Pcreole programmable application + nme (creole converter)

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Pcreole programmable application + nme (creole converter)

#1 Post by mcewanw »

Re: Internationalisation of pcreole. See next post in this thread for currently available interface translation files (provided as dotpets). Further translations are invited as detailed in that post. Instructions on "How To" create new translations can be found here.

A tutorial HOWTO on using one of the many uses of Pcreole is provided in the third post of this thread.

Pcreole provides a GUI frontend to pretty much ANY bash commandline. You don't need to use it for (wiki)creole mark-up at all (though you may find it very useful as a frontend to creole or txt2tags for that matter... That's one of the things I use it for). Also, you don't need to understand bash commandline at all really; you can just use the "pre-programmed" commandlines provided if you wish. Later on, should you learn bash, you can add to the commandline lists for your own purposes.

Everything tested (without error) on Wary 5.0 (frugal with pfix=ram), but I believe it should work on any recent Puppy (especially now that I've fixed the header line from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash ... and removed the "break" from a case statement... :-), and probably many earlier ones (for example, also tested on Puppy 2.17). Should be a trivial matter to port it to many other Linux distributions too (that's what I'm aiming towards).

Usage/Installation Help:

Use Puppy Manager to remove old versions before installing new ones. Its best to make sure the old Pcreole config folder (~/.pcreole/) is removed before re-installation (though you might like to backup your CMDx_combo and pcreole_xxx.rc config files for re-use if you have altered any of the provided defaults of these for your own uses).

For full functionality install both Pcreole, and nme. (Pcreole itself doesn't depend on nme for anything except for creole mark-up conversion. [Note that you could also use Pcreole as a frontend to txt2tags.py (which is what gave me the original inspiration) if you have that installed and add an appropriate commandline to, for example, CMD0_combo. For example: txt2tags.py -t html "$SF_" -o "$TF_"]

The open source application "nme" was compiled from the original C sources on Wary 5: http://nyctergatis.com/creole/index.html

Note: Pcreole takes a few seconds to start up; especially the first time you run it.

Recent Changes:

Pcreole 3.0.3. Removed refs to /root in /etc/pcreole_default.rc; now using $HOME

Pcreole 3.0.2. Changed program logic so that en help button text is always provided by default.

Pcreole 3.0.1. Small gui now "remembers" SD_, SF_, TD_, and TF_ values on QUIT.
Pcreole 3.0.0 provides an alternative for the small graphical user interface option, which I prefer. Functionality is otherwise identical.
Pcreole 2.0.4:
Added necessary header lines in code below to allow internationalisation with gettext to work (Thanks L18L for the information):

Code: Select all

export TEXTDOMAIN=pcreole
export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale

Program: Pcreole (helpfile extract)

(C) Copyright 2011 William McEwan and Emma Caval; GPLv3
(http://wiak.org/ and http://daugdog.com/)

Section A: Commandline usage

In a console enter command: pcreole --help
for brief commandline usage.

I. Pcreole as a programmable application/bash commandline processing environment:

Pcreole is a programmable application. In effect, Pcreole's main function is to provide a convenient and flexible GUI environment for processing bash commandlines. You don't, however, really 'need' to understand bash or commandlines to use it since many useful commands are already programmed in. Pcreole stores its configuration information in the directory: $HOME/.pcreole/ and includes a powerful facility for Saving and Loading user-created commandline configurations from that or any other storage location. In practice, the way Pcreole works allows it to provide the functionality of many-applications-in-one; a Swiss Army Knife of applications, one might say. Yet all that facility can be controlled with one gtkdialog GUI, with thus very low computer resource usage. The ultraflexible nature of the program means that it may take a bit time and practice to learn its interface, but once its operation is understood, its powerful facilities are very easy to program and use (and should be useful for users experimenting with bash too).

II. Pcreole as a hypertext notebook facility:

Amongst its many possible applications, which are limited only by the users imagination, Pcreole provides a hypertext notebook facility. Any number of notebooks can be automatically created. The notes are created as simple text files (which are thus very portable), one note per its own directory, each of which includes a simple navigation bar linking to the other notes in the notebook. Each page of the created notebook utilises simple text-based creole markup and Pcreole also converts that source text automatically into html format, at notebook creation time, using the commandline creole converter "nme". Other document formats can be created from the text-based creole sources using a suitable Pcreole programmed/stored/controlled commandline.

