Lighthouse 64 5.13 (testing only)

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Lighthouse 64 5.13 (testing only)

#1 Post by tazoc »

This release Lighthouse 64 5.13, not officially announced until now, but was on the web site for a while.

If you have already downloaded and tried it, please post feedback here. Otherwise recommend to try 512 or wait for 514 as several bugs have been reported, including a kernel panic that affects 513.

There is another bug in L64 5.13 with the ROX desktop drive icons. If pmount Drives opens and you change to using /mnt in the Preferences--clicking on a desktop drive icon mounts directly to /mnt instead of /mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sr0, etc. :o This could leave new folders in a writeable drive that shouldn't be there. Rare instance might even lose data. :(

So please, don't use the desktop drive icons in Openbox/JWM/Fusion, or better yet, don't use this release to be safe! :!: This only applies if you have changed the first preference in Pmount Drives from the default.

Last edited by tazoc on Wed 30 Nov 2011, 01:48, edited 1 time in total.
[url=][b][size=100][/size][/b] [img][/img][/url] [url=]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]

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#2 Post by tazoc »

Barburo wrote:Hi Taz,
Still here despite the weather.
I have successfully downloaded 513 and now KDE works for me. I used the KDE .sfs that I had previously downloaded and which I never could get it to work in 512 (checked the md5 sums etc but no luck).
The only difference is that the 513 save file and partition it's on are ext3 not ext4. I can't see how that would make any difference, so maybe it was something I installed then un-installed. If I had gone back to a clean 512 install then KDE might have worked, but once you get a whole slew of customization you're less inclined to to start all over again
... so I have a lot of catching up to do.
Must confess I've been spending quite a lot of time with Mint 11 and 12 lately, but my roots (!) are in puppy.
I like the way 513 recognizes the screen resolution earlier in the boot process. No problems for me getting a working system first time. I guess that the gui for selecting save-file options prior to first time shutdown is a bit more user friendly but the functions seem to be exactly the same.
I'll now get to know the latest KDE and continue testing this release.
I thought that I detected a different font in 512 for the boot-up information messages, so that the /-\| sequence didn't have the gap in the vertical bar? Missing in 513.
Thanks as always for the work you put into these releases.
Thank you for trying 513 and the feedback. Yes, the console fonts are back to default to hopefully fix an intermittent bug where the prompt and last few lines were missing. KDE is great when it works, seems not as reliable as other WMs in Lighthouse.
LateAdopter wrote:Hello tazoc

Thanks for the LH64 513 version. I set it up on Saturday and it works well.

The change in the display driver configuration had me going round in circles for a bit, but I got there in the end...

The reason was that the on screen instructions say that, for the Radeon driver, you go to the desktop and click Update. But that only offers the AMD Radeon proprietary blob. The driver that I wanted was the Radeon driver!

The good news is, that having got it sorted, 513 has the same 1.9.5/7.10.3 that Fatdog64 520 has.

7.10.3 seems to be the first version that doesn't get blacklisted for hardware rendering acceleration.

With VLC the cpu load taken by X, when playing a 1920x1080 video goes down from about 40% to about 7% x 1 core.

Excellent! thank you.
I had problems with the radeon driver, ATI's Catalyst works much better for me. It is confusing as both are for Radeon-based cards. In firstrun/Personalize Settings panel, just click on Xorgwizard to install the driver. It will prompt to close X, then select 'Choose driver'.
einar wrote:Hi Tazoc

i also played with 513 this weekend :) it plays nice on my HP HDX 9050.
There is one difference form 512 or any other puplet i have tested. the norwegian keyboard layout does not work. i can choose it. but its wrong. i dont get our "local" letters : æøå

Hope you can fix this :)

Best regards

I will work on that, thanks for letting us know.
Jim1911 wrote:Hi TaZoC,

LH64-513 runs great. Super :D I've tried Openbox, JWM, LXDE, and KDE window managers.

I've had a few problems. I did have to use the code "nomodeset pfix=vesa,ram" in my menu.lst to install it and had to keep "nomodeset" there after installation. Thanks for the comprehensive release notes.

1. Pmount freezes. See desktop picture. In KDE, as a workaround, I used startmount to place drives on the desktop in order to access the drives with file managers.

