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Openbox+Extras 1.1.2 (2013-03-01)

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 21:44
by vicmz
Openbox+Extras is now called OpenboxPlus
For the latest packages see:
below are the older packages

O+E version 1.1.2 bug fix release
Fixed lxpanelclt for compatibility with PupClockset (01micko)
Available in the Slacko14 repo (check the PPM)
O+E version 1.1 new features:
- ChoosePanel panel chooser (choose between Tint2 and Lxpanel) by josejp2424
- Tint2 panel compiled by nilsonmorales
- Gettext support for internationalization (L18L, rodin.s, vicmz): choosepanel, pupshutdown, desksetup, wmswitcher, openbox, obconf, lxpanel (can now be translated through Momanager, check the source of openbox, obconf and lxpanel for existing translations, they can be edited by Momanager)
- Wallpaper 0.6.3 (01micko) as wallpaper setter (see /usr/local/apps/wallpaper/locale/ for translation file,)
- Wallpaper and GTK-theme addon PETs updated
- After installing, restarting X clears the desktop icons (josejp2424)
- Gnome icons .pet (josejp2424) available for the Lxpanel menu
- Mijnpup-ipad icon set built in (not as default)
- Openbox themes cutdown selection
- Installs the following as default (can easily be changed to whatever you like): GTK themes DeepThought (Lxpanel) and ShallowTought (Tint2), wallpaper Beach-Sunrise (note: reinstalling a panel from ChoosePanel sets the default themes back)

Note about Tint2 panel: This panel doesn't work for Wary and Racy. There is a weird dependency,, that is difficult to find. Please make a .pet and post it here if you find it. Meanwhile, Lxpanel is recommended for Wary/Racy users.

Note to Spanish speakers
Nota para los hispanoablantes

At the moment the locale files are built in, but they will be placed in a separate NLS file (and in the official Spanish langpack) when the project is localized to other languages, maintaining the minimalistic approach of Puppy Linux.
En este momento los archivos de traducción están incluidos, pero serán colocados en un archivo NLS separado (y en el paquete de idioma español oficial) cuando se traduzca el projecto a otros idiomas, manteniendo el enfoque minimalista de Puppy Linux.

Main package (2.4 MB)

Cómo traducir las entradas de Apagar del menú de clic derecho de Openbox en español
Additional extras
GTK theme collection (1.6 MB)
Wallpaper collection (8.4 MB)
Gnome icon package for the Lxpanel menu (6 MB)
Mouse pointer ("cursor") themes (5.3 MB) from Lucid repo, works in many Puppies

Openbox+Extras Fat Edition

All-in-one package for those who have faster connections and want to install everything in one click: (24 MB)

OLD PACKAGES 2012-12-07

Older version 005 .pet containing:
Openbox 3.5 with Obconf and heaps of themes
Lxpanel 0.5.6 with plugins and coloured background images
Pupshutdown 1.8 as shutdown manager including the
WM Switcher 0.18 to switch between JWM and Openbox without exiting to prompt
DeskSetup 0.7 to manage desktop icons

The .pet is about 1MB. There are separate extras:
A collection of many wallpapers that appeared in Puppy and derivatives (7MB or so)
A collection of GTK themes (around 1.5MB)
From Lucid repo, a collection of mouse pointer ("cursor") themes (5.3 MB)

Tested in Wary, Precise and Slacko, may work in other Puppies.

There is a Spanish version (versión en español) here (aquí) (instructions/instrucciones here/aquí), for other languages you have to translate the scripts for Pupshutdown, Desksetup and WMswitcher. There are .pot files for Openbox, Obconf and Lxpanel in /usr/share/doc/nls but I have a few locales in the source package so if you translate the scripts mentioned I can add the rest (unless there isn't a translation for your language).


Many thanks to: Jejy69 for providing the Openbox/LXDE .pet files, Argolance, Zigbert, nilsonmorales and others for some awesome GTK themes, Radky for PupShutdown, josejp2424 for ChoosePanel, 01micko (Desksetup, Wallpaper Setter, WMswitcher), again nilsonmorales for the Tint2 panel, futwerk, Dejan555 and many others for some fantastic backgrounds, L18L and rodin.s for some gettext support and lessons, and many people whose work is in these .pets that I just put together for fun. :D

Below some screen captures of what you can do with these .pet files and some imagination:

Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2012, 17:33
by koulaxizis
That's great!! Thank you!! :D

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 12:05
by chrome307
Great work :) , I have just attached just the open box application built in Lucid.

NB Does not contain the additional applications listed above just 'Open Box 3.50'


Change log:
  • New alt-tab dialog shows windows in a vertical list.
    Improved Xinerama support.
    Allow icons in menus.
    Theme options for prompt dialogs (osd.button.unpressed.*, osd.button.pressed.*, osd.button.focused.*)
    Addresses bug #4877, #4596, #4617, #4752, #4663, #4662, #4586, #2319, #4341, #4519, #4543, #4503, #4355, #4072, #3702, #4284
    Lots of additional bug fixes and performance improvements.

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 16:21
by vicmz
You may also want to use Pwidgets:

Posted: Sat 29 Dec 2012, 02:44
by vicmz
You can also combine Beryl with Openbox + Extras:

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 10:13
by der-schutzhund

I want to use my puppy in my classroom.
Because I can start all programs with my Variomen I would turn off the OpenboxMenü for my students.
Can you tell me how to disable the Openbox menu?
I have the directory .config/openbox renamed.
However, it has not changed!



EDIT: problem is solved

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 18:35
by slenkar
this great win,

disable openbox menu

Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 21:04
by JackWagon
der-schutzhund wrote:Hey,

I want to use my puppy in my classroom.
Because I can start all programs with my Variomen I would turn off the OpenboxMenü for my students.
Can you tell me how to disable the Openbox menu?
I have the directory .config/openbox renamed.
However, it has not changed!