EDIT: Note that you could also use Pcreole as a frontend to txt2tags.py (which is what gave me the original inspiration) if you have that installed and add an appropriate commandline to, for example, CMD0_combo. For example: txt2tags.py -t html "$SF_" -o "$TF_".

III. The Operation of Pcreole lends itself to providing GUI frontend control facilities for most any commandline utility or utilities, such as sed, find, grep, awk, ffmpeg, gcc etc.

IV. Pcreole can also start up any four user-provided executable scripts or programs via associated buttons on the second row of its main GUI. These user provided executables are required to be named (or link/shortcut name) userprog1, userprog2, userprog3, and userprog4, and need to be stored in its config directory: /root/.pcreole/
---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Read the tool-tip text to better understand how to use Pcreole

All the buttons, checkboxes, and entry areas in both GUIs are provided with tool-tip text, which appears whenever the user hovers the mouse pointer over the item.


To keep pcreole as the top window, right-click on its window bar, and select Layer -> Top

More detailed help information is provided by pressing "HELP" button in Pcreole's main window. A simple tutorial on using Pcreole to convert creole marked-up txt to html is given in the next post. However, Pcreole isn't restricted to that use - it provides a GUI frontend to pretty much ANY bash commandline.
Pcreole Programmable Application. Improved small gui.
(26.04 KiB) Downloaded 833 times
Pcreole programmable application. Original small gui.
(23.66 KiB) Downloaded 916 times
Nyctergatis Markup Engine creole nme
(26.91 KiB) Downloaded 875 times
Screenshot of Pcreole main window
(43.07 KiB) Downloaded 1568 times
Last edited by mcewanw on Thu 02 Jun 2011, 10:43, edited 54 times in total.
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Pcreole dotpets for Internationalisation

#2 Post by mcewanw »

If your first language is not english you might prefer Pcreole to display its helptext and labels in your own language. I am collecting together translations of these (in dotpo and dotmo format) here at the second post of this thread.

Rather than building one big NLS dotpet and needing "trim the fat", I am packaging/re-packaging each translation as separate dotpets so that you can even more easily add and remove any that your wish using Petget package manager.

Thanks to L18L for the first translation, which is for German language (I have repackaged this translation as pcreole_NLS_de-1.0.0.pet). If you just want to try this without permanently changing your locale you can for example just start pcreole from the commandline using: LANGUAGE=de pcreole

Looking forwards to more translations being provided. To create translations you need to be fluent in the language you are translating to (including technical language terms) and familiar with the "gettext" methodology using .pot, .po and .mo files. There are many good tutorials on that including much useful information provided by Barry in his blog about Internationalisation with BACON at http://bkhome.org/bacon/international.htm along with info in the file /usr/share/doc/pcreole/pcreole.txt provided in the main pcreole dotpet.

For those who wish to provide translations you will find the necessary pcreole.pot file installed by the main pcreole dotpet in directory /usr/share/doc/pcreole/.

If you have created language specific .po and .mo for pcreole, please upload them to this thread either separately, as tar.gz files, or as an installation dotpet. I'll check and repackage them to dotpet format anyway, and add them to this thread post. If you package them yourself, please put the .po file in subdir /usr/share/doc/pcreole/
and the .mo file in:
German language translation files for pcreole. Thanks L18L.
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Last edited by mcewanw on Fri 20 May 2011, 22:45, edited 18 times in total.
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How To: Use Pcreole to create an html note from a text note

#3 Post by mcewanw »

EDIT: This "How To" has been modified to reflect implementation changes in Pcreole version 2.0.1

How To: Use Pcreole to create an html note from a creole marked-up text file

1. Install Pcreole and nme if you have not already done so. You will find dotpets for these at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 392#513392

2. Start Pcreole (In Wary 5.x you would do this via: Menu -> Document -> Pcreole programmable application).

3. Browse/Enter the directory name where you want to create the note in SOURCE directory entry box SD_ (e.g. /mnt/home/yourdir).

4. Cut/Paste that directory name into SOURCE file entry box SF_ and add the filename you want to the end of the SF_ path (e.g. /mnt/home/yourdir/myfile.nme). You can alternatively browse for an existing creole marked-up text file that you wish to modify and re-convert.

(Note that any text file is suitable for conversion into html. The dotnme extension is optional. When used, the .nme extension simply serves as a reminder that the text file is to be processed into html by the nme creole markup converter program).

