
For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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Joined: Tue 19 May 2015, 16:58

#46 Post by marcverho »

I'm sorry, but somehow the standard puppy user=root password=woofwoof is not working for me.


#47 Post by stemsee »

Yes I forgot to mention login is now



#48 Post by gcmartin »

Hi @Stemsee, booted this, Live DVD.

On boot splash, I selected option #3 to boot into 64bit mode. But I got a message that vmlinux64 not found and the system proceeded to boot into 32bit PAE mode.

  • Wondering if you are aware that this version is doing so?

    And, for the other 2 Emsee distros, Vivid/Tahr are all of these intended to only boot in 32bit PAE mode.?
  • Mega appears to automatically sign in even though I DO NOT have a Mega ID???
  • SAMBA error messages (shown below)
  • Error message on desktop emergence which is hidden under the FirstRUN screen (shown below)
Speedy operations, though, on a 1GB PC
Shows the several errors mentioned.
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Joined: Tue 19 May 2015, 16:58

#49 Post by marcverho »

I like it a lot! It's fast, and has a lot of good stuff. I'm considering using this as mediacenter-laptop like for my kids; and if I get all software I want installed, as my main os for the laptop.
Some small problems:
-missing backdrop (as mentioned above), no real issue.
-Megasync client mentions it's signed out from another location, so that's solved, and I like that it's installed.

Problem with Trackpad: flsynclient 'Couldn't find synaptic properties, no synaptics driver loaded'. The trackpad is working, also tapping, but I would like change settings. (dragging doesn't work, laptop has very bad buttons).

Package Manager. I enabled the ubuntu repositories; update doesn't work for those.


#50 Post by stemsee »

glad you like it! ! The reason backdrop is missing is that I remastered while changeon (original) which copied selected background images to /tmp and read them from there! New changeon doesn't do that so the error cannot happen. Install latest changeon.pet .

Locate a patched version of flsynclient. Flsynclient does work if module is loaded, module will load if available. Either build individual module or try a different kernel package. I am about to write a script to update kernel from my megasync repo.

You can also use ppm to uninstall apps you don't need! There are tens of apps that have no menu entries.

I will not be supporting this distro any longer. I am now developing further EmSee-Vivid. But kernel updates will be perpetual.

Posts: 85
Joined: Wed 09 Jan 2013, 01:27

I was wondering....

#51 Post by toomanyquestions »

I also cannot find a working dl link....

Posts: 85
Joined: Wed 09 Jan 2013, 01:27

Thanks much!

#53 Post by toomanyquestions »


#54 Post by stemsee »

updated EmSee-Ultra-09-15.iso @ 2.4gb
kodi Isengard
LibreeOffice 5.0
Tor 5.0.2
Teamviewer 10
Chrome 44+
EmSee-Ultra-09-15.iso link.txt.gz
fake .gz
(71 Bytes) Downloaded 301 times


#55 Post by gcmartin »

Downloaded, burned DVD. booted to bootsplash where I selected option 3 for 64bit. System booted rigth up.

At FirstRUN enter the normal setting for localization and the PC's hostname. All well running Live. Nothing has been installed; running pristine.

Few issues
  1. PPM (I see its already reported on the other thread)
  2. Chrome starts to desktop, but is not routing to Internet via either an URL name or an IP address. System pings to internet work fine. (Tor works fine)
    I thought I would give the Menu>Internet>Get Chrome Update. I LIKE the running puppy icon in the progress popup...."creative-neat" selection. BUT, it presented a 32bit deb for updating. Is that the correct one to use on the 64bit implementation?
  3. SAMBA server is not starting
Another issue
I have a ext4 partition and a swap on this system. But when attempting a shutdown, the system does not offer any opportunity to save to a folder on that partition.

Looking forward.
Edited: The Chrome mention was updated.
Last edited by gcmartin on Tue 06 Oct 2015, 10:48, edited 4 times in total.


#56 Post by stemsee »

For nooobs
user: root
password: ultrawoof

Posts: 68
Joined: Sun 22 Feb 2009, 10:00


#57 Post by cinclus_cinclus »

MD5 073468D720237828F120897DE1CCD5E9

Is that correct?


#58 Post by gcmartin »

MD5 is same as my download.


#59 Post by stemsee »

dual kernels x64 i686 4.4.0
slocateGUI update
Nicons updated
kia & (keep internet alive)
Tor 5.5
DarkSnow streamer

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_gaN1 ... sp=sharing

Last edited by stemsee on Tue 02 Feb 2016, 23:17, edited 1 time in total.


If all terrorist use tor, all are in jail within next week.

#60 Post by Pelo »

tor browser security.
Police is not idiot. People using Tor make the police Job easier.
Much easier than popular browser with milliard of messages.
If all terrorist use tor, all are in jail within next week.
TOR is awfull, always freezing, bugs, pfeee :( :( :( horreur.


#61 Post by gcmartin »

Very nice collection of needed products for user use!

Thanks @STemSee for this updated distro!

My ONLY question in for a recommendation for how to manipulate kernels in this distro. Is there a utility or a write-up so that one can assist in testing, using this distro, the kernels you provide to the community?

Thanks again for all of your help.


