I'd like to see end to this racial krap

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#21 Post by Aitch »

Hi Bruce
Jesting aside....I can't speak for other people...each to his own....but I prefer to be called English
Britain isn't a country, ...for a start it's an abbreviation of Great Britain, ....Britain was last used prior to 43 AD/ AKA prehistoric Britain
It's a conglomerate like the US, and comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, so no-one can be British, and is also referred to as 'The United Kingdom'....but, again, it's about as United as the States....if you get my drift.....People tend to be fiercely proud of where there from, and maintain accents long after leaving their motherland
I've traveled a fair bit of the world, and find....surprise, surprise, - people...all one race, human, mostly struggling to get by, wanting to live in dignity, and without harm,, often feeling dis-powered by 'society's rules and systems'
I had a row with an American over racism, as he didn't understand nor recognise that bigotry is regarded as racism in English Law, and I was trained to call it what it was, and called him racist, and he was offended
Not traveling the world leads people to have narrow viewpoints, and Just because people happen to be brought up being told they are the best in the world, doesn't make it so, it just makes for big egos

The biggest problem humanity faces is itself, and its confused self-image
We have forgotten who we are, where we are from, and why we are here, at this particular time....this may remind some - we are one!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJiCU6Jw ... re=related


Aitch :)

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#22 Post by sunburnt »

Simple truth...

Things are the way they are, because the people in power want them that way.

Keeping people and countries apart for all the reasons it happens, benefits them.
They care little if it`s for the reasons of nationalism, race, religion, what ever...

It`s been said: If it`s important, it`ll get done.

Truth... The way things are is important to maintaining power for the oligarchy.

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#23 Post by Keef »

I've never really took to the term "Brits", and I'm sure it is because my first memories of it is being used by Irish nationalists (the Northern Ireland lot), and it never seemed to be used very affectionately for some reason.
For many years it always felt like a derogatory term, but I am probably in a minority here.

Bruce B

#24 Post by Bruce B »

Aitch wrote:I had a row with an American over racism, as he didn't understand nor recognise that bigotry is regarded as racism in English Law, and I was trained to call it what it was, and called him racist, and he was offended

Thanks for your answers.

Years ago, a female friend called me a racist. I guess I was offended. More importantly, I thought up a way to make a point about racism, one she would never forget.

I challenged her that I thought she was a racist and I'd like to prove it.

I was driving, and in control of the vechile, I took her to black section of town, an area white man doesn't go. She saw what section of town I was in, she demanded me to tell her where I was going.

I pulled into a dirt parking lot. There were maybe a half a dozen black men drinking liquor on the porch of the old wooden store.

My point was that I trust them enough, that I think they will give me safe passage to the store, I can buy something in the liquor store and return to my vechicle without being molested.

She went into hysteria, locked the doors, cussed at me to get her out of there and went into extreme anger and terror. And I'm sure she hates me to this day for what I did.

After leaving the liquor store unmolested and getting back on the road, I told her that her fear and hysteria revealed to me that she is a racist, that her emotions betray her lofty self claims.

I know what I did wasn't nice. It wasn't intended to be nice. It was intended to put a person who I thought was a racist in her place after calling others (namely me) racist.



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#25 Post by linuxbear »

Bruce B wrote:Nevada has a high 12% unemployment rate, I think Las Vegas is about the same.

And I'm clearly not meaning even remotely imply Romney would do any thing.

I think if we could make everyone in Las Vegas leave who has no legal right to even be in this country, this alone would cause the unemployment rate to drop significantly, and jobs lost would be filled with people who do have a legal right to live and work there.

Actually, a lot Mexicans are returning home. It seems they prefer to be jobless in their own country where they are near their friends and family.

As to unemployment, they count the unemployed by the amount of people on the dole. If you have used all your time up (which now; thanks to the conservatives, is only a year) you are no longer seen as unemployed. is this government math/logic? Or perhaps a means for all past presidents to look good? It is also interesting to note that those who have college degrees have an unemployment rate of less than 7 percent. Part of the reason for the high numbers like 13% in Vegas is that a lot of the jobs that have been lost since the crash which required high school only, have not been replaced while college degree only jobs have been increasing. What this means is that the blue collar unemployment rate is very high, perhaps in the 20s

Bruce B

#26 Post by Bruce B »

linuxbear wrote:Actually, a lot Mexicans are returning home. It seems they prefer to be jobless in their own country where they are near their friends and family.
In LA, we get a lot of people from south of the Mexican border also. It seems to me, they have an even rougher time than Mexicans.

What about the women, the Latinas? Many of them come into this country wanting work. Where are they? What becomes of them? I mean, we don't see them on the streets looking for work as we do the hombres.