2. I've not been successful installing it on my new Dell laptop that I got on black friday. Fatdog64-521 works great on it. I'll report on it later after I try again to install it.

Thanks Jim. There is a workaround for pmount until I figure out the freeze. Try pmount-puppy in a terminal. If it works OK,

Code: Select all

cp -f /usr/sbin/pmount-puppy /usr/sbin/pmount
will make it the default.
BHINTZ wrote:I tried pfix=nocopy and that made no difference

I wrote down error message first few lines which occur immediately after -booting kernel

not syncing: VFS: unable to mount rootfs on unknown block (0,13)
Pid:1, comm: swapper not tainted #1

These lines are followed by several lines of letters and numbers that I did not attempt to copy.

I also deleted save file so am trying to boot fresh frugal. I did not make a cd, but simply copied three basic files to directory.

If this gives you any clue, I check in several times a day.

I also found today that pfix=nocopy didn't always work. Am working on the init script.

I haven't seen the message about k2.6.35.7. Are you sure you copied vmlinuz off the 513 ISO? k2.6 was in the last release, 512. You can quickly verify all the files copied to your frugal install by copying click-to-verify-lhp or -mariner with all the others and then clicking on it.
Jim1911 wrote:Sorry, I've been unsuccessful at installing it on my laptop. This post is using Fatdog64-521. Attached is your sys-info report. I believe that the problem is the Intel(R)Sandybridge Mobile Graphics Chipset. I'll keep trying.

Meshworks wrote:Hi Taz - sorry mate - disk mounting failed on 513 so am still running 512.

On 513, Pmount displays an orange "scanning hardware" window that does not complete and follow to the pmount dialog box.

Also, on leaving X (restart or powerdown) the machine reaches a command prompt then immediately runs X again - leaving no way to quit without hitting the power button.

I've been putting off a disk scan (two large ext2 partitions) because I don't trust the fsck command.

Could the disk mounting problems be due to disk errors on these partitions?

Could anyone please describe methods to:

1) do a file system check on the L64save.2fs ONLY.
2) do a file system check on ext2 partitions /mnt/sda3 and/or /mnt/sda1

I noticed after my abortive attempt with 513 that I had new folders on the base of the boot drive (etc, var, and so on)... is that usual? I prefer a frugal install with a save file and did not (as I remember) choose to "full install"...
Only the full install or 'use entire partition' options should be creating folders like that. Earlier LHP versions did not have the 'use entire partition' option. Maybe we should take that Puppy feature out?
I am looking forward to a 64 bit lighthouse that will compile the nvidia driver... will 513 do that?!

I am happy to include debug info but don't know what to post.

Many thanks in advance!
513 offers the proprietary drivers via Update icon on the desktop. If desired, you can d/l directly from Nvidia after installing the Devx-L64_513.sfs

The easiest way to fsck the save file is to boot with puppy pfix=fsck although that will also check the host partition, (and other ext2/3/4 partitions if run from the livecd.) To check other partitions without using the CL, boot 513 with

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=ram,pure64,nosfs
so that all partitions can be unmounted before checking. Then Menu -> System -> GParted -> right-click on each Linux partition -> Check -> Apply.
nickdobrinich wrote:@Tazoc,
I also had some kernel panic problems so this may be helpful.
I frugal installed LHP64-5.13B2 to a clean ext4 partition, sda7.
Booted from the CD, copied all the files as per usual install.
Added a new grub entry.
Saved the L64save.4fs file on the way out to sda7.
On reboot, I got the Kernel Panic - not syncing message just as it tried to load L64-513.sfs.
I futzed with it, tried various boot options, no love.

If I deleted the L64save.4fs file, I could boot from the CD.
If I created the save file again and rebooted, kernel panic again.

What I found was this.
My 120G drive is partitioned like this.
/dev/sda1 Windows NTFS boot 40G
/dev/sda2 WIndows NTFS data 20G
/dev/sda3 Extended partition 54G
/dev/sda5 Linux swap 2G
/dev/sda6 Lighthouse 5.03g 20G
/dev/sda7 Lighthouse64 10G
unallocated 22G

Finally I moved all of the sda7 files to sda6, adjusted grub and L64 booted correctly.
Apparently I was in the twilight zone beyond some BIOS imposed limit as to how far out the L64 partition could be and still be seen as bootable.
I am not sure where that limit is but I have run into this before on other Pups installed into outer limit partitions.
I hope this helps.

