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a little late but here's an actual screen shot...

Posted: Thu 03 Dec 2015, 17:00
by Puppus Dogfellow

this is a screen shot of the aemenus popping up but not actually acting on anything, but i think it's better than what i did before, which was give a picture of the jwm version and say, "it's sort of like this." new version will give you 150 free shortcut keys to modify for jwm--anybody want it for a different file manager, post your choice (and the keyboard shortcut syntax if possible.) for now, new version relies on the pop up menus placed on the function keys or launched with the launcher. i tried to keep the codes intuitive and short, but clicking a key you yourself have set up or reading something off a menu to choose it have their obvious advantages. shift plus space bar activated launcher's pretty fast once you get used to it. n is main nwp, which includes supplemental menus and windows manipulations menus. n1 is just the word processing stuff. n2 is just the highlight and select version, which is a little slow and limited compared to n3, the paste and pace version of the codes.

here are the codes for what's popping up above:

aef (for "aefull") will display all they ae menus, which is how the jwm menu handles them.
what it does -- what to enter into the main nwp launcher
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor 1 -- n1
paste and place formatting codes -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors, halves and quarters -- 1
double monitors, halves and quarters -- 2
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra (older) windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement supplemental -- w1

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2015, 18:44
by Puppus Dogfellow
aef (for "aefull") will display all the ae menus, which is how the jwm menu handles them.
shot of the jwm version of the nwp menu on root 1 (left click. if you're using the jwmrc-personal file in /nwp/root3/9, it's also alt+1). some minor changes (don't use the showdesktop button on the menus submenu--won't be around for the next round) and a few additions, but it's more or less the same as it will be for the next version (if you've been doing the add in packs). anyway, the screen shot in the first post reflects an older version. last thing the jwm version does in the gif is call the aemenu version of paste and paste menu (which i believe is potentially the most useful.) next version of keyboard shortcut templates will offer pop up menus and a few or the ht-b -based (highlight and embolden by miram--it takes what you highlight, copies it to the clipboard, adds the appropriate tags, pastes it back in place--it's slower, but it's cooler to watch) scripts to give a more traditional word processor feel to the interface/"interface." here's the screenshot:


some functions won't work without some keys (most of which have been reworked in the upcoming version) being moved over (escape set, (i think the) space bar set is a good idea regardless, the alt plus number set...), but if you want the menu, add
to your jwmrc-personal file and restart jwm.

a bug fix and an update

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015, 07:40
by Puppus Dogfellow


from the edited and not included version of the instruction file:
install the deps in the dependencies folder (pets and, in the case of 64 bit, there's an xz of aemenu you have to unpack and move to the path (e.g.: /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/X11R7/bin, /root/my-applications/bin, /usr/games, or /opt/jre/bin. you may have more or fewer, but those are easy enough to find)). move the nwp folder to top level (make it /nwp). enter the following into a terminal or run as a script:

cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl

pick the tab in geany (which should have opened) for /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc. comment out the bottom tray if you want to use the new bottom tray, or just comment out the dock if you want it on the upper tray without having to swap out your stock tray for the new one.

mtk is the file you edit for trays, keys and keys 2 have the default customizations and the 120 or so blanks respectively. (hopefully the files are sufficiently commented)

if you want the nine menu version, add
to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file

if you want only the jwm menu on root one, add
to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file.

if you just want the aemenu version, make a keyboard shortcut for the p file you copied over to /root/my-applications/bin. use "elp" for help in learning the codes. aef will give you a pop up of all the aemenu menus. below is the new help file that pops up when you enter "elp" into the launcher (leafpad help became lelp, which is the file elp calls. open it in the ll launcher, modify, rename help or hayelp, ll in the main launcher, name the new file (as you open it) with hmn (since those keys are all together and indicate pause), scz in the launcher, leafpad /nwp/help or hayelp, save, ch in the launcher, hmn, and you have an extra note taking scrap pop up. you could use leafpad as a pop up script maker or a note taker like xpad, but with better title and path management (no cool pop up menu though).

the recommended helper programs (including python for some pdf stuff by rcrsn51--without that it'd be almost as small as the nwp itself) are packed separately. if you are going to comment out (surround with <!-- -->) the <Include>/nwp/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include> line in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc (recommended even if you don't comment it out after you recopy it (recommended) to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file--frees you from needing to run fix menus for changes to that tray to take effect), you'll need to run fix menus to free the desktop of it. most other changes require only jwm -restart (keys and other trays' buttons) or jwm -reload (menus only need that--it's the quickest of the three).

so the nooby uuord processor and uber utilites pack is now officially nwp and the launcher pwn. it's the new word processor because you never get done modifying's always somewhat new...

anyway, the spacebar placement and quick codes are supposed to flow with you, and a geany document with the vtg enabled can be a decent start center, but you may want to use the keys for file launching. joop in the launcher opens up keys and keys 2; v activates the vtg, which will allow you to launch lines of code just like you'd do with the keys, but you'd be able to see and modify the lists on the fly.

contents of the recs folder:

aemenu, xdotool, and wmctrl are included in the 32 and 64 deps folders. overall, it's been lightened, the showdesktop on the menu bug has been removed (jwm issue--works as a key and a button, but you can't call it or a button for it from the menu (windows functions called like that generally work), the help files have been improved, and a few conveniences have been added. jwm menus have been reworked for convenience, but i never discussed them much before so this is basically an introduction to them rather than an announcement of change. copies of the files you'd be inserting into your jwm personal file below.

--p.dogfellow, 12/6/15

(from the edited readme/instruction file i should've included in the upload--one in the folder doesn't even mention fix menus. you're likely going to have overlapping trays without fixmenus...)
here are the jwm files you'd be including:

mtk, which includes the two keyboard files that follow it.

Code: Select all


name mtk and activate by placing 
somewhere in your jwmrc.personal file. joop in the launcher will open the necessary jwm files and mtk will open the necessary nwp files. for the single additional root menu version (rather than nine--it's set to only add root1), use joop2 to open the files and add <Include>/nwp/root3/10/root1menu</Include> to your jwmrc-personal file.

<!--	<Include>/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include>-->

<!--(^you'd need to uncomment your original tray in that file (surround it with arrows like you see with this line) to not have it interfere with the new one, should you choose to include it.)-->

<!-- Number of virtual desktops -->
<Desktops width="8" height="3"/>

desktops for you to modify, but as with the <!--	<Include>/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include>--> below, you'd need to comment something out elsewhere for it to be meaningful. if you want the 24 desktops, comment out the one in your jwmrc-personal file. if you want the alternate bottom tray with the dock on the top, comment out the jwmrc-tray line in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc. if you don't want the one that comes with this file, comment out 
 comment out or delete the <Desktops width="8" height="3"/> above if you'd rather not have the 24 (this file assumes them--kind of hard to justify all the function key cuts devoted to the lot otherwise)
 note: joop in the launcher opens jwm config files for editing. gnysys2 opens quite a few more config files (may catch what's missed).
if you want a right side lower tray or a right side floppy tray, add 
for the lower, and 
for the side slide out. (you'll have to adjust them for the width of your monitors if you're on a dual screen set up) by placing either or
both on the other side of the arrow below: 

<!--  stick your icons in either folder above to easily (you'll no longer need the full path) place them on the menus later-->  

<!--  ^ should've been named 2.jwmrc-tray. that's the lower left/main bottom tray. active in this file by default, place the arrow that begins this comment on the line above it to disable it.-->
<!--  needed for MochiMoppel's bookmarks script (which gives Places on the menus) to work-->

<!--  you can have as many tasklists or pagers as you like, but you're limited to one dock. if you prefers yours in the stock location, you don't have to do anything. if you'd prefer it on the top, commenting out your tray would do it. if you'd prefer it on the bottom, just keep your stock bottom tray--it will override the one on the top tray. move the arrow that begins this comment up a line to disable the top tray. disable (comment out) <Include>/nwp/root3/9/3.jwmrc-tray</Include> if you're keeping your lower tray as it will interfere with it. the name's a hold over from when there were two upper trays. it's more or less a centrally placed tray containing the dock, the pager, and buttons for root menus 6-(1)0, show desktop, and the vtg. because of the pixel boarder along the left and the show desktop at the top, the custom bottom tray doesn't include a menu button or a show desktop buttons--go to the bottom left corner or all along the left edge (and any where on the wallpaper and most of the top of the screen) for root menus 1-3 (four and five are the scroll wheel).-->

<!--  left side tray hidden tray is active by default. as above, move the arrow to comment it out/disable it.-->


<!-- <TrayButton label="1">root:1</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="2">root:2</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="4">root:4</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="5">root:5</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="6">root:6</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="7">root:7</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="8">root:8</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="9">root:9</TrayButton> -->
<!-- <TrayButton label="0">root:0</TrayButton> --> 

<!--  you need an anchor for the root menus to work--first versions used tray buttons/imaginary tray buttons. you could delete the TrayButton bit or use it as a template. by default all nine custom menus are activated by the <Include>/nwp/root3/9/mtk</Include> line. move the arrow that starts this comment above the <Include>/nwp/root3/9/root0menu</Include> line to disable all of them. these are the ten root menus. (vgt function on the keyboard and tray wouldn't function without it in its position on the root1menu)

   <Tray x="200" y="1">
      <Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

   <Tray x="1" y="200">
      <Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

   <Tray x="3357" y="200">
      <Spacer width="1" height="1"/>
<Tray x="200" y="-27">
  <Spacer width="1" height="1"/>

<Tray x="200" y="-1">
      <Spacer width="1" height="1"/>
   spacer trays so the menu items work/can be accessed on screens with fully maximized windows. left and top active by default.




Code: Select all


<!-- Key bindings -->

<!--  alt z is the vtg, alt g is the help files for the vtg and nwp, alt shift g is the grids pop up (aemenu set up to divide the screen into 100 pixel placement points)-->
<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key alt+1 Down Return</Key>	
<Key mask="A" key="g">exec:geany /nwp/vtg5</Key>	
<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:/nwp/g</Key>	

<!--  alt shift g is grid menu (move windows around the screen by 100 pixel increments), alt g opens vtg help files in geany, alt plus z is the vtg-->

<Key key="Up">up</Key>
<Key key="Down">down</Key>
<Key key="Right">right</Key>
<Key key="Left">left</Key>
<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>
<Key key="Return">select</Key>
<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>	

<Key mask="C" key="Tab">prev</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>

<!--  a, b, q do the following:

q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx). 	
q1     q2                    q8                         
     q5                    q6    q7         
q3     q4                    q9    

-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7

b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.

1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9

a# series is quadrants... 

one of the most up to date versions of the cheat sheet available (to cross reference codes)


<Key mask="C" key="F12">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F11">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F10">exec:/nwp/q10</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F9">exec:/nwp/q9</Key
<Key mask="C" key="F8">exec:/nwp/q8</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F7">exec:/nwp/q7</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F6">exec:/nwp/q6</Key
<Key mask="C" key="F5">exec:/nwp/q5</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F4">exec:/nwp/q4</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F3">exec:/nwp/q3</Key
<Key mask="C" key="F2">exec:/nwp/q2</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="F1">exec:/nwp/q1</Key>

<Key mask="AC" key="F12">exec:/nwp/n2</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F11">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F10">exec:/nwp/a10</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F9">exec:/nwp/a9</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F8">exec:/nwp/a8</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F7">exec:/nwp/a7</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F6">exec:/nwp/a6</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F5">exec:/nwp/a5</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F4">exec:/nwp/a4</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F3">exec:/nwp/a3</Key
<Key mask="AC" key="F2">exec:/nwp/a2</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="F1">exec:/nwp/a1</Key>

<Key mask="SC" key="F12">exec:/nwp/tem</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F10">exec:/nwp/b10</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F9">exec:/nwp/b9</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F8">exec:/nwp/b8</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F7">exec:/nwp/b7</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F6">exec:/nwp/b6</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F5">exec:/nwp/b5</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F4">exec:/nwp/b4</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F3">exec:/nwp/b3</Key
<Key mask="SC" key="F2">exec:/nwp/b2</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="F1">exec:/nwp/b1</Key>

<Key mask="S" key="F1">exec:/nwp/g</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F2">exec:/nwp/wm</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F3">exec:/nwp/o</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F4">window</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F5">move</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F6">resize</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F7">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F8">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F9">prev</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F10">next</Key>	
<Key mask="S" key="F11">exec:/nwp/ww</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="F12">exec:/nwp/w1</Key>

<Key mask="AS" key="F1">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F2">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F3">udesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F4">ddesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F5">prevstacked</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F6">nextstacked</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F7">shade</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F8">showdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F9">fullscreen</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F10">exec:/nwp/pxc</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F11">exec:/nwp/gxc</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="F12">exec:/nwp/p</Key>

<!--  alt plus f1 and f4 are built-ins. -->

<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F3">/nwp/rr</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F5">/nwp/sd</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F6">/nwp/sdr</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F7">exec:/nwp/w</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F8">exec:/nwp/h</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F9">exec:/nwp/x</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F10">exec:/nwp/y</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F11">exec:/nwp/1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F12">exec:/nwp/2</Key>
in dual monitor setups, the q series could be replaced or modified to give ten additional preset position/dimension commands to active windows or replaced with select select versions of a(1-10) and b(1-10) (called by as(1-10) and bs(1-10)). single monitor setups can get 20 additional custom positionals by editing the a and b series below* (enter ll in the main launcher, then enter the launch code to edit in leafpad. use gl to do the same in geany. the function keys below are for the 24 desktops. windows key sends you to the first 12 desktops, alt+windows key the next 12, control instead of alt for the send to version for 1-12, shift and windows key for desktops 13-24. personally, i think it's easier to use d# and s# in the launcher, but it's here for you to use or modify/reassign. there's no included select version for the quadrants and halves for single monitor setups, but 
geany q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10  
will open them up for editing. swap the :ACTIVE: for :SELECT: and rename to qs# if you want them. (next version will likely include them and a few other tweaks to the jwmrc-personal file. 

*the a and b series have now also been moved to the function keys (they're easier to edit (q5 aside as it's the same syntax) than the q series--you'll just be filling out four fields, x,y,w,h) and can be found above. (i'll merely comment out their former location--you could pick which set up you like better).


<Key mask="4" key="F12">exec:/nwp/d12</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F11">exec:/nwp/d11</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F10">exec:/nwp/d10</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F9">exec:/nwp/d9</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F8">exec:/nwp/d8</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F7">exec:/nwp/d7</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F6">exec:/nwp/d6</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F5">exec:/nwp/d5</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F4">exec:/nwp/d4</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F3">exec:/nwp/d3</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F2">exec:/nwp/d2</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="F1">exec:/nwp/d1</Key>

<Key mask="4A" key="F12">exec:/nwp/d24</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F11">exec:/nwp/d23</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F10">exec:/nwp/d22</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F9">exec:/nwp/d21</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F8">exec:/nwp/d20</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F7">exec:/nwp/d19</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F6">exec:/nwp/d18</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F5">exec:/nwp/d17</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F4">exec:/nwp/d16</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F3">exec:/nwp/d15</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F2">exec:/nwp/d14</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="F1">exec:/nwp/d13</Key>
<!--  go to desktops 1-24-->

<Key mask="4C" key="F12">exec:/nwp/s12</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s11</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F10">exec:/nwp/s10</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F9">exec:/nwp/s9</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F8">exec:/nwp/s8</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F7">exec:/nwp/s7</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F6">exec:/nwp/s6</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F5">exec:/nwp/s5</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F4">exec:/nwp/s4</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F3">exec:/nwp/s3</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F2">exec:/nwp/s2</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="F1">exec:/nwp/s1</Key>

<Key mask="4S" key="F12">exec:/nwp/s24</Key
<Key mask="4S" key="F11">exec:/nwp/s23</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F10">exec:/nwp/s22</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F9">exec:/nwp/s21</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F8">exec:/nwp/s20</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F7">exec:/nwp/s19</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F6">exec:/nwp/s18</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F5">exec:/nwp/s17</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F4">exec:/nwp/s16</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F3">exec:/nwp/s15</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F2">exec:/nwp/s14</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="F1">exec:/nwp/s13</Key>

<!--  send to desktops 1-24-->

<!-- F12 is a built in. -->

<Key key="F12">root:3</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="Escape">fullscreen</Key> 
<Key mask="C" key="Escape">showdesktop</Key> 
<Key mask="S" key="Escape">window</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Escape">move</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Escape">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="Escape">maximize</Key>   
<Key mask="SAC" key="Escape">resize</Key> 

<!--  editing the escape series necessitates editing other things. which reminds me, don't use the showdesktop entry on the menu--it doesn't work. use the keys or the buttons. press escape and hold if you hit the showdesktop on the menus (it needs to be removed)-->

<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:winswitcher</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:/nwp/rr</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:/nwp/cr</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:/nwp/t</Key>
<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:/nwp/rup</Key> 

MochiMoppel's excellent winswitcher allows you to navigate windows better than than the tray does (more options, more keyboard friendly--it's ww in the launcher. rr is rox recents, cr is close all rox, rup is three up from the bottom on the rox bookmarks tab (ctrl plus b in a rox window), rox is activated by alt plus spacebar (ll launcher plus rr will allow you to set what folder is being opened when the recents is being called. you could do the same for rup and rb (rox bookmarks)).

<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="h">move</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="j">resize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="k">prev</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="l">next</Key>

<Key mask="AC" key="h">exec:laa</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="j">exec:lma</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="k">exec:lba</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="l">exec:wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky</Key>

<Key mask="SA" key="h">exec:ccdi</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="j">close</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="k">exec:kill</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="l">exec:cadi</Key>

<!--  mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. alt plus shift plus. the alt controls above it are layer and stickiness.-->

<Key mask="SC" key="h">exec:/nwp/x0</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="j">exec:/nwp/x1200</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="k">exec:/nwp/x2000</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="l">exec:/nwp/x2500</Key> 

<Key mask="SAC" key="h">exec:/nwp/y0</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="j">exec:/nwp/y200</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="k">exec:/nwp/y400</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="l">exec:/nwp/y800</Key>

<!--  these are fairly lame--random spots on the x and y axes -->

<!--  supleft et al scripts (grab and quickly move a window with the arrows) don't work in 64 bit slacko, 64 bit quirky april, or 64 bit werewolf, so there seems to be a problem with the 64 bit versions of xdotool and wmctrl. here's a blank version for you to fill in with whatever you choose (move the comment arrows to the above in 64 bit). note--no "exec:"--add if you're not using windows function.