I suspect they generally disappear into the woodwork, most of them working as domestics inside the homes of others. That is if they have no family here to support them and help them get a better start.

But I don't actually know for sure what generally happens to them.


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#27 Post by sickgut »

what i would like to see happen is one rule for everyone.

For example: it seems perfectly fine for african americans to call each other the "n" word, yet if a white person says it, then its racist. There are hiphop albums that even have the "n" word in their title, example of such is n****** in paris by kanye west and jay-z on the watch the throne album.

kids that are 13 and under listen to this music and its acceptable. but when they log into a chat channel in a game or some other community, if they use the "n" word they are banned. However even mentioning the song title above can get them banned. They can listen to that song, even legitimately but they cant tell anyone they listen to it.

I liken the white person not being allowed to use the "n" word yet the african american population can use it... as being similar to recent attitudes of suggestive female modeling. Everyone says that its degrading to women to be photographed or filmed while posing seductively.... everyone except the women who do this themselves and make money from it. Its degrading to women to buy a kinda sexy type calendar or magazine.... but this doesnt make sense and or it would help the situation if the actually models would stop seeking employment and making money from such things and publishing such material to begin with. Its not degrading to buy their products, you are actually supporting them. If it was infact so bad then no women would agree to be photographed to begin with. Many successful models make millions of dollars over the span of their careers... is anyone going to try to convince me that i am degrading these women and exploiting them if i buy one of their published magazines?

simple fact is, if these models didnt willingly "degrade" themselves for money in the first place, no perverted males would buy the products or look at them because they wouldnt exist to begin with. The issue here is not whether perverted old men degrade women by buying their products, the issue here is models willing to and wanting to make money from degrading themselves to begin with.

im using the above as an example. i dont buy playboy or other magazines or surf porn on the internet because im not a pervert.

it would be easier to accept white people not using the "n" in reference to african americans if african americans didnt call themselves that word to begin with. When you buy a CD with that word in every single one of those songs and you sing it to your self and you are a white person, and a black person overhears you... i hope they understand that you have actually supported african americans by buying a CD published by african americans.

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#28 Post by Moose On The Loose »

sickgut wrote:what i would like to see happen is one rule for everyone.

For example: it seems perfectly fine for african americans to call each other the "n" word,
We are all victims of our history. It seems that some 2000 years ago, one bunch of folks in the middle east nailed the leader of another small group to a cross and people are still talking about it today.

A mere 300 years ago one group of folks kidnapped another to use as slaves. I think we will be still talking about that for a while. We can make it less of a problem with time if we all agree to try to make tomorrow better than yesterday. It won't be forgotten in our life times or even the life times of our children but it can very slowly get better.

Bruce B

#29 Post by Bruce B »

Moose On The Loose wrote:A mere 300 years ago one group of folks kidnapped another to use as slaves. I think we will be still talking about that for a while. We can make it less of a problem with time if we all agree to try to make tomorrow better than yesterday. It won't be forgotten in our life times or even the life times of our children but it can very slowly get better.
Not contradicting your thoughts at all, I'd like to add some of mine.

I don't think the Bible forbid slavery, but its authors knew about it. I think this is one reason why we could find fine upstanding Southern Baptists who thought slavery was Bibically permissible.

Concurrently, many people found it repulsive, some states even provided safe harbor for slaves who could make it to the state borders.

A lot of the fuel to make the Civil War worth fighting, for many, was the issue of slavery.

Many of my relatives fought in this ghastly war on the side of the North.

If they deserve any credit for their convictions, risks and courage, I think they didn't get it in the long run.

The revisionist history seems to say: The White man did it to the Negros, end of story.

Mark Twain, masterfully did his part, not to free the slaves, because they were already free. He wanted to humanize them in the eyes of his readers. Stated differently, he was an activist trying to effect Social Change.

Some people now want to take the so-called N word out of his books.

Twain wrote these books Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn and using the N* word was a favor to Negros.

What he was actually doing in these now Classic stories was humanizing Black people, the ex-slaves, by showing their plight and a piece of history.

It would be hard to read these two Classic novels without 'getting' that the ex-slaves and Negros are very human.


Bruce B

#30 Post by Bruce B »


Two times I was an accomplice in throwing a very nice girl out of this country to El Salvador. My part: I drove them to the airport.

In more detail.

He mother was a naturalized citizen. He daughter wasn't. On two occasions mom got really pissed, for punishment, she put her on a plane to El Salvador.

The poor girl would find her way back into mom's good graces, maybe a year later. Mom would then send a ticket back to the US, which happens to be the only home she knows, because she was a toddler when she came here.