This is your best and fastest LHP yet.
Thank you once again.
You're welcome! I appreciate the feedback. Maybe it is a BIOS limit but I was under the impression that Linux wasn't prone to that. I think the kernel panic has something to do with booting from the LiveCD after a frugal install when NTFS partitions are present. Still working on that one...
[url=][b][size=100][/size][/b] [img][/img][/url] [url=]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]

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Re: Lighthouse 64 5.13 (testing only)

#3 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:This release Lighthouse 64 5.13, not officially announced until now, but was on the web site for a while.

If you have already downloaded and tried it, please post feedback here. Otherwise recommend to try 512 or wait for 514 as several bugs have been reported, including a kernel panic that affects 513.

sigh... got all excited... but now I gotta wait for 5.14. haha
great work tazoc. You're work is amazing. Really appreciate all the hard work you put into this distro!

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#4 Post by BHINTZ »


I redid everything. Fresh frugal.

I got the same message this time, but the number was 3.0.3


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Dell wlan fixed

#5 Post by nickdobrinich »

Miracle of miracles, LHP64 has the correct drivers for Dell laptop Broadcom wireless cards.
I have struggled for months with 5.03g getting only occasional wireless connectivity on various Dell laptops.
Bless you.


Beta LH64 513

#6 Post by gcmartin »

This is just great, Great, GREAT! Even though it is in beta state, its comprehensive inclusions of
  • Startup
  • Video - Audio
  • LAN discovery
  • Multimedia
  • Update subsystem
  • and V3 kernel
makes this one of the greatest achievements in the Puppy arena in 2011. It is a superb well-thought thru distribution packaging. Additionally, this is a very complete packaging for most every user need to have hit the download site for Puppy users to use.

I hope everyone notices the single addition of LAN sharing that has been added so that this Puppy has sharing built into the system. This sharing allows all Puppy Lighthouse users to share folders and devices in exactly the same what that all Microsoft and Macs do. What sets this distro apart is that this is done without ANY NEED TO INSTALL ANYTHING ON YOUR LIGHTHOUSE.....NOTHING! And, any PC (new or old Windows/Macs/Unix/Linux) can access and use what this Puppy users decides to share with other LAN users.

This is the 1st Puppy, for me, where I don't have to install anything at all and it will REPLACE any Windows or MAC or other desktops. I get full Multimedia, full LAN use (PlayStation/Xbox/WII/NAS/Entertainment devices/etc.) with all my LAN devices without the need to install anything from the internet. All this is delivered self-contained in a single ISO. I tested Mariner and am running it as a Live media based system. It has everything to be useful right out of the box.

Not only is this astonishingly fast, but it is stable as well; on the 2 platforms I am testing the Live system on. Additionally, Lighthouse is serving files to my Windows PCs faster than a Microsoft server that I use at home while at the same time talking to a Dlink entertainment device that up until now, no Linux (excepting for a very recent addition, PET, by 01Micko in his SLACKO using the same sharing technology) had done without problems.

This is a great, Great, GREAT contribution to the 64bit arsenal for PUppy.
System Report.tar.gz
My report for one of the 64bit PCs. This provides a view of Video, RAM, and Hardware of a running LIghthouse64 with SAMBA sharing active
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Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 30 Nov 2011, 20:36, edited 1 time in total.

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#7 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi Tazoc,

Good news, I've been able to boot into 64 5.13 and appears to be working fine except for save file recognition.

It boots properly from a CD using

Code: Select all

lhp nomodeset pfix=intel,ram
So far all software appears to be working properly including pmount (which won't run on my desktop computer). Frisbee setup a wifi connection properly so this post is from the laptop using 64 5,13.