<Key mask="A" key="Up"></Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Down"></Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Right"></Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Left"></Key>


<Key mask="A" key="Up">exec:/nwp/supup</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Down">exec:/nwp/supdown</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Right">exec:/nwp/supright</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Left">exec:/nwp/supleft</Key>

<Key mask="AC" key="Up">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Down">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Right">resize</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Left">move</Key>

<Key mask="AS" key="Up">fullscreen</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Down">showdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Right">next</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Left">prev</Key>

<Key mask="SAC" key="Up">exec:/nwp/2</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Down">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Right">exec:/nwp/g</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="Left">exec:/nwp/s</Key>

<!--  nearly everything is now duplicated on the function keys so you could generally pick one or the other/modify either. don't mess with escape or alt plus number though.-->

<Key mask="A" key="1">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="2">root:2</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="3">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="4">root:4</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="5">root:5</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="6">root:6</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="7">root:7</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="8">root:8</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="9">root:9</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="0">root:0</Key>


Code: Select all


<Key mask="4" key="1">exec:/nwp/n1</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="2">exec:/nwp/n2</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="3">exec:/nwp/n3</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="4">exec:/nwp/n</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="5">exec:/nwp/tem</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="6">exec:/nwp/uh</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="7">exec:/nwp/ii</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="8">exec:/nwp/pbw</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="9">exec:/nwp/paw</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="0">exec:/nwp/elp</Key>

the above repeat below as commented out blanks. delete these (or move the arrow on line 14 to line 2) if you'd prefer to use your own. 4 is the windows key. held together with the number specified they execute the following functions (exec code (minus the /nwp/ part) is what gets entered into the launcher, which itself is most conveniently called with the built in spacebar plus shift shortcut):
win+1=main nwp menu
win+2=only the highlight and click to apply word processing codes (thanks again to miriam).
win+3=only the paste and place word processor codes
win+4=main nuup menu: nwp menu as 1 plus the uber utilities packs' functions.
win+5=ae tem menu--access template files or make word processing files out of text files. access a folder for drag and drop launching of batches of files (something that could also be done through the vtg or with launcher if the identical code is sent as a script (i.e. it has #!/bin/sh at the top and has been given the proper permission (e.g. with ch in the launcher followed by its name in the following launcher that pops up)) to the /nwp/ folder.)
win+6=underline -- highlight and activate (through code, key, or menu)
win+7=italics -- paste and paste version
win+8=page break in white, below
win+9=page break in white, above
win+0=help file pop up in leafpad

1 and 5 can be seen as start centers, though the vtg and the remaining blanks can likewise initiate the dual launchers (or any other program, for that matter)

blank templates for an additional  132 shortcut keys. they all rely on the ten number keys.	surround path and file name with <Include></Include> and place in /root/.jwmrc-personal. i.e.

then jwm -restart/then restart jwm.

uncomment a section below and fill in the program choices of a section to use it.

4 is the windows key; S, A, and C are shift, alt, and control. windows commands generally don't need the "exec:" and things off the PATH need their full paths after it.

the nwp menus (both ae and jwm) allow access to just about (there may've been a few oversights) every word processing command, but it's still menu access instead of button-immediacy, so to get that regular word processor feel back, you may want to have, for example, bold or underline only a key combo away. 
copying the commented out group below and inserting the following (from the vtg cheat sheet that pops up when you hit alt plus g)

bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor 
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor 
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input 
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input 
bb - print out bold tags 
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags 
ii - print out italics tags 
st - print out strikethrough tags 
ul - print out underline tags 
tem - open templates/duals menu

these are all in nwp, so they need the path (/nwp/) prepended to them so machine can find them. or you could just pick (and possibly copy to overwrite the versions without the "/nwp/"--just substitute out (through find and replace) the modifiers. substitute the keys to make similar levels of any other keys. well, here they are again, but with the proper path added to the call:

/nwp/bh # adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor 
/nwp/uh # adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor 
/nwp/sth # add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input 
/nwp/ih # add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input 
/nwp/bb # print out bold tags 
/nwp/cmt # print out comment (<!--  -->) tags 
/nwp/ii # print out italics tags 
/nwp/st # print out strikethrough tags 
/nwp/ul # print out underline tags 
/nwp/tem # open templates/duals menu

(i made them so they'd work in a fake pexec or gexec history pulldown as a launchable cheat sheet, but we just need the /path/file bit for the keys. if you don't have a template with the "exec:" bits already in place, do another substitution, /nwp replaced with exec:/nwp or something similar. then just pick the keys you've got your bold, italics, and whatever else you want (including batch launching and things normally deemed apart from word processing). so that's the basic idea behind the big batch of potential keyboard shortcuts.


<Key mask="AC" key="1">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="2">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="3">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="4">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="5">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="6">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="7">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="8">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="9">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="0">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="1">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="2">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="3">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="4">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="5">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="6">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="7">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="8">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="9">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="0">exec:/nwp/</Key>

<Key mask="SAC" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="A4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="C4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="1">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="2">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="3">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="4">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="5">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="6">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="7">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="8">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="9">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AC4" key="0">exec:/nwp/</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="AS4" key="0">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SC4" key="0">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="SAC4" key="1">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="SAC4" key="0">exec:</Key>

<Key mask="4SAC" key="F12">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F11">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F10">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F9">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F8">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F7">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F6">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F5">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F4">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F3">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F2">exec:</Key>
<Key mask="4SAC" key="F1">exec:</Key>

(another set of function key blanks for you to customize)


this is the help file (as a leafpad document) that pops up when you enter elp in the launcher (or /nwp/elp in a terminal):

edit: didn't fit in one post so adding it below.

scrap, scratch, and crib sheets

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015, 07:50
by Puppus Dogfellow
cheat sheet for paste and paste codes. launch with elp, modify to taste and need.
tip: enter lelp2 in the ll launcher (enter ll in the main (p) launcher) to get a blank alternate--use as scrap or a make a more personalized version of this file. ll launcher again, and either open elp to copy it as elp2 or add
|leafpad lelp2
to the line that's there to have both open whenever you call for elp.

hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)
t - choice of terminal
f - find and run
p - main launcer/reset launcher
ll - leafpad launcer
gl - geany launcher
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)
joop - open jwm and nwp config files
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:

nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1

atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany

rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin

roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor

l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey


bb -- bold
bb2 -- span tags for bold fonts or other, non default font choices (bold tags don't appear to work though the nwp's underlining and italics tags show the expected results). default is for monospace, same as po1, po2, po4 (the latter two are templates, po1 is an xdotool "spit this code" script/a backup of the main (monospace) template).
book -- older version of one of the tocs/tics--customize if you like
bpo -- open the default template files in a browser so you can see the line spacing, highlighting, etc. use gpo to edit what the command calls and what browser gets opened
bq -- block quote tags
f - findnrun, optional but recommended
gpo -- open the browser, leafpad, and geany configuration files for the nwp word processor plus the default default templates in geany.# geany /nwp/po1 /nwp/po2 /nwp/po3 /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/gpo /nwp/lpo /nwp/bpo /nwp/bb2
h1-h6 -- print out tags for headings 1-6
her -- open the hr template in geany
herl -- open the hr template in leafpad
hero -- open the hr template in geany
hr -- print out hr tags
hr0 -- open the hr template in geany
hr0l -- open the hr template in leafpad
hr1 -- spit out hr doc template
hrl -- <hr> tag, 35%, grey left side
hrr -- <hr> tag, 10%, grey right side
hrt -- template for autopage breaks with hr tag. called by other scripts.
ii -- italics tags
link -- external form of the toc tags
lp -- launch leafpad
lpo -- leafpad /nwp/po2| leafpad /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5| leafpad /nwp/po6| leafpad /nwp/lpo (open the wp template files in leafpad; open the file that determines what leafpad opens
mono -- open monospace template with geany
mono1 -- spit out monospace doc template
monol -- open monospace template with leafpad
monot -- monospace template
np02 -- pu(/)up launcher (configured to begin with a highlighted /nwp/)
p -- pu(/)up launcher configured to start at the end of /nwp/
pb -- <par style="page-break-after: always"></par>
pba -- <par style="page-break-before: always"></par> (a=above)
po -- open po2
po1 -- print out an improved version of the preotry template
po2 -- (template--po1 without the mini-wait--use clone (under documents menu) or save as to preserve the file)
po3 -- geany /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/po2
po4 -- template as 14 pt monospace
po5 -- template as 14 pt sans
po6 -- template as 14 pt serif
pr -- print out paragraph tags
prc -- print out paragraph centered tags
prj -- print out paragraph justified tags
prl -- print out paragraph left tags
prr -- print out paragraph right tags
q -- cite tags
san1 -- spit out sans serif doc template
sans -- open sans template with geany
sansl -- open sans template with leafpad
sanst -- sans serif doc template
ser1 -- spit out serif doc template
serf -- open serf template with geany
serfl -- open serf template with leafpad
sert -- serif doc template
sub -- subscript tags
sup -- superscript tags
t -- launch terminal of your choice (delete/comment sakura and uncomment or add your choice)
toc and tic paste bookmark/hyperlink codes. good for tables of contents, master documents, etc. on the editing side, you can make bookmarks in geany with ctrl+m, which will also toggle it off. ctrl plus comma is previous bookmark, control plus period is next bookmark. the plugin for numbered bookmarks makes a list on the side panel (unless that's default and i can't just can't figure out how to work/access the plug in version):
tic -- tic same page template and anchor --new tab
tic1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- same tab
tic2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- same tab
toc -- toc same page template and anchor, same tab (general bookmarks). look up your text editor's method for bookmarking for the edit text (also non formatted) view.
toc1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- new tab
toc2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- new tab
to open files in geany at specific location, append :line#:column# to the file, i.e. geany /nwp/docs/file1:50:14
ul -- underline
v -- activate vtg
xp -- launch xpad/new xpad
terminal nwp/pwn/pax shortcuts:
s# send active window to desktop#
s#s send next clicked window to desktop#
d# go to desktop#
c plus a single letter is normally a close command--cr, close rox; cu, close urxvt terminals; ct, close rxvt Terminal.
pp# --change pinboard
p# --change/toggle four panel set frame (can be altered down to one)
my# --swap out custom jwm configurations
gea3 --edit custom jwm configurations
la, lb, lm ---layer above, below, middle/normal for active window
las,lbs, lms ---layer above, below, middle/normal for selected window
stk, ustk --stick unstick active (add an s for the click to select version)
pv2--partview and rox /mnt
rr --rox recently visited
rb1 --four (iirc) rungs down on the rox bookmarks menu
rup --three rungs up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks menu
wp-- access the nwp area of one of the root menus
w5 --access the quadrants, halves, and wholes area of one of the root (jwm) menus
pcp --access pup control
fnr --find and run
hlx -- htop in an urvxt window and lx task ...
ppm is a built in for package manager (will work without pxc launcher or anything having been symlinked to /root/my-applications/bin)
x#-- move to # on x-axis (increments of 5)
y# --move to # on y-axis (increments of 5)
h# --height (increments of 5)
w# --width (increments of 5)
rs --resize
t --terminal (set for my-applications/bin, so launchable from terminal or np/nwp/pxc launcher)
f --findandrun (also set for my-apps/bin)
np --nwpus launcher2
sd --speeddials
sdr --speed dials recent list only
gnysys --open a slew of config files in geany
3but -- speed dials and a version of winswitcher
ws -- winswitcher (also ctrl plus spacebar).
galc -- galculator
nc-- notecase
gd -- goldendict
jv -- make java sfs and take you there (thanks, uten)
5c -- print out the template command for making multiple copies of a file
5cd -- print out the template command for making multiple copies of a directory
7c -- print out the command for changing permissions of a script to executable (kind of lazy--chmod 755 isn't that involved...).
1 -- single monitor menu
2 -- double monitor menu
g -- grid menu
x -- x axis menu
y -- y axis menu
w -- width menu
h -- height menu
mv -- move
wn -- windows menu
mn -- minimize
mx -- maximize window
o -- old windows manipulation menu
s -- new version of supplemental menus
n -- the original nwpus menu
n1 -- the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from n3
n2 -- just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section
n3 -- the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu.
slac -- search all databases
sloc -- search selected database with option to print results #sometimes problematic
sluc --update all slocate databases/create databases (thanks to musher0 for the slocate wrapper and the three scripts i've renamed here)
ww - winswitcher
sv -- make a folder a server. open a terminal and sv in the pax launcher (nwp launcher, etc) will print out "python -m SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload"--open a browser in the client computer and input the ipnet address (run ifconfig in a terminal) with :8000 appended to it (i.e. this will allow you to upload and download files to the directory you ran the sv command (i.e. shift+spacebar (which pops up the modified pexec launcher showing /nwp/ in the entry box) then sv then enter) in.
by rcrsn51. thread here: ... 132#415132 (unnecessary now that it has a gui)
fw -- toggle firewall on off (actually give a pop up that provides the function. requires the pet by tronkel you can find at ... 9ea478cf1f). rcrsn51's SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload won't run with the firewall in place and this is a convenient way to temporarily disable it.
-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7
b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.
1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9
a# series is quadrants...
sk - sakura (also t in nwp/pwn/pax or any terminal for most of them (some may be set to urxvt or rxvt--they all have sakura though)
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)
hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)
some changes to the templates...
a much better way to launch and batch launch files (you'll get a a dual view without having to to click the file more than once. for print preview of the pdf form of this essentially txt/html word processing document (though you can embed and link what you like , it seems), you'll need to access to your choice of browser/htmlviewer's print preview button. to change the headers and footers, you'll need to use your browser's print > options menu.

dual launchers (text editor and browser) for the Nooby Word Processor/nwp:
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey
more shortcuts now available to the Nooby Uber Utility Pack
sda[1-6]-sdd[1-6] -- open those partitions
the following will open in rox if entered in the pw,n launcher: mnt, home, mdoc (opens root/my-documents), apps (opens usr/share/applications), jwm (/root/.jwm), bin, jxdg(etc/xdg/templates), conf (/root/.configure), mybin (/root/my-applications/bin), etc, tmp, and pack (/nwp).
at, at[1-10] are autotext scripts. atx is the template, ate will open the 11 in geany for you to edit/rename. single monitor setups now have similar nwp shortcuts as doubles:
q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9
some deps, recs, and links:
pcp requires puppy control panel:
tas requires take a shot:
f requires find and run: ... 5582835582
xpc and xpb require xpad
some other included shortcuts:
xpc -- xpad clear
xpb -- xpad back up
cnt -- spit out the code in those echo sections from the script above that allows you to create files with predetermined content (cnt--content)
c- -- a comment line that looks like this: #------------------
tas -- SFR's take a shot
pcp -- radky's puppy control panel
ww -- MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher
v -- vtg
(another batch from recent update:)
roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
another batch from recent update:
rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany
cursor at right versions of launcher
p -- main nwp launcher
ch - permissions launcher
gl - geany launcher (also -g)
ll - leafpad launcherr (also -l)
rl - rox launcher (also -r)
highlighted entry versions:
r- rox launcher
g- geany launcher
ch- change permissions launcher
l- leafpad launcher
f1-f24 --type those function keys
(one of my machines is without) Crying or Very sad
elp - help opened up in leafpad (mostly paste and paste cheats until you modify them)
tem - ae templates menu
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1
(new one, "elp," pops up a leafpad document with what's between the asterisk trains. modify to taste)
Last edited by Puppus Dogfellow on Fri 04 Dec 2015, 14:20; edited 5 times in total

Puppus Dogfellow

Joined: 07 Jan 2013
Posts: 1102
Location: nyc

PostPosted: Sat 22 Aug 2015, 15:16 Post subject: word processing four
Subject description: also, rox is a file navigation and creation powerhouse.
i suppose it's more of a typewriter...

here are some guides for setting up line breaks, line wrapping, and font choice:

mono/courier/courier new 11 breaking column: 75
serif 12: 99
sans 12: 80
nimbus condensed monospace 14: 110

left, right, and center are all what you'd expect, but justify doesn't work out as nicely as on a full word processor. use search and replace and tick the use regular expressions box, swap \n for a space (one blank white space), hit enter, right click the section, choose format > reflow lines. if you're not concerned with underlining and multiple fonts and don't want the hassle of making sure lines don't run off the page, printing from leafpad is probably best (no line wrapping markers in the default view, no auto-line breaking capability and so makes reshaping text a bit easier, though i suppose you could just toggle that off in geany. another strategy for nearly justified text would be to set the font small in the text editor and use the zoom settings in the browser's print dialog to come close to a justified page. for actually banging out pages of wood and ink, i think it's maybe better to think of this word processor more as an advanced archiving typewriter and pdf maker (pdfs can be bare black and white text or portable sections of the internet, it seems--i'm just a noob who wants something that never breaks--leafpad and geany never break...) and poetry producer--that requires no changes to the basic document format of the templates (maybe one more and some new launchers in the next pack) and preotry (pre tag bug fix in next pack as well), the proto-template, was in fact devised because i noticed what text makers do to lines sometimes and thought it'd be nice to make that behavior optional (it's still pretty cool for comments sometimes). if you're primarily concerned with printing something out and don't care about underlining and other formatting, print from leafpad or geany (there must be a way to shut of the line wrap markers from showing). dillo has a little less capability than the other browsers being discussed, but it always opens new batches in tabs in a new window and it is super fast. the new pack uses it as reference material pop-up with the following:

#dil. place in /nwp and/or /root/my-applications/bin

you can get rid of the close dialog and set other preferences in /root/.dillo/dillorc.

since dillo doesn't respond to the code changing font color, invisible page breaks (those done in white--use the quasi-visible text slots as quick find anchors or as a variation on comments) are visible in dillo--you can use the reference popup to check them. tip: if you don't fill out the title tag in editor view, dillo will give every word processing tab a tiny blank marker that's of less help than ctrl page up and down.

leafpad and seamonkey don't open batches of files dragged to them or sent to them in tabs as default behavior and so seem like a natural match--seamonkey can do the tabs with a little extra fiddling around, i'm sure, and already has the print preview that dillo lacks--this seems to be the next most capable and second fastest set up. so dillo has no print preview or print to pdf capability, but you can use geany or leafpad to print. speaking of which, if you're not using this as an exercise in minimalism but rather for speed and convenience, the main use of the view/read mode (apart from readability and hyperlinks/bookmarks/functional tables of contents) is to copy and paste your formatted (spacing and otherwise) text into zoho, google docs, libre office,, word, textmaker, or any other document handler that will be more likely to be handling the final form of your work, though between the majority of browsers having save to pdf capability and rcrsn51's peasy_pdf making it easy to cut apart and rejoin those documents, this really can be a stand alone solution in many cases. palemoon and firefox take minimal resources to open ten or twenty of these document type tabs, but dillo takes about a thirtieth it seems. (10 vs 300 mb usage at first run with a batch; adding to an already running instance seems to add less overhead to both palemoon and firefox...dillo opens a new window with a new batch of tabs each one is dragged to's really very quick but insists on the file:///path/file syntax rather than the syntax the other browsers (and nearly all puppy programs, it seems) accept, /path/file (unless you're doing it through the terminal, vgt, or a launcher--in those you can use /path/to/file). they've all got buttons or other methods for opening files, so interplay between the interfaces should be pretty smooth. to navigate tabs in dillo:

ctrl+page up -- tab left
ctrl+page down -- tab right

to navigate them in geany:

