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Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 01:08
by cthisbear
" I thought you could get online without pwireless2 "

Yes because I have a phone line >> adsl2

but without the level of encryption you wanted.

Lan works with my security

Is that wrong, and you can not get on line at all without pwireless2?

If I only had LAN >> because I had no phone line
I would be be a lame duck.

The current security options aren't there in Puppy...
Classic or Simple.
WPA2-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 with Pre-Shared Key)

Let alone >



Also if you could link to the drivers I will put them in PPM. I know you might have already, and I am *almost* keeping up. Thanks.

pemasu to the rescue...near the bottom of this post ... start=1845

AR8152 driver for wired lan made by tempestuous ... 845#467845

Download: ... h&id=34544


" Maybe we can hide the pwireless2 pet some where in the iso
and have a menu entry to activate the install of the pet.. "

I have a dream!!!!...Now that would be perfect.


Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 01:25
by playdayz
" Maybe we can hide the pwireless2 pet some where in the iso
and have a menu entry to activate the install of the pet.. "

I have a dream!!!!...Now that would be perfect.
I think we could do that. First we will put it back in the iso and see if there really are any problems. We might even ask jemimah to check too.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 01:30
by playdayz
bigpup wrote:playdayz,
If you put OpenBox in the PPM, does that make it only one window manager, at initial install, with option to install others from PPM?
If yes, do you still need window manager switcher in the initial install?
Good point. We would have to put it into each of the window manager pets if not. I think maybe to leave it to give people the idea about trying different window managers...

Wait. wait. What am I doing. I am not listening to myself. What did I say, we had not had any problems with Openbox. Well, it's too late.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 04:05
by ttuuxxx
playdayz wrote:ttuuxxx, Did you say you had a Theme button in 2.14X? Is that something we could borrow? Is it a button in the taskbar that will automatically change Background and JWM Theme? People might enjoy having 7 or so themes available with one-click.

Oh, they would need, jwm theme, gtk theme, background, and icon set. Or maybe someone could make a nice gui that could change all of those things at the same time so people could more easily do mix and match and trial and error. Well, I guess people could do it now by starting 4 programs ;-) Ah, with some presets for built in themes. Dream on. Maybe next time. Has zigbert already done this?
The one in 2.14X basically is a GUI for the actual apps, It didn't work on puppy 5.2 So I made one. Basically it sits on the desktop. You might want to add the desktop icon switcher to it.

ps just install it and restart X server.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 10:48
by Lobster
Basically it sits on the desktop
It seems to be lobster proof
Not only did it work very easily
but on first run it reset my inadvertently deleted trash icon
AND worked with Openbox (I would be quite happy to only have JWM incidentally)

It reset to default settings (such as my background image)
but changing is so easy I was not bothered.

Would it be easy to create a button that opened
called 'drag n' drop backgrounds'
for personalised wallpapers?

Well done ttuuxxx
hope we can have this in 241? :)

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 10:59
by Sylvander
I installed this, and restarted x server.
jwm-themes-1 showed up in the PPM, but I couldn't see any sign of it anywhere else.

Restarted Luci-241 without saving the session [pupsave used is on a partition on a Flash Drive].

What to do now?

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 11:59
by Jasper
Hi playdayz and ttuuxxx,

I just tried on my Rewriteable DVD version of 241.

It did not recognize the Save icon which was lost
It did not recognize my only shortcut icon which was lost
It repositioned the Trash icon.

It (v. 1) does have its own attractive desktop icon and it is user-friendly, but if anyone has their own 'offbeat' set-up then they need to expect unexpected changes.

My regards

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 13:44
by Lobster
Is Flash working?
Since using 5.2
I have been able to run longer Youtube videos
to be on the safe side I reverted to 3.6.6 of Firefox
rather than the betas

This has updated and also I tried the update facility
for plug ins and upgraded flash

So I am using 3.6.12 of Firefox
and Flash 101 r102

It mostly works, then after half an hour
the sound goes and the video jumps through
- missing many frames

Oh boy - anyone else? Any solutions?