#62 Post by stemsee »

Maybe this little script will help after you have downloaded a huge-xxx-name.tar.bz2 kernel package to ~/Downloads

save script as /usr/local/bin/changekern

Code: Select all

# Untar huge-kernel-archive.tar.bz2
# For all pups!

downkernarchivefn () { 
echo "First download a kernel package in woof-ce format huge-xxx-name.tar.bz2
to '$HOME'/Downloads.
Press Enter when ready!"
read dummy

getbootfn () {
echo "Now enter the path to the dir where your vmlinuz (kernel) is:
e.g. /mnt/sda2/Tahr/ or /mnt/home/EmSee/"
if [ -z "$BOOTPATH" ]; then
if [ ! -e $HOME/Downloads/huge-*.tar.bz2 ]; then
	kern=`ls $HOME/Downloads/huge-*.tar.bz2 | yad --title "Select Kernel Archive to install" --list --column="From these" --width=310`
		if [[ -z "$kern" ]]; then
			exec "$0"

cd $HOME/Downloads
[[ -f "$kern" ]] && tar -vxjf "$kern"
cd "$kern"
[[ "$BOOTPATH"vmlinuz ]] && rename vmlinuz vmlinuz-bak "$BOOTPATH"vmlinuz
[[ -f vmlinuz-*i686 ]] && cp -f vmlinuz-*i686 "$BOOTPATH"vmlinuz

[[ -f kernel-modules.sfs*i686 ]] && cp -f kernel-modules.sfs*i686 "$BOOTPATH""$DISTRO_ZDRVSFS"

[[ "$BOOTPATH"vmlin64 ]] && rename vmlin64 vmlin64-bak "$BOOTPATH"vmlin64
[[ -f vmlinuz-*x86_64 ]] && cp -f vmlinuz-*x86_64 "$BOOTPATH"vmlin64

[[ -f kernel-modules.sfs*x86_64 ]] && cp -f kernel-modules.sfs-*x86_64 "$BOOTPATH""$DISTRO_YDRVSFS"

[[ -f vmlinuz-*i486 ]] && cp -f vmlinuz-*i486 "$BOOTPATH"vmlinuz
[[ -f kernel-modules.sfs*i486 ]] && cp -f kernel-modules.sfs*i486 "$BOOTPATH""$DISTRO_ZDRVSFS"
exit 0
and then make executable

Code: Select all

chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/changekern
run in term

Code: Select all

The script lists huge-*.tar.bz2 kernel archives in ~/Downloads and lets you select one. That one is decompressed into a folder. The script CDs into that dir and asks for the path to running vmlinux/kernel. The script then renames vmlinuz and kernel-modules to vmlinuz-bak and kernel-modules.sfs-bak or "$DISTRO_ZDRVSFS"-bak and "$DISTRO_YDRVSFS"-bak for 64 bit kernel-modules.sfs. The script then copies the kernel and modules to the frugal dir, naming them according to variables defined in /etc/DISTRO_SPECS file.

Let me know if it works!?


#63 Post by stemsee »

So after trying all the latest releases from everyone else, I return to this dpup-wheezy with confidence and contentment knowing that it will do everything I could want to do without having to fix/install/edit configs endlessly.

There are new themes installed but default is a sensible blue desktop.

Wifi-connect is the preferred connection app. Works for wifi and then from the tray menu for usb tether and ethernet interfaces, and also wlan1 (2nd wifi card)
wifi-connect also has wifiprofi which quickly connects using saved profiles.

dndwidget for playing mediafiles and creating playlist on the fly without worrying about opening apps or lists etc just drag n drop files or dirs of media.

Simple-Remaster is improved too. Slocategui also sees an improvement.
Desktop -slideshow can handle files with spaces in name.
The iso works in qemu including shared mouse.

32 and 64 bit kernels 4.5.1 included.

comes in at 3.0GB so a bit slimmer than previously.

try it!
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_gaN ... lgtaGFYWVU
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uCl53 ... pffiAYHHgQ
(71.53 KiB) Downloaded 858 times

Posts: 1349
Joined: Fri 04 May 2012, 11:20

#64 Post by step »

Thanks. I tested i686-pae briefly in qemu on Fatdog64 with the vesa driver at 1280x800. All I tried seemed to work well, including network setup and surfing. The dnd drop icon partially covers its text widget, so it's almost impossible to read what dnd is for. Panels, pop-ups and infotips abound, I actually prefer less stuff on my desktop, but that's just me.
The main issue I encountered is that my mouse keeps going crazy when it's inside or just over the qemu window in which this iso is running. I don't know if it's qemu causing it, or the iso itself or one of the panels/popups. But it's almost impossible to use. What happens is that the mouse pointer is captured inside a smaller, centered rectangle of varying size. If I start banging the pointer against the side of the rectangle I can eventually get the pointer free to move everywhere, but it lasts only for a couple of seconds, then the cage closes again.
Aside from this issue, I want to test on real hardware because I like what you did with this iso. Thanks again.

edit: I forgot to say that I don't see mouse problems when using qemu with other isos.


#65 Post by stemsee »

Thanks for the feedback.

Here is a service pack (fixes) for wifi-connect (for default auto startup wifi) and dogradio (checks for bluetooth speaker connection missing '!' in test)

EDIT: for the mouse fix in qemu: I don't have that problem but you can go >Menu>Setup>Mouse/Keyboard Wizard>Adjust Mouse Sensitivity (I set to 7 which is the highest and fastest setting change to 3 or 4)
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