Ctrl-Shift-PageDown Move document right
Ctrl-Shift-PageUp Move document left
Ctrl-PageDown Switch to right document
Ctrl-PageUp Switch to left document


in short, you're basically working with a super advanced typewriter (but getting back to basics) and justification is a bit more difficult than other formatting for our purposes here. for formatted text, you'd need to use the template and print from a browser. quick print, use geany or leafpad. want to open 100 100 page text files instantly and copy the text back and forth between a dozen locations? use geany. want multiple views of the text in various stages in development, use the dual launchers or open the batch in a browser as well (vtg or terminal).


regarding rox, there is probably no faster way to navigate folders or create files than rox with short cuts set. right click to go to the create new file dialog and press a letter--now every time you are in a rox folder and press that letter, a copy of that document type will appear for you to retitle/save as in that location. ctrl+1-0 gives you speed dials to ten locations, ctrl+b is book marks (you can short cut open parent in new window to get a freebie bookmark/dual plane set up. you could also make a bookmark of a folder of symlinks to launchers, files, programs, directories, etc).

erase keycuts with backspace. if your rox filer doesn't appear to support the right click short cut keys, see this post by Cat Dude: ... fb3#354862


documentation fix: /nwp/w11 in a terminal will give you the geometry read out discussed below. there's no included bash mod.

i forgot to document two scripts in the previous pack, htopp and htops, which respectively resize and place an active and a selected window to the central htop position you can see in this screenshot. rename and alter the code (get current geometry of windows with winswitcher f1 or right click menu, wmctrl -l -G in a terminal, or new terminal in distros (~572-p575) with the wmctrl bash prompt mod) to make custom versions. new pack will have q1-5 and sd1-5 (or some equivalent) to give it /nwp launcher shortcut equivalents for the dual monitor's a1-10 and b1-10 (windows sized and moved by quadrant, half, and whole/center).

change to geany -i /nwp/elp if you want the file opened instead in a new instance of geany. take out the -i if you want it in a running instance of geany.

update mostly affecting installation and configuration

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2015, 21:54
by Puppus Dogfellow

when you download and unpack the above, you see:

390 390x1 ae deps32 geanykeyvtg nwp
390r 392 aedeluxe deps64 instructions

nwp goes to /, pick the deps you need, choose an install script. the instructions include the scripts and their descriptions:
new install instructions give a few more choices and automate things a little more:
1. unpack download and move nwp folder to top level (make it /nwp).
2. install the deps in the dependencies folder (choose 32 or 64 bit and see what you're lacking).
3. choose an install script:

a) ae deluxe -- aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape and spacebar key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space).
b) ae -- aemenu deluxe with the deluxe commented out. i.e. "aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space)" is wrong--no keys. gives you the aemenu version of the nwp. vtg function is handled by v in the launcher. not sure about window managers other than jwm, but right clicking an icon or script on the desktop can give keyboard shortcuts through rox--haven't yet tried to track down which file stores this, but it would allow you to make those customizations portable as well. use cp to copy over whole file or sed (sehd in the launcher is a very minimal sed cheat sheet--i just looked up line replacement to make these install scripts and decided it may come in handy later as well). i recommend shift plus spacebar as the main launcher shortcut.
c) 390x1 -- version for top tray, nine menus, regular bottom tray moved over a pixel. you get the shortcut keys, but the changes to your trays are few.
d) 390 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped
e) 390r -- version with more minimalistic 9 menus available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray
f) 392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3
(all jwm versions automatically activate MochiMoppel's script to put bookmarks on the jwm menus)

4. optionally, click the geanykeyvtg script to copy over the necessary keyboard shortcuts in /nwp/root3/geany to enable the vtg (your old keyboard config file will be recopied as keybindings.conf-old)

these are the included install scripts:

#aemenu deluxe
#aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape and spacebar key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space if you do.).
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<!-- Key bindings -->/<!-- Key bindings -->\n<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key F12 Down Return<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="g">exec:geany\/nwp\/vtg5<\/Key> \n<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:\/nwp\/g<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox<\/Key>\n<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:winswitcher<\/Key>\n<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/p<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/cr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/t<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
jwm -restart
geany /root/.wm/jwmrc-personal
#rr rox recents; p main launcer; g grids menu; rup rox bookmarks, four or so up from end
#alt plus z is activating the vtg on root 3 menu
#vtg5 is help files opened in geany
#winswitcher and mbm are by MochiMoppel--resoectively a great window management utility and rox bookmarks on the menus


#aemenu deluxe with the deluxe commented out. i.e. "aemenus plus vtg added to root 3 menu. escape key shortcuts added to jwmrc-personal. no affect if no jwm--you'll need a key to activate main launcher (this gives you it with shift plus space)" is wrong--no keys. gives you the aemenu version of the nwp. vtg function is handled by v in the launcher. not sure about window managers other than jwm, but right clicking an icon or script on the desktop can give keyboard shortcuts through rox--haven't yet tried to track down which file stores this, but it would allow you to make those customizations portable as well. use cp to copy over whole file or sed (sehd in the launcher is a very minimal sed cheat sheet--i just looked up line replacement to make these install scripts and decided it may come in handy later as well). i recommend shift plus spacebar as the main launcher shortcut.
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<!-- Key bindings -->/<!-- Key bindings -->\n<Key mask="A" key="z">exec:xdotool key F12 Down Return<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="g">exec:geany\/nwp\/vtg5<\/Key> \n<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:\/nwp\/g<\/Key> \n<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox<\/Key>\n<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:winswitcher<\/Key>\n<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/p<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/cr<\/Key>\n<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/t<\/Key>\n<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#jwm -restart
#geany /root/.wm/jwmrc-personal

# 390x1 -- version for top tray, nine menus, regular bottom tray moved over a pixel
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/x="0"/x="1"/' /root/.jwmrc-tray
jwm -restart
#top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#additional changes to root 3 commented out


#392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
# nwp full
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart


# 390r -- version with more minimalistic 9 menus available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray.
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart

#beyond the new configuration options, there are few additions with this upgrade. i'm changing the name from nooby word processor/nooby uber utilility pack and dropping all the pax, packs, pwns, etc. uu like on an early icon set--the new word processor, because it's forever being customized (by you, hopefully). still, as a nod to noobiness, one additon is sehd, which will explain the sehd command i used to make these configuration scripts. enter it in a terminal, and it prints out:

#sed -i s/find/replace/ file
#(this line would normally be absent and the line above uncommented)
#use \ to comment out slashes (and presumably other stuff)
# find and replace / with /\ to make things easier

# that's basically it--instead of instructions telling you to open the file and overwrite and then copy, i just use the find and overwrite sed command to do basically the same thing (one fewer step than the original instructions--the customizations are being put directly into /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc with the insert tag rather than a tag there being commented out (now replaced and moved to the new file) and another line having to be inserted into your jwmrc-personal file (in /root/.jwm). hopefully this will make your own shortcuts (if you've got any) override the new ones being introduced with the nwp. wp has the -p launcher with the new name. ll launcher could open it for renaming. pending css improvements (to replace the html templates), this is nwp1. this is already better than what i thought i'd be able to come up with. could probably spend a lifetime fixing the documentation. tried to make the drag and drop dual (editing and viewing) launchers less cryptic by adding a cheat sheet to the folder...


--p.dogfellow, 12/11/15

________________________(older version of installation procedure below--may still be of use)___________________
install the deps in the dependencies folder (pets and, in the case of 64 bit, there's an xz of aemenu you have to unpack and move to the path (e.g.: /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/X11R7/bin, /root/my-applications/bin, /usr/games, or /opt/jre/bin. you may have more or fewer, but those are easy enough to find)). move the nwp folder to top level (make it /nwp). enter the following into a terminal or run as a script:

cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl

pick the tab for /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc. comment out the bottom tray if you want to use the new bottom tray, or just comment out the dock if you want it on the upper tray without having to swap out your stock tray for the new one.

mtk is the file you edit for trays, keys and keys 2 have the default customizations and the 120 or so blanks respectively. (hopefully the files are sufficiently commented)

if you want the nine menu version, add
to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file

if you want only the jwm menu on root one, add
to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file.

if you just want the aemenu version, make a keyboard shortcut for the p file you copied over to /root/my-applications/bin. use "elp" for help in learning the codes. aef will give you a pop up of all the aemenu menus. below is the new help file that pops up when you enter "elp" into the launcher (leafpad help became lelp, which is the file elp calls. open it in the ll launcher, modify, rename help or hayelp, ll in the main launcher, name the new file (as you open it) with hmn (since those keys are all together and indicate pause), scz in the launcher, leafpad /nwp/help or hayelp, save, ch in the launcher, hmn, and you have an extra note taking scrap pop up. you could use leafpad as a pop up script maker or a note taker like xpad, but with better title and path management (no cool pop up menu though).

the recommended helper programs (including python for some pdf stuff by rcrsn51--without that it'd be almost as small as the nwp itself) are packed separately. if you are going to comment out (surround with <!-- -->) the <Include>/nwp/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include> line in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc (recommended even if you don't comment it out after you recopy it (recommended) to your /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file--frees you from needing to run fix menus for changes to that tray to take effect), you'll need to run fix menus to free the desktop of it. most other changes require only jwm -restart (keys and other trays' buttons) or jwm -reload (menus only need that--it's the quickest of the three).

so the nooby uuord processor and uber utilites pack is now officially nwp and the launcher pwn. it's the new word processor because you never get done modifying's always somewhat new...

anyway, the spacebar placement and quick codes are supposed to flow with you, and a geany document with the vtg enabled can be a decent start center, but you may want to use the keys for file launching. joop in the launcher opens up keys and keys 2; v activates the vtg, which will allow you to launch lines of code just like you'd do with the keys, but you'd be able to see and modify the lists on the fly.

contents of the recs folder:

aemenu, xdotool, and wmctrl are included in the 32 and 64 deps folders. overall, it's been lightened, the showdesktop on the menu bug has been removed (jwm issue--works as a key and a button, but you can't call it or a button for it from the menu (windows functions called like that generally work), the help files have been improved, and a few conveniences have been added. jwm menus have been reworked for convenience, but i never discussed them much before so this is basically an introduction to them rather than an announcement of change. copies of the files you'd be inserting into your jwm personal file below.

--p.dogfellow, 12/6/15
392 is full nwp, which i'm about to try to track down screenshots for (it's my personal configuration and more or less the one used in ~572 and similar spins). it gives you 24 desktops, a large hideaway tray at left, pager and dock on hidden top menu, root menus 6,7,8,9,0 get buttons on the top, the bottom tray is moved over a pixel to allow access to the other five root menus (which can also be called in the launcher with r(0-9) or alt+#). pager is also on the three hundred pixel floppy tray (24 and out of the way). the rest of the install scripts are just that same core cut away until there's no change at all in jwm (ae version of install script, which is what came with the 12-6 release).

bottom hidden and only ten desktops, but decent shot of left and upper trays (and older version of some of the menus) ... 754#813754

(2x12--most i've had was 48 as a bottom level tray.) ... 193#818193

better shot of vtg and upper tray) ... 178#834178

dual screen, poor resolution ... 848#859848

lower tray gives you access to the five root menus (by virtue of postition) and makes for larger tasklist entries (entire tasklist now redundant because of right tray and, arguably, MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher. fill up with buttons (including those for the menus) if you like.) ... 320#873320

another update/upgrade

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2015, 09:44
by Puppus Dogfellow

a few configuration updates, but not much change apart from a bug fix or two. it seems choosing one fewer command for inserting files cost the ability to use the geany ten config quick switch--the newer version of the install scripts leave jwmrc in /etc alone apart from the commented out tray. main insert now goes on jwmrc-personal (which is what the config switch commands call/swap). documentation improvements, a quick way to get your rox filer to allow letter key shortcuts for right click functions ( ... 678#876678, if you don't feel like checking out included instruction file or waiting until you get to the quote at the end post), some fixes to a few of the scripts in nwp (elp and sehd off the top of my head; xdotool needs double quotes if you want a manual fix of sehd--ll in the launcher, sehd, just swap out single quotes for doubles).

added some scripts for config help:

config help:
joop - open jwm and nwp config files (mtk and keys series, jwmrc tray, personal, and the one in /etc.)
joopf - joop plus the three scripts immediately following this one
root9 - default set of 9 menus
root10 - same as above for root1 (left click, alt plus 1) menu, but the others are generally just the desktops slot or blank
root9b - open up nine blank menu templates (adjust mtk2's includes line).

the new install scripts:

Code: Select all

# 390x1 -- version for top tray, nine menus, regular bottom tray moved over a pixel
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/x="0"/x="1"/' /root/.jwmrc-tray
jwm -restart
#added w11 to  /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher, 
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h
#top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#additional changes to root 3 commented out
#added w11 to  /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher, 
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h


#392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
# nwp full 
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#added w11 to  /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher, 
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h


# 390r -- version with more 2 minimalistic 9 menu sets available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray.
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
#root9, root9b, and root10 in the main launcher open the main nwp 9 menu set and both reduced nine menu sets. adjust mtk2(opened by joop) to match your choice.
#joopf (joop full) opens joop plus the three 9 menu sets
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#added w11 to  /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher, 
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h
other than the longer comments you can see in the jwm versions, no change to the aemenu versions.


setting shortcut keys for rox right click funtions
(and letting rox know it's possible)
regarding rox, there is probably no faster way to navigate folders or create files than rox with short cuts set. right click to go to the create new file dialog and press a letter--now every time you are in a rox folder and press that letter, a copy of that document type will appear for you to retitle/save as in that location. ctrl+1-0 gives you speed dials to ten locations, ctrl+b is book marks (you can short cut open parent in new window to get a freebie bookmark/dual plane set up. you could also make a bookmark of a folder of symlinks to launchers, files, programs, directories, etc).
not all rox filers are set up to allow right click function activation by letter (they all seem to be able to do the speed dial by number part though). to enable the function in p6 or any other pup that doesn't seem to be able to set letters for the right click options, enter the following into a terminal (will restart x):

sed -i '1 i\gtk-can-change-accels = 1' /root/.gtkrc.mine; restartwm

if the terminal responds that the file doesn't exist, enter touch /root/.gtkrc.mine and rerun the previous command(s). delete the semicolon and restart command if you want the function ready to go but aren't in any particular mood to restart x.

and update of the install procedure (jwm only) and of the

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 04:35
by Puppus Dogfellow
I'm not sure if the new slacko64 is the way all future pups will be built, but if it is, the install scripts for the two more complicated versions of the menus and trays need the following update, which is also an update for the included jwm config quickswitch (switch back and forth between ten separate configurations).
here's the new nwp:


and here's the included "iinstall2--quickswitch version" file:

alternate install scripts for 392 and 390r for the 1.1 pack's updated quick config switch
[same but with sed commented out--mods will be handled by the file being swapped over]

#392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
# nwp full
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart


# 390r -- version with more minimalistic 9 menus available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray.
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart

some new commands:
(/nwp/)cusjp --open all the jwmrc personal files (config quick switch is set for 11. my3 in the terminal swaps out what i'm using in Quirky Werewolf 7.4--it's all one config file and some of the functions that don't work in sixty four bit have been swapped for some that do. my30 through my39 are your customizable swap-ins, with my30 being the equivalent of mtk, 31 being its backup, 32 being mtk2, and 33 being the mtk3 version and 34 a backup copy. add an r to restore the previous configuration--i.e. if you're using my31, and you want to go back, enter my31r into the nwp launcher.
cusjc -- opens the corresponting _root_.jwmrc to go with the cusjp command--kept them separate because the former'll likely get called more frequently.
my30-my39 --call those custom jwm setups
my30r-my39r --replace the setup that got replaced when you entered the switch command (i.e. it's the reset switch, but you have to call the same version you called or the machine won't know where to find the files it's supposed to be using for the swap).

the config switch comments out the original desktops and bottom tray by default:
<!-- Personally configurable options for JWM: these override default settings and theme settings -->
<!-- edit the files in nwp/root3/9 and nwp/root3/[root#menu] as these are what the quick config switch calls -->

<!-- <Include>/root/.jwmrc-tray</Include> -->
<!-- Number of virtual desktops
<Desktops width="3" height="1"/>

included with this batch but not activated is the cauliflower machue icon series for the vtg (or whatever else you'd like to use it for, if anything). i was going to use various pups (barry's quirky and mini dog icons) for the numbered menu buttons, and i still may--i could use them reversed or rotated or with the colors inverted--i've gotten used to only needing the five and i kind of like the stock desktop icon. something should have a puppy on it. guess i make that or something similar an option on the next update, though you could just add them or any other image yourself with image="name.extension" added to the <TrayButton label="9">root:#</TrayButton> bit in those tray files included by the mtk files, so long as the picture, like mini-dog.xpm or the machue series, are part of the image path. you could either enter the full location of the image or drop or link your image to /nwp/icons or /nwp/root3/icons for your own choices. this is what the version with an image instead of the button text looks like (from /nwp/root3/9/3.jwmrc-tray):
<TrayButton image="c.machue-207.jpg">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return F2 ctrl+7</TrayButton>
here's the original:
<TrayButton label="vtg">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return F2 ctrl+7</TrayButton>
here's what the line should look like if you want both an image and an icon:
<TrayButton label="vtg" image="cmachue207.jpg">exec:xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return F2 ctrl+7</TrayButton>

this is the basic format of the call and reverse scripts:

cp -f /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /nwp/root3/root31menu/oldjc
cp -f /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /nwp/root3/root31menu/oldjp
cp -f /nwp/root3/root31menu/_root_.jwmrc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
cp -f /nwp/root3/root31menu/jwmrc-personal31 /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
jwm -restart

cp -f /nwp/root3/root31menu/oldjp /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /nwp/root3/root31menu/oldjc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart

p. dogfellow, 12/20/15
the new slacko64 is very scripty and assumes changes to the jwm config files are incorrect and need to be undone, which got me to update the config switch, which has now more or less become a part of the installation process. my30 in the launcher or /nwp/my30 in terminal (or 31-34 until you fill up the rest with your own configurations--difference as it stands is which mtk (menus, trays, keys) file gets included) will activate the menus, trays, and keys after the other part of the install script is run.

next version will automate the choice for newer jwms, but for the newest slacko (and presumably the jwm pups from here forward), you'll need to change the syntax of the hidden trays from autohide="true" to autohide="top[bottom, left, right]".

heaps of shorcut keys for aemenu-exclusive & non-jwm setups

Posted: Mon 04 Jan 2016, 07:36
by Puppus Dogfellow
Puppus Dogfellow wrote: you can give yourself swappable keyboard shortcuts by assigning them specifically to panel or pinboard items. since this thread deals with panels exclusively, i'll focus on that, but it's really the same thing--when you right click on a pinboard or panel item and give it a shortcut, the shortcut goes to that specific icon, not the program or file(s) the icon represents--the key combo will work on what's in the panel--swap the panel, you swap keyboard shortcuts. to fully use this feature, you'd probably have to keep your shortcuts away from your main windows manager as that may override or conflict with the newer keycuts.