5. Cut/Paste the SOURCE SF_ entry into the TARGET TF_ entry.

6. IMPORTANT: edit the TARGET TF_ to give it a dothtml extension (or a different filename if you wish) otherwise the target after conversion will obviously over-write the original source file if the same filename and extension are used for source and target...

[Earlier versions of Pcreole than 2.0.1 auto-added a dothtml extension to the target during conversion. That proved problematic in use to me, so I modified the conversion process such that it no longer itself adds any additional extension to the target name].

7. Press the "Edit SOURCE File" button on the top row of Pcreole. The text file (blank if not previously created) should automatically now appear in your defaulttexteditor (usually Geany). Enter whatever contents you want in this text file. Add creole markup tags as and when you wish (you can refer to http://nyctergatis.com/creole/sandbox.creole for brief help and for practice in using creole markup).

8. Make sure one of the commandline entry boxes (e.g. CMD0_) has the following command in it (which CMD0_ does by default):

: convert creole2html; cat "$SF_" | nme --autourllink > "$TF_"

9. Now press the button labelled "X" (for eXecute commandline) which lies almost immediately to the left of the above command entry box. That converts the SOURCE text file into the TARGET html file, ready for viewing in a web browser, which you can do as follows if you wish:

10a. Make sure the TPlayer entry box for that commandline contains the entry "defaultbrowser" (without the quotes) and that only that commandline is selected.

10b. Pressing the top row Run/View TARGET file button will now automatically open the TARGET (TF_) html file in your default web browser. Alternatively you can simply use your filemanager to browse to the file and click on it to open it in your web browser.

You can optionally add some Pcreole default css stylesheet information to the header of the TARGET (TF_) html file as follows:

12. Make sure TARGET entry box TF_ points to the new html file and press the button labelled "+" on the top row of Pcreole. Refresh the web page to see the effect of the added css style information.

Note: the "+" button causes the following line to be inserted into the TARGET (TF_) html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="~/.pcreole/pcnotes.css" />

The default Pcreole stylesheet ~/.pcreole/pcnotes.css is thus used during rendering of the html.

13. If you want to use your own css file later, rather than the Pcreole default stylesheet, simple edit the TARGET TF_ html file to change the above line to:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path_to/your_own_stylesheet.css" />

Note that, for convenience, Pcreole provides a button (Edit TARGET file) on its top row for editing the TARGET (TF_) html file in your defaulttexteditor.
Last edited by mcewanw on Fri 20 May 2011, 21:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Version 1.0.3 of Pcreole uploaded

#4 Post by mcewanw »

See first post of this thread for changes made, and to download.
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re-uploaded Pcreole

#5 Post by mcewanw »

I accidentally had rrxvt (rather than rxvt) in one of the default command entries (re: secure file downloading) in the dotpet of pcreole-1.03 originally uploaded, so I've fixed that and re-uploaded the dotpet without changing the version number since the main program was otherwise fine.
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#6 Post by disciple »

This is kind of a similar idea to txt2tags, right?
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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creole and txt2tags

#7 Post by mcewanw »

disciple wrote:This is kind of a similar idea to txt2tags, right?
Yeah, the notebook part and creole2html etc part is indeed much like txt2tags. Actually, most of my own notes have been kept in txt2tags format and originally that was what I started writing this gtkdialog for (to use instead of the tcl/tk frontend provided by txt2tags). But then I came across the small creole converter nme, which is written in C, and felt that was a better match for standard Puppy since doesn't require the heavy weight of Python.

Unfortunately, no one seems to have produced a txt2tags compiler in C as yet - just Python as far as I know, but creole is a very similar syntax, and being supported by many wiki sites (though I use it standalone, not in a wiki, as a source for converting to other doc formats). Also txt2tags itself includes creole as one of its target conversions (so I'll be converting my own notes over to creole). Of course, if, like me, you have txt2tags on your system, Pcreole works fine as a frontend to that as well: just need to put in the appropriate commandline: txt2tags.py -t html -i "$SF_" -o "${TF_}.html".

Anyway, I realised as I was developing Pcreole that it could be used to run any stored commandline at all, so doesn't need to be used with creole at all. Kept the term "creole" though, since the term suggests the idea of a mix of many languages, and I use it with a mix of bash, and sed, awk, and gcc myself.
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Pcreole version 2.0.0 uploaded.

#8 Post by mcewanw »

Last edited by mcewanw on Fri 20 May 2011, 21:19, edited 1 time in total.