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 14:13
by Sylvander
Despite having NOT saved the session at any time [neither during the session, nor at shutdown]...

Next time I booted into Luci-241 using the pupsave on the Flash Drive...
jwm-themes-1 was there and functioning. :D
Though it isn't listed in the PPM lower window. :?

Doesn't appear to offer any addition themes so far as I can see. :(

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 14:23
by ttuuxxx
hi guys basically to add any Icon to the desktop you have to alter the desktop layout, So goes off the original desktop layout and adds 1 new icon to the original layout, It you have altered the layout from the default layout that came with the 5.2 it will revert it back to the original state and you'll have to add/delete what ever changes that you made to the layout that it originally was. And no it doesn't give you any new themes, its just a easy way to get to alter look and feel of the desktop.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 14:29
by ttuuxxx
Lobster wrote:
Would it be easy to create a button that opened
called 'drag n' drop backgrounds'
for personalised wallpapers?
Hi Lobster that's already part of the background setter, click the backgrounds icon on the Themes gui, then open the background setter, you'll see an icon called Filer
That will open your backgrounds folder.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 14:31
by Brown Mouse
Lobster wrote:Is Flash working?
Since using 5.2
I have been able to run longer Youtube videos
to be on the safe side I reverted to 3.6.6 of Firefox
rather than the betas

This has updated and also I tried the update facility
for plug ins and upgraded flash

So I am using 3.6.12 of Firefox
and Flash 101 r102

It mostly works, then after half an hour
the sound goes and the video jumps through
- missing many frames

Oh boy - anyone else? Any solutions?

Could it be anything to do with your browser cache set low?


Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 14:48
by shinobar
ANNOUNCE: is released.
The Personalize Seyttings with, supports '*.UTF-8' for the locale name.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 15:36
by Lobster
Could it be anything to do with your browser cache set low?
It could - I will x4 it from 50MB to 200MB and see if that makes a difference.

thanks for treating me like an idiot
always well deserved
. . . and I get to learn something
- how to have my very own wallpapers dragged
and dropped into the filer directory

Me like :)

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 16:26
by Béèm
playdayz wrote:Wait. wait. What am I doing. I am not listening to myself. What did I say, we had not had any problems with Openbox. Well, it's too late.
hmmm, well you probably did understand I had some issues with openbox/FBpanel. :wink:

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 16:40
by ttuuxxx
Lobster wrote:
thanks for treating me like an idiot
always well deserved
. . . and I get to learn something
- how to have my very own wallpapers dragged
and dropped into the filer directory

Me like :)
Hey lobster my over medicated crustacean friend here's something even easier :) I made a tiny script that is linked to JPG,GIF,PNG images so if you right click on any of the three types you'll have a menu item at the top of the list the copies the image directly into the backgrounds folder. :)
how easy is that :)

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 17:35
by playdayz
Cool ttuuxxx. That's going right in.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 17:44
by playdayz
Could it be anything to do with your browser cache set low?

It could - I will x4 it from 50MB to 200MB and see if that makes a difference.
Please remember of course that you have to have enough free pupsave memory for that size of cache. I would want double the cache size just to be sure. Remember also that we changed the Firefox default from 200MB cache (I think) down to 20.

I personally do not think you are running out of cache--FF should certainly be smart enough to handle whatever size you give it. But on the other hand, I know you have been troubled by this repeatedly, so I am interested in the result of your experiment. Have you tried linking /root/.mozilla to a folder in /mnt/home?

And does this happen with other browsers--even if you prefer FF that might be worth a try, Iron 6 or 7 or Opera perhaps.

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 17:47
by bigpup
playdayz wrote:
Cool ttuuxxx. That's going right in.
Well, If you like that. What about this;

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 17:50
by playdayz
There's definitely difficulties if you just add the pet. I wouldn't recommend it. I never figured out a good way to make them coexist.

I got the definitive word from jemimah about pwireless2. We will need to use a creative solution as 01micko suggested.