A third time she pissed her mom off and mom wanted to kick her out of the country again. But by this time the daughter had become naturalized US citizen.

I never liked the idea of kicking the child out of the country and she would come back with terrible scars from mosquito bites. And the whole thing was of course, emotionally harmful to her.

Anyway, on the third occasion, mom went to do it again. But, considering the girl was by now a US Citizen I felt I had leverage to stop the eviction.

I come out sticking up for the girls rights. My arguments were, you can't evict a US Citizen from the country, I'll have you arrested. I'll provide shelter and anything else to thwart you.

Believe it or not, the mom then asked me to help her stab the girl. I refused!!!!

What to learn: I'd advise all Latina daughters who are dependent on their mommy, not to piss her off.


If anyone is interested the daughter's crimes were, (normal), interest in boys.




#31 Post by Dewbie »

sickgut wrote:
i dont buy playboy or other magazines or surf porn on the internet because im not a pervert.
It's perfectly normal for guys to do that, and it doesn't mean that we're perverts.
It just means that we have a pulse.
And there's no harm if it's done in moderation.

Bruce B wrote:
Believe it or not, the mom then asked me to help her stab the girl. I refused!!!!

Most animals probably have better maternal instincts than that. :evil:

Bruce B

#32 Post by Bruce B »

Dewbie wrote: Bruce B wrote:
Believe it or not, the mom then asked me to help her stab the girl. I refused!!!!

Most animals probably have better maternal instincts than that. :evil:

Bruce B

#33 Post by Bruce B »

Dewbie and sickgut,

I think gender considerations matter. I think race is often not important. To help prove my point, I post a picture of young women from three differing ethnic backgrounds.

I think on looking at the picture, most will agree that race doesn't make all that much difference, especially with these three.

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#34 Post by sickgut »

Bruce B wrote:
Moose On The Loose wrote:A mere 300 years ago one group of folks kidnapped another to use as slaves. I think we will be still talking about that for a while. We can make it less of a problem with time if we all agree to try to make tomorrow better than yesterday. It won't be forgotten in our life times or even the life times of our children but it can very slowly get better.
Not contradicting your thoughts at all, I'd like to add some of mine.

I don't think the Bible forbid slavery, but its authors knew about it. I think this is one reason why we could find fine upstanding Southern Baptists who thought slavery was Bibically permissible.

Concurrently, many people found it repulsive, some states even provided safe harbor for slaves who could make it to the state borders.

A lot of the fuel to make the Civil War worth fighting, for many, was the issue of slavery.

Many of my relatives fought in this ghastly war on the side of the North.

If they deserve any credit for their convictions, risks and courage, I think they didn't get it in the long run.

The revisionist history seems to say: The White man did it to the Negros, end of story.

Mark Twain, masterfully did his part, not to free the slaves, because they were already free. He wanted to humanize them in the eyes of his readers. Stated differently, he was an activist trying to effect Social Change.

Some people now want to take the so-called N word out of his books.

Twain wrote these books Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn and using the N* word was a favor to Negros.

What he was actually doing in these now Classic stories was humanizing Black people, the ex-slaves, by showing their plight and a piece of history.

It would be hard to read these two Classic novels without 'getting' that the ex-slaves and Negros are very human.

yes the bible and quoran deal with slavery. this doesnt mean they promote it, but how to deal it when it happens. Way back in the day, like the times B.C.E etc there wasnt any jobs in the way we have them today. There where those born into money and or end up in an important position that helps govern whatever country you belong too.

Either you are one of these fortunate or you are a slave. There was no inbetween. There was ofcause military service but that is also slavery and the transition from an unimportant soldier to a general meant that you where once a slave and then you actually own slaves.

Depending on the slave driver, life could be very good or extreme hell. There where laws enstated that allowed slaves to continue with the family they where slaving for. Sometimes the slave would develop close relationships with their masters and or the masters family. If the slave wanted to stay slaving for them then they could get a body piecing that symbolizes that they are now kinda part of the family and it was legally recognized and the master wasnt allowed to fire the slave. Slavery on average was an easier life than going it alone and trying to make a living with no resources or capital upfront. Slavery guaranteed some food at the end of the day, shelter from the rain and or warmth in a house during cold nights. The bible says that a master is unlikely to damage and or abuse a slave because this would mean that less gets done / fixed etc on the masters property. For the most part, slaves where allowed to marry, had their own hut apart from the masters house and where allowed to procreate. However the offspring would be expected to work for the master when they are old enough to do so.

The bible doesnt condone slavery and encourage people to take slaves for themselves but it lays guidelines for the treatment of slaves if the situation already exists. The quoran has similar guidlines.

