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Posted: Sat 26 Sep 2009, 13:21
by Michalis
I made the MU profile. Now seamonkey asks me, when I open it, which profile I want. I symlinked the folder MU to /root/.puppybrowser/ .All the fonts in the MU profile are Dejavu Sans.

I think that don't bother at all, must be stupidity of hotmail (is it strange since it belong to microsoft?). I didn't notice such behavior in other forums and yahoo that I tested.

Any way just for the record, the problem with the accents is happening also in seamonkey with both profiles and is selecting the same letters accented in translated to greek words of the page. I mean words like: mail, reply, index and others. Of course strange behavior but is other problem of hotmail (most likely) or seamonkeys' library.

The other problem with the capital letter "Σ" looking as "Ζ" is happening only in puppybrowser and only in hotmail. My opinion is don't bother fixing it, except if you have more reports about it.

Posted: Sat 26 Sep 2009, 23:28
by MU
ok Michalis, thanks for checking it.
I will not be able to fix this.
Puppybrowser is a grafical interface built around the seamonkey code to display websites (using "gtkmozembed" to include it).
So that code is like a "black box", I can include it, but I cannot modify it.

A solution might be, to use instead one of the alternative gecko-engines.
On the first page with the downloads I added a link to "xulrunner". This is a different implementation of that code, maybe it does not have those issues.

I will not check this on my own, as the way this code is included (using gtkmozembed) is outdated, and Seamonkey 2 no longer supports it.
So instead it might be better, to focus on the webkit engine (from KDEs Konqueror/Apples Safari) instead.
But at moment, I have no time for this.
Also it would mean, that Puppybrowser will no longer be part of Puppy, because webkit is pretty huge.
So I am not certain at all, if there is a future for Puppybrowser.

On the other hand, Seamonkey 2 seems to have an improved performance, and so might make lightweight-solutions like Puppybrowser obsolete.
see first test results:


Posted: Sat 03 Oct 2009, 17:45
by ttuuxxx
Hi mark I came across a small wysiwyg program that uses firefox or mozilla, ie. its not a plugin so it probably would work on seamonkey and your browser. The thing is that I think it was made on widows, when you load it up, it starts but there's a small error, when you look at the error its basically looking for C drive. It does look somewhat simple to fix and would be a great addon, because it does do css and html. The best part its only 400kb so the size is great. here's a link if you would like to look into it.

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 22:12
by zenfunk
Found an ultratiny htmlviewer script (1.2 kB): ... er-script/ It uses webkit and python- so not so tiny in he end, but if you have them installed anyways then the size of his script is unbetable.
Original site here: ... 20-minutes

HTH, Christian

Posted: Mon 13 Aug 2012, 10:24
by Argolance
I am trying to find a very basic/simple html reader/viewer (without any tool or search bar, even previous and next buttons) to let user display program help files (for example). I tried all what is possible to try following links of this thread... but didn't succeed in making anything work properly: Something is always missing or defective :oops:

The 1.2Kb python browser script mentioned by zenfunk seems to be very interesting but I don't know exactly how to install/make it work.
Could someone give me some help? (Puppy Racy 5.3)


help surfer

Posted: Tue 14 Aug 2012, 12:31
by L18L
Argolance wrote:a very basic/simple html reader/viewer (without any tool or search bar, even previous and next buttons) to let user display program help files (for example).
Why not take that?
See it in action with
menu > setup > CUPS Printer > Do you want to add a new printer? > Yes

Posted: Tue 14 Aug 2012, 16:57
by Argolance
Hello L18L,
Thank you!
This is exactly what I am looking for :D and didn't know such a tiny browser was already present in Puppy! But where? What is the name of this application?


Posted: Tue 14 Aug 2012, 17:06
by Argolance
Sorry, I found it: basichtmlviewer!

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2012, 06:46
by L18L
basichtmlviewer will launch
- /usr/local/PuppyBrowser/PuppyBrowser
- /usr/bin/surfer

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2012, 10:27
by Argolance
Thank you! :wink:

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 08:59
by Argolance

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 19:09
by L18L
and this would be even better if it worked :roll: ... 485#652485

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2013, 01:25
by MU
I uploaded version 0.6, this is a pet containing binaries for puppy-sap (the puppy for the Raspberry Pi).

The sourcecode is included, too. it can be compiled with:

Code: Select all

cd /usr/local/PuppyBrowser
I made some changes to the sourcecode, so that it can be compiled in Vala 0.12.
The funcionality is the same as in version 0.5, there just might be a bug in tab-handling now, but I'm not certain. Will investigate this in the next two weeks on holiday.

