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Posted: Sat 10 Jan 2009, 13:39
by Aitch

I often see people post tips & tricks they've learnt that I think,
"Ooh yes, ...must save that"....
then it gets lost in the forum quagmire, as I can't locate/remember where it was
- guess I need a sticky flag or something, though I'm not an 'organised person' :oops:

Anyway Rob/ecomoney just posted this, so I'm going to use it as a starter, for a place to find these sort of usefuls:-

Tempestuous asked;
please run this command
lspci -n

and post the results.
ecomoney wrote:I actually did "lspci -n >> pci.txt" which sends the results to a text file, which I opened and copied and pasted the results. A little trick I learnt.
See what I mean?

So if you have any interesting tips & tricks please post here, if it gets too disorganised maybe we can use peppy's upgraded well-minded search

to break it down into categories?

[snuck my tip in there] :wink:

Please state if yours is puppyversion specific or across the board type tip/trick, if not obvious

Thanks, guys'n'gals

Aitch :)

MODS wasn't sure where to place this, so feel free to relocate as you wish :D

Posted: Sat 10 Jan 2009, 14:38
by Aitch
and this ... and-tricks

and jb4x4's post here

and EZPUP [WhoDo] ... /ezpuphelp

bash [klhrevolutionist/2005!!]

security [John Doe]

security follow up [budden comments] ... omment-207

Hmm, - starting to get disorganised already [what did I say?]


Pity we don't have organisable/alphabetical sub-categories in this Forum, hint, hint :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 10 Jan 2009, 15:19
by 01micko
As long as you know exactly how disorganised you are mate, you'll be right! :wink:

(some useful tips there)

Posted: Sat 10 Jan 2009, 15:23
by ttuuxxx
Sounds like a nice idea, here's a few icewm tips I've snipped from around the web :)

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 00:57
by Lobster

Tips and Tricks

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 04:47
by ecomoney
Here is a hidden gem in the puppy wiki, I often refer to this now Im getting my head around the command line. It offers examples of scripts and useful functions, such as making an iso out of a cd amongst many others. ... tsexamples

Im flattered such an innocuous post, has become a basis for a roundup of tips and tricks. I suppose if Ive learnt how to do anything technical with puppy linux over my past few years, its how to get help!!! :roll:

There is an art to being a newb....


Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 08:30
by Billwho?
A handy command I have found is the "tee" command ( I use it all the time with configure when compiling ). If you would like to be able to read the output of a command in the terminal and have a text file copy as well just use :

Code: Select all

 command -flags | tee command-output.txt 

Posted: Sun 11 Jan 2009, 11:29
by amigo
This link : ... tsexamples

is really badly misnamed. The info there has nothing to do with bash scripting. It is, instead, a collection of handy CLI commands for accomplishing various tasks. I don't see anything about 'scripting' there. It is a misnomer to call command-line tools bash this or that, as they can also be run using any of several other shells.

Speaking of bash scripting would talk about things like shebangs, if statements, for and while loops, using brackets ([ or [[) to substitute for the 'test' command, command and variable substitution and other such subjects.

I don't mean to distract from the utility of such pages, but calling them by their correct name is a good place to start for organizing them. Tips and Tricks should probably be orgnaized according to categories which are easily understood by beginners and not alphabetically according to the name of the commands.

Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2009, 11:35
by 01micko
Here's one, most of you may know this.
Hit 'Tab' twice in a console or terminal and it will print every executable on your system. Handy to know what's there.

Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2009, 19:52
by Aitch

re: organise them here

Brilliant for Puppy 4.0 users

& the rest....? :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2009, 07:38
by Pizzasgood
Tab also attempts to autocomplete when you're typing a path or command. If it can't decide, it will do as much as it can (if there are files name coolpizzapics and coolpizzafilms, and you type 'coo' and press tab, it will fill in the 'lpizza'). Then if you press tab a second time it will list the possibilities.

That's what's happening when you press it twice with no commands. It has no idea how to complete, so on the second press it lists all the options.

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2009, 08:02
by 01micko
Pizzasgood wrote:Tab also attempts to autocomplete when you're typing a path or command. If it can't decide, it will do as much as it can (if there are files name coolpizzapics and coolpizzafilms, and you type 'coo' and press tab, it will fill in the 'lpizza'). Then if you press tab a second time it will list the possibilities.

That's what's happening when you press it twice with no commands. It has no idea how to complete, so on the second press it lists all the options.
There ya go! :wink: (read my sig, lol)

Posted: Mon 26 Jan 2009, 06:39
by technosaurus
Here is my favorite tip


and my second favorite


the first opens a terminal via ROX in the current folder
the second allows you to type one command in ROX
the ROX site has tons of amazing tips (especially for Puppy/puplet developers)

Posted: Tue 27 Jan 2009, 05:27
by Pizzasgood
If you add this to /root/.gtkrc.mine, you can change the keyboard shortcuts that ROX-Filer (and, I presume, some other GTK programs) use by hovering the pointer over the option and pressing the combo. I like to set [CTRL]-[D] for "Create New Directory" in ROX-Filer.

Code: Select all

gtk-can-change-accels = 1

Posted: Tue 27 Jan 2009, 07:50
by DaveS
technosaurus wrote:Here is my favorite tip

Sweet and useful. I send myself an email containing my favourite bookmark links. Using that I can access web pages direct from my email program.

Posted: Tue 27 Jan 2009, 11:07
by Lobster
DaveS wrote:I send myself an email containing my favourite bookmark links.
Obvious useful tip

I exported my bookmarks
then clicked on the bookmarks.html created
selected all and copied
changed gmail to rich formatting
and pasted in

Many thanks :)

Posted: Thu 05 Feb 2009, 22:04
by mow9902
Just a newbie - but I think this is a very useful suggestion. Wouldn't a wiki be a good platform to organize and host these tips ?

Posted: Fri 06 Feb 2009, 04:59
by technosaurus
I almost forgot - for firefox and seamonkey


turning off ipv6 can speed up web browsing and there are 100s of other tweaks you can make to turn off/on the annoying/nice things

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009, 13:46
by Flash
In SeaMonkey, using Bookmarks -> Manage Bookmarks -> Tools -> Export you can make a file of all your bookmarks, which file can then be imported (via the same route) back into SeaMonkey (or, I think, Firefox and maybe other browsers.)

Moving stuff out of save file to /mnt/home using symlinks

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 20:11
by mcewanw
Well, this is an ancient thread but temporarily I thought I'd add this weird tip (from another thread) here since I haven't arranged access to the wiki and the old tips and tricks thread from the wiki is no longer there anyway!
Moat wrote: trying to resolve the Firefox caching>savefile issue via drag/drop/symlink back has not been sucessful, as Firefox always annoyingly re-creates the entire ~/.Mozilla paths apon the next boot
Actually I found a solution to that problem, which I've used in many varieties of Puppy. Immediately after you do the drag/drop/symlink back step use the puppy menu to reboot (restart) the system (not shutdown). I do mean immediately... if you wait and shutdown and then restart, as you say Firefox recreates the entire ~/.mozilla paths. But if you restart immediately as I say, for some weird reason the symlink stays as desired...

The "losing symlink" behaviour seems to be a bug in Puppy, which could do with being tracked down and fixed in case it causes any other problems.