EDIT: problem is solved

Its unfortunate that TeamViewer will not work with JWM...hence my interest in Openbox. I also need to 'dumb down the menu' for my TeamViewer users. Therefore;
I have a need to disable the menu also. Can you let us know how you solved this?


Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 23:52
by ASRI éducation
der-schutzhund wrote:...
I can start all programs with my Variomen
What is Variomen ?

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 02:21
by vicmz
ASRI éducation wrote:
der-schutzhund wrote:...
I can start all programs with my Variomen
What is Variomen ?
See here (in German)

Actually, I stil have a limited knowledge about Openbox and Linux in general. Glad to see you were able to find out a solution. I agree that you should share it here for others who wish to do the same.

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 10:46
by ASRI éducation
vicmz wrote:
ASRI éducation wrote:
der-schutzhund wrote:...
I can start all programs with my Variomen
What is Variomen ?
See here (in German)
Thank you vicmz.

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 22:23
by SFR
RE: How to disable right-click menu in Openbox

I'm using Compiz (Slacko) on daily basis, but after launching LazY Puppy in VBox I did it this way:

Open /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
Find and delete this whole block:

Code: Select all

<mousebind button="Right" action="Press"> 
   <action name="ShowMenu"> 
Then save it and also copy the modified file to /root/.config/openbox/ and restart X.

BTW, Der-schutzhund said to me that it was enough to edit only /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml and it worked fine for him too, so it's worth to try this at first.


Posted: Sat 05 Jan 2013, 02:22
by JackWagon
SFR wrote:RE: How to disable right-click menu in Openbox

Open /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml
Find and delete this whole block:

Code: Select all

<mousebind button="Right" action="Press"> 
   <action name="ShowMenu"> 
Then save it and also copy the modified file to /root/.config/openbox/ and restart X.

BTW, Der-schutzhund said to me that it was enough to edit only /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml and it worked fine for him too, so it's worth to try this at first.

Many thanks to vicmz for your handy-work on the Openbox/Lxpanel combo. Der-schutzhund and SFR for the 'disable right-click menu' info.

On my frugal install, I found usr/local/etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml needed the same block change to make right-click menu disable to stick.

Now on to my next 'dumb down' hurdle. I would like a quick way to enable and disable the menu button on the task bar, or at least make it inaccessible, short of modifying all the *.desktop files.

I'm open to any suggestions. :roll:

Oh, one other thing. What is the simplest way to get my ATOM dual core temperatures on the task bar or desktop? I have plenty of RAM.


Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2013, 16:17
by SFR
JackWagon wrote:Now on to my next 'dumb down' hurdle. I would like a quick way to enable and disable the menu button on the task bar, or at least make it inaccessible, short of modifying all the *.desktop files.

I'm open to any suggestions. :roll:

Oh, one other thing. What is the simplest way to get my ATOM dual core temperatures on the task bar or desktop? I have plenty of RAM.
Hey Jack

It depends on which panel is in use.
In example of Vicmz's Openbox/LXPanel suite:
Right-click on the panel -> Add/Remove Panel Items -> Menu (remove) is the simplest way to do so.

As for CPU temp, you can try "Temperature monitor" plugin in LXPanel (doesn't work for me though) or 01micko's tempicon:


Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2013, 04:49
by vicmz
:arrow: New version 1.1 with panel chooser and full gettext support

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 01:59
by vicmz
Openbox+Extras Fat Edition now available, see first post :D

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 02:31
by vicmz
For Spanish speakers, this tiny .pet translates the Shutdown entries in the Openbox menu. It is not included in the package because these scripts haven't got an internationalization method applied yet:

Para hispanoablantes, este .pet diminuto traduce las entradas de Apagar en el menú de Openbox. No se incluye en el paquete porque estos scripts no tienen un método de internacionalización aplicado todavía:

Openbox+Extras 1.1 (2013-02-06)

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 08:57
by L18L
Where is my sda1 icon ? :roll:

--- and why does CTRL-Alt-BACKSPACE not work ?

Re: Openbox+Extras 1.1 (2013-02-06)

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 18:19
by vicmz
L18L wrote:Where is my sda1 icon ? :roll:
I'm sorry, the Tint2 panel does hide an icon, which for most users happens to be the floppy drive icon -- no one uses it, and few people remove it from the Event Manager. But, you can change the panel to bottom position from the Menu > Desktop > Tint2 configuration, then you will be able to see all drive icons above the panel.
L18L wrote:--- and why does CTRL-Alt-BACKSPACE not work ?
That's a heavy one, I'll investigate. What Puppy are you running? Does it happen with both panels or just with Tint2 panel?

BTW, for Wary 5.3 Tint2 requires to work, the from the Wary repo doesn't solve this. I haven't found a suitable package yet (all I find is 64bit packages, I need a 32bit one). Meanwhile, for Wary/Racy users Lxpanel is recommended.

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 20:30
by vicmz
:shock: I have just noticed that two launchers in the Tint2 panel lack icons. :oops:
I have uploaded the main package again with a fix for that. Those who have downloaded the fat edition, however, will have to :arrow: download the Tint2 panel .pet ↓.
You can also open the launcher files in geany:
:arrow: /usr/share/tint2/facebook.desktop
:arrow: /usr/share/tint2/twitter.deskop
And change the icon path to:
:arrow: Icon=/usr/share/tint2/FaceBook_48x48.png
:arrow: Icon=/usr/share/tint2/Twitter_48x48.png
Until I manage to get a broadband spot where to upload the 24MB .pet file with the fix.