I do have a serious problem. Pupsave is created upon shutdown, however, the save file is not recognized from a CD or from grub4dos. The only way that it will boot properly is using a CD with code above. Booting from grub I get the following, from CD it's the same except fsck isn't used:
  • Starting Lighthouse 64 513
    Loading drivers needed to access disk drives ... usb
    Loading main file and session files ... e2fsck /dev/sda6 /dev/sda7 /dev/sdb
    Loading L64-513.sfs (sda7) Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
    PID; 1, comm - init Not tainted 3.03 #1
    Call trace:
    [fffffff814241b1>1] ? panic +0x92/0x18a
    [fffffff81042f41/] ? do_exit +0x7f1/0x800
    [fffffff810431e3] ? do_group_exit +0x53/0xC0
    [fffffff81043262] ? sys_exit_group +0x12/0x20
    [fffffff8142743b] ? system_call_fastpath +0x16/0x16
Menu list

Code: Select all

title LH64 513 (sda7/LH513)
  find --set-root --ignore-floppies /LH513/initrd.xz
  kernel /LH513/vmlinuz  pmedia=atahd psubdir=LH513 nomodeset pfix=fsck
  initrd /LH513/initrd.xz  
Also as I typed this my Logitech wireless mouse stopped working. Touchpad is fine.

Isn't chasing bugs fun. :roll: This is going to be the best distribution ever.

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panic in the kernel

#8 Post by nickdobrinich »

See Tazoc's post about 6 above this one.
I had EXACTLY the same problem with save files you do, even coincidentally on sda7 (on a Dell Latitude D631 laptop).
Moving all of LHP64 to a lower numbered ext4 partition made it work.
Not sure about the BIOS limit, maybe it's a Dell thing?
This is in fact Tazoc's best and fastest LHP to date.

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Re: panic in the kernel

#9 Post by Jim1911 »

nickdobrinich wrote:@Jim1911,
See Tazoc's post about 6 above this one.
I had EXACTLY the same problem with save files you do, even coincidentally on sda7 (on a Dell Latitude D631 laptop).
Moving all of LHP64 to a lower numbered ext4 partition made it work.
Not sure about the BIOS limit, maybe it's a Dell thing?
This is in fact Tazoc's best and fastest LHP to date.
Thanks, I had missed your fix, however moving my installation to sda6 ext4 partition did not help, I still get the same errors posted above.


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BIOS panic

#10 Post by nickdobrinich »

Yeah, I'm not at all sure about that limit or if it is something else unique to L64-5.13
Tazoc is looking into it.
Did you have any luck with 5.12-B1?

My thought was the BIOS can only see out and recognize a bootable partition starting at about half the drive, in my case about 62G of a 120G drive.
62G (the start of the sda6 partition that worked) doesn't seem to correspond to any 2 to the whatever limit.
72G was the start of the sda7 partition that won't work.
2 ^ 36 is about 69G if this is the addressing scheme the BIOS uses.
Who knows?
Might depend on head / cylinder / sector geometry.
So my theory may be totally bogus.
Sorry that didn't work for you.

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Don't use desktop drive icons in 5.13

#11 Post by tazoc »

There is another bug with the ROX desktop drive icons. If pmount Drives opens and you change to using /mnt in the Preferences--clicking on a desktop drive icon mounts directly to /mnt instead of /mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sr0, etc. This could leave new folders in a writeable drive that shouldn't be there. Rare instance might even lose data. :(

So please, don't use the desktop drive icons in Openbox/JWM/Fusion, or better yet, don't use this release to be safe! :!: This only applies if you have changed the first preference in Pmount Drives from the default.

I have verified the kernel panic is caused by a fusermount -u failure (unmounting an NTFS partition) in the init script. I'm testing a patched initrd.xz and pmount fixes that I'll upload in a day or two.

For now, if you're booting L64 from a partition that is not NTFS simply tell the initrd not to search other partitions by specifying pdev1 in your Grub config like this:

Code: Select all

kernel /LH513/vmlinuz  pmedia=atahd pdev1=sda7 psubdir=LH513 nomodeset pfix=fsck 
[url=][b][size=100][/size][/b] [img][/img][/url] [url=]Lighthouse 64 6.02[/url]

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#12 Post by Barburo »

I'm running the Fusion desktop.
I decided to put all the apps I use into the application launch bar and then hide the desktop icons for a cleaner look.
On reboot the puppy drive icons load one atop the other all in the bottom left corner. I can drag them apart, but they ought to be spaced out.
Change back to show desktop icons and reload the desktop -> drive icons are correctly spaced out.
Update: Tried the same thing with Openbox -> same result.
[i]Laptop[/i]: Acer Aspire 5810TZ

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Re: Don't use desktop drive icons in 5.13

#13 Post by Jim1911 »

tazoc wrote:@Jim1911,
I have verified the kernel panic is caused by a fusermount -u failure (unmounting an NTFS partition) in the init script. I'm testing a patched initrd.xz and pmount fixes that I'll upload in a day or two.

