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Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 04:08
by playdayz
stu90, that is cool. When I packaged conky i looked around for a good conkyrc but didn't find one.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 06:16
by James C
Been installing, with both the PPM and Quickpet, and testing a bunch of different apps................had to double the size of my save file :lol: So far everything seems to be working correctly.
Even installed Wine,,,,,,and I don't even use Wine. :)

kind of late for changing scripts

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 09:09
by Minnesota
I know it is very late in the game, so for the next series of updates can the script for Puppy install be changed a bit to help make the yes and no and enter more clear?

In one case you want to enter a character in order to clear off the old files on a stick.. the second time you simply want to enter without a character in order to have puppy copied to ram.

For us graying folks with tri focal glasses this is not as easy to read as it once was...and is just plain confusing. I tried in several earlier versions to create the stick.. it would not boot.. and wanted the CD.. finally in Beta 3 I read the screen more closely and found I needed to press enter the second time, with OUT a character. Please update the screen and options if possible. :)

BIG :) This version is looking better and better, keep up the good work. Found my printer, had saved Nvidia and Firefox drivers on a stick, loaded the pets, all ran well. THANKS GUYS for all the hard work. It is appreciated. :)


Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 10:24
by ecube
Bit wrote:
partview wrong

Please, test if the querky version of PartView also shows the incorrect value.


Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 10:28
by smokey01
James C wrote:Been installing, with both the PPM and Quickpet, and testing a bunch of different apps................had to double the size of my save file :lol: So far everything seems to be working correctly.
Even installed Wine,,,,,,and I don't even use Wine. :)
I noticed Lupu only allows up to 6 sfs files via bootmanager. I thought there was a work around to be able to load 24. See link.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 10:29
by willem1940NLD
Downloaded 508 B3.... will try out if this works (even) more pleasantly than 501 which I have been playing with since over a month.

KDE .... rather not, I know that from other distros; maybe technically "quick" but slowing down the USER, loss of manspeed, 2-3 different filebrowsers, still never found out how to set "view" to default "detailed".

Still hoping sooner or later some of you technicians will produce a distro based on no other browsers than Firefox/firefly and with VLC as only mediaplayer. Also: all "open with" functions leading to menu list items only, not "try something via file system".

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 12:31
by Ray MK

Luvly Puppy - looks good, feels fast and seems to work ok.
The work you have all done to produce this cannot be praised enough.

A suggestion to assist low spec, ram challenged users, if I may -

I use JRB's sfs loader with lupu and many other puppies all the time and it is incredibly useful when running live (ie no save_file), even when only 128mb ram is available.

It allows one to load and unload sfs's on the fly, (no boot or reboot reqd)
just load, unload - so easy.

And - it seems to have no limit on the quantity of sfs's that can be loaded
at any one time - fantastic.

If you would consider including this in your final - I believe many would find
it so useful.

To my knowledge - this amazing feature is unique to Puppy.

Might even be the small something that makes this new puppy the No1 chartbuster.

Hope you will consider it and many thanks for a SUPER puppy.

Very best regards - Ray.

MUTT email client

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 14:35
by tronkel
I've been having a go with installing the MUTT console email client in Lupu 506 after having gotten it to work in Linux Mint 9.

It works very well in Lupu - it's fast. I installed it from Lupu's package manager. The required dependencies were not correctly picked up by the package manager install system, but by ferreting around a bit on the internet, I found out what was missing.

Command-line stuff is not for all Puppy users by any means, but If you have a Gmail IMAP account, MUTT can access this directly without the usual need for MUTT to have to operate in tandem with say Sendmail or Fetch-Mail, so might be useful to certain users.

MUTT also supports PGP encryption via GNUPG.

If there is any interest in this, I'll try to get it packaged up together with the necessary template configuration file in the form of a pet package. This could be made available either from within Quickpet (as a Thunderbird/Enigmail alternative maybe), or simply kept as a stand-alone pet.

I believe that a dotpup exists somewhere for MUTT. No idea if it still works with say Lupu or Quirky.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 14:37
by Lobster
The running from CD Ethernet connection (508 beta3)
was working persistently in 507
Now I have to reconnect to the Internet each time I boot up
from my install (ie. created a fresh 508
connects to Ethernet - hooray
turn off machine
need to reconnect
close down turn off
boot up - again need to reconnect)

What has been changed?

Pupradio and PupTV
seemed to work OK with broadband (full screen)

Still problems with last two icons in inkscape lite (duplicated)

Still unable to record sound from mhwavedit with USB

Look forward to new surprises :)

Full Install Failure

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 14:37
by chrismt
Lupu-508 Beta 3 Full Install Report

I have Windows XP in sda1, and Dpup in sda4

I tried to install Lupu latest on my sda3

It took a very unstable process to do a full install

I also installed Grub on sda4

When I rebooted the PC,

I got a Kernel error

It showed not syncing, init not found,try init=option in the kernal

While I was installing, it didn't detect ext4 as ext4

It showed them all as ext3

Can someone help me?

