Qt, LXQt, LXPUPQT, TAHRPUP ... and Polarpup !

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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Qt, LXQt, LXPUPQT, TAHRPUP ... and Polarpup !

#1 Post by Pelo »

Using polarpup with brand new computers oblige me to replace the kernel with Racy's one. No problem (how to swith the kernel process available on the forum)
QT allows using databases with a nice desktop, user does not see these ugly rows of data.
chocolate welcomes you at the Pelo's restaurant
polarpup Qt 005 est un plaisir.
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Last edited by Pelo on Sat 20 Feb 2016, 03:09, edited 6 times in total.


Polarpup no barks any more at second boot !

#2 Post by Pelo »

Polarpup no barks any more at second boot, why ? Does anybody know ?
Sound is activated. Youtube sings, shouts.
THD is a fine Puppy, efficient, LTS lucid, it only miss a yonger kernel. Go one step ahead ! :arrow:
Last edited by Pelo on Fri 31 Jan 2014, 08:25, edited 3 times in total.

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#3 Post by musher0 »

Hi, pelo.

Here you go! This little script will make any Puppy bark twice every time it starts.
Simply click on the pet file to install it. It installs in /root/Startup.

As an option, you can remove the number signs at the beginning of the lines towards the
end of the script to make the Puppy bark four times instead of two times if you prefer.

Enjoy! (Don't forget to turn down the volume! ;) )

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"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)


Un prêté pour un rendu

#4 Post by Pelo »

Iceweasal is an old firefox 3 used on debian puppies to start the machine.
Used on light wheezy 2014. Firefox 3.6 (fr!) should be a better choice as you can easily update it to version 26 later.
However it'a a better choice than no browser at all (frenchy distros) or a completely geek (savant fou ?) links as some gaelic distro producers.

I am happy that somebody get interest in the only QT distro available nowadays : Polarpup ! pelorized kernel 3.0.25 by myself. :D

Debian geeks running puppy :
La Fontaine wrote : "la grenouille qui voulait se faire aussi grosse que le boeuf" in english "the puppy whose dream was to be a big beef" Not so easy. Stay yourself and the world will go round.
Last edited by Pelo on Sat 25 Jan 2014, 08:25, edited 1 time in total.


My japanese geisha will replace the dog

#5 Post by Pelo »

My japanese geisha will replace the dog (wav from lucid 528JP moeppy).
She is yet at the entrance of the petihar's distro.
And at the exit too.
Iceweasal ??? click here
Qtconfig allows pretty looks which will change you of dark and lights greys.
Agasajar means ? Gore, time to entertain our guests. easy no ?
Dentro de 3 semanas será tu compleaños : It's your birthday in three weeks.
tarjeta bancaria banker's card, bank card
Menu de Pemasu, with music to keep warm your hearts, dear linux passengers
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easy spanish language para nosotros français.
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Last edited by Pelo on Wed 22 Jun 2016, 08:48, edited 10 times in total.


The dog barks at the entrance

#6 Post by Pelo »

The dog barks at the entrance. Musher knows how to make the dog obey.
Will i succeed in doing the same with the geisha ? I think that i will.
If anybody would like Puppying QT, joined doc could give some ideas.
My Racy PolarQoaT is enough for me. Quote :
irefox 6.0, Webrender and Lightweight2 browsers, Umplayer 0.97-svn, which has working Youtube searching API parser, Gnome-Mplayer and Gecko-mediaplayer 1.05b1, Pupradio 0.11, Feff (Front end for Ffmpeg) added, Pidgin 2.10, Radkys PupApplications updated to the latest. Great Sysinfobox2, Right clicks updated using don570 great pet as model.
Themes changed and reduced somewhat, Jwm themes more redundant. Wallpapers changed somewhat. Pnethood, Pprocess, Precord, Guvcview also updated. Some other updates also.

For multimedia experience, Gimp, Fotoxx, Geeqie, Minitunes, Clementine, Deadbeef, Qmmp, Handbrake still included. Only Smplayer removed, it has same core as Umplayer.
t4 applications pet repo has more Qt4 applications to test and use. I will update that repo, when I find more nice apps.