The pet also contains "Kompozer" in /usr/local/PuppyBrowser. It is 26 MB extracted.
While the Web-Editor Kompozer itself segfaults on my Raspberry, the included files can be used as an old mozilla based browserengine embedded in Puppybrowser. So you need no additional Seamonkey or Xulrunner to run Puppybrowser on the Raspberry Pi.

Kompozer is actually the only remaining browser offering the "" library in Debian Squeeze (The system Puppy-Sap is based on).

I can open many tabs in Puppybrowser, while Google Chrome gets very slow with several tabs open (even on my 512 MB version of the Raspberry).
Puppybrowser has no support for https and HTML5 though, so for some websites you still will need a newer browser like google chrome.

Download (PuppyBrowser and Libgee):

Sidenote for porting:
if someone wants to turn the pet into one for other architechtures, you can compile libgee-0.15 and Puppybrowser, and then replace Kompozer with the binaries available for your system. ... 1.5.tar.gz
(./configure --prefix=/usr && make && new2dir make install)
There are also pets around for this libgee.

Note that in /usr/local/PuppyBrowser/kompozer/lib/defaults/prefs/all.js this line 575 must be commented, or you cannot click on links in the browserengine:


Code: Select all

pref("network.protocol-handler.expose-all",         false);

Code: Select all

//pref("network.protocol-handler.expose-all",         false);

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2013, 14:10
by MU
This pet 0.6 also works in "Zap6", the Debian Wheezy based Puppy fpr Raspberry Pi (
The only thing you need in addition is this deb (Download and click on it to install it): ... d/download

I actually run zap6 with the default start.elf, so I just have 128 MB, and PuppyBrowser works quicker than Iceape (Seamonkey).

Mark on wheezy-

Posted: Tue 27 Aug 2013, 03:22
by charlie6
Hi Mark !
seeking for a tiny and fast browser (esp. .swf files):
got success trying to run on wheezy- (having firefox installed),
- sfs4 converted PuppyBrowser02-seamonkey-1.1.8-no_mailnews_412.sfs and renamed to PuppyBrowser02-seamonkey-1.1.8-no_mailnews.sfs
- (libgee-0.1.5.tar.gz downloaded somewhere in this thread, and compiled on wheezy-
- + copied from a compatile version of kompozer)perhaps from here ... e0212a8d1a
and to allow the present libflashplayer to display shockwave-flash .swf files using seamonkeys stuffs
- (*) libnss3-1d_3.12.8-1+squeeze6_i386.deb from debian squeeze repo
+ symlink /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.8/
- libnspr4-0d_4.8.6-1_i386.deb from debian squeeze repo (maybe no necessary...)

(*) maybe also try symlink to existing to /usr/lib/firefox/, as also for; but not sure as seamonkey asks for version 3.12 ...?

puppybrowser is fast and tiny but needs some more MB-sized- and -PuppyBrowser02-seamonkey-1.1.8-no_mailnews.sfs ... :?

cheers, charlie

hv3 another tiny html browser

Posted: Thu 06 Mar 2014, 08:26
by charlie6
hv3 can be downloaded here:
it is a OOTB-working binary ...having all needed dependencies and is only 3,3MB big ...!
and it supports javascript...! see screenshot hereunder
It runs ok on wheezy-
Hope this helps !
last edited:
there exists also a pet here ...but could not get it to work :cry: command line reports errors ...better use the above binary !
last edited:
about that pet:
the /usr/bin/hv3 script has the command
exec wish /usr/share/hv3/hv3_main...
in it
to get the wish command (which is not present in puppy) one needs to install tk8.5 which has /usr/bin/wish8.5 in it; and aftrwds manualy create the symlink /usr/bin/wish.
hv3 can also be downloaded from PPM, but the total size of all the files and deps (about 15MB when installed ...! :? ) exceeds the size of the above binary.
So i recommend the above one package binary.

Posted: Thu 06 Mar 2014, 11:59
by ally
just given it a spin on slacko

quite impressed, very quick!


PuppyBrowserstill helpfull

Posted: Fri 02 May 2014, 10:31
by Pelo
The bookmarked browsers are still usefull. This morning i used Puppybrowser to surf to my adsl supplier. because Puppies are now delivered without anything, like windows. Are there still a Puppy, or just a kernel ? Dillo is too weak, PuppyBrowser is the tool, when you are blocked.