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 15:27
by playdayz
was working persistently in 507
Now I have to reconnect to the Internet each time I boot up
from my install (ie. created a fresh 508
connects to Ethernet - hooray
turn off machine
need to reconnect
close down turn off
boot up - again need to reconnect)

What has been changed?
<add> Oh wait. Didn't SNS run automatically in 507? Did it run automatically in 508? I am working on 509 at the moment and I changed that because it seemed like too many windows popping open. I might reconsider depending on the new

I don't know--nothing was changed intentionally that should have that effect. Barry has new that is designed to fix this problem of not reconnecting--except it does not connect automatically to ethernet--that may be an omission--it will appear in lupu-509 on Thursday.


On mhwaveedit--you did follow the instructions earlier in his forum--I will try to get the link.
Still problems with last two icons in inkscape lite (duplicated)
I see. We will let that one ride unless you have a fix ;-)

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 15:30
by playdayz
MUTT also supports PGP encryption via GNUPG.

If there is any interest in this, I'll try to get it packaged up together with the necessary template configuration file in the form of a pet package. This could be made available either from within Quickpet (as a Thunderbird/Enigmail alternative maybe), or simply kept as a stand-alone pet.
Yes please tronkel. It would go in the puppy-lucid repo of PPM--that is what people see when they open PPM. Thanks. If it turned out to be problematic in PPM there will be a list of pets in the Lupu News section of Quickpet.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 16:05
by playdayz
Just downloaded and installed "Eudora" from the ppm and it is showing a list of missing dependencies
Hey stripe, That is an anomaly in PPM. The dependencies are there but PPM doesn't look for them in the right place. I may put programs that have this problem in a separate list so that people do not see the error message even if it is wrong.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 16:08
by Stripe
Hi all
Have sorted my disapearing sound problem, the nvidia driver I was using on my machine was causing it, so now am using alternate nvidia driver,
mplayer quality on mp4, 3gp and flv are not as good so set vlc as default for these formats (problem solved), mplayer still plays dvds at top quality, the same as vlc (so could it be a codec issue?, only an idea)

hope this helps

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 16:08
by playdayz
I tried a full install and got an error about missing dependencies... weird Question . I haven't been able to get my full install to work but maybe its just me (I hardly ever do a full install). If someone else tries let me know.
Hey sinc, that is a bogus message. It refers to dependencies in Puppy 2. I just close it.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 16:16
by chrismt

I installed 508 finally

I formatted ext4 to ext3

But I am still wondering, why 508 didn't install in ext 4?

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 16:39
by willem1940NLD
Right: also my suspicion. Full install on HD only partly succeeded, i.e could not restart without the CD, error 13 file not found.

I am a Ext4 user for my "best" computer, 995MHz 780RAM 2xHD 80GB IDE, both having swap partition as 1st one.

Formatted clean and back to 501 which seems to enjoy Ext4.

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 17:17
by Stripe
Hi all

Spoke too soon, disapearing sound is back, Icon seems to load on taskbar then disapears, Is there a command to see which sound card is being used?

Edited to say,alsamixer says the nvidia graphics card has been loaded as a sound card (and it isnt) any ideas?


Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 17:21
by Stripe
Duplicate (sorry)

Posted: Wed 04 Aug 2010, 17:35
by fyujj
Superficial impressions from the live-cd:

- very much good looking!
- there's apparently no way to get a Brazilian keyboard layout (br-abnt2) to work except by creating an xorg.conf (can be done with Xorgwizard) and editing it by hand.

I tried loading with pkeys=br but either it didn't work at all or it loaded the br-abnt keymap (so did 'setxkb br').
If I remember well, Xorgwizard didn't change the keyboard section in xorg.conf, probably because of some mismatch of Xorgwizard and xorg itself. If it's to have a reference, Xorgwizard works perfectly in this respect with Quirky 1.2.
The other keyboard configuration tools here didn't even offer the abnt2 layout option (used to be present in other official Puppies).
So I had to edit xorg.conf by hand. When I restarted X from JWM's menu it went to a pink and messed screen so I hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and then ran Xwin and all was fine.

Quirky of course doesn't use the automatic configuration but it works fine to configure a Brazilian keyboard layout. I remember Lupu had problems with this from other times I had tested it but I didn't go on with tests because it kept messing my hardware clock, now this version at least has the option to tell it that our hardware uses UTC so it doesn't mess it anymore.