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wary puppy 5,3 and skype

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 10:03
by Ninjax
Hi all, not sure if this is the right section ?
but we are getting old pcs' from our clients and are donating them
forward to needy individuals/institutions/etc...

I was looking around and found "skype_static_2.1.0" and that this
version is supposed to work with wary 5,3 ....
I 1st tested it on a dual core laptop I have, and skype worked fine ....
however on the older desktops the skype installs, but on executing
it flashes on for 5secs or so then dissapears ??? help ?

on an older laptop ( cel ,) the skype also works .....
so same versions of puppy and same versions of skype ....
and same amount of ram ....seems cpu too old/slow ?

are there any older versions of skype that will run ? or is there something
I can do to make skype work on the old desktops (p2s' and below)

appreciate any help.advice ...

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 11:14
by cthisbear
Might be better on an earlier Wary.

Funny I just posted here about Wary. ... 162#667162

Try that version instead.

Older kernel versions used. ... readme.htm


And welcome to Puppy.

Post those PC specs please.


This might be a go.

" Old Kernel of Version 4.31 for New Lucid Puppy 5.25 "


Also ... vlc-opera/


Try the regular download >>> 2 hours 20 minutes

Takes another 90 secs to open....hang in there.

Then you have to enter a code.
But it starts the download...if you don't want to >> rar. ... wary_5.iso

OpenOffice 3.1
(dictionary: EN, IT, ES, PO, DE, FR) - office suite

Skype 2.1 - internet telephony

Opera 11.00 - browser web

Vlc 1.1.5 - media player with audio and video codecs

TrueCrypt 7.0 (volume mounted in "mnt", with Desktop link) - create a virtual encrypted disk



Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 11:31
by FeodorF

You can also try this (..a little bit off topic..)

Precise Puppy 5.4.1 (for P-II 266 ,512MB and newer CPU`s)can be pulled right here: ... -5.4.1.iso

also needed: Service Pack for Precise 5.4.1: ...

Skype can be pulled right there: ... 1.0.81.sfs

The requirements to phone some one are: CPU above 1 GHz and 512 MB ram (f.e. Intel CPU)

The requirements to phone&video some one are: CPU speed 3 GHz and 1GB of ram (f.e. AMD CPU)

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 11:59
by Ninjax
these are some of the pcs' I'm working on ... /specs.htm

basically old cel/pII generation ....note though most of them only
have 96mb of ram ( I noticed wary 5,3 doesn't like less than that)
most of the pcs' I have to do a juggle just to get them all to have 96mb ,
lol !

I will download the older versions of wary ( thanks for the links) I hope
they will have versions of open office etc....
so far I really like wary 5,3 ( I have tried precise 5,4) and macpup , and
a few other pups , however they all prefer a bit more ram than I can
allocate ....
I have had no trouble at all using the various "pets"
like / / etc ..... makes life really easy if one doesnt
have to compile everything ( note I am mainly a windows guy) and have hardly any experience with linux .....
I have also had no problems with wireless/wired lan setups and configs
wary 5,3 does them all, quite easily , as with the one epson laser printer
I tested .... ;-)
simple as pie ....
and in this long story, the thing is I have already installed like 35+ pcs'
with wary 5,3 , so as much as I'm going to try older version of wary...
I had hoped someone had come across the skype flash/on/off problem ?

but I will try older wary and post back here soon ....
I appreciate all the advice , and this thread is going to be bombarded
by me with other things concerning wary5,3 ( and maybe older)
like how to create desktop short-cuts .....seems very tricky from wot I've seen so far ......

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 03:15
by Ninjax
will post later on the above , but for now checkout this

looks interesting ;-)

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:46
by Ninjax
right seems we might have an answer somewhere :

tried wary5,3 on :
1.PIII desktop
P3 coppermine 256k cache
6,8,6 family of proccessors
128mb ram

2.PIII dell 115 slimdesktop
P3 coppermine 256k cache
6,8,6 family of proccessors
128mb ram

3.PIII dell 100 slimdesktop
P2/cel 128k cache
6,6,5 family of proccessors
96mb ram

4.Amd K6 400
K6 400 64k cache
5,8,12 family of proccessors
96mb ram

the pcs' "1" and "2" worked fine with skype , but pcs' "3" and "4"
did the skype flashing on/off error ....
my gut is starting to say that its a cpu stepping error .....
i.e cpu with 6,8,6 family will work , but below like 6,6,5 family willnot ....

ideas ?