in short, you could toggle keyboard shortcuts when you toggle panels/toggling panels is also a way to have an enormous amount of context-specific (or not) keycuts. this is possible because in rox, you assign cuts to an icon, not a program.
from the rox panel speed frames thread

using the method described above, the pwp launcher (the Puppy Word Processor/Puppy Uppers Utility Pack--new version just has uu as the only text on the gui frame, so maybe yet another name change), you could give a similar overabundance of keycuts to a non-jwm setup as you can to one that can take the previously posted key-banks. shrink the panels (16 pixels is minimum--use one pixel squares from the empty icon template (temp folder in nwp) and they'll be expanded to your choice up to 96 pixels) and give scripts (such as the word processing commands from the nwp folder) direct and familiar (or at least personally chosen) locations and shortcuts to call them.

see the main nwp aemenu (n in launcher) for the rox entry if you want to make 6 swappable pinboards (call code would be pp#--mk30 in the launcher will actually give you thirty of them, but like mk26, it's probably overkill. the 10 panel sets are already included and are called by p0-p9)

bug fix and update preview

Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2016, 22:57
by Puppus Dogfellow
space gap directory flip fixes 99 scripts, nearly all related to word processing. please enter the following into a terminal and press enter if you've installed the nwp:

Code: Select all

grep -lr --exclude-dir="/nwp/1000" -e "\#\! \/bin" /nwp/| xargs sed -i "s/\#\! \/bin/\#\!\/bin/g"
next update is fairly large, but it's half bug fix, all of which is handled by the above line (and so it's highly recommended). i thought i was just about ready to release the update but i ran into some problems with slacko and broke my quirky (DO NOT use an includes tag to include a menu that's visible into itself). anyway, my report with slacko is stick mostly to the ae side of things for now, though inserting key banks and additional submenus shouldn't be a problem (about to check, which is why the half-update. bugs me i left in all those errors, foresee spending my time fixing what i may soon break...). anyway, here's some shots of the update in the works--i need to get the installation for 64 bit sorted out a bit more. for slacko64, the rpm in the dependencies folder works best for xdotool and the aemenu.xz should be unpacked and the contents moved to /bin (ignore the pet in the folder and forgo the auto-install script. the installation scripts and methods in the "older" folder are the better bet until the next release. for thirty two bit, it shouldn't matter what installation method you choose. pick another location on the path (e.g. /root/my-applications/bin) if you'd prefer a place other than /bin for the aemenu cog in the compressed folder).

install mockup--ae menus (./.aei activated in the shot) can be placed and launched from anywhere.

progress on configure, swap, port, edit configure functions:


the above should also show the menu maker items--they've come in pretty handy and were also half broken.

first shot showing the more iconified version to come:

there'd be no need for the bug fixes if the "scz" script had been in place/existence when i made the originals--all of the dead functions were caused by an unnecessary space inserted after the initial shebang. at least when it comes to scripting shortcuts, seems like paste and place is the safer bet (assuming you got it correct in the first place--one of the bug fixes is actually a documentation fix--the comment out slashes in the help snippet were backwards in "sehd").

NWP 1.2--now with 669 key virtual keypad & leafpad notetaker

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2016, 23:40
by Puppus Dogfellow
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:alt plus control bank is now used for leafpad and geany trying to take the place of xpad--lpx in the launcher is a pop up menu that allows you to fine tune what gets popped up with regards to pads (leafpad windows) or reams (same files opened in geany), but you can use either the main launcher to open the other two banks of five (runge, rungs) or the leafpad launcher (ll in main launcher reopens it as leafpad /nwp/) to access any individual files in the /nwp/notes directory.

the alt plus hjkl functions are now all launchers, mostly to make way for 66k9--a 669 key virtual keypad. it's easiest to offer here first (somewhat more of a context and no dependencies) and if the long second script takes, you can always recopy chunks to repair keys/"keys" you've overwritten with aliases (rather than have the two (or more) coexist) or have other wise lost (you'll still likely need to set the permissions with a right click or in the ch launcher.) here are the new key suggestions (search "mnem" and you'll find the right spot):

Code: Select all

	<Key mask="AC" key="h">exec:/nwp/rungn</Key>
	<Key mask="AC" key="j">exec:/nwp/rungo</Key>
	<Key mask="AC" key="k">exec:/nwp/rungt</Key>
	<Key mask="AC" key="l">exec:/nwp/lpx</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="h">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="j">exec:/nwp/rl</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="k">exec:/nwp/gl</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="l">exec:/nwp/ll</Key>
	<Key mask="SA" key="h">exec:ccdi</Key>
	<Key mask="SA" key="j">close</Key>
	<Key mask="SA" key="k">exec:kill</Key>
	<Key mask="SA" key="l">exec:cadi</Key>
	<!--  mnemonic is "ask to kill"--these are shutdown scripts on the right side home row. shift plus control below are layer and stickiness.-->
	<Key mask="SAC" key="h">move</Key>
	<Key mask="SAC" key="j">resize</Key>
	<Key mask="SAC" key="k">prevstacked</Key>
	<Key mask="SAC" key="l">nextstacked</Key>
	<!--  also on the arrow keys-->
	<Key mask="SC" key="h">exec:laa</Key>
	<Key mask="SC" key="j">exec:lma</Key>
	<Key mask="SC" key="k">exec:lba</Key>
	<Key mask="SC" key="l">exec:wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky</Key>


screenshot of the xpad replacement scheme:



screenshots and info gifs for 669:

669 keys--macros and aliases



this is the leafpad tweak:

Code: Select all

	mkdir -p /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s
	mkdir -p /nwp/notes/n/{01..05}
	touch /nwp/notes/n/1 /nwp/notes/n/2 /nwp/notes/n/3 /nwp/notes/n/4 /nwp/notes/n/5
	touch /nwp/notes/n/o/6 /nwp/notes/n/o/7 /nwp/notes/n/o/8 /nwp/notes/n/o/9 /nwp/notes/n/o/10
	touch /nwp/notes/n/o/t/11 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/12 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/13 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/14 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/15
	touch /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/16 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/17 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/18 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/19 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/20
	touch /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/21 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/22 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/23 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/24 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/25
	echo $'
	leafpad /nwp/notes/n/1| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/2| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/3| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/4| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/5
	' > /nwp/rungn
	echo $'
	leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/6| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/7| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/8| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/9| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/10
	' > /nwp/rungo
	echo $'
	leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/11| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/12| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/13| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/14| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/15
	' > /nwp/rungt
	echo $'
	leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/16| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/17| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/18| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/19| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/20
	' > /nwp/runge
	echo $'
	leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/21| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/22| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/23| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/24| leafpad /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/25
	' > /nwp/rungs
	chmod 755 /nwp/rungs /nwp/runge /nwp/rungt /nwp/rungo /nwp/rungn
	echo $'
	menu "Leafpad 5x5" 
	cmd "leafpad-1-5" "/nwp/rungn"
	cmd "leafpad-6-10" "/nwp/rungo" 
	cmd "leafpad-11-15" "/nwp/rungt" 
	cmd "leafpad-16-20" "/nwp/runge" 
	cmd "leafpad-21-25" "/nwp/rungs"
	menu "open rungs in geany" 
	cmd "geany-1-5" "geany /nwp/notes/n/1 /nwp/notes/n/2 /nwp/notes/n/3 /nwp/notes/n/4 /nwp/notes/n/5"
	cmd "geany-6-10" "geany /nwp/notes/n/o/6 /nwp/notes/n/o/7 /nwp/notes/n/o/8 /nwp/notes/n/o/9 /nwp/notes/n/o/10"
	cmd "geany-11-15" "geany /nwp/notes/n/o/t/11 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/12 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/13 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/14 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/15"
	cmd "geany-16-20" "geany /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/16 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/17 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/18 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/19 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/20"
	cmd "geany-21-25" "geany /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/21 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/22 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/23 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/24 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/25"
	menu "open rungs in geany, new instance" 
	cmd "geany -i  1-5" "geany -i /nwp/notes/n/1 /nwp/notes/n/2 /nwp/notes/n/3 /nwp/notes/n/4 /nwp/notes/n/5"
	cmd "geany -i 6-10" "geany -i /nwp/notes/n/o/6 /nwp/notes/n/o/7 /nwp/notes/n/o/8 /nwp/notes/n/o/9 /nwp/notes/n/o/10"
	cmd "geany -i  11-15" "geany -i /nwp/notes/n/o/t/11 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/12 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/13 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/14 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/15"
	cmd "geany -i  16-20" "geany -i /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/16 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/17 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/18 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/19 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/20"
	cmd "geany -i 21-25" "geany -i /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/21 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/22 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/23 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/24 /nwp/notes/n/o/t/e/s/25"
	cmd "edit rungs, all (geany)" "geany -i /nwp/rungn /nwp/rungo /nwp/rungt /nwp/runge /nwp/rungs"
	cmd "edit this menu--leafpad" "leafpad /nwp/lpxm"
	cmd "edit this menu--geany" "geany /nwp/lpxm"
	' > /nwp/lpxm
	echo $'
	aemenu -rc /nwp/lpxm
	' > /nwp/lpx
	chmod 755 /nwp/lpx

next script is pretty long and may tank the post, so i'll try it on its own. it's the 669 keys with no dependencies or downloads, so it's worth a shot...actual dependencies (general pups and for what's shown) are yad, aemenu and xdotool. thanks to Iguleder for pexec. (launcher is basically all pexec and the keys are basically all tiny xdotool scripts (thanks, Jordan Sissel).

whether it posts or not, this is the pattern for the keys: 1-36 are F1-F36 and adding modifiers in alphabetical order up to five will take you to 539; the last set is the alphabet following the same rule but starting with three modifiers (alt, control, shift, since super is higher up alphabetically) and going to four to reach 669. save as their abbreviated function to have something easier to remember and call them by. screen capture shows keys being assigned by the scripts clicked on a desktop--the key pad can be exploded [or melted or dripped] off the launcher and placed on the pinboard and panels backed [fronted, masked--depends on how you see it] by whatever icons or text you choose.

from ... 795#884795

also includes multicopy tweak: ... 162#884162

here's the included installation readme:
NWP-1.2 Installation and Upgrade

first step is to move, link, or copy the /nwp folder to /, making it a top level directory along with root and usr and the like. if you've got an existing /nwp, rename it until you're sure you're happy with the update. if you are, you can delete the old one (remember to copy back your personal files and whatever customizations you may have made). then open the nwp folder and navigate to /nwp/c.

for a new install, check to see which of the dependencies you're lacking. for thirty two bit, just click the pets. for 64 bit, the rpm and pet are click and install, and the script will place the aemenu cog in /bin, but you can manually place it elsewhere in the PATH if you want (you could also reposition the # in the script to send it to /root/my-applications/bin/ instead of /bin.)

"jin" in the launcher will convert the tray syntax for use with the newest JWMs, "jio" will convert it (or convert it back, since the default is set for legacy (pre slacko/slacko64 6.0.3) pups) to the older syntax. other jwm configurations (p6 configuration folder (p6conf) has the upgrade at a click, but it's only set for the full jwm nwp--nine menus, left side hide away tray with long listing for tasklist items, the 24 desktops, etc) are available in the "browsers+" submenu on the left click (root1) menu, but avoid them if using slacko. (when i'm sure my slacko64 setup is safe and survives configuration changes and other routine shocks, i'll post it, but it's basically no spacer trays (can't get them to work), all the desktops, menus 1, 9, 3, and 6, a broken clock, all the key inserts (slightly altered--for the VTG to work in slacko, the "Down" has to be removed since the menus get activated with the first item pre-highlighted), and all the aemenu and launcher functions (including the new 669 key virtual keypad). i think the surest way to get the jwm functions in slacko without breaking anything is merely to add


directly under the

<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="MENHEIGHT" onroot="9">

bit in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc. then enter

fixmenus; jwm -restart

into a terminal. the key Includes tags can be added to this file as well, but adding them to
.jwm/jwmrc-personal precludes the need for fixmenus every time the file's updated (jwm -restart would suffice).

i recommend either the main launcher (p) or the keys launcher (k) be given a shortcuts such as spacebar plus shift or alt to help integrate them with the physical keys.

the following should be copied to /root/my-applications/bin (just run the following in a terminal or click the "preinstall" script in /nwp/c/.

cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
cp /nwp/k /root/my-applications/bin/k
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl


the older install scripts should all still work on all jwm pups other than slacko:

# 390x1 -- version for top tray, nine menus, regular bottom tray moved over a pixel
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk3<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/x="0"/x="1"/' /root/.jwmrc-tray
jwm -restart
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h
#top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
#sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#additional changes to root 3 commented out
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h


#392 -- top and left trays added, nine menus added, bottom tray swapped, two additional menus added to root3:
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
# nwp full
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">/<RootMenu label="Menu" labeled="false" height="24" onroot="3">\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/menu3<\/Include>\n<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/nwpmenujwm<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h


# 390r -- version with more 2 minimalistic 9 menu sets available but commented out. joop opens files for editing. three custom trays--you lose the stock bottom tray.
# mbm activates MochiMoppel's bookmark script, which will put your rox bookmarks on a jwm submenu
#root9, root9b, and root10 in the main launcher open the main nwp 9 menu set and both reduced nine menu sets. adjust mtk2(opened by joop) to match your choice.
#joopf (joop full) opens joop plus the three 9 menu sets
cp /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
cp /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<!-- <Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>-->/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/<JWM>/<JWM> \n <!--<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>--> \n <Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
#changed back to putting the mtk file in jwmrc-personal so the geany custom configuration shorts still function
#sed -i 's/<Include>\/root\/.jwmrc-tray<\/Include>/<Include>\/nwp\/root3\/9\/mtk2<\/Include>/' /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
#added w11 to /root/my-applications/bin--enter into terminal to find out geometry of desktop's windows
# and what windows are on what desktop (12/12/15). use to make custom size and place scripts (open q5 in the launcher,
#pick something easier to remember to call it by, save as that name, plug in new coordinates--x,y,w,h follow the -e 0. swap ACTIVE for SELECT
# to have the cursor turn to cross hairs for next click. first line below is q5, second has the fields labeled and target switched from active to select.
#wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,225,235,550,400
#wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :SELECT: -e 0,x,y,w,h

installation materials are in /nwp/c.


--p. dogfellow, 2/1/16

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2016, 23:20
by Puppus Dogfellow
a tip from Barry Kauler allows us to control width in pdf/browser/view mode:
My web pages are all "old school" HTML. I have dabbled in CSS and Javascript, but mostly create web pages with simple static HTML using tables.

My web pages look fine on a desktop screen, but not so good on a mobile phone. Typically, I create a centered table with a fixed width, and all content goes inside that. Basic structure:

Code: Select all

<head ... > ... </head>
<table align="center" width="700" ... > ... </table>
On a high resolution mobile phone screen, the table renders very small, with large blank space both sides.

However, I discovered a very simple fix. Just insert this line into the <head> section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=700">
run the following in a terminal to add "view" as main launcher shortcut--delete the comment before it's run if you don't need the advice.

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#place in template's <head> section for width control in view/browser/pdf mode
xdotool type \'<meta name="viewport" content="width=700">\'
' > /nwp/view
chmod 755 /nwp/view
here's an icon pack for the 669 virtual key launcher and the /nwp folder and/or its subfolders and other functions:

here's a screen shot of the main (i.e. the one i'm using for the /nwp folder itself) anuupuus icon (four versions):

thanks to technosaurus for the script that made it easy to make the vast majority of the nearly 2400 icons--a-z in caps and lower case, 1-669, m0-m9 (for three modifiers plus those numbers), and a few other sets (all of which were rendered in black on transparent, white on transparent, and green-yellow on purple in what seemed like well under a minute).

On the Utilities side of things, though i guess it's still an issue that relates to word processing, i tweaked a key-generation script to be more friendly to LibreOffice (and other programs that share its way of setting up keyboard shortcuts). rather than recording what you press, Libre gives you a group of keys it accepts and which you are to choose from. in an attempt to give keycuts that could be launched quickly and somewhat intuitively, i've come up with the following, shorter version of the earlier key script:

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+a ' > /nwp/keys/k/a
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+b ' > /nwp/keys/k/b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+c ' > /nwp/keys/k/c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+d ' > /nwp/keys/k/d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+e ' > /nwp/keys/k/e
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+f ' > /nwp/keys/k/f
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+g ' > /nwp/keys/k/g
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+h ' > /nwp/keys/k/h
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+i ' > /nwp/keys/k/i
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+j ' > /nwp/keys/k/j
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+k ' > /nwp/keys/k/k
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+l ' > /nwp/keys/k/l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+m ' > /nwp/keys/k/m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+n ' > /nwp/keys/k/n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+o ' > /nwp/keys/k/o
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+p ' > /nwp/keys/k/p
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+q ' > /nwp/keys/k/q
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+r ' > /nwp/keys/k/r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+s ' > /nwp/keys/k/s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+t ' > /nwp/keys/k/t
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+u ' > /nwp/keys/k/u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+v ' > /nwp/keys/k/v

echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+v ' > /nwp/keys/k/pu
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+w ' > /nwp/keys/k/w
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+x ' > /nwp/keys/k/x
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+y ' > /nwp/keys/k/y
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+z ' > /nwp/keys/k/z
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F12 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f12
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F11 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f11
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F10 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f10
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F9 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f9
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F8 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f8
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F7 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f7
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F6 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f6
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F5 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f5
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F4 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f4
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F3 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f3
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F2 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+F1 ' > /nwp/keys/k/f1
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+0 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+9 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m9
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+8 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m8
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+7 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m7
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+6 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m6
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+5 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m5
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+4 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m4
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+3 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m3
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+2 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m2
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shit+1 ' > /nwp/keys/k/m1

chmod 755 /nwp/keys/k/m1 /nwp/keys/k/m2 /nwp/keys/k/m3 /nwp/keys/k/m4 /nwp/keys/k/m5 /nwp/keys/k/m6 /nwp/keys/k/m7 /nwp/keys/k/m8 /nwp/keys/k/m9 /nwp/keys/k/m0

chmod 755 /nwp/keys/k/a /nwp/keys/k/b /nwp/keys/k/c /nwp/keys/k/d /nwp/keys/k/e /nwp/keys/k/f /nwp/keys/k/g /nwp/keys/k/h /nwp/keys/k/i /nwp/keys/k/j /nwp/keys/k/k /nwp/keys/k/l /nwp/keys/k/m /nwp/keys/k/n /nwp/keys/k/o /nwp/keys/k/p /nwp/keys/k/q /nwp/keys/k/r /nwp/keys/k/s /nwp/keys/k/t /nwp/keys/k/u /nwp/keys/k/v /nwp/keys/k/w /nwp/keys/k/x /nwp/keys/k/y /nwp/keys/k/z

chmod 755 /nwp/keys/k/f1 /nwp/keys/k/f2 /nwp/keys/k/f3 /nwp/keys/k/f4 /nwp/keys/k/f5 /nwp/keys/k/f6 /nwp/keys/k/f7 /nwp/keys/k/f8 /nwp/keys/k/f9 /nwp/keys/k/f10 /nwp/keys/k/f11 /nwp/keys/k/f12

