How to set up a Wacom Tablet

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#136 Post by nibl »

First of all, Thanks PizzasGood for the new drivers. The experimental version works under Puppy 4.2.1 with the Bamboo Pen.

The only minor annoyance is that if the tablet is unplugged it's gone until a reboot. Restarting X does not help. In fact, if you try to cat the device the console hangs. If you are not running X, then you have to reboot.

I know that hot-plugging is not supported, and I'm fine with restarting X, but having to reboot, and a hanging console when listing the devices points to some kind of more serious fault.

One clue may be that I can plug in the tablet *after* X has started (on the first boot up). The tablet does not need to be plugged in at boot time, or even before X starts. But when removed there's a problem. When first plugged in there's a message from the system that a new device has been recognized (dmesg? cannot remember). When removed there is no system message.

Any ideas what the cause may be?

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#137 Post by Pizzasgood »

Nope. I honestly don't know much about kernel stuff.

One idea you might try is to unplug the tablet, kill X, run rmmod wacom, and then do modprobe wacom to reload the driver. Then start X and try plugging in the tablet. I don't know if that will help.

EDIT: On my system using one of the older drivers (I don't remember which one I installed last) I do get a message when unplugging my tablet and another when I plug it in again, so it does sound like something isn't quite right on your end.
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Working with Lucid Puppylupu 5.01 on toshiba portege m200

#138 Post by gazb »

Thanks pizzasgood

Had some trouble getting it going but the xorg needed,

To enable the Wacom device, open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add the following to the
ServerLayout section:

Section "ServerLayout"
[keep whatever is currently there and add]
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

The following is for TabletPCs because the device is serial.

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "cursor"
Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
Option "Type" "cursor"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"
Option "Button2" "3"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
Option "Type" "stylus"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"
Option "Button2" "3"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "eraser"
Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
Option "Type" "eraser"
Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"
Option "Button2" "3"

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#139 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Pizzasgood !
many thanks for those pets !

LAST EDITED: I got it working ! Yessss...! question remains...
I could not get /dev/input/wacom automatically created by /etc/udev/rules.d/65-wacom.rules (...maybe missed something?)
So it could'nt work anymore upon a different USB connexions configuration.

What I did:
manually copied as symlink /dev/event5 into /dev/input and renamed it as /dev/input/wacom;

Another point:
Xorg has rebuilt its original version upon each X restart preventing the use of the edited xorg.conf with the wacom bits: the cause was TRIVIAL:
I copied the "Server Layout" section as follows:

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
            Identifier     "Default Layout"
            Screen 0 "Screen0"   0 0
            InputDevice    "Mouse0"    "CorePointer"
            InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
            InputDevice    "stylus"    "SendCoreEvents"
            InputDevice    "eraser"    "SendCoreEvents"
            InputDevice    "cursor"    "SendCoreEvents"   # For non-LCD tablets only
    	    InputDevice    "touch"     "SendCoreEvents"    # Only a few TabletPCs support this type
#InputDevice    "pad"   # For Intuos3/CintiqV5/Graphire4/Bamboo tablets

Looking in xorg.conf it appeared that the # did not comment the lines (as they were not grey coloured) - I had just to delete the comments to get Xorg accepting the new edited file.

Hi Pizzasgood !
many thanks for those pets !
on turbopup xtreme v1.0 (i.e. Puppy 4.20 k2.6.25.16)
I'm currently using a wacom graphire1 tablet as a mouse just by having loaded the wacom module through the "boot manager".

After having unloaded that wacom module and restarted the PC, I installed the only and followed the steps 1. to 6. in this thread.
After doing depmod and modprobe wacom in a console, the cursor and stylus are working.

Restarting xorgwizard causes to get xorg.conf back to its previous unmodified version (modified according to step 4). The modified version is put into xorg.conf.bak after restarting Xorg.

I did not find any /dev/input/wacom file present after installation, even after making /etc/udev/rules.d/65-wacom.rules executable.