I will try on the 6,6,5 family with older wary5,2 and with puppy214x ....

will post results when I'm done .....

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 14:48
by Ninjax
and the amount of ram is not withstanding , I've already tried on the
6,6,5 family with 256mb of ram and same error

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 16:23
by OscarTalks
I think your testing just verifies the fact that in order for the Skype application to run there are at least 2 specifications which must be met.

The amount of RAM is a factor but so are the processor characteristics.

If any one of the specifications falls below the requirements threshold then unfortunately the application is liable to crash.

I'm afraid this is just the reality that although Wary Puppy will run on such hardware there is no guarantee that all applications will.

In cases where lack of RAM is the problem you can try creating a swap partition or swap file if you have not already done so.

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 17:20
by Ninjax
yes with the proccessor with 6,6,5 family , I have already tried
wary5,3 with 256mb ram , skype still crashed I guess we can
rule out the ram issue, I had also created a swap partition , still no help,
ram is not the problem , must be the stepping .....

will try with the older pups, I see that 214x had linux1.xx .pet on the
same page (above link) so maybe its an older skype, may even try it
with wary5,3 1st , ;-)

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 18:23
by tommy
I suggest you NOT to use Wary on a PII 128MB ram and/or K6 400MHz 96 MB ram. Use Turbopup extreme (based on 4.1.2) or 2.14X instead. If Skype you installed is compiled for intel 686 (CPUs with cmov instructions) it WILL NOT work on k6 and PII (586 CPUs) !!!

Pentium 4 are ok with Wary.

If I remember correctly I used for a while Skype-static (voice only - no video) on Puppy 3.01 on an old P4 2ghz & 248MB ram.
Read this topic on bottom of the page:

Other old Skype download URL (note it's a .pup file, only for OLD PUPPY such as 2.2 - 2.14X maybe 3.01): .

Good luck!

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 19:09
by Ninjax ... 6.rpm.html

managed to get the above skype, and hopefully how to install from rpm ,
did it once or twice "back in the day" (ala red hat 5 ) lol .....

looking at the end of the line above, "i586" and I have seen "i686"
elsewhere , indicates the processor family ?

btw anyone got a copy of " "

@above guys info , trying to download lucid 5 , tried earlier last week
but got estranged due to slow download protocol , trying again now
and also found it at a torrent site , ;-)

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 20:03
by Ninjax
and this doesnt work anymore ... ... eme_v1.iso

anyone got turbopup anywhere ?

and this also didnt work ? .

it just opens to a page with a lot of script/code .....?

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 20:38
by FeodorF

you can find skype... right there

rem.: (..a little bit off topic..) Just tried Skype - works fine with Precise Puppy 5.3.1 (With an oldish look - but not bad at all!)

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 21:06
by Ninjax
yeah , as I was hoping , but it didnt dowload in my safari ( seems safari was the one causing the script/code dnload errors) , just tried again
in chrome, and its downloading now ;-) , ty

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 02:47
by Ninjax
dont know why my safari was playing up ? , but tried this with chrome too ... 8941176755

and its downloading , ;-) , wish I had tried it earlier, would've saved
me a lot of time jumping from site to site to find downloads , lol

will update later , 1st priority is trying skype_1. with wary5,3 ...

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 08:05
by Ninjax
right wary5,3 and skype , work together with the 6,6,5 family
of processors , gonna try with usb wireless and usb camera in a bit ...

then will run other tests with the other distros' mentioned in this thread ...
;-) , the joy of linux , makes me feel "off the grid" most times , he he he

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:23
by FeodorF

if you don't like firefox and seamonkey you could try this:

Forum member Terryphi offers it at:

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:24
by Ninjax
ty for that, I do have a , I got from the net ....
and it works fine with precise puppy (is all I've tested it with so far)
will try the other distros' and post here in the next couple of days ...
I do the "donation" work around my other work ... ;-)

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 13:31
by Ninjax
ok , been a bit busy with other stuff , is there a way which I can
upgrade from wary5,3 to cielo 5 from a usb stick ?

I have built (installed/bootable ) the flash with cielo 5 ....
help ?

btw cielo looks quite good and comes already with skype and vlc ...
haven't gone thru the other features just yet .. ;-)