#1-36 are F1-F36 without modifiers. f1-f12 in the key launcher are those keys plus alt, shift, and control. a-z similarly have three modifiers automatically applied, but i've included icon-text sets for them with a 3 prepended to the letters so they won't interfere should you use the same icons for word processing functions. m[0-9] are the number keys plus the three [m]odifiers LO allows.
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+a' > /nwp/keys/k/3a
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+b' > /nwp/keys/k/3b
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+c' > /nwp/keys/k/3c
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+d' > /nwp/keys/k/3d
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+e' > /nwp/keys/k/3e
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+f' > /nwp/keys/k/3f
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+g' > /nwp/keys/k/3g
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+h' > /nwp/keys/k/3h
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+i' > /nwp/keys/k/3i
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+j' > /nwp/keys/k/3j
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+k' > /nwp/keys/k/3k
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+l' > /nwp/keys/k/3l
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+m' > /nwp/keys/k/3m
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+n' > /nwp/keys/k/3n
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+o' > /nwp/keys/k/3o
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+p' > /nwp/keys/k/3p
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+q' > /nwp/keys/k/3q
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+r' > /nwp/keys/k/3r
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+s' > /nwp/keys/k/3s
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+t' > /nwp/keys/k/3t
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+u' > /nwp/keys/k/3u
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+v' > /nwp/keys/k/3v
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+w' > /nwp/keys/k/3w
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+x' > /nwp/keys/k/3x
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+y' > /nwp/keys/k/3y
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+ctrl+shift+z' > /nwp/keys/k/3z
chmod 755 /nwp/keys/k/3a /nwp/keys/k/3b /nwp/keys/k/3c /nwp/keys/k/3d /nwp/keys/k/3e /nwp/keys/k/3f /nwp/keys/k/3g /nwp/keys/k/3h /nwp/keys/k/3i /nwp/keys/k/3j /nwp/keys/k/3k /nwp/keys/k/3l /nwp/keys/k/3m /nwp/keys/k/3n /nwp/keys/k/3o /nwp/keys/k/3p /nwp/keys/k/3q /nwp/keys/k/3r /nwp/keys/k/3s /nwp/keys/k/3t /nwp/keys/k/3u /nwp/keys/k/3v /nwp/keys/k/3w /nwp/keys/k/3x /nwp/keys/k/3y /nwp/keys/k/3z /nwp/keys/k/pu

#rename with ll or gl in the main launcher plus /keys/k/[old name] once you've assigned it in LO or a program that presents a similar interface for the task. if, anticipating what you'll use them for, you rename from this script directly/before they actually get made, be sure to set the permissions either with a right click or by substituting or adding the new script/name to a chmod 755 line as above.

# Out of a-z plus three modifiers, F1-F-12 plus three modifiers, and 0-9 plus three modifiers, only alt+ctrl+shift+v (paste unformatted) is used by default in LibreOffice. if you scroll up, you'll see it appears twice--once as v and once as pu--that's basically how you "pre-rename," so to speak, so to speak.

#libre has no shortage of unassigned key-plus-two-modifier combos, but using the key launcher for them seems unnecessary other than to maybe make the keycut a little easier to remember (just use the model above to generate your key and its new call code).
use the icons for the key scripts dragged to the pinboards or panels, or use them to give the word processing and other functions unobtrusive (or garish--one set's not so muted) yet identifiable icons (as an example, you can use the multiple versions of the letter b (or B--three of each) for bold --paste and place, bold --highlight then click to apply, page break above, page break below (well, there are PgBk icons included...)--you could use more than one icon for a given script to make it larger or more descriptive, or merely to have it snake around other icons and other obstacles on your desktop). since pinboard icons can have long titles/descriptions, having the scripts accessible also helps you to remember the code for it. that is, use an icon that shows the script's name and call code, but rename it something descriptive or otherwise helpful.

in short, here's a quick way to launch three modifiers plus the alphabet keys, the number keys, and the first twelve function keys, all but one of which are unassigned by default in LibreOffice (Tools > Customize > Keyboard to reach the configuration area).

here's a chunk of my jwmrc-personal file that relates to some of the new functions and launchers:

Code: Select all

<Key mask="AC" key="h">exec:/nwp/rungn</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="j">exec:/nwp/rungo</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="k">exec:/nwp/rungt</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="l">exec:/nwp/lpx</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="h">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="j">exec:/nwp/rl</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="k">exec:/nwp/gl</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="l">exec:/nwp/ll</Key>

<Key mask="SA" key="h">exec:ccdi</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="j">close</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="k">exec:kill</Key>
<Key mask="SA" key="l">exec:cadi</Key>

<Key mask="SC" key="h">move</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="j">resize</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="k">prevstacked</Key>
<Key mask="SC" key="l">nextstacked</Key>
<!--  also on the arrow keys-->

<Key mask="SAC" key="h">exec:laa</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="j">exec:lma</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="k">exec:lba</Key>
<Key mask="SAC" key="l">exec:wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,sticky</Key>

<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:rox /usr/share/applications/</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:/nwp/k</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:/nwp/p</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:/nwp/winswitcher</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:/nwp/rr</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:/nwp/t</Key>
<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:/nwp/rup</Key> 

i assign something to nearly every key combo, but find myself rarely using any other than those that employ the space bar. it's just become the quickest, most fluid way to do nearly everything i find i need to do.

:? :P :oops:

em dashes in text editors come word processors

Posted: Sun 06 Mar 2016, 14:10
by Puppus Dogfellow

Code: Select all

echo $'#!/bin/sh
#emdash --call with emd
xdotool type \'—\'
' > /nwp/emd
chmod 755 /nwp/emd
not sure howin demand a feature this is, but if you want to print em dashes in geany or leafpad, this is a pretty easy way to do it.

nwp upgrade pack: improvements to the virtual keypad

Posted: Sun 20 Mar 2016, 06:11
by Puppus Dogfellow
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
all 669 keys (all 669 little xdotool scripts) combined are 25k uncompressed, which is significantly smaller than the full nwp. i think the next vtg launcher will only be a handful of scripts and keys folder in the shell of the nwp, but you don't really need to wait for a stripped down version. just put the keys folder (it contains the 669) anywhere you like and adjust k- to point to the new location. add or copy the v script from /nwp to that folder in its new location, and the k launcher will be able to just as easily activate the vtg function as the p launcher (set an easy to remember and press key combo for the k launcher).

anyway, puppy appears to be willing to accept F36 as input even if you don't have the key. xdotool can press the imaginary key plus four modifiers faster than you can press one (and can be scaled forward or back). rename keys to more easily remember and call them.

the above is a script that will install the vtg shortcut script in a nwp folder empty apart from the improved key (function) folder. you get the launchers (call, modify, and mask/rename keys), a virtual programmable (set for a minimum of 1060 not including macros and scripts) keypad, and the vtg button/macro/key combo (which still requires the tweaks to the key config file mentioned on the first page of the thread. the script's a tweak of one of the build scripts i used to make the forthcoming anuupuus update, and was released in a slightly different form (replete with somewhat inaccurate comments) here.

there's no included help file, but the comments are fairly extensive:

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /nwp/keys/k/
mkdir -p /nwp/keys/icons-pyg /nwp/keys/icons-tl /nwp/keys/icons-td /nwp/keys/icons
#cp -f /nwp/keys/k /nwp/keys/k2
#older version of the comments had "delete or comment out 1-99 if you're using the older version of the virtual keypad and have assignments for those keys. alternately, comment out the line above to make a back up of your existing key-set, which you can then copy your changes from and/or use as an alternate key set. these will overwrite keys 1-99 from from the 66k9 version," which is inaccurate/was only a .desktop and icon issue, and not much of one at that. a-z, 0-9, and all numbers plus all other single key assignments are available. if you want in excess of a thousand virtual keys requiring two or fewer presses, i have a version built around {a..z}; {a..z}{a..z}; {a..z}{0..9}; -{0..9}; -{a..z}(,etc) somewhere nearly completed--i started making shortcuts in geany to make making them easier, and the way i went about it made both that method and the previous method of assigning keys seem really inefficient. this uses more keys to call and edit a key, but it also makes it much easier to configure them on the fly and then use them thereafter. the additional keypad/script launchers/editors at the end of this file call the keys by first initial of modifier key (alphabetically--acsw are alt, control, shift, and windows key held simultaneously. add one at a time for fewer than the four, but always add alphabetically) followed by the letter or number of your choice, or f1-f36 to call those function key (regardless of whether you've got them on any of your keyboards). the renaming method is as follows: in the main launcher, enter kl or kg to open up either leafpad or geany at the keys' path. enter the name of the key you want to rename, save the file that opens as the call code you wish to have (one that's shorter and/or easier to remember), enter kch in the main launcher, enter the renamed key. that's it--the key launcher will now open up any menu item on whatever program with the command you gave it. to assign keys in programs that allow customization by recording your key presses, use the key launcher (dragging to the desktop's largely unnecessary unless you want a desktop button for some functions) or k in the main launcher (can't click the items in the folders because the key strokes are sent to rox/your windows manager itself).
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+0 ' > /nwp/keys/k/a0
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool key alt+9 ' > /nwp/keys/k/a9

Code: Select all


#i'm sort of drowning in icons at the moment, but there's a desktop file and iconification improvement/overload on the way that more or less obviates the attempt i make towards the end of the script to make things more ready-made and mouse friendly, but it's still conceivably useful and/or a possible convenience (right click in any rox folder to get a largely filed out .desktop file for any nwp function or key. "ilkon" or "igkon" in the main launcher will open a copy of the same file in either leafpad (i(l)kon) or geany (i(g)kon)).

#the 347 byte replacement icon for scripts makes navigating through some of the more overloaded /nwp directories (such as /nwp itself) much quicker, but i'm considering a how-to rather than a upload for the 18,000 or so icons i've somehow wound up with...

#i'm adding the original k, p, p-, and k- launchers so the anuupuus update script works as a standalone virtual/programmable keypad--just give /nwp/k a shortcut key (spacebar plus a single modifier works nicely for both /nwp/k and /nwp/p).

#have decided to add some others in case anyone wants the k ratehr than the p version as the main pw,n launcher. while the recommended configuration method assumes access from /nwp/p, you can back-space past the / and k in the k launcher to reach kl (rename key with leafpad), kch (set permission of renamed key), kgi (rename key with a new instance of geany), p (which can call the others from /nwp), kir (open the keys folder in rox), and kg (rename key with geany) from their backups in /nwp/keys.

Code: Select all

#it probably makes more sense to sacrifice the potential convenience of p, v,c,k,l, and g in the key launcher (the other 30 alpha-numeric characters are still available for scripts, commands, macros, or key combos you'd like to bind to a single key entry) in order to give the virtual keypad the ability to quickly configure itself. with that in mind, and because there's a chance the other way may still prove useful, here's a copy of the above launchers plus the vtg (the only one of the bunch that retains its original (v) call-code)

echo $'
xdotool key ctrl+9 ctrl+8 Return F2 ctrl+7

#for precise, the F2 wasn,t needed
#script to execute the string in geany (needs a few tweaks to the keyboard config file or a swap with the key.config file in the word processing and related folder at the pupli repo).
# send line where cursor sits (or what,s been highlighted) to the terminal, run it, close the terminal, return to the editing view.
' > /nwp/keys/k/v

#^you could use an alpha-numeric plus four modifiers or some of the combos involving function keys 13-36 here to open up other keycuts in geany. it's an example of xdotool being used for a macro rather than a key--you aren't limited to key actions with these little xdotool scripts--you could bind mouse actions to them as well as incorporate the actions needed to access just about any program's menus or submenus. rename it it vtg if you'd like to use the v call-code in the pwn,n-k launcher for something else.


#---no warranties or whatnot, but i don't see what it could break, and like the nwp and vtg, it's working well. i find it useful.
#---------------------------------------- puppus dogfellow, march 2016.
#ps: this was part of a set of scripts that built a full update to the nwp word processor and utilities suite. the template-spitting scripts below are mini versions of the other two build scripts. i use the custom keys a lot in geany, but the majority of what this does isn't necessarily vtg or geany related, or even related to word processorization of text editors or interfaces in general, so i've decided to make a move towards a more general issue release. it's a 1000 key virtual programmable keyboard and function renamer.

echo $'
xdotool type \'text2xpm "-->" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/(name).xpm\' ' > /nwp/t2x
chmod 755 /nwp/t2x
#print out code that will autogenerate (through vtg or terminal) an icon. they're small but expand to the fit the rox panels. on the pinboards, they remain tiny. requires text2xpm.


i'll post more of the build scripts a bit later--the vtg can use sections of either to more or less instantly generate sets of icons or desktop files, which can in turn be easily modded, renamed, and/or relocated/generated in a new location (change a few characters, click/activate the vtg again).
from ... 272#895272 (the vtg thread).

the above sums up the improvements to the keypad, and most of the changes are to /nwp/keys. the following is what the directory will contain after the update:
nwp/keys/icons-just modifiers

wp-hc contains desktop files for the highlight and click desktop functions, -pp for the paste and paste functions (most of them--more later on how to change the included icons to a color scheme of your choosing). the three generic desktop folders (d and l added to the sets of light and dark icons, default is for purple background, green-yellow foreground) contain sets for the 1400 or so two-or-fewer-keypress keycuts you'd get by the pattern laid out in the first quoted comment. an improvement to two of the aemenus gets sent to /keys parent directory, and some functions (mostly configuration) have been added to the /k folder so that they can be directly called from the pw,n-k launcher (k in the main (p) launcher). should have probably included

cp -f /nwp/k /root/my-applications/bin/k
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/k

to one of the scripts so that you could call the key launcher from a terminal if you wish...

(dump the two lines into a terminal if you think that's a good idea).

"pwnz" in the main launcher now calls up an an aemenu of all the launchers (which has also been added to the aemenu of all the aemenus that pops up when you enter "aef" in the main launcher). other new shortcuts:

t2x -- print out the template to use txt2xpm to create on the fly icons
t2x2 --same as above but add a desktop template filled out with the idea that the icon will be in the keys folder and the command in the nwp folder--there's not much to add beyond the name of the icon you generate and the script you choose for the file to activate (you'll have to change the path if you swap locations).

just download the compressed folder, unpack, and click the update script:


improved update script and icon/.desktop management

Posted: Mon 21 Mar 2016, 08:30
by Puppus Dogfellow
here's an improvement over the included update script:

Code: Select all

#click2update-1.2.2_(24kf)--improved update script. 
cp -fRu ./nwp /

#keylauncher and vtg require xdotool. complete anuupuus (A New(bie's) UUord Processor and Ultimat(esqu)e Utilities Suite requires wmctrl and aemenu as well.
# this uses more keys to call and edit a key, but it also makes it much easier to configure them on the fly and then use them thereafter. the additional keypad/script launchers/editors at the end of this file call the keys by first initial of modifier key (alphabetically--acsw are alt, control, shift, and windows key held simultaneously. add one at a time for fewer than the four, but always add alphabetically) followed by the letter or number of your choice, or f1-f36 to call those function key (regardless of whether you've got them on any of your keyboards). the renaming method is as follows: in the main launcher, enter kl or kg to open up either leafpad or geany at the keys' path. enter the name of the key you want to rename, save the file that opens as the call code you wish to have (one that's shorter and/or easier to remember), enter kch in the main launcher, enter the renamed key. that's it--the key launcher will now open up any menu item on whatever program with the command you gave it. to assign keys in programs that allow customization by recording your key presses, use the key launcher (dragging to the desktop's largely unnecessary unless you want a desktop button for some functions) or k in the main launcher (can't click the items in the folders because the key strokes are sent to rox/your windows manager itself). 

#comments on that post mistakenly assume an icon conflict--it doesn't exist.

#minimum deps for this more or less stand alone update are xdotool and yad.
#aemenu and wmctrl are highly recommended additions.

#originally used for the 1.2.2 update; only changes to this script are these comments and below:
#no rox or jwm keycuts provided--installation with this script simply moves ./nwp to / as /nwp. you'll need to assign a keyboard shortcut to the p and/or k launcher (main, keys) with your windows or file manager. 
# 24kf --there are over 24000 little files (icons, desktops, scripts) in this update. i recommend using some of the little mini (sub 400B) icons rather than the default set for scripts and xpm files as a result of this update--helps when loading a loaded directory.