How could I get it? This file is mentionned under the "Section "InputDevice"" added lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

Many thank for any answer

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#140 Post by Pizzasgood »

I did not find any /dev/input/wacom file present after installation, even after making /etc/udev/rules.d/65-wacom.rules executable
Odd. To be honest I don't know very much about udev. I guess the first thing to check would be whether udev is even running in your version of Puppy. If you run the following command you should see it listed as "udevd":

Code: Select all

ps -eo comm | sort 
(note: that '|' character is a pipe, not a capital 'i' or lowercase 'L'. On a US keyboard, the pipe character is the shifted version of the backslash '\' key, between 'Backspace' and 'Enter'.)

There might be more than one instance of udevd listed, that's fine. If you don't see udevd at all, maybe it got disabled or killed somehow. In that case, try starting it by hand to see what happens:

Code: Select all

udevd --daemon
Then unplug and plug in the wacom. If this works, you could add that line to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file to have it automatically run on bootup.

If udevd is running, then I'm not sure what the issue is. Maybe try looking at the output of the dmesg command and the file /var/log/messages to see if there's anything suspicious. In particular, try booting with the wacom unplugged, glance through the output of dmesg, especially toward the end, and then plug in the wacom and check dmesg again. You should see some new messages show up at the end of dmesg after plugging it in. They might give you some hints as to what's wrong.
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#141 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Pizzasgood, thanks again for you help and quick answer !
....If you run the following command you should see it listed as "udevd":

Code: Select all

ps -eo comm | sort 
udevd is present in the list

....try starting it by hand to see what happens:

Code: Select all

udevd --daemon
got this:

Code: Select all

# udevd --daemon
error initializing udevd socket
I cannot figure out what it means.
...but I am not experienced enough to understand what it means...

[note: As my turbopup is a custom-home-french-remastered version maybe I should have to check what happens on a pure Turbopup live-cd install.]

LAST EDITED: Got it nominaly working !
More details hereafter.
1. On a Turbopup-Xtreme-v1.0 live-cd session, checked if udevd is running by doing

Code: Select all

ps -eo comm | sort 
: not running;

Code: Select all

# udevd --daemon
get it running
doing it a second time answers

Code: Select all

# udevd --daemon
error initializing udevd socket
if doing

Code: Select all

# killall udevd
then udevd is no longer running.
doing again

Code: Select all

# udevd --daemon
starts udevd;
if doing it a second time then

Code: Select all

# udevd --daemon
error initializing udevd socket
answers the same error

So it seems quite right to get an error message if udevd is already running

2. On the same Turbopup-Xtreme-v1.0 live-cd session, have installed only; and copied the wacom bits (copied from the xorg.conf already previously edited on the frugall install).
3. have disconnected and aftrwds reconnected my Graphire1-wacom-usb-tablet;
4. looked inside /dev/input/...there is that wacom symlink present ...Yeah!
5. restarted X
6. checked mouse and stylus: nicely working !

7. Then I rebooted on my custom frugall Turbopup:

Code: Select all

# killall udevd
and deleted the /dev/input/wacom symlink earlier manually created; did

Code: Select all

#udevd --daemon
and aftrwds redo the above 3.and 4 steps: and YESS! got /dev/input/wacom symlink automatically created.
Aftrwds completed 5. and 6. steps...OK!

Thanks for any idea.

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#142 Post by charlie6 »

Once again "thanks Pizzasgood".
(again on a remasterized french-home-customized-Turbopup-Xtreme-v1.0 frugall); installed;
Now with a Volito 1 tablet USB connected ;
I remained a bit puzzled: once all steps given in page 1 were done, only the cursor did not work properly: when moved on the tablet the cursor displayed sporadic motions of the arrow; but if lifted about 5mm and moved ...keeping ±constant ...that 5mm gap, then it worked ... very ennoying to use it that way...!.
Looking at the Wacom pages, found this:
Option "CursorProx" "number"
sets the max distance from tablet to stop reporting movement for cursor in relative mode. Default for Intuos series is 10, Graphire series (including Volitos) is 42.
edited xorg.conf and added this line

Code: Select all

      Option        "CursorProx" "100"
to get this

Code: Select all

Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier    "cursor"
      Driver        "wacom"
      Option        "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
      Option        "Type" "cursor"
      Option        "USB" "on"
      Option        "CursorProx" "100"

(I got no result with "42" value - after "cut and try" got the cursor working with "100" - why 100 ? maybe should one try other values ???)