For now, if you're booting L64 from a partition that is not NTFS simply tell the initrd not to search other partitions by specifying pdev1 in your Grub config like this:

Code: Select all

kernel /LH513/vmlinuz  pmedia=atahd pdev1=sda7 psubdir=LH513 nomodeset pfix=fsck 
Your suggested code change works and LHP 64-513 is now working fine on the Dell laptop. However, for some reason my Desktop computer boots fine without the extra code in my menu.lst and both installations are frugal installations on an ext4 partitition.

It will probably be better to specify the correct partition as you suggested in the menu.lst for all installations as grub does rather than using grub4dos defaults.

Thanks, :D


#14 Post by gcmartin »

Although some may already be aware, I have 2 problems uncovered. They are NOT show stoppers for system operations, but they affect the ability to save the system configuration for reboot when running Live media and want to have your session saved back to Live media. The Live media is a multi-session DVD created from Mariner 513beta2 via Pburn

Upon shutdown, I am NOT getting any option to save the booted system back to Live media. Instead, it appears to want to save to HDD (see picture below)

When running remaster, the ISO that is created will NOT boot. It goes into a reboot spin indicating it is looking for intird.xz which does NOT exist on the DVD.

Hope this helps
bad shutdowm.png
Shutdown wants to create a file on the Hard drive, even though it was booted from DVD and I want the session to be saved to DVD.
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513 running!

#15 Post by Meshworks »

The line you quoted fixes the pmount problem so I am able to mount drives via the gui (important to me cos of other users seeing and using this setup)....

Code: Select all

cp -f /usr/sbin/pmount-puppy /usr/sbin/pmount
The NVIDIA driver from NV's site still would not compile here...
Failed on 32bit libs... sorry.

Used the driver from LHP-UPDATE...
Added compiz.sfs, sorted xorg, restarted ... fixed!
Wine and Compiz working .... two hours lost, transfixed by how pretty....

Problems with the following though...

Lots of russian text in my startup screens - may be cos I am using utf-8 and host charset en_gb utf-8...

-does not start anything?
-offers Onetime/Startup dialog box but no pages served
-no shutdown dialog when run again...
-can't find the hiawatha files so.... missing?

LAMP would not just set up and work out of box...
Turned out to be a permissions thing...
Initially thought no 'nobody' user? but is present.
Changed .conf and .ini files
used ... chown -R spot *blah* to sort it... not sure that was clever.

The .bundle installs but does not configure correctly on first run...
Kernel sources? HAL?

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# ./VMware-Player-3.1.3-324285.x86_64.bundle --ignore-errors
Extracting VMware Installer...done.

Launches but....

Unable to build kernel module.
See log file /tmp/vmware-root/setup-18552.log for details

Dec 01 04:15:08.299: app-140355293505312| Log for VMware Workstation pid=18552 version=7.1.3 build=build-324285 option=Release
Dec 01 04:15:08.299: app-140355293505312| The process is 64-bit.
Dec 01 04:15:08.299: app-140355293505312| Host codepage=UTF-8 encoding=UTF-8
Dec 01 04:15:08.299: app-140355293505312| Logging to /tmp/vmware-root/setup-18552.log
Dec 01 04:15:08.830: app-140355293505312| modconf query interface initialized
Dec 01 04:15:08.842: app-140355293505312| modconf library initialized
Dec 01 04:15:09.142: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:09.208: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:09.312: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:09.420: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:09.539: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:09.873: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:09.886: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:09.911: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:09.923: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:09.939: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.153: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.171: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.176: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.191: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.208: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.271: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:10.384: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:10.673: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.688: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.706: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.727: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.740: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:10.801: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:10.919: app-140355293505312| Your GCC version: 4.5
Dec 01 04:15:11.510: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:11.525: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:11.552: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:11.563: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:11.595: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:13.275: app-140355293505312| Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.0.3.
Dec 01 04:15:13.276: app-140355293505312| Building module vmmon.
Dec 01 04:15:13.276: app-140355293505312| Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.
Dec 01 04:15:13.391: app-140355293505312| Building module with command: /usr/bin/make -C /tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only auto-build SUPPORT_SMP=1 HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/3.0.3/build/include CC=/usr/bin/gcc GREP=/usr/bin/make IS_GCC_3=no VMCCVER=4.5.2
Dec 01 04:15:20.772: app-140355293505312| Failed to compile module vmmon!