# late addition--
echo $'
#print out code that will generate (through vtg or terminal) an icon. they\'re small but expand to the fit the rox panels, or gain the same target area as the panel\'s largest icon. on the pinboards, the icon-target remains tiny. requires text2xpm:
#print out a desktop template file for the icon you just made. send through a terminal or highlight section and click or otherwise activate the vtg.

xdotool type \'text2xpm "icon-image" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/(name).xpm\'
xdotool type "
echo $\'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
\' > /nwp/keys/(name).desktop
' > /nwp/txd
chmod 755 /nwp/txd

cp -f /nwp/k /root/my-applications/bin/k
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/k

the following fixes a problem with the t2x2 script:

Code: Select all

echo $'
#print out code that will generate (through vtg or terminal) an icon. they\'re small but expand to the fit the rox panels, or gain the same target area as the panel\'s largest icon. on the pinboards, the icon-target remains tiny. requires text2xpm:
#print out a desktop template file for the icon you just made. send through a terminal or highlight section and click or otherwise activate the vtg.

xdotool type \'text2xpm "icon-image" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/(name).xpm\'
xdotool type "
echo $\'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
\' > /nwp/keys/(name).desktop
' > /nwp/txd
chmod 755 /nwp/txd
(it's part of the above but it's also a bug fix if you're not interested in running the rest of the code.)

the next script explains how to set up desktop icons and does so for a few /nwp functions (a bunch of stuff is commented out, but i figure it could serve as ready made templates for what ever seems a useful fit):

Code: Select all

#to quickly generate desktop files from/for nwp call codes and other
mkdir -p  /nwp/keys/icons-{sup,pyg,tl,td,wp-hc,wp-pp}
cp -fRu ./ptext2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/ptext2xpm
cp -fRu ./text2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/text2xpm
cp -fRu ./blktext2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/blktext2xpm
cp -fRu ./wtxt2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/wtxt2xpm
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/ptext2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/text2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/wtxt2xpm /root/my-applications/bin/blktext2xpm
#commented out template on the chance you'd like to batch produce some icons. see comments at the end of script for more.
#~ ptext2xpm "UU" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0puu1p.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm ">_" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0pscrp.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm " _  ">/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0pem21p.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "PgBk" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0pbk1p.xpm     
#~ ptext2xpm "lu" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0plu1p.xpm  
#~ ptext2xpm "1st" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0p1st1p.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "last" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0plast1p.xpm     
#~ ptext2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0pps2p.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "VTG" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0vtgp.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "PW,N" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0pwnp.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "AEM" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/0aemp.xpm 
#~ text2xpm "UU" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3puu1p.xpm   
#~ text2xpm ">_" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3pscrp.xpm   
#~ text2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3pps2p.xpm   
#~ text2xpm " _  ">/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3pem21p.xpm   
#~ text2xpm "PgBk" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3pbk1p.xpm     
#~ text2xpm "lu" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3plu1p.xpm  
#~ text2xpm "1st" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3p1st1p.xpm   
#~ text2xpm "last" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3plast1p.xpm     
#~ text2xpm "VTG" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3vtgp.xpm   
#~ text2xpm "PW,N" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3pwnp.xpm   
#~ text2xpm "AEM" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/3aemp.xpm  
#~ wtxt2xpm "UU" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2puu1p.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm ">_" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2pscrp.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2pps2p.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm " _  ">/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2pem21p.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm "PgBk" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2pbk1p.xpm     
#~ wtxt2xpm "lu" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2plu1p.xpm  
#~ wtxt2xpm "1st" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2p1st1p.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm "last" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2plast1p.xpm     
#~ wtxt2xpm "VTG" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2vtgp.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm "PW,N" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/2pwnp.xpm   
#~ wtxt2xpm "AEM" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/aem.xpm 
#~ blktext2xpm "UU" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1puu1p.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm ">_" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pscrp.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pps2p.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm " _  ">/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pem21p.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm "PgBk" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pbk1p.xpm     
#~ blktext2xpm "lu" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1plu1p.xpm  
#~ blktext2xpm "1st" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1p1st1p.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm "last" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1plast1p.xpm     
#~ blktext2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pps2p.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm "VTG" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1vtgp.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm "PW,N" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pwnp.xpm   
#~ blktext2xpm "AEM" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/aem.xpm 

#~ ptext2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pps2p.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "VTG" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1vtgp.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "PW,N" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1pwnp.xpm   
#~ ptext2xpm "AEM" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/aem.xpm 
#~ ptext2xpm "(/)k" >/nwp/keys/icons-sup/1k.xpm

#(enter "txd" in main launcher (or use the files in the wrapper/installation folder); example is making a desktop file for the main aem menu, the k launcher, the main pw,n launcher, the vtg and the ae menu that pops up all the pw,n launchers). highlight and middle click to make the needed copies of the desktop template, then fill in the call codes, icon paths, and pick a name for the desktop file (your pop up will give you "icon-image" for the text-picture selection, (name).xpm for the largely filed out icon path, and /nwp/keys/k as the executable path--i figure it's easier to delete the last two sections to execute from nwp than type them to launch from /keys/k. since i built the icon code from the text above, i can delete the template for a new text2xpm icon:
ptext2xpm "(/)" >/nwp/keys/icons/1pps2p.xpm   
ptext2xpm "VTG" >/nwp/keys/icons/1vtgp.xpm   
ptext2xpm "PW,N" >/nwp/keys/icons/1pwnp.xpm   
ptext2xpm "AEM" >/nwp/keys/icons/aem.xpm 
ptext2xpm "(/)k" >/nwp/keys/icons/1k.xpm
#the easiest way to swap icons once sets are already assigned to desktop files is probably to rename the folder that feeds them, then generate or rename a folder containing the other set to the original name.
#this example uses a folder that's empty in 1.3 but full in 1.2--it wasn't a good choice, example or not.
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
' > /nwp/keys/vtg.desktop

echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
' > /nwp/keys/pw,n-all.desktop

echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
' > /nwp/keys/ae.desktop

echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
' > /nwp/keys/k.desktop
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=virtual keys
Comment=scripts, keys, macros, masks
GenericName=anuupuus keys
' > /nwp/keys/p.desktop
i didn't include txt2xpm in the previous update, but you can grab copies here:

text2xpm (set as dark purple characters on a transparent background): ... sp=sharing
ptxt2xpm (yellow-green on purple): ... sp=sharing
wtxt2xpm (white on transparent): ... sp=sharing
blktxt2xpm (black on transparent): ... sp=sharing

the script with the commented out icons is a smaller version of what i used to generate all the icons and desktop files in the previous update. you can see them here.

copy the txt2xpm versions to /root/my-applications/bin, set the permissions, and the code above will generate some icons and desktop files. alter the txt2 scripts to alter the generated icons and rerunning them or dumping sections from them into the terminal will change the appearance of your desktop files as quickly as renaming the generated folders (change the paths to folder you can swap in) does.

the 24k in the name of the update script's a bit of a warning: the files are small, but the new update alone contains over 24000 files (it's quick despite this, but navigation for configuration purposes is best left to the launchers. small icons for script and xpm defaults help considerably from what i've seen, though after a huge folder has been loaded, subsequent visits show little if any lag. initially annoying and still better left unexperienced.) :( :P

here are the build scripts (minus the install and new icon management help file/script) as a compressed folder: bldscr-nwp-1.3.tar.xz

icon hop up kit

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2016, 09:59
by Puppus Dogfellow
from Re: folder load speed improvements, aesthetics, iconification,
versioning, labeling and file differentiation: some uses for a very large pack of very small icons.

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:a_very_large_pack_of_very_small_icons.tar.xz


here's the included readme:
folder load speed improvements, aesthetics, iconification, versioning, labeling and file differentiation: some uses for a very large pack of very small icons.

to assign an icon to any script, file, folder, or file type, right click in rox and choose "set icon" then drag your choice into the box that pops up. each file type included has about forty or so icons you can use to tell one apart from the other at a quick glance, or to keep a color coded chronology, or, since they're so small (all are under a kilobyte and most are closer to half that), speed up file load times by making things easier for your machine.


the funpack folder contains a batch of renamed versions of technosaurus's text2xpm script--they're copies of what the scripts in the build script folder used to make the icons. just place them in /root/my-applications/bin and set the permissions. use either Gcolorsel (gcolor2 in a terminal) or geany's built-in color chooser to edit the bits of the script that change the actual colors you pick (a search (without the regular expressions box ticked) for "${bg1" will take you to the part of the file where you enter the six letter foreground and background color codes. pick a color, highlight and middle click your choice into the correct spot, replacing the one that's there. to change what gets produced, check out the other scripts in the build folder and replace whatever's in between the quotation marks--the space in between them is the icon you generate and your changes to the scripts are the colors you choose (some templates are set for 37 versions of one icon, some are set for one set of many icons. some of the alternate mime types or labels (depending on preference and plans and how you look at the whole mess--it's now grown to 6200 icons or so) are entirely text dependent, and so have both upper case and lower case versions of the various color schemes, plus quite a few have micro alternatives (which were actually made first, but i find are better suited for the desktop than folders due to things like the little green ball that shows a drive is mounted or the thing that identifies a network drive obscuring the identifying bit of text of, for example, something like the !x icon (xpm--the exclamation point is supposed to look like a paintbrush, i guess. html and xml have >< surrounding their call letter to identify them, and all the text file types (odt, doc, docx, pdf, mono, serif, and sans nwp template files, etc) were given close brackets in an attempt to approximate a page image or book cover (and stretched out, they form a version of some directory replacement icons).

pics and/or a readme that shows the colors forthcoming, but you can pretty much tell what you'll get because the majority of the icons show their specific text2xpm ancestry in the letters that make up their names. (lo is blue orange since b for black had been taken, but most are more clear than that. kw and wk for black and white is another that may need an explanation--black on white, white on black--orca colors. there's a white on transparent, a black on transparent, orange and blue, green and blue, green and white, --sine they're small and the text on them even smaller, i've made an attempt to make at least some of them somewhat high-contrast.


the aemenu icons folder has sets for just about all the ae pop up menus--just find the file in /nwp, set the icon with your choice, and drag to a desktop or a panel. rename a copy if you want more than one version on your desktop in more than one color (perhaps to match different wallpapers on different screens or desktops).

--puppus dogfellow, 4/9/16
100k folder contains:

the icon folder itself contains:

0-9 are just alternative root menu icons, mime alt contains just about all the file types i could think of as possibly piling up (plus whatever happened to be part of a batch done at once--i looked up "media files" to get a list to copy and added whatever microsoft file types i could remember; i believe these got separated into subfolders apart from the majority you'll find in -alt). mimes-wp is mostly text-type documents, "no text" has arrows, blank rectangles and squares, sets of parentheses pointing both ways, inverted and standard braces and brackets, adorned (colons, ellipses, etc) rectangles and squares--i think there are 6,199 icons in all, but half the main folder's size comes from the build script folder (you can make 37 versions of an image-icon/set of image icons of your choice at a clip to make up for whatever you feel is missing).

because the /nwp folder contains so many tiny scriptlets, i recommend first setting the mime type for script with one of the 347 byte icons in the script-console-example(30) folder--it will speed up folder load time considerably and give you a quick overview of how the icon generating scripts are set up (so you can quickly zoom in on which ones you'd first like to modify).
here's an unembedded link to the compressed folder:

and here's the original text2xpm thread again: ... 822#561822

bugfix for the function keys in the 1060 key pack

Posted: Mon 25 Apr 2016, 23:20
by Puppus Dogfellow
some of the function keys from the 1060 virtual keypad upgrade pack are a number off. the following script will fix it by overwriting the mistakes (and the ones that are okay. 35k): nwp-functionkeyfix

nwp updated to 1.5

Posted: Fri 20 May 2016, 02:24
by Puppus Dogfellow
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:from ... 726#903726 and ... 726#903726 (the large jwm thread).
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:nwp-1.5.tar.xz

screeny of aei (aei in the keyboard plus spacebar launcher) install/port/config menu (can't use the jwm version to swap to somewhere functional if one of your configs (temporarily) breaks it):


screeny of earlier jwm version (root one menu and clickable install versions shown):
[Re: NWP_1.5 adds toggleable trays, expanded keyboard and menu
Subject description: options, 30 or so quick switches (some are unmenued clicks...)... ]

Re: updated nwp: programs' commands on jwm menus, tweaked menus
install method for newest slacko included in notes
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:nwp-1.4.tar.xz

new support folder

three clicks or so gives you the nine menus, reversal and uninstall methods provided. new window buttons due to a semi-bug in Xenialpup--this is now a feature (swap in any images you like in place of the buttons that are there).

also includes the 1060 virtual key keyboard and the 669 key version (separate launchers, though the keys overlap (largely irrelevant unless mapped to global functions--programs don't care what you name the keys)).

anyway, on a buggy installation (really running great apart from the random freezes so glad to have this in and done before the next one) so screen shots and the how-to for the newest Slacko (can't use nwp-jwm as is though there are notes in the support folder and the download's installation folder) to come.

larger (2.3mb) than previous versions because it contains some recommended programs and an enormous amount of icons.

download includes 5 install versions for both old and new jwm syntax and copies of the files i was able to mod on my Slacko64 install. there are four blanks (actually redundancies) for future installations--these are for your versions of what the third step in the configuration folder is transferring (tweaked jwmrc-personal and _root_.jwmrc files).




edit: added a couple of screenies. top is from Slacko64, bottom is from Xenialpup. installation folder and download/install wrapper shown in second pic, which also shows one of the sets of new root menu icons and the top and side trays (some installation options rid you of these). Slacko gif shows program menus on the jwm menu and aemenu popup (called from a jwm shortcut--shift plus spacebar).

the idea of the word processor being able to remaster fresh installations is almost to fruition. the xenialpup i'm currently running feels more or less indistinct from the 572.13 or so it replaces, and it took less time to port the changes than it would have to first remaster, then do the initial set up--most of it done before the first few pets install.

the main changes are the quickswitches now work and you can toggle your menus, trays, and keycuts. back up your current nwp if you've made changes to root3, c, or individual menus and scripts. i need to check the thread over to see if it's the one into which i went into the details of the four main keys files (in another form), but in addition to swapping in the giant key banks, you could also swap in menu configurations fairly easily. install/port/config menu itself is configurable.

step two will overwrite your geany keyconfig file to match the built in ae and jwm menus shown and swap in the mime and versioning icons (also all the aemenu icons except for gg (geany copy serves as the template for the editable others--it's not strictly necessary to keep track of what keys you use on a per program basis since only one window's active at a given time) and aei (i think. i probably should've used the cheat sheet as the template for the ae-icon making script). speaking of the icons--all the packs (and scripts that made them) are included, but most are in compressed folders and none are set to overwrite what you may have added/modded.

see keys0 and keys1 (key config files for jwm that exist as multiple copies in the folders of nwp/root3--i may have gone overboard with the comments) as well as "elp" in the launcher for help.

the notes file in the main download folder and the one in the install two folder may also serve as reference--toggle interfaces for specific word processing tasks.


some updates included the recs folder from some pages ago

Posted: Wed 25 May 2016, 06:36
by Puppus Dogfellow
from ... 394#905394
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:(remaster project--51mb)nwp-1.7-ur.tar.xz
nwp-1.6.1.tar.xz (2.3mb)
nwp-1.7.tar.xz (1.5mb)

from "1.7 is without the recs folder,":

but it's expanded in 17ur, which aims to also be a convenient method of remastering a puppy and or taking your with you to a newer (or merely different) environment. tested in various ways in slacko (do not use or use the included workarounds), quirky, unicorn, precise, and xenial. 17-ur is the last in the series that will include so many optional pets (unless the thing is released as an insta-remaster or somesuch), or probably any pets beyond the dependencies. that large -ur folder in /nwp/c is the only difference between 1.7 and 1.7-ur. 1.6.1 fixes a omission--a few files were supposed to have been overwritten with newer copies and weren't, and allows MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher to work (comment in file was in wrong place--switch to fix manually in both nwp and app-bin). my4 and my3 are now set to tray sets other than those in /nwp/root3/9 (3 gets those in /9menusblanks and my4 gets the ones in /10.)

puppus dogfellow, may 25, 2016.


here's some info on 1.6: ... 120#905120

(swappable keysets and other improvements).

install/remaster folder has four scripts--one for remastering xenial as p7, one for recreating p6 (really p6.2 or around there), and one for recreating the precise spins. the fourth is more heavily commented and was original made to do the whole remaster from the vtg, but it became copies and the other scripts i mentioned.

you could alter the install scripts to aid with a woofy remaster (other than focuswriter, everything in the large pet is already in this spins--that version is if you want to take this stuff (and your own customizations) with you to other installations.


here's the "uncompressed_remaster-vtg" script:

Code: Select all

#you could launch and alter the script (add, comment out, change locations, etc) piecemeal and in real time through the vtg. you could also get sloppy with the comments since it need not be a functioning script--i suppose i could add the remove abiword code to this, or just have the remove-built-ins open for while the pets are installing: remove_builtin (code would be petget -(name of installed pet) for pets you install, not sure for built ins...
#uncomment last five lines to set as xenial unto p7 i.e. full nwp and most of the program that made p6 and the approximately series of precise spins for new jwm syntax.
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/install-recoll 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/libc-ares2_1.10.0-2_i386.deb 
petget ./xenial/libicu48_4.8.1.1-3ubuntu0.1_i386.deb 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/megasync-xUbuntu_12.04_i386.deb 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/ 
petget ./xenial/
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/
ln -s /usr/share/spacefm /usr/local/share/spacefm
petget ./xenial/
#move the spacefm directory in /usr/share to /usr/local/share in order to be able to set preferences.
#rox /usr/share /usr/local/share
#thanks to ASRI (the pets) and cimarron (the fix).
#petget ./unicorn/
#petget ./precise/
#petget ./precise/
#petget ./precise/ 
#petget ./precise/ 
#petget ./precise/ 
#petget ./precise/ 
#petget ./precise/
#late additions to the folder
#this is like woofy live in some respects
petget ./xenial/
petget ./xenial/youtube-dl 
petget ./xenial/

#add sleep commands if you want to slow things down and get involved--or try to. your machine may benefit from the breather--one of the things that gets honed (and/or personalized) with subsequent versions.