Run in console: #qtconfig
You get possiblity to select gtk style and change font to bigger one like Deja Vu Sans or Arial 12 -14. Then save the configuration from the upper left corner. It affects to all Qt applications.

Distro have also many applications from IcePuppy/SnowPuppy/Midnight Sun Pup in good and bad.

Gimp, Deadbeef, Umplayer, Firefox, Fotoxx with full extra supporting apps, Clementine, Qmmp, Minitunes, Handbrake, Gnome-Mplayer and a lot other stuff included.
And of course Pidgin, Xchat, Transmission.
Latest updates: Pmusic 1.92, PupApps, Pupcontrol and Menumaker.
Gnome-commander has been added.
Pixmaps has been updated using Tman's uploaded package.
Alsamixer menu entry added.

Broadcom hybrid wl driver, ndiswrapper driver and acpi_call are included. Some new firmwares and udev rules.

If you want Winamp like experience, test Qmmp, but download Qmmp-skins from the Qt4 pets repo. The default outlook reminds me of Soviet Union times. I have travelled through whole Soviet Union up to Siberia so I know what I speak of.

Extra Qt4 apps using Gstreamer:
YaRock and Cuberok are in Qt4 pets folder.
Nordic Music for Mummy Puppy, with MiniTunes,
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Last edited by Pelo on Wed 22 Jun 2016, 08:44, edited 4 times in total.

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#7 Post by Fossil »

Pelo. A request. Will you please shorten the text in the Description field of image box firefox5.jpg. It's unnecessary.
For anyone using a small screen monitor - laptop, etc, the need to keep scrolling back and forth to read the accompanying editorial is a PITA! This is why images too are restricted to 800 pixels!
Many thanks.


SimpleScreenRecorder to SMplayer

#8 Post by Pelo »

What is SimpleScreenRecorder?

SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program that I've created to record programs and games.
the original goal was to create a program that was just really simple to use, but as I was writing it I started adding more and more features, and the result is actually a pretty powerful program. It's 'simple' in the sense that it's easier to use than ffmpeg/avconv or VLC, because it has a straightforward user interface.
I am testing the settings. First try was failed. :)
Ni gnome mplayer, ni SMplayer ne lisent quoi que ce soit sur cette LXPUPQT, mêmes mes vidéos archi vues et revues par mes fidèles spectateurs.
Cette distro manque de quelquechose, de plusieurs choses. Dommage, le graphisme est pas mal.
Last edited by Pelo on Fri 04 Mar 2016, 10:57, edited 1 time in total.


Gnome Mplayer n'est pas UMplayer,

#9 Post by Pelo »

Gnome Mplayer n'est pas UMplayer, mais sur Polarpup, la version liste les titres de mes CDs, ce que ne font pas les autres
C'est bien, cha.
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Yarock ici, plus d'autres

#10 Post by Pelo »

Yarock ici, plus d'autres
Yarock is Qt4 Modern Music Player designed to provide an easy and pretty music
collection browser based on cover art. yarock navigue sur les pochettes de disques, sympa. testé avec succès sur La Puppy palme d'or Polarpup Qt-005 de Pemasu.

Musique does its best to stay out of the way and keep you focused on the only thing that really matters: Music.
Musique is great for those who appreciate its efficient simplicity. Consider getting it as a gift for kids and other family members that may find other players too complex and cumbersome.

Watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream.
Minitube is not about cloning the YouTube website, it aims to create a new TV-like experience.
Last edited by Pelo on Wed 20 Apr 2016, 12:12, edited 1 time in total.


YaRock en console, (avec les majuscules SVP)

#11 Post by Pelo »

YaRock testé aussi sur la Puppy américaine Jessie (Slimboat fournit des Libs Qt, les compléter en tapant YaRock en console, avec les majuscules SVP)
Libphonon, je trouve çà ou ?
Français en fête dans un carnaval de salsa
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Last edited by Pelo on Mon 06 Jun 2016, 07:29, edited 1 time in total.


The Puppy Jessie soon will be kick out !

#12 Post by Pelo »

The Puppy Jessie soon will be kick out !
Plus the desktop icons
cons : is much less than my tahrpup ...

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