: 0744

BIOS Vendor: Compaq
Version: 686DF v2.49
Release Date: 12/31/2003

Intel(R) Pentium(R) III Mobile CPU 1200MHz
Min/Max Speed: 800/1200 MHz
Current Speed of Core 0:Intel(R) MHz, 1:1200 MHz
Core Count: 1

Frequency governor : ondemand
Freq. scaling driver : acpi-cpufreq

l1tf:Mitigation: PTE Inversion
spectre_v1:Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization
spectre_v2:Mitigation: Full generic retpoline

Sensor status is not available, or required kernel drivers are not loaded.

Personal Storage File:
Name: /upupbb19.03frugal/upupbbsave-1.3fs
Total Size: 512 MB
Free Space: 467 MB
Location: partition sda2

Memory Allocation:
Total RAM: 999 MB
Used RAM: 860 MB
Free RAM: 139 MB
Buffers: 70 MB
Cached: 681 MB
Total Swap: 127 MB
Free Swap: 127 MB

Actual Used RAM: 109 MB Used - (buffers + cached)
Actual Free RAM: 890 MB Free + (buffers + cached)

Linux Kernel: 4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae (i686)
Kernel Version: #1 SMP Thu Mar 14 15:41:19 GMT 2019
Build GCC: 8.3.0
PAE Enabled: Yes

Kernel Command Line:
pdrv=5cd55220-4962-452f-ab66-79c933473b25 psubdir=/upupbb19.03frugal pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck

Distro: BionicPup32 19.03
Window Manager: JWM v2.3.7
Desktop Start: xwin jwm

Bash: 4.4.20
Geany: 1.29
Gtkdialog: 0.8.4
Perl: 5.26.1
Python: 2.7.17
Yad: 0.40.3 (GTK+ 2.24.32)
busybox: 1.30.1
dhcpcd: 6.7.1
Glibc: 2.27
OpenSSL: 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018, built on: Tue Nov 12 16:58:35 2019 UTC
wpa_supplicant: 2.6

Username: root
Language: en_US.UTF-8
Keyboard: pt-latin1
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon

Firewall: Off (ip_tables not active)
Network Interface: enp2s8
Wireless Network: No wireless connection
Session Data: Received 3.5 KB, Sent 2.4 KB
Monthly Data: Received 11 MB, Sent 0 MB

Hostname: puppyN600c
Network IP Address:
Domain Name Server (DNS):
Hardware Address (MAC): 00:02:A5:BA:B4:98

Boot Partition: sda2 (Size 11G, Free 9.0G)
Boot File System: ext3
Boot Media: atahd


====> DISPLAY <====

Display Specifications:
+ Monitor VertRefresh: 60.19 times/s
+ Screen Dimensions: 1400x1050 pixels (370x277 millimeters)
+ Screen Depth: 24 bits (planes)

Xorg Startup Log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
+ Xorg Driver in use: radeon
+ Loaded Modules: ati dbe evdev fb fbdevhw glx libinput ramdac shadow synaptics
+ X.Org version: 1.19.6

OpenGL 2D/3D Rendering:
+ Direct Rendering: Yes
+ Vendor: VMware, Inc.
+ Renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0, 128 bits)
+ Version: 3.1 Mesa 19.2.8

VGA controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV100/M6 [Rage/Radeon Mobility Series] [1002:4c59]
+ Kernel Driver: radeon
+ Memory Used by Driver: 1354.44 KB
+ Path: /lib/modules/4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.ko
+ Description: ATI Radeon
+ Video RAM: 999M total, 128M prefetchable

====> MULTIMEDIA <====

The lspci command finds no audio information.

====> NETWORK <====

Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82801CAM (ICH3) PRO/100 VM (KM) Ethernet Controller [8086:1038] (rev 42)
+ Kernel Driver: e100
+ Memory Used: 25.62 KB
+ Path: /lib/modules/4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/e100.ko
+ Driver Version: 3.5.24-k2-NAPI
+ Description: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver

====> INPUT DEVICES <====

"AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
"Lid Switch"
"PC Speaker"
"Power Button"
"Sleep Button"
"SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
"TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint"

====> PCI DEVICES <====

Host bridge
+ Intel Corporation 82830M/MG/MP Host Bridge
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=3575 Rev=04
+ Kernel Driver=agpgart-intel

PCI bridge
+ Intel Corporation 82830M/MP AGP Bridge
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=3576 Rev=04

USB controller
+ Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM USB Controller #1
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2482 Rev=02
+ Kernel Driver=uhci_hcd

USB controller
+ Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM USB Controller #2
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2484 Rev=02
+ Kernel Driver=uhci_hcd

USB controller
+ Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM USB Controller #3
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2487 Rev=02
+ Kernel Driver=uhci_hcd

PCI bridge
+ Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2448 Rev=42

ISA bridge
+ Intel Corporation 82801CAM ISA Bridge LPC
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=248c Rev=02
+ Kernel Driver=lpc_ich
+ Kernel Module=lpc_ich

IDE interface
+ Intel Corporation 82801CAM IDE U100 Controller
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=248a Rev=02
+ Kernel Driver=ata_piix

VGA compatible controller
+ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ VendorID=AMD/ATI RV100/M6
+ VendorID=Rage/Radeon Mobility Series
+ VendorID=1002 DeviceID=4c59
+ Kernel Driver=radeon
+ Kernel Module=radeon

CardBus bridge
+ Texas Instruments PCI1420 PC card Cardbus Controller
+ VendorID=104c DeviceID=ac51
+ Kernel Driver=yenta_cardbus
+ Kernel Module=yenta_socket

CardBus bridge
+ Texas Instruments PCI1420 PC card Cardbus Controller
+ VendorID=104c DeviceID=ac51
+ Kernel Driver=yenta_cardbus
+ Kernel Module=yenta_socket

Communication controller
+ LSI Corporation LT WinModem
+ VendorID=11c1 DeviceID=0450 Rev=02

Ethernet controller
+ Intel Corporation 82801CAM ICH3 PRO/100 VM KM Ethernet Controller
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=1038 Rev=42
+ Kernel Driver=e100
+ Kernel Module=e100

Multimedia audio controller
+ ESS Technology ES1988 Allegro-1
+ VendorID=125d DeviceID=1988 Rev=12
+ Kernel Driver=snd_maestro3
+ Kernel Module=snd_maestro3

====> PRINTERS <====

DefaultPrinter CUPS-PDF

====> SCSI DEVICES <====



ATA TOSHIBA MK3018GA - sda: 30.0GB

sda1 ntfs 17.0G [ATA TOSHIBA MK3018GA]
sda2 ext3 10.0G [ATA TOSHIBA MK3018GA]


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 11G 562M 9.0G 6% /initrd/mnt/dev_save

====> USB DEVICES <====

VendorID=1d6b ProductID=0001 Rev=04.09
Manufacturer=Linux 4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae uhci_hcd
Product=UHCI Host Controller

VendorID=1d6b ProductID=0001 Rev=04.09
Manufacturer=Linux 4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae uhci_hcd
Product=UHCI Host Controller

VendorID=1d6b ProductID=0001 Rev=04.09
Manufacturer=Linux 4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae uhci_hcd
Product=UHCI Host Controller


Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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