Bruce B

#35 Post by Bruce B »

Well said and like that you mentioned that slave owners where, throughout history, very good to their slaves.

Suppose I buy a 10,000 dollar horse. I want him to be worth keeping for a long time. I therefore stall him well, feed him well, care for him and have the doctor periodically visit them. I am fundamentally kind to the beast of burden for many reasons of empathy and principles and more.

On the other hand, we have had horse owners who were cruel to the animals. Facts of life?

I have one cat and two dogs. They are animals and I own them. They are my property. The reason I have them is, I want them for pets. I treat them as beloved pets, and they love me back. And they are my companions also.

I think I could argue that slavery still exists, but I won't burden the reader with the arguments.


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#36 Post by sickgut »

Bruce B wrote:Well said and like that you mentioned that slave owners where, throughout history, very good to their slaves.

Suppose I buy a 10,000 dollar horse. I want him to be worth keeping for a long time. I therefore stall him well, feed him well, care for him and have the doctor periodically visit them. I am fundamentally kind to the beast of burden for many reasons of empathy and principles and more.

On the other hand, we have had horse owners who were cruel to the animals. Facts of life?

I have one cat and two dogs. They are animals and I own them. They are my property. The reason I have them is, I want them for pets. I treat them as beloved pets, and they love me back. And they are my companions also.

I think I could argue that slavery still exists, but I won't burden the reader with the arguments.

slavery... despotism etc... can be terrible. However if you are a slave and you get a good master, its not too bad... no worse than the 9am - 5pm struggle that most people on earth do every day to put food on the table.

and a democracy is a waste of time and is inefficient when there is something needed to be done and done quickly as there is the endless debating and voting etc.

a despot would just fix the problem. no wasting days or weeks in a committee. however is you get a bad evil despot then its hell.

a slave is expensive and usually the slave owner doesnt want to damage or starve or let the slave get sick.

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#37 Post by PaulBx1 »

I'd like to see end to this racial krap
Good luck with that. It's in the interest of the ruling class that racism exist. If it didn't exist, they'd have to create it.

I just bought another gun a couple days ago. I'm still annoyed that I have to tell the government what color I am, and what's worse, to have to lie doing it. I checked off the "white" box, but when I look at my skin, I'm nowhere near white. There is no "light brown" box. And why should it matter anyway? Don't every color and ethnic background get to own guns? I guess it's sort of a back-door census. Busybodies trying to stick their nose in my business.

Bruce B

#38 Post by Bruce B »

What Race?

I learned to write, I lack sufficient information to know.

Q: Hey, mongrel, where's your pedigree?
A: I didn't come with one

For example, one Great-grandfather married a Squaw women. Another married a Negro. The family kept this information in the closet.

Imagine asking, "Mom, how come other people get sunburned and we just get darker?"

She answers, "Its because of the pigment," knowing full well it will be years before I can understand what pigment implies.

Bruce B

#39 Post by Bruce B »

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A tough Texas law requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls discriminates against low-income blacks and Hispanics, a federal court ruled Thursday, wiping out for the November election a measure championed by conservatives and setting up a potential U.S. Supreme Court showdown.

Note: it doesn't discriminate against poor people, poor Asians, or poor Spaniards or poor Whites.

My photo ID is my driver's license. It costs me $10.00 every four years, which averages out to $2.50 per year.

If I'm too poor for this, I'd say, I'm too poor to buy food for a day.

If a person is dirt poor in the State of California, she will likely receive a minimum of 220 a month, plus food stamps, and free medical insurance.

Describing an incident that occurred as I stepped out a Grocery Store. A woman asked me if I would donate some money for homeless or distressed women and children.

I said, "I won't do it because you are not collecting money for people. What about homeless men, what do you about that?"

She actually sort of agreed that I had a point, but the charity wasn't hers to make any changes.


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#40 Post by sickgut »

PaulBx1 wrote:
I'd like to see end to this racial krap
Good luck with that. It's in the interest of the ruling class that racism exist. If it didn't exist, they'd have to create it.

I just bought another gun a couple days ago. I'm still annoyed that I have to tell the government what color I am, and what's worse, to have to lie doing it. I checked off the "white" box, but when I look at my skin, I'm nowhere near white. There is no "light brown" box. And why should it matter anyway? Don't every color and ethnic background get to own guns? I guess it's sort of a back-door census. Busybodies trying to stick their nose in my business.
i wonder if there could be a sub section of brown/ black/ red.... Question: Are you not white because you lay in the sun alot? Answer: I forgot to put on sun lotion at the beach, does that mean my new red skin color that will turn brown in a month make me part of 2 separate racial subgroups? Right now im native american, in a month ill be african american, then once the burnt skin peels off, ill be white again!

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