XFCE.sfs does not run on my setup...
Errors include 'do not have permission for settings manager'.

CPUMON on right of taskbar often goes to 100% (looks worrying) but when checked with other monitors (GKrellM) the cpu use is low <25%.

Had problems with the new make a save file dialog. Too easy to have launched two or three - then if u cancel one it shuts the box down no session saved!

Had problems with shutdown - sometimes just powers the mc right back up (may be my side).

Sorry to report problems - but on the plus side, what is working works well.
Hardinfo report on my mc... File is an HTML file, renamed ZIP so I could upload it!
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#16 Post by einar »

using the samba server under network i can share the download folder with ease. Using: smbpasswd -L -a root in terminal i can set a password that Windows 7 can access. And it works. This means i can use LH64 aslo like a NAS on one of my computers. The problem is how do i share other locations / disks ? say i want to share 5 or 6 of my harddrives. what do i do ?

hoping for an easy answere since i think Samba / network share is the most difficult :)

Best regards


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#17 Post by BHINTZ »

As others were obviously succeeding in booting 513, I burned a cd (I usually use a manual frugal). This booted up fine with the nomodeset pfix=vesa,ram instructions. Created savefile with automatically. I have now rebooted from cd with no issues and am planning on attempting a standard frugal.


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#18 Post by BHINTZ »

Well, now I have screwed things up again and can no longer boot even from the cd. I may remove everything LHP related from my hard drive and see if I can get back to the beginning.


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Smb sharing

#19 Post by Meshworks »

The problem is how do i share other locations / disks ? say i want to share 5 or 6 of my harddrives. what do i do ?
hope this snip from my file /etc/samba/smb.conf helps...
Edit your copy to be something like this then restart samba.
I'm sure there are things others would do differently (or better) so any comments are welcome!

Code: Select all

dns proxy = no
max log size = 50
workgroup = MSHOME
netbios name = %h
server string = %h-SMB
hosts allow = 192.168.0.
security = share
force user = root
# Uncomment the following two lines if you want clients to follow symlinks.
#follow symlinks = yes  
#unix extensions = no
max protocol = SMB2
dns proxy = no

printing = cups
printcap name = cups 
load printers = yes
# Delete the two following lines if you don't want clients to follow symlinks.
follow symlinks = yes  
unix extensions = no
;comment = Downloads
;path = /root/spot/Downloads
;writable = yes
;guest ok = yes

path = /tmp
printable = yes
guest ok = yes

;*******************section aye***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/aye
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = root
write list = root
;*******************section books***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/books
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = spot
write list = root
;*******************section software***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/software
browseable = yes
guest ok = Yes
writeable = No
username = root
force user = root
read list = spot
write list = root
;*******************section public video***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/video
browseable = yes
guest ok = Yes
writeable = No
force user = root
;*******************section writeable videos***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/video
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = spot
write list = root
;*******************section music***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/music
browseable = yes
guest ok = Yes
writeable = No
force user = root
;*******************section musics writeable***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/music
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = spot
write list = root
;*******************section proj***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/proj
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = root
write list = root
;*******************section bb_progs***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/bb_progs
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = root
write list = root
;*******************section WOW***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/WoW.335a
browseable = yes
guest ok = Yes
writeable = No
force user = root
;*******************section userfiles***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/userfiles
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = root
write list = root
;*******************section local webroot***************** 
path = /mnt/sda3/www
browseable = yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
username = root
force user = root
read list = root
write list = root

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Joined: Mon 19 May 2008, 20:39
Location: Texas, USA

Problem with JWM

#20 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi TaZoC,

I loaded the KDE sfs and it is running great, however, I am having a slight problem now with JWM. When I am using JWM and reboot, the screen comes up without the installed background and all icons are missing. Selecting change WM and changing to JWM again restores the desktop.

Removed 4-KDE-4.6.5-x86_64-L1.sfs and Gvfs-1.8.1-x86_64.sfs and the problem disappears.

Otherwise, it's working fine.

(41.49 KiB) Downloaded 255 times
Last edited by Jim1911 on Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:36, edited 1 time in total.

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