#/nwp/c/00install-recs-a #expanded and now this (though the original's still in that folder).
#/nwp/c/3--full nwp, older jwm

#do the rest of the install from here:
#cp -fRu ./nwp /
#/nwp/c/3--full nwp, newer jwm 
(if you're going to do the install from that script i.e. in the vtg (rather than merely running it, which in its present form would require some commenting out so you'd have to open it in an editor regardless), you should move the move /update nwp line to the beginning so the script can stay out of its own way or because it's the most time consuming part.)

the other remaster scripts are similar. the folder for 64 bit quirky is empty, but this was successful on that although with fewer pets in common (which stand to reason but may not be true--i used the recoll package and quite a few 32 bit pets on it...anyway, i'm sticking with this old, small recoll as a fail safe--newer ones don't always install and truth be told, i'm happy with it as is.

here are install parts one and two (just like a regular install of the nwp, remastering with it would start with moving it, then adding the deps for it, etc. here's the etc):

step one script:

Code: Select all

#make backup of original jwm configs
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/userjwm
cp -fRu /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjp
cp -fRu /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjc
echo $'
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/userjwm/oldjp /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/userjwm/oldjc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
' >  /root/my-applications/bin/reverse_installj
echo $'
cp -fRu /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjp
cp -fRu /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjc
' >  /root/my-applications/bin/backupj
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/reverse_installj
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/backupj
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bin/reverse_install /nwp/.reversej
chmod 755 /nwp/.reversej
#earlier version does the same thing but gives an additional backup in /nwp/c. you could use it to back up an off-nwp config (or just keep it as a duplicate).
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/userjwm
cp -fRu /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjp
cp -fRu /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /root/my-applications/userjwm//oldjc
echo $'
cp -f /root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjp /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
cp -f/root/my-applications/userjwm/oldjc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
' >  /root/my-applications/bin/reverse_install-nwp1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/reverse_install-nwp1
mkdir -p /nwp/c/userjwm
cp -fRu /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal /nwp/c/userjwm/oldjp
cp -fRu /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc /nwp/c/userjwm/oldjc
echo $'
cp -f /nwp/c/userjwm/oldjp /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
cp -f/nwp/c/userjwm/oldjc /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
jwm -restart
' >  /nwp/c/userjwm/reverse_install
chmod 755 /nwp/c/userjwm/reverse_install-nwp1
#copy in some files (mostly to /root/my-applications/bin)
cp -fRu /nwp/5ce /root/my-applications/bin/5ce
cp -fRu /nwp/3c /root/my-applications/bin/3c
cp -fRu /nwp/5c /root/my-applications/bin/5c
chmod 755  /nwp/5ce /root/my-applications/bin/5ce
chmod 755  /nwp/3c /root/my-applications/bin/3c
chmod 755  /nwp/5c /root/my-applications/bin/5c
cp -fRu /nwp/mc/mcc /root/my-applications/bin/mcc
cp -fRu /nwp/tasnwp /root/my-applications/bin/tas
cp -fRu /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
cp -fRu /nwp/fnr /root/my-applications/bin/f
cp -fRu /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
cp -fRu /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
cp -fRu /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
cp -fRu /nwp/w11 /root/my-applications/bin/w11
cp -fRu /nwp/k /root/my-applications/bin/k
cp -fRu /nwp/caw /root/my-applications/bin/caw
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/w11
chmod 755 /nwp/ww /root/my-applications/bin/ww
chmod 755 /nwp/f /nwp/fnr /nwp/tasnwp /root/my-applications/bin/f
chmod 755 /nwp/t /root/my-applications/bin/t
chmod 755 /nwp/p /root/my-applications/bin/p
chmod 755 /nwp/rr /root/my-applications/bin/rr
chmod 755 /nwp/ch /nwp/p /nwp/ll /nwp/gl /nwp/chab /nwp/rl
chmod 755 /nwp/caw /root/my-applications/bin/caw
chmod 755 /nwp/tas /root/my-applications/bin/tas  /root/my-applications/bin/mcc
chmod 755 /nwp/mc/mcc/*
#move some apps i may potentially want to run at startup in a startup subfolder (toggle on and off by moving in and out of subfolder) 
cp -fRu /nwp/c/rec/quar /root/Startup/quar
#change the paths in this file and step one to use this scripts for a woofy-style remaster.
step two script:

Code: Select all

cp -fRu /root/.config/ /root/.config/
#add templates, themes, bookmarks, panels, rox menus, etc by setting up the copy commands in this file.
cp -fRu /root/.config/ /root/.config/
cp -fRu /root/.gtkrc.mine /root/.gtkrc.mine-orig
cp -fRu /root/.config/ /root/.config/
cp -fRu /nwp/c/2/menus2 /root/.config/
cp -fRu /nwp/c/p6-p7_install1/p7/jthemes/grprgrn2/* /root/.jwm/themes
mkdir -p /root/.icons/rox-toolbar/
cp -fRu /nwp/icons/1rx1 /root/.icons/rox-toolbar/1rx1
cp -fRu /nwp/c/2/0.gtkrc.mine /root/.gtkrc.mine
cp -fRu /nwp/keys/icons/MIME-icons/* /root/.config/
cp -fRu /nwp/c/rec/1/Flat-grey-rounded /usr/share/themes/Flat-grey-rounded
cp -fRu /nwp/c/p6-p7_install1/p7/gthemes/gtkp61 /usr/share/themes/
cp -fRu /nwp/templates/* /root/.config/
/nwp/mbm #get bookmarks on menus (by MochiMoppel)
/nwp/roxicon #slightly modified iconswitcher script--it should allow you set letter key shortcuts (right click functions, largely) in rox.
cp -fRu /root/.config/geany/keybindings.conf /root/.config/geany/keybindings.conf-old
cp -fRu ./nwp/c/geany/keybindings.conf /root/.config/geany/keybindings.conf
#it may be advisable to close geany before running this (untested. should be the same as manual or gui editing the file, but untested).
#swap in your existing for the next time:
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/Bookmarks.xml /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/globicons /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/Groups.xml /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/menus2 /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/Options /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/panels /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/pan_lef1t /root/.config/
#~ cp -fRu /nwp/c/1/pan_to1p /root/.config/
#allows you to do just that by giving you a popup with pull down menus. could be moved to the install-pets part of the uncompressed remaster.

#~ cp -fRu /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/Bookmarks.xml
#~ cp -fRu /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/globicons
#~ cp -fRu  /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/Groups.xml
#~ cp -fRu  /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/menus2
#~ cp -fRu /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/Options
#~ cp -fRu  /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/panels
#~ cp -fRu /root/.config/ /nwp/c/1/pan_lef1t
#~ cp -fRu  /root/.config/  /nwp/c/1/pan_to1p
#~ remove_builtin

#didn't copy over the libreoffice or geany config files (for some of the items on the geany jwm and aemenus to work you'll need to install some plugins--the keyconfig swap will take care of matching up the default geany submenu (up and down (four and five) mouse buttons, alt four and five, gg or ggv (alt version for use as a template to get other program's oft-used commands in some convenient places) in the launcher, but the code to bring over (store your custom copies in the directories the code makes or change both that and the store section) your main geany and libreoffice configs is:
#mkdir -p /nwp/c/lo/user 
#mkdir -p /root/.config/libreoffice/4/user #(in case you do this before you actually install libreoffice on the new machine)
#cp -fR /nwp/c/lo/user /root/.config/libreoffice/4/user
#you would need to have copied yours over to that location first. similarly, with geany:
#mkdir -p /nwp/c/geany
#backup original geany:
#cp -f /root/.config/geany/geany.conf/root/.config/geany/geany.conf-old
#cp -f /nwp/c/geany/geany.conf /root/.config/geany/geany.conf
step three finalizes your nwp config choices and restarts jwm/fixes the menus to read the correct syntax (old or new).

updated to 1.9. more configuration options, instant access

Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2016, 01:37
by Puppus Dogfellow
made some improvements to the configuration options (especially if you like the idea of nine menus but want to leave the interface pretty much as is) and updated the quick links. next update gets better documentation and maybe released as a desktop environment.

files in the main c (configuration, installation, store your stuff to be ported) folder:
nwp/c/00install-recs-a #at present does nothing
nwp/c/3--full nwp
nwp/c/3-no bottom tray
nwp/c/3--no left or bottom trays
nwp/c/3--no left or top tray
nwp/c/3--no left, pup bot
nwp/c/3-no left tray
nwp/c/3--no top, puppy bottom tray
nwp/c/3--no top tray
nwp/c/3--pup plus nwp top and left
nwp/c/3--trad pup bot
nwp/c/reverse jwm config swap (reverse step 3)
nwp/c/reverse step2

files in the quick start folder (no jwm involvement though you could do that later through the mae menu):
main launcher and some menus(txt)
p (main launcher--give it a keyboard shortcut)


here's the updated list:
(from: ... 267#906267 )

nwp updated to 1.9 -- many configuration switch improvements
plus here's the most up to date launcher cut list


launcher quickcuts link (that and this will be the ones i update--regrettably there are probably at least four others around that are not as accurate and likely never will be).

quick codes for the shift plus space bar (you can change it) launcher:
The ever-evolving list of launcher shortcuts (nwp installation sets the shortcut for the launcher itself as spacebar plus shift, but if you don't have jwm, you'll have to do it manually through whatever method you find convenient. The shortcut is used heavily if at all, i guess, and so my recommendation tries to make it fluid, simple, and quick). An almost complete (as of June 2016) list of shortcuts (interrupted by a list of fixes in the upcoming 1.9.1: geany and geany new instance were backwards on the root one menu; the mae aemenu (installation, port-store-backup, menumaker, shutdown+, and jwm config options submenus, etc) was never added to the nwp folder itself--the mae shortcut won't work until it's copied over (though you can activate it from the installation/download folder); trayfix old and new have been given more prominent placement on mae and its jwm equivalent; megasync's a builtin; ocr thanks to rcrsn51; …[one of the two upgrades in the works is in lieu of two isos. it upgrades p6.0 to what would have been p6.1 and makes ~572.15 out of -.14; other upgrade has no add-in pets. set for old syntax this time. fresh installs are generally quicker than upgrades so rename your old nwp if you're upgrading. once the folder turns to anubis (about 15 seconds on my slower machine) you can call from nwp rather than the install folder and/or complete the installation. pets run fixmenus and jwm -restart automatically so the update pack is just a click and a bunch of okaying (alt plus o or more clicking).....]):

bb -- spit out bold tags
bb2 -- span tags for bold fonts or other, non default font choices (bold tags don't appear to work though the nwp's underlining and italics tags show the expected results). default is for monospace, same as po1, po2, po4 (the latter two are templates, po1 is an xdotool "spit this code" script/a backup of the main (monospace) template).
book -- older version of one of the tocs/tics--customize if you like
bpo -- open the default template files in a browser so you can see the line spacing, highlighting, etc. use gpo to edit what the command calls and what browser gets opened
bq -- block quote tags
f - findnrun
gpo -- open the browser, leafpad, and geany configuration files for the nwp word processor plus the default default templates in geany.# geany /nwp/po1 /nwp/po2 /nwp/po3 /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/gpo /nwp/lpo /nwp/bpo /nwp/bb2
h1-h6 -- print out tags for headings 1-6
her -- open the hr template in geany
herl -- open the hr template in leafpad
hero -- open the hr template in geany
hr -- print out hr tags
hr0 -- open the hr template in geany
hr0l -- open the hr template in leafpad
hr1 -- spit out hr doc template
hrl -- <hr> tag, 35%, grey left side
hrr -- <hr> tag, 10%, grey right side
hrt -- template for autopage breaks with hr tag. called by other scripts.
ii -- italics tags
link -- external form of the toc tags
lp -- launch leafpad
lpo -- leafpad /nwp/po2| leafpad /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5| leafpad /nwp/po6| leafpad /nwp/lpo (open the wp template files in leafpad; open the file that determines what leafpad opens
mono -- open monospace template with geany
mono1 -- spit out monospace doc template
monol -- open monospace template with leafpad
monot -- monospace template
np02 -- pu(/)up launcher (configured to begin with a highlighted /nwp/)
p -- pu(/)up launcher configured to start at the end of /nwp/
pb -- <par style="page-break-after: always"></par>
pba -- <par style="page-break-before: always"></par> (a=above)
po -- open po2
po1 -- print out an improved version of the preotry template
po2 -- (template--po1 without the mini-wait--use Clone (under Documents menu) or SaveAs to preserve the file)
po3 -- geany /nwp/po4 /nwp/po5 /nwp/po6 /nwp/po2
po4 -- template as 14 pt monospace
po5 -- template as 14 pt sans
po6 -- template as 14 pt serif
pr -- print out paragraph tags
prc -- print out paragraph centered tags
prj -- print out paragraph justified tags
prl -- print out paragraph left tags
prr -- print out paragraph right tags
q -- cite tags
san1 -- spit out sans serif doc template
sans -- open sans template with geany
sansl -- open sans template with leafpad
sanst -- sans serif doc template
ser1 -- spit out serif doc template
serf -- open serf template with geany
serfl -- open serf template with leafpad
sert -- serif doc template
sub -- subscript tags
sup -- superscript tags
t -- launch terminal of your choice (delete/comment sakura and uncomment or add your choice)
toc and tic paste bookmark/hyperlink codes. good for tables of contents, master documents, etc. on the editing side, you can make bookmarks in geany with ctrl+m, which will also toggle it off. ctrl plus comma is previous bookmark, control plus period is next bookmark. the plugin for numbered bookmarks makes a list on the side panel (unless that's default and i can't just can't figure out how to work/access the plug in version):
tic -- tic same page template and anchor --new tab
tic1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- same tab
tic2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- same tab
toc -- toc same page template and anchor, same tab (general bookmarks). look up your text editor's method for bookmarking for the edit text (also non formatted) view.
toc1 -- external page or same or external file, no anchor -- new tab
toc2 -- external page or same or external file with anchor -- new tab
to open files in geany at specific location, append :line#:column# to the file, i.e. geany /nwp/docs/file1:50:14
ul -- underline
v -- activate vtg
xp -- launch xpad/new xpad
terminal nwp/pwn/pax shortcuts:
s# send active window to desktop#
s#s send next clicked window to desktop#
d# go to desktop#
c plus a single letter is normally a close command--cr, close rox; cu, close urxvt terminals; ct, close rxvt Terminal.
pp# --change pinboard
p# --change/toggle four panel set frame (can be altered down to one)
my# --swap out custom jwm configurations
gea3 --edit custom jwm configurations
la, lb, lm ---layer above, below, middle/normal for active window
las,lbs, lms ---layer above, below, middle/normal for selected window
stk, ustk --stick unstick active (add an s for the click to select version)
pv2--partview and rox /mnt
rr --rox recently visited
rb1 --four (iirc) rungs down on the rox bookmarks menu
rup --three rungs up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks menu (this and rr may need to be adjusted depending on how your rox filer is set up)
pcp --access pup control
fnr --find and run (same as f--fnr is it's traditional short.)
hlx -- htop in an urvxt window and lx task ...
ppm is a built in for package manager (will work in nwp launcher or terminal)
x#-- move to # on x-axis (increments of 5)
y# --move to # on y-axis (increments of 5)
h# --height (increments of 5)
w# --width (increments of 5)
rs --resize
t --terminal (set for my-applications/bin, so launchable from terminal or np/nwp/pxc launcher)
f --findandrun (also set for my-apps/bin)
np --nwpus launcher2 (no sweep right--prehighlighted entry)
sd --speeddials
sdr --speed dials recent list only
gnysys --open a slew of config files in geany
3but -- speed dials and a version of winswitcher
ww -- winswitcher (also ctrl plus spacebar).
galc -- galculator
nc-- notecase
gd -- goldendict
jv -- make java sfs and take you there (thanks, uten. (still there but superseded by rerwin's packages (two installed if you use the -ur version of the nwp))).
##5c -- now the command to make 5 copies of a file by command line.
5ce -- generate drag and drop file in your current working directory and another set to make editing it easier (set for 5 copies with the bulk-renameable extension X(followed by the number of copies). this is an improvement, i think, but you may prefer
mcc -- Make_Concurrent_Copies, which open a directory set for sets of three and five for a fairly wide variety of file types
##5cd -- [obs.]
7c -- print out the command for changing permissions of a script to executable (kind of lazy--chmod 755 isn't that involved...).(sorta made obsolete by the ch launchers (still arguably useful for vtg use)).
1 -- single monitor menu
2 -- double monitor menu
g -- grid menu
x -- x axis menu
y -- y axis menu
w -- width menu
h -- height menu
mv -- move
wn -- windows menu
mn -- minimize
mx -- maximize window
o -- old windows manipulation menu
s -- new version of supplemental menus
n -- the original nwpus menu
n1 -- the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from n3
n2 -- just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section
n3 -- the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu.
slac -- search all databases
sloc -- search selected database with option to print results #sometimes problematic
sluc --update all slocate databases/create databases (thanks to musher0 for the slocate wrapper and the three scripts i've renamed here)
ww - winswitcher
sv -- make a folder a server. open a terminal and sv in the pax launcher (nwp launcher, etc) will print out "python -m SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload"--open a browser in the client computer and input the ipnet address (run ifconfig in a terminal) with :8000 appended to it (i.e. this will allow you to upload and download files to the directory you ran the sv command (i.e. shift+spacebar (which pops up the modified pexec launcher showing /nwp/ in the entry box) then sv then enter) in.
by rcrsn51. thread here: ... 132#415132 (unnecessary now that it has a gui)
fw -- toggle firewall on off (actually give a pop up that provides the function. requires the pet by tronkel you can find at ... 9ea478cf1f). rcrsn51's SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload won't run with the firewall in place and this is a convenient way to temporarily disable it.
-3--------------------------- 6
1 2----------------------- 8 9
-4 ----------------------------7
b5=full screen left, b10=full screen right. b series is halves and wholes.
1 2--------------6 7
3 4--------------8 9
a# series is quadrants...
sk - sakura (also t in nwp/pwn/pax or any terminal for most of them (some may be set to urxvt or rxvt--they all have sakura though)
rn - gfnrename (batchrenamer)
hlx - htop (through urxvt) and lxtask
bh - adds bold tags around a selection of text in any text editor
uh - adds underline tags around a selection of text in any text editor
sth - add strikethrough tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
ih - add italics tags around a selection of text in any editor or window that can receive text input
bb - print out bold tags
cmt - print out comment (<!-- -->) tags
ii - print out italics tags
st - print out strikethrough tags
ul - print out underline tags
#wm -- go to one of the giant menu submenu menus (presently set for root 0 menu--requires jwm and the root3 folder in /nwp)--[Obs.]
some changes to the templates...
a much better way to launch and batch launch files (you'll get a a dual view without having to to click the file more than once. for print preview of the pdf form of this essentially txt/html word processing document (though you can embed and link what you like , it seems), you'll need to access to your choice of browser/htmlviewer's print preview button. to change the headers and footers, you'll need to use your browser's print > options menu.
dual launchers (text editor and browser) for the Nooby Word Processor/nwp:
ggc -- geany, chrome
gigc -- geany new instance, chrome
gio -- geany new instance, opera
lgc -- leafpad, chromium
gif -- geany new instance, firefox
def -- default text editor, default browser
gf -- geany, firefox
tef -- default text editor, firefox
lff -- leafpad, firefox
gb -- geany, default browser
gib -- geany new instance, default browser
leb -- leafpad, default browser
leafy -- leafpad, seamonkey
dlll -- leafpad, dillo
ged -- geany, dillo
ges -- geany, seamonkey
lop -- leafpad, opera
gep -- geany, palemoon
gc -- geany, chromium
gip -- geany new instance, palemoon
gic -- geany new instance, chromium
lep -- leafpad, palemoon
gid -- geany new instance, dillo
lec -- leafpad, chromium
gis -- geany new instance, seamonkey
more shortcuts now available to the Nooby Uber Utility Pack
sda[1-6]-sdd[1-6] -- open those partitions
the following will open in rox if entered in the pw,n launcher: mnt, home, mdoc (opens root/my-documents), apps (opens usr/share/applications), jwm (/root/.jwm), bin, jxdg(etc/xdg/templates), conf (/root/.configure), mybin (/root/my-applications/bin), etc, tmp, and pack (/nwp).
at, at[1-10] are autotext scripts. atx is the template, ate will open the 11 in geany for you to edit/rename. single monitor setups now have similar nwp shortcuts as doubles:
q series is quarter sized up to five (which is configurable and centrally placed);
q6 and q7 set the active window to left and right halves of the screen respectively
q8 and q9 are top and bottom. q10 is full/maximized (as is mx).
q1 q2 q8
q5 q6 q7
q3 q4 q9
some deps, recs, and links:
pcp requires puppy control panel:
tas requires take a shot:
f requires find and run: ... 5582835582
xpc and xpb require xpad
[tas and find and run are now built ins-for original tas icon install the pet. some alternate icons in nwp/icons, nwp/keys, and nwp/root3/icons]
some other included shortcuts:
xpc -- xpad clear
xpb -- xpad back up
[these have been neglected because i mostly use "lpx" in place of xpad and sync the notes folder to my dropbox account--been meaning to switch copy out for rsync (but i still haven't read up on rsync beyond tales of its superiority]
cnt -- spit out the code in those echo sections from the script above that allows you to create files with predetermined content (cnt--content)
c- -- a comment line that looks like this: #------------------
tas -- SFR's take a shot
pcp -- radky's puppy control panel
ww -- MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher
v -- vtg
(another batch from recent update:)
roks -- open k1-10 in geany for editing (they're rox bookmark files, but will open regular files with default handler in addition to directories with rox)
geak - open all the word processor templates in geany
duals -- open a folder containing a group of dual launchers (text editors and browsers) for use with the nooby word processor
paw -- page break above, white text
pbw -- page break below, white text
l- open launcher customized for leafpad
r- open launcher customized for rox
g- open launcher customized for geany
another batch from recent update:
rad -- rox, starting level is /root/my-documents
rab -- rox, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
gad -- geany, starting level is /root/my-documents
gab -- geany, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
lad -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-documents
lab -- leafpad, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
chab -- chmod 755 (allow script to run) prefix, starting level is /root/my-applications/bin
atdesk --make a desktop template
jp -- open jwmrc-personal with geany
(a new gynysys based on the move of many files out of root and root/my-applications/bin and into /nwp. will open a duplicate for you to modify)
hi - hard info
mr - sfr's multi rename
ppm --so you can call the ppm from the nwp launcher without having to go to findnrun or a terminal or backspace or ctrl-a over the text (/nwp/)
v - the vtg (also working well in quirky)
m - pmount and partview
veg - same a alt+g -- vgt, nwp and puup help
gi - new instance of geany
cursor at right versions of launcher
p -- main nwp launcher
ch - permissions launcher
gl - geany launcher (also -g)
ll - leafpad launcher (also -l)
rl - rox launcher (also -r)
highlighted entry versions:
r- rox launcher
g- geany launcher
ch- change permissions launcher
l- leafpad launcher
f1-f36 --type those function keys
(one of my machines is without) Crying or Very sad(though 1600 virtual key keypad(s) make up for it--not every program will accept all it has to offer, but you can try F36 plus up to four modifiers (k launcher, acswf36 (alt, control, shift, windows key--that's the pattern. from one to four modifiers in alphabetical order for alphanumeric characters and function keys to F36--rename the call codes whatever you like. single digit codes all unused though i've been finding sometimes too cryptic's not much of a help (but the k2 launcher gives you 600 by number--iirc, just the function and numbers starting with the former with four modifiers? (i prefer the other version, but the easiest way to set keycuts for programs may be through a menu you generate for the purpose))))).
elp - help opened up in leafpad (mostly paste and paste cheats until you modify them)
tem - ae templates menu
what it is -- what to enter into the p,wn launcher:
nwp and submenus -- n
word processor without supplemental menus -- n1
paste and place formatting codes only -- n2
highlight and select formatting codes only -- n3
supplemental -- s
single monitors -- 1
double monitors -- 2
aef -- aemenu containing (nearly?) all the aemenus
pw,n launchers for nwp -- pwns
grids (x and y by 100 pixel increments) -- g
extra windows manipulation menu -- o
points on axis y -- y
points on axis x -- x
width by fives -- w
height by fives -- h
templates and dual launchers -- tem
aemenu dual launchers -- dual
aemenu window size and placement -- w1
(new one, "elp," pops up a leafpad document with what's between the asterisk trains. modify to taste)