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How To: Use Pcreole to create an html note from text note

#9 Post by mcewanw »

How To: Use Pcreole to create an html note from a creole marked up text file (Using Pcreole version 2.x.x).

You'll now find this How To on the second post of this thread at:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 698#513698

I've put it there to keep it near the program download link, but also put a cross-reference link to it in the How To section of this forum.
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Pcreole version 2.0.1 uploaded

#10 Post by mcewanw »

Pcreole version 2.0.1 uploaded and relevant changes made to the short tutorial in post two of this thread.
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Re: Pcreole version 2.0.1 uploaded

#11 Post by L18L »

mcewanw wrote:Pcreole version 2.0.1 uploaded and relevant changes made to the short tutorial in post two of this thread.
Hi mcewanw,
coming here from mavrothal's puppy localization I have downloaded 2.0.1 to give it a try and maybe help in localization.
I have never used pcreole before, I did not know anything yet of its existence.

Here is what I have got:
# pcreole
/usr/bin/pcreole: line 120: syntax error: unexpected "("


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Re: Pcreole version 2.0.1 uploaded

#12 Post by mcewanw »

L18L wrote:Hi mcewanw,
coming here from mavrothal's puppy localization I have downloaded 2.0.1 to give it a try and maybe help in localization.
I have never used pcreole before, I did not know anything yet of its existence.

Here is what I have got:
# pcreole
/usr/bin/pcreole: line 120: syntax error: unexpected "("
Hi L18L

Thanks for your offer to help in localization.

Sorry to hear you are having a problem running it. No one reporting any issue up to now. I have pcreole-2.0.1 running on two Puppy Wary 5 machines here and use it everyday without having come across the problem you have.

The only thing I can think of is that you might have inadvertantly altered one of the CMDx_combo box commandllines and have an error in the change you made(???). That "might" (I'm not sure) cause an error message when starting Pcreole because Pcreole sets environment variables containing each of these lines when starting and if the line itself had a bash error that "might???" flag a startup error to the underlying bash shell.

Should such an error ever occur, the quickest solution (apart from editing the CMDx_combo box bash line) is to delete the pcreole home directory, which by default is /root/.pcreole and also delete any /tmp/pcreole... directories. Then simply restart Pcreole and it will rebuild its home directory automatically and startup with its default configurations (no need to re-install, and re-installing alone wouldn't solve such a problem anyway since you would still need to completely delete the old /root/.pcreole directory).

I'm about to upload Pcreole 2.0.2. I always test it on a Puppy Wary 5 with pfix=RAM. Maybe you want to wait for that one.

If someone else has had a problem starting Pcreole, it would be good if they would provide feedback, but I'm pretty sure the program as provided runs first time without issue on a fresh Puppy Wary 5 install, but let me know. I also tried it successfully on an old Puppy 2.17 install I have.
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Re: Pcreole version 2.0.1 uploaded

#13 Post by L18L »

mcewanw wrote:...
Should such an error ever occur, the quickest solution (apart from editing the CMDx_combo box bash line) is to delete the pcreole home directory, which by default is /root/.pcreole and also delete any /tmp/pcreole... directories. Then simply restart Pcreole and it will rebuild its home directory automatically and startup with its default configurations (no need to re-install, and re-installing alone wouldn't solve such a problem anyway since you would still need to completely delete the old /root/.pcreole directory).
# pcreole
/usr/bin/pcreole: line 120: syntax error: unexpected "("
# rm -r .pcreole
# rm -r /tmp/pcreole*
# pcreole
/usr/bin/pcreole: line 120: syntax error: unexpected "("
# cat /etc/puppyversion
So I will be waiting for 2.0.2 :)

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Pcreole 2.0.2 and nme-10.03.31r uploaded

#14 Post by mcewanw »

@L18L: Sorry, I haven't been able to duplicate the problem your having. I don't have a copy of Puppy Wary 511, only Wary 500 and only have dialup available so don't have time to download 511. Pcreole 2.0.1, from the previously provided dotpet, runs fine for me on Wary 500. Anyway, I've uploaded Pcreole 2.0.2 along with image of its GUI running on Puppy Wary 500 (frugal with pfix=ram. Also fine when installed on save file). Hope you have better luck with this one.

Actually, I changed almost nothing in Pcreole itself. No change at all for anyone just using it to run arbitrary commandlines.

However, for those using it for its ability to process creole markup into html, I made major changes to the postprocess script called "nmecss". That is the script which is run when a user presses the button labelled "+" in Pcreole.