Note : the stylus works; eraser do not as the Volito 1 is not featured with eraser.

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#143 Post by Nymphobe »

first of all my thanks and respect to all you guys involved in development wacom drivers for puppy. it worked great for me until recently.
but now i updated puppeee4.3x derivative to the latest version and drivers don't work anymore (i tried to install drivers fix xorg.conf and rebooted as usual but no desired effect - wacom still works like a touchpad) i wonder what's happened and what can be done about it. i'm very unexperienced on linux so not sure what information needed to solve this. (and how to get it)
Below is info i have
Tablet: wacom bamboo
Machine: eee701_4G
OS Puppeee4.3X RC6 (drivers worked on RC3)
Kernel seems (i686) (as says hardinfo utility)
(If i got it right) xorg was updated to v.7.6

and some strange line appears in console when i try to modprobe wacom
FATAL: Module evdev not found.

thanks for care to read this ^^' would be glad of any advice

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#144 Post by jemimah »

Evdev is builtin to the Puppeee kernel - I'm not sure why it gives that error but the module still loads at least for me.

Try the attached Xorg driver update and see if it works.
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#145 Post by Nymphobe »

well actually eraser still not responds to pressure but thats bearable - i can draw now yay ^__^

UPD: Just mobilized eraser! =-) to get it to work i swapped third and fourth eraser actions in GIMP input-devices preferences

should this driver be added to the main list to make convenience for modern xorg users?
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#146 Post by jemimah »

Ok. I will add this driver to the next Puppeee. There's a good chance it will work on Quirky too.

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#147 Post by charlie6 »

see post here ... 962#432962

on a HP5260 pc with Ge6200 nvidia card:
...eventually got wacom tablets (volito or graphire 1) working on ttuuxxx's Quirky-1.20-Firefox-v3.0 + (thanks ttuxxx !);

The tablet was not fully working with xorg.conf default-upon-first-boot set to "vesa" video driver - editing xorg.conf « has no effect »

solution: CTRL-backspace, run xorgwizard and " CHOOSE " the "nv" driver,
run xwin and then apply steps on page 1 this thread.

Again thanks Pizzasgood
your pets prevent me now from some wrist pains !
Cheers, Charlie

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#148 Post by charlie6 »

Nymphobe wrote:Kernel seems celeron
jemimah wrote:...Try the attached Xorg driver update and see if it works.
Could then "" work on Lucid 5.X.X or LupuQuickset (both running kernel
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Cheers, Charlie

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#149 Post by charlie6 »

Hi again,
on lupq-508 Quickset (= lucid-5.xx derivative thanks to shinobar)
charlie6 wrote:...Could then "" work on Lucid 5.X.X or LupuQuickset (both running kernel
Maybe I misunderstood something... ( wacom-xorg-driver running on kernel is not a kernel-adapted-wacom-driver ? ).
I got a try using jeminah's pet + editing xorg.conf (added the wacom bits - just copied and paste the wacom bits from another working puppy4.20+wacom tablet).

results: did not work
- doing

Code: Select all

causes cursor to move
- restarting X causes Xorg to stop. Had to boot from live-cd to re-edit xorg.conf to its initial version.

So I would ask to have a lucid adapted wacom-driver as I do not believe I could compile it myselve.

Thanks in advance for any answer.