new additions:

gg and the key launchers [documentation pending] ... 274#895274
main key launcher -- k
key launcher for 669 version -- k2 (as separate launcher)
key launcher without sweep right-- k-
key launcher, change permissions of mini script (key, key sequence, etc)-- kch
open key folder -- kir
key launcher, mod keys in geany -- kg
key launcher, mod keys in geany, new instance -- kgi
key launcher, mod keys (rename, save as, repeat, etc) in leafpad -- kl
key launcher, return to main launcher -- p
gg -- aemenu popup for custom geany items (vtg, keys, menu entries--use as a template to put other programs' shortcuts in easier reach and/or a custom arrangement.
pwns -- aemenu of all the launchers
aef -- all the aemenus as an aemenu popup


vtg5 opens up an expanded version of "elp" in geany.


mae -- configuration menu (ae menu also containing port, store, install scripts for use with NWPDE i.e. the insta-configure setup in /nwp/c)
ams1-3 -- toggle in the three alternate menu sets (for new installs, as of version 1.9 you needn't use any of the my series quickswitches to use this or the other toggle functions (with the exception of the six keyboard configuration switches (kb1on-kb6on---also on the ae and jwm menus in less cryptic form (jwm version of the mae menu you find starting in 1.9 is on the root four and five (up and down, alt+four and +five) menus and the shutdown+ menu on the left click (root1, alt+1) menu.)
my1-4 -- keyboard centric configuration toggle
my1r-my42 -- reverse those configurations. pattern is the same for the my30-my49 quickswitches.
avtray and dvtray 1 and the rest of the menu and tray swapping commands were originally for the menus and so may not be worded/shortened for nwp launcher use, but looking at the rest of that menu making menu (what mae originally was, although first called maekr (still there as a copy you can mod) and aei (also still there--you can mod that for your five custom jobbies in nwp/root3. they in turn can be your default swap-ins when and if you decide you take your current/future-current setup with you.
when i make 1.9 official (it's in the repo but i haven't announced in a murga-linux thread) i'll likely first clean away all from the following that isn't a launch code, but you can always check out what code launches a menu item using the same method as for editing. unfortunately for ae menus, it's usually a two step ll since the first one will only show you the name of the file it's reading--this second one is the one you need to actually look at. for menu making items, tray items, etc, for now see here (or ll > maek in the launcher, maek being the file mae reads): ... 121#905121

ilkon -- open up desktop template, leafpad
igkon -- open up desktop template, geany

from the notes file in the recs section:

Kind of related to the following idea of nwp as remaster-tool, you could use it as a sort of bootleg zero-install method. For example, i have a number of programs and scripts (01micko's get_libre office utility, MochiMoppel's SpeedDials and Winswitcher (ww), SFR and Step's FindnRun(f), etc) that aren't installed, but get called as if they are through the launcher that pretends the nwp is part of the executables' path/PATH. You can do it with scripts by renaming them and moving them into the nwp (get_libreoffice becomes getlibre in the launcher, speed dials is sd or sdr, if you just want the recents to pop up), and many pets are amenable to the same with one or two extra steps (uncompress the folder, find the script that the pet is a wrapper for, then move it and/or rename it). Of course, some things are just easier left as pets (but you may know how to make a jwm theme but not know how to make a pet of it--easier just to copy it over to its correct location perhaps).

bonus on the bootleg0: the which command will give you the location of the scripts powering most pets you and other developers have installed (it doesn't distinguish between builtins and addins). you could then just up arrow that in the terminal, prepend with "geany" or "leafpad" and a space, hit enter, then save the thing that pops up as a nwp/pwn shortcut (i.e. give it a short, easy to remember (and associate with its intended function) name and save it in the /nwp folder so the shift plus spacebar launcher can launch it. rename the keys in a similar (though easier) way: kl (or kg) in the main launcher followed by the keycode/key call--then rename the script or a copy of it).

here's that menu with a little substitution so it more resembles the rest of the list on these pages (less codey and saves you a click):

menu "menu maker
aemenu launcher template -- ael
aemenu--given program -- aeae
aemenu--given title -- aeae2
aemenu template -- aeaem
jwm --given program -- jwmkr
jwm --given label -- jwmmkr
jwm menu template -- jwmm
jwm includes template -- jwmi
[these follow the same pattern as the highlight and click to apply formatting codes in the n,n1, and n2 ae menus]
grab exec commands --leafpad -- e4ml
grab exec commands --geany -- e4m

menu "Select Custom Keyboard Configuration
keycentric configs:" "
keyboard-1 (my1) -- my1
keyboard-2 (my2) -- my2
keyboard-3 (my3) -- my3
keyboard-4 (my4) -- my4

reverse keycentric configs:" "
reverse my1 (my1) -- my1r
reverse my2 (my2r) -- my2r
reverse my3 (my3r) -- my3r
reverse my4 (my4r) -- my4r
edit quickswitches (40 series and KB) -- edit4i

these could be made into two separate scripts for launcher (rather than menu/launcher-to-menu) activation:

menu "edit the 6 key configs:
edit keys: geany" "geany /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0 /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1 /nwp/root3/9/keys0 /nwp/root3/9/keys1 /nwp/root3/10/keys0 /nwp/root3/10/keys1
edit keys: geany -i" "geany -i /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0 /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1 /nwp/root3/9/keys0 /nwp/root3/9/keys1 /nwp/root3/10/keys0 /nwp/root3/10/keys1

[geany -i means a new instance (window)--it's easier to copy and paste between menu sets that way. another, somewhat related tip: if you drag file contents to a tab it will open--together with select to copy and middle click to paste, menu making is more like finger painting than coding (not that i really know how to do the latter). three sets of nine seemed like too many slots for individual leafpad entries (just use rl > root3 and open the files individual if that's what you want), and scrolling from the first to (a version of?) the thirtieth seemed like a stretch without the new window, but you could also open the lot in the same/current geany.]

Choose Alternate Key Configuration (my1-4 series only):"
(the 4 can swap 6)" "
KB1 -- kb1on
KB2 -- kb2on
KB3 -- kb3on
(these are the swap on keyboard configs mentioned earlier)
KB4 -- kb4on
KB5 -- kb5on
KB6 -- kb6on

menu "Swap Menu Sets
edit menu set 1 -- ems1
edit menu set 2 -- ems2
edit menu set 3 -- ems3
activate menu set 1 -- ams1
activate menu set 2 -- ams2
activate menu set 3 -- ams3
edit menu set 1i -- ems1i
edit menu set 2i -- ems2i
edit menu set 3i -- ems3i
(edit items from this menu is what i had in mind with the earlier comment regarding geany and the keyboard configs)

menu "edit configs and helpers
edit/open configuration files --jwm -- gea3i
edit my40 series config switches -- edit4i
edit quickswitches (30 series) -- edit3i
edit main jwm configs -- joopi
edit main jwm system configs -- jpe
edit panels incoming -- edpanc
edit panels current -- edpan
edit pinboards incoming -- edpinc
edit panels current -- edpin
edit panels incoming--new instance -- edpanic
edit panels current--new instance -- edpani
edit pinboards incoming--new instance -- edpinic
edit panels current--new instance -- edpini
edit word processing templates -- geak
edit rox shortcuts -- roks
edit autotext shortcuts -- ate
edit this menu--geany" "geany jwmim
fixmenus; jwm -restart -- fixu
swap to tray syntax for older jwm setups -- jio
swap to tray syntax for newer jwm setups -- jin
edit this menu--leafpad" "leafpad /nwp/jwmim
edit my40 series config switches -- edit4i
edit my30 series config switches -- edit3i

menu "tray toggles

move over the stock tray a pixel (better mouse menu access) -- xover1
undo the pixel move -- undoxover1
toggle off stock tray -- puptrayoff
toggle on stock tray -- puptrayon
SEND" "fixmenus; jwm -restart ---this one exists as "fixu"

menu "deactivate vertical trays (odd #s are set to left by default)
deactivate vertical tray12 -- dvtray12
deactivate vertical tray11 -- dvtray11
deactivate vertical tray10 -- dvtray10
deactivate vertical tray9 -- dvtray9
deactivate vertical tray8 -- dvtray8
deactivate vertical tray7 -- dvtray7
deactivate vertical tray6 -- dvtray6
deactivate vertical tray5 -- dvtray5
deactivate vertical tray4 -- dvtray4
deactivate vertical tray3 -- dvtray3
deactivate vertical tray2 -- dvtray2
deactivate vertical tray1 -- dvtray1

menu "deactivate top and bottom trays
deactivate top tray6 -- dtop6
deactivate top tray5 -- dtop5
deactivate top tray4 -- dtop4
deactivate top tray3 -- dtop3
deactivate top tray2 -- dtop2
deactivate top tray1 -- dtop1
deactivate bottom tray6 -- dbot6
deactivate bottom tray5 -- dbot5
deactivate bottom tray4 -- dbot4
deactivate bottom tray3 -- dbot3
deactivate bottom tray2 -- dbot2
deactivate bottom tray1 -- dbot1

menu "activate top and bottom trays
activate top tray6 -- atop6
activate top tray5 -- atop5
activate top tray4 -- atop4
activate top tray3 -- atop3
activate top tray2 -- atop2
activate top tray1 -- atop1
activate bottom tray6 -- abot6
activate bottom tray5 -- abot5
activate bottom tray4 -- abot4
activate bottom tray3 -- abot3
activate bottom tray2 -- abot2
activate bottom tray1 -- abot1

menu "activate vertical trays (odd #s are set to left by default)
activate vertical tray12 -- avtray12
activate vertical tray11 -- avtray11
activate vertical tray10 -- avtray10
activate vertical tray9 -- avtray9
activate vertical tray8 -- avtray8
activate vertical tray7 -- avtray7
activate vertical tray6 -- avtray6
activate vertical tray5 -- avtray5
activate vertical tray4 -- avtray4
activate vertical tray3 -- avtray3
activate vertical tray2 -- avtray2
activate vertical tray1 -- avtray1

Install/configure/store/port (entries with > need two commands):
edit the jwm version of this menu -- [gl (or ll)] > jwmim
edit the ae version of this menu -- [gl (or ll)] > aeim
edit 30 series -- edit3i
edit 40 series -- edit4i
back up current/original configuration files -- bk
restore original/previous configuration files -- rbk
port configuration files from /nwp/c -- port
store configuration files in /nwp/c -- store
edit recs, port, store -- editport

[my30-49, my30r-my49r were here]

edit quickswitches (30 series and KB) -- edit3i
fixmenus; jwm -restart -- fixu
edit quickswitches (40 series and KB) -- edit4i

menu "shutdown2
menu "window button issue
no buttons (possible bugfix) -- nobut
standard -- standbut
line buttons -- linebut
square buttons -- sqbut

winswitcher -- ww
recents -- sdr
rox recents -- rr


wiz -- run the wizard wizard
pcp -- (same as wiz but with pupcontrol commented out. ll > pcp > switch position of pound sign if you've installed pup control (panel? popup? not sure where i got that last p from. name change with version 2.8?) and want a separate launcher cut for it)

lpx -- ae menu that uses (mostly) leafpad as a notetaker
t2x -- print out text2xpm code template
t2x2 -- same as above plus template for a .desktop file (presumably to match up a program with the icon you just made)
jin -- trayfix-new
jio -- trayfix-old
aekill (or killae)--solve an issue reported by musher0 (who introduced me to aemenu and how to use its syntax--thanks, musher). apparently too many launched in succession can cause it to hang or not close menus it otherwise should have--this will allow it to continue as normal (once i remember seeing lxtask showing some hanging menus, but the few didn't affect much. this was on a random check of what was going on with the system (i get a kick out of htop and lxtask). another time it did, or i think it did--there were quite a few and i think i noticed some sluggishness and checked for an actual reason. or at least that's the reason there's now an aekill/killae.
it's worded as if for a fresh install--these spins are centered around the thing, but if you want to take these functions with you, that part of it is being developed here.
edit: (updated the list a little) and here's 1.9.1: ... 421#906421

update to 1.9.2

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2016, 07:16
by Puppus Dogfellow
from ... 677#906677

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:the backup, store, and port libreoffice and geany configs part of the install process have been taken off the 2step2 script and made clickable choices of their own. some files called by the editing scripts had typos or were from a different era noop.

new additions to the launcher code list:
cadi -- close all instances of active window's program
ccdi -- close just program's windows on current desktop
caw -- MochiMoppel's CloseAllWindows script (like cadi and ccdi but with more options and a popup)

new for 1.9.2:

backup Geany configs -- backg
store Geany configs -- storeg
port Geany configs -- portg
restore original/previous Geanyconfigs -- restg

geanytweak -- backg
-- portg

store LibreOffice configs -- storel
restore original/previous LibreOffice configs -- restl
backup LibreOffice configs -- backl
port LibreOffice configs -- portl

portil -- backl
-- portl

equivalent of back/portg and back/portl now removed from installation (2)step2 and each made into scripts/buttons (wrong picture covering them but that's essentially what they are--i may just copy the syntax from the wizard wizard and make this stuff a panel at some point--could use tx2 (text2xpm code printout) to make label-buttons and skip the text field part...). "portil" backs up the current lo configs if any and ports in your custom choice. "geanytweak" backs up the original geany configurations (keyboard, toolbar, main) and ports in a set ready made with the vtg tweak in place, a history set at roughly 50 configuration files (including all those from the three folders (9,10, 9menusblanks) in root3 that feed JWM the info for the menus, trays, and keys), the necessary keycuts for the custom geany menus (set for alt9, alt0, alt2 (also middle click) at the moment) to work, and enables spell check. jag and jagvk should be on the new recent documents list, which should help you in your menu making endeavors. swap the non vk version (it shows you the code the other has in the scripts--follow its pattern to add more keys and set them after the menu is made by keys>edit>[clicking your menu]) out (relabel, expand, copy) for use with other programs or to add additional menus. look at root4menu, root5menu, root2menu, root9menu, root0menu for that "<Includes>" line--change to match other menus you'd like to add by pointing to the new files (no reason for that menu to repeat five times, the space efficiency of pipe menus notwithstanding. control+shift o (or right click>open selected file) take the inconvenience out of files reading from other files--it's a cool feature another reason i recommend editing the JWM stuff in geany over leafpad).

fixes to joop, joopi, jp, and jpe
(typo on "jwmrc-tray," defunct files removed; joop and joopi open all the keys, menus, and trays in the main three in root3; joopi does it in a new instance of geany. jp opens just jwmrc-personal and /etc/.../_root_.jwmrc. jpe opens the tray in addition to these two. you could just open joop in geany (gl launcher) and access the files individually with the right click as described above). dopey name for joop/i is mnemonic for root plus jwm--both will open over forty files at once. vtg5 gave another five files to add to the recents list…


[should have 192 up by tomorrow morning or earlier]

edit: four and five contain the installation, configuration switches, menumaking, and port-store-restore submenus--i never put the custom program menus on those (but you're free to if you like--just add an includes line wherever you want it to go, sandwich it between <Menu></Menu> tags to compress a submenu to a line on the main if your menus get too long (copy the other menu templates to see how to label it--well, the second one's fine as is. for the top of the sandwich just add a label="" tag:

<Menu label="your title here">
[menu entries or an <Includes></Includes> line]



for 192, you can skip the second step of the install sequence (the one labeled "2," not the actual second step, which is labeled 00--install the deps and move the nwp folder to /, then proceed to 1step1, which will back up your jwm configs and move some useful files to /root/my-applications/bin--the nwp launcher calls on these for some functions and to reset itself should you get finger-tied or typo it past convenience) and transfer over the configuration files for the vtg and custom menus/menu templates. the recs from 1.9 are gone and replaced by just geany 125 and the plugin pack for it (both made by Corvus). i added two 1.27 plugins (overview and multiterm) that are working well for me in Xenialpup--haven't tried them in anything else yet (and so they're commented out). you could skip the recs and still have the vtg, but the extend select and some of the other functions shown on the menus won't work without the plugins.
