Leaked Mossack Fonseca Panama papers

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Leaked Mossack Fonseca Panama papers

#1 Post by Flash »

I thought there was already a thread about this but I can't find it, so I'll start one.
I'm puzzled by the almost total absence of U.S. citizens or corporations from the articles and reports I've seen about the leaked papers. This plausibly explains why:
[quote]Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak
3 Apr, 2016 in Uncategorized by craig

Whoever leaked the Mossack Fonseca papers appears motivated by a genuine desire to expose the system that enables the ultra wealthy to hide their massive stashes, often corruptly obtained and all involved in tax avoidance. These Panamanian lawyers hide the wealth of a significant proportion of the 1%, and the massive leak of their documents ought to be a wonderful thing.

Unfortunately the leaker has made the dreadful mistake of turning to the western corporate media to publicise the results. In consequence the first major story, published today by the Guardian, is all about Vladimir Putin and a cellist on the fiddle. As it happens I believe the story and have no doubt Putin is bent.

But why focus on Russia? Russian wealth is only a tiny minority of the money hidden away with the aid of Mossack Fonseca. In fact, it soon becomes obvious that the selective reporting is going to stink.

The Suddeutsche Zeitung, which received the leak, gives a detailed explanation of the methodology the corporate media used to search the files. The main search they have done is for names associated with breaking UN sanctions regimes. The Guardian reports this too and helpfully lists those countries as Zimbabwe, North Korea, Russia and Syria. The filtering of this Mossack Fonseca information by the corporate media follows a direct western governmental agenda. There is no mention at all of use of Mossack Fonseca by massive western corporations or western billionaires – the main customers. And the Guardian is quick to reassure that “much of the leaked material will remain private.

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#2 Post by rokytnji »

The main search they have done is for names associated with breaking UN sanctions regimes.
Makes you wonder. What the got against Iceland? Must be the pickled shark meat?

Don't expect anybody to go to jail over this. Only low lifers like us go to jail for tax evasion.

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#3 Post by Ted Dog »

Prez Obama just spoke on live tv its mostly legal... so not a story move along... move along..

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#4 Post by Atle »

If you now have a problem due to your huge fortune made of drugs, gun sales, spying, lying, pimping or simply being an ass, I got good news...

You see the near 400 journalists that are doing the ground work for Rothschild latest invention, "Panama Papers"are not going to ask one single critic question to their "findings".

The US has severe economical problems after being exploited by Rothschild and his kind for now more than a 100 years. They control the FED, They OWN you.

So now the coffer is empty. Rats starts to eat rats.

The US has "fought" Swiss banking for a long time. Now they also want to call back US fortunes and others to where?

Nevada, US...

This is a story where the Rothschild owned and controlled press are used and abused. But there is a little for everyone in "Panama Papers". The usual suspects like Assad and Putin is going to get it.

But the major thing is that Rothschild now wants all tax refugees and what not to put their money into his purse...

http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/ ... ted-states

Whatever you see apart from that is just bells and whistles in order to sell the god damn thing.

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Karl Godt
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#5 Post by Karl Godt »

Not sure about US-Politicans like Cruz .
I support TRUMP !

Cruz being only successful in White-States , not in Multi-Culti-States .

But Cameron from the GB and Porochenko from UA are a big deal .

Even if you are a DAD : Do not pull into abyss your kids !

Fine deal (for a German) that even Russian were customers of that Nazi-Attorney ..
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Ted Dog
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#6 Post by Ted Dog »

Texas supported Cruz and far from a white only state, do you consider Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz a white guys name? Sounds very multi cultural to most everyone here and we do not have a problem voting for such.
Your views are almost backward to reality here. But broad strokes of outsiders European boney finger waving are something we are used to Stateside. It wouldn't be an US election with out the 'Enlightened' Northern European taking the opportunity to state something stereotypical of American people and reinforcement of such. Thanka for making the topic fun. :wink:

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Karl Godt
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#7 Post by Karl Godt »

Ted Dog wrote:Texas supported Cruz and far from a white only state, do you consider Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz a white guys name? Sounds very multi cultural to most everyone here and we do not have a problem voting for such.
Your views are almost backward to reality here. But broad strokes of outsiders European boney finger waving are something we are used to Stateside. It wouldn't be an US election with out the 'Enlightened' Northern European taking the opportunity to state something stereotypical of American people and reinforcement of such. Thanks for making the topic fun. :wink:
He > Ted Cruz < looks outside like "Johnny Cash" Prison Blues .

If eating poisonous chemicals like KFC being "forward" :

I would Putin over any US American !
You will get your Mezzis accomplished in ammo-factories !

FReader of Ghetto-Loooobsters posts at NIIIIIgermania.wht .


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