Cheers, Charlie

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(SOLVED) wacom driver for Lucid 5.XX and LupqQuickset

#150 Post by charlie6 »

Hi again,

UPDATED by 01 december 2010 ( thanks Craig ;-) )
wacom-" drivers now tested and working in Puppy 5.1.x
See later post: ... 459#467459


UPDATED 16 november 2010
about mtpaint: version 3.34.57 gives now pressure response using the wacom tablet stylus. Thanks to Dmitry Groshev, mtpaint maintainer - read more on next pages and page 12: posts from forum member don570 and to be downloaded on
(thanks to don570)
END UPDATE 16 november 2010
Here are also the xorg.conf details for a USB wacom Volito 1 tablet:

Code: Select all

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     " Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
	InputDevice    "stylus"    "SendCoreEvents"
    InputDevice    "eraser"    "SendCoreEvents"
    InputDevice    "cursor"    "SendCoreEvents"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"
	Option      "XkbRules" "xorg"
	Option      "XkbModel" "pc102"
	Option      "XkbLayout" "be" #xkeymap0

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Mouse0"
	Driver      "mouse"
	Option	    "Protocol" "IMPS/2" #mouse0protocol
#	Option	    "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0"
	Option	    "Device" "/dev/mouse"	
	Option      "Emulate3Buttons"
	Option      "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
	#Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" #scrollwheel

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "wacom"
  Identifier    "stylus"
  Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/wacom"
  Option        "Type"          "stylus"
  Option        "USB"           "on"
  Option        "Mode"          "Relative"
  Option        "AlwaysCore"    "on"
  Option        "Speeed"        "1.0"
  Option        "Threshold"     "10"  

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "wacom"
  Identifier    "eraser"
  Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/wacom"
  Option        "Type"          "eraser"
  Option        "USB"           "on"

Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "wacom"
  Identifier    "cursor"
  Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/wacom"
  Option        "Type"          "cursor"
  Option        "USB"           "on"
  Option        "CursorProx" "100"   
Thanks for any comment!
Have fun !
Cheers, Charlie
Last edited by charlie6 on Wed 01 Dec 2010, 08:09, edited 3 times in total.

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try another version of mtpaint

#151 Post by don570 »

is working in gimp (but curiously not with mtpaint-3.34.55
Maybe try another version of mtpaint

This is the previous version that came out 5 months ago.

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mtpaint 3.31 responds to pressure in lupq

#152 Post by don570 »

I spent the weekend testing charlie6's new driver.
First of all thanks for all your hard work.
I was frightened to even attempt to try to compile this driver.
Here's my report:

I successfully installed the
in lupq 511 following the instructions on the first page
of this thread.

I was unsuccessful in installing the driver on other
Lucid Puppies.

Just like you I wasn't able to get mtpaint 3.34.55
to respond to pressure, so I tried other versions
of mtpaint that I got from dragging out of other

Here are my results:

Wary009 -----> mtpaint 3.1 pressure worked!
spup -----> mtpaint 3.1 pressure worked!
pfluxlite -----> mtpaint 3.1 pressure worked!
Lighthouse 5 -----> mtpaint 3.1 pressure worked!

Lighthouse 4.43 ----> mtpaint 3.34.33 pressure didn't work
Fluppy ----------> mtpaint 3.35 pressure didn't work

I tried compiling mtpaint with different options to find
what is causing the problem, but I couldn't get any version
of mtpaint 3.34.55 to respond to pressure input while
using lupq 511

But surprisingly Lighthouse Puppy 4.43 will work properly
with my version of mtpaint 3.34.55 including pressure input.


With the driver installed, I have a small problem with rebooting.
When I reboot, the screen goes black for about 5 seconds.
This makes me think that I have crashed my machine, but
then the rebooting process proceeds correctly.
Do you have this problem? I think 'xorg.conf' needs to be modified.
Did you put anything special in your 'xorg.conf' ?

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mtpaint 3.31 responds to pressure in lupq

#153 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Don,
many thanks for your time and efforts in testing several mtpaint version and installation ! I can imagine how many time spent done all that !