I also recompiled nme to compile in the option to allow "raw" code to be inserted in creole marked-up documents.
Last edited by mcewanw on Fri 06 May 2011, 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pcreole 2.0.2 and nme-10.03.31r uploaded

#15 Post by L18L »

mcewanw wrote:@L18L: Sorry, I haven't been able to duplicate the problem your having.
Your "function" was causing the syntax errors.
I have made it run see attachment.

Sorry, not made it run but just display
# pcreole
sh: rec: not found
sh: do_cmdline: not found
I had just changed

#export -f rec play pc_notes changedir term_SD term_TD
export rec play pc_notes changedir term_SD term_TD


#export -f do_cmdline
export do_cmdline

because of:
/usr/bin/pcreole: export: line 277: illegal option -f

# ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2011-05-04 21:23 /bin/sh -> busybox

Did you use bash? bash4 :?:

Tried to answer my last question:

# pcreole.orig.bash
/usr/bin/pcreole.orig.bash: line 1217: break: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop
/usr/bin/pcreole.orig.bash: line 150: SD_: unbound variable
:roll: errare humanum est

attached delta file deleted to avoid confusion
Forget all of this now, please
version 2.0.3 has fixed this problem
Last edited by L18L on Sat 07 May 2011, 08:34, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pcreole 2.0.2 and nme-10.03.31r uploaded

#16 Post by mcewanw »

L18L wrote: Did you use bash? bash4 :?:
I developed Pcreole on pristine Puppy Wary 5.00, which uses bash 3:

Code: Select all

# bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.00.16(1)-release (i486-t2-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
You said you were trying Pcreole on is Puppy 511. Is that a Lupu or Wary or some other? Which bash --version does it use?

Though I've developed Pcreole using bash 3, I note from the bash 4.1 Reference at http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html
Functions may be exported so that subshells automatically have them defined with the -f option to the export builtin (see Bourne Shell Builtins).
which suggests the -f (as in my provided Pcreole) is required. Without the -f after the command "export" (for bash functions), Pcreole would indeed, I feel, not find the functions such as run () or do_cmd ().

It would be certainly good to find a solution to your problem and hear if anyone else has a duplicate issue. Perhaps you could investigate exporting a simple function in your version of bash to find out how to do that? With that information, fingers crossed, I could probably easily alter Pcreole to suit your system.
Last edited by mcewanw on Fri 06 May 2011, 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
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#17 Post by mcewanw »

[EDIT]. Probably not worth doing trying the following. I checked the bash 4 reference and using the word "function" remains optional and is allowed, so that should be causing any problem.

Previous message:

One thing that comes to mind is that I specifically add the word "function" to the function declarations, which is optional in bash 3 at least. I can't imagine that should cause a problem in bash 4, but you could try removing the word "function" from each declared function (but leave the -f in export) and see if that fixes your issue. I'll check the bash 4.1 ref manual about that.
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#18 Post by mcewanw »

I'm also wondering if your Linux is using the same version of gtkdialog3?

Puppy Wary 5 reports:

Code: Select all

# gtkdialog3 --version
gtkdialog version 0.7.20 (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Laszlo Pere
I'm using some complex quoting in Pcreole to make some of its tricks work with gtkdialog3, so if the gtkdialog version was different there might be problems (I wouldn't know though).
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#19 Post by mcewanw »


If that pcreole delta you posted doesn't actually "fix" your problem, I'd be grateful if you'd either remove it or change its description since I would want anyone messing up Pcreole on their systems by thinking the delta is required for correct functionality.

If the "delta" takes out the -f in the exported bash functions, I am pretty sure it will break Pcreole altogether and SHOULD NOT be used at all on successfully working Pcreole installations. I just don't want anyone to be confused about that.

On Puppy Wary 5 and Puppy 2.17, at least, Pcreole-2.0.2, as supplied as a dotpet in the first post of this thread, seems to work fine as per its design. I'd like to find a solution to the problems you are having though, so thanks for all your efforts.
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#20 Post by mcewanw »

It may well be that you need to use full bash rather than busybox sh. I'll edit the first line of Pcreole from#!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash to reflect that next time I upload it. In Puppy Wary (and many other Puppy's) /bin/sh is simply a symbolic linkto /bin/bash.

@L18L: If you are still having a problem, you could try that simple change to the default installation (assuming you have bash on your system). You should similarly change the header line of the associated scripts: /usr/bin/nmecss and /usr/bin/pcnotes
github mcewanw

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