I got a try on the mtpaint version given in your previous post without change. Thanks anyway for your time!
I was unsuccessful in installing the driver on other
Lucid Puppies.
Honestly, I hav'nt time at now to check those version. Maybe it could be a Xorg-version matter.

Here is my understanding when reading through the wacom-project website (More here:
there are 2 drivers needed to get the wacom tablet working:
(I believe Pizzasgood have already mentionned it on page 1 this thread)
1. a kernel driver : Pizzasgood's compiled drivers at page 1 this thread (for Lupq the already present wacom.ko may be used - at now oct.13 2010, I could not find a new driver for k on wacom-projetc website);
2. a wacom-Xorg driver which is xorg-version dependent: wacom web site mentions version higher or lower than 1.7 for selecting the Xorg-driver-version.
For instance, Jemimah's cannot work on Lupq as xf86-input-wacom-0.10.7 version works for Xorg-version lower than 1.7.
Lupq Xorg-version is 1.76; the 0.10.8 version has just been issued by begin october 2010 ... we have got good luck they have issued it !
...Here are my results:
...mtpaint 3.1 pressure worked!
...mtpaint 3.34.33 pressure didn't work...
I am happy pressure works for some mtpaint version/installation.
Having tested Gimp on Lupq: pressure works; for instance I got a well pressure dependent line width using the calligraphy option.
Question: how do you check that pressure is working? Are you Just checking the pressure value indicator present in the "test zone" in the tablet setup dialog box?
My meaning is: for instance on puppy 4.20 + mtpaint3.31, the displayed pressure value is varying accordingly with the applied stylus pression. So I can conclude "the pressure works". But while drawing, I cannot get a pressure dependent line width. Line width remains constant. Now I wonder if a Gimp-like calligraphy option is present on mtpaint. Maybe there is not one yet ...!

Also, I believe mtpaint considerations not to be linked with the wacom drivers (as it is working on Gimp). Maybe it would be preferable to open a new thread - or resume to an existing pet - for discussions about mtpaint use.

Thanks for any comment.
Have fun !
(must leave now...)
Cheers, Charlie

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wacom + mtpaint

#154 Post by don570 »

Code: Select all

My meaning is: for instance on puppy 4.20 + mtpaint3.31, the displayed pressure value is varying accordingly with the applied stylus pression. So I can conclude "the pressure works". But while drawing, I cannot get a pressure dependent line width. Line width remains constant. Now I wonder if a Gimp-like calligraphy option is present on mtpaint. Maybe there is not one yet ...! 

That is very unusual. I've never seen that behaviour in Ubuntu or Puppy.
I highly recommend lighthouse puppy 4.43 for artists since the pressure
feature works beautifully.

When I tried the dragged-over-copies of mtpaint 3.31 in lupq I had no problems
at all. The test box shows that pressure is working and just stroking the stylus
on the window shows that it is working well i.e. opacity and width depend on pressure.
...and gimp is stable as a rock.
lupq is a very nice operating system.

I forgot to mention that I use a Bamboo tablet.


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wacom tablet stylus pressure vs mtpaint version

#155 Post by charlie6 »

Hi all !
When I tried the dragged-over-copies of mtpaint 3.31 in lupq I had no problems
at all
I got the same result as yours: the pressure is working on mtpaint-3.31 !
(on wacom Volito 1 tablet)
On a fresh lupq-save session, I first have got rid of all files of mtpaint-3.34.55; and afterwards installed muggins's compiled mtpaint-3.31, see here (thanks Muggins !)
His post also direct to mtpaint-NLS and -Doc pets download links.

UPDATED by 01 december 2010 ( thanks Craig ;-) )
wacom-" drivers now tested and working in Puppy 5.1.x
See later post: ... 459#467459

Have fun
Last edited by charlie6 on Wed 01 Dec 2010, 08:00, edited 3 times in total.

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