Lynx-2.8.7 rel2 for FatDog 64 - browsing and file management

Browsers, email, chat, etc.
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Lynx-2.8.7 rel2 for FatDog 64 - browsing and file management

#1 Post by moB »

Dear friends:

Don't miss out! Seamlessly integrates with installed applications.

Lynx is the old web-browser, but it is not redundant. This lynx is much better than links, elinks, links2, or w3m.

Our FD version is compiled with security and convenience in mind.

  • Some features:

    -We get maximum security with 256K SSL, control over image loading and cookies.

    -Switch to Firefox, or whichever default web-browser you have installed from lynx.
    (Loads page or link with the comma [,] and period [.] keys).

    -Download files with lynx or wget.

    -Click link to load images in Foxxit viewer, or whichever you set as default.

    -Click link to view PDFs in ePDFViewer.
    (Haven't tested other mime-types yet. To setup more add lines to External Programs in lynx.cfg.)

    -Optional original cat menu icons in /usr/share/mini-icons.
    No desktop icon provided, but you can get it from
    Let me know if you need compile options used.

    -Show/hide image-links with asterix "*" key.
    (See full keymap with "K" key).

    -Manage local files (for example: edit, compress, move, rename, delete, chmod, chown) without need of shell command knowlege.
    Use: [G]o file:// to see /root directory.
    (Executable files may run after user modifies "Execution links" in options menu.
    Press "O" key. I do not advise remote execution, and execution is off, but capability is compiled in.)

    -Can copy text from screen. This is not easy or complete with other text browsers.

    -Memory leakage detection. Memory not released is no longer available or usable so is said to have "leaked".

    -Extremely user-configurable. Use /usr/local/etc/lynx.cfg or run-time options (see help and user guide online). Lynx-browser page is start page, but can be easily altered.
    Make sure to select "Save changes to disc [X]" to save [O]ptions.
    (Options marked with exclamamtion [!] are single session only. Run-time options can be added to ~/my-applications/bin/mylynx or typed in to CLI [ie. # lynx -option1 -option2].)

    -Menu entry. One can also load lynx from Rxvt. At the CLI say mylynx or lynx.

Why use a text-based browser? Basically, three reasons:


Reduce opportunities for "drive-by" malware installation.
Control cookies and the cross-page script, image, and macromedia-based tracking which drives Black-hat SEO.
The third wave of malware is upon us with Stuxnet as the first known case.
No persistent cookies, or worse, flash cookies.
Limit loading of unwanted items, period.


The fastest way to search for that page you want to load.
No image-load delays, flash adverts, or slow-running scripts watching you.


Get an idea of how the web looks to web-crawlers like google-bot. See what is recognized/tagged in search engines.
What does your page look like to a search engine?
Helps you design pages to be found and enjoyed by your target audience.

It's fast. It's secure. It's seamless. It's pretty ;-)
Enjoy freedom now--it's not too late.

The sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus,
is a marine mammal species, order Cetacea,
a toothed whale (odontocete) having the
largest brain of any animal.


(i) Text-based web browser - English. NLS (localization support) not compiled in.

(ii) SSL gives error, but tests OK.
Seems to be similar to Alpine/pine's complaint about not recognizing certificate signatory.
Ssl test results:

(a) ..........URL:
You have connected to this web server using the DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
encryption cipher with a key length of 256 bits.

This is a high-grade encryption connection, regarded by most experts as
being suitable for sending or receiving even the most sensitive or
valuable information across a network.

(b) ...........URL:
Results of Browser test:
Your browser meets the 128-bit security encryption requirement for NETFILE.
Your cookie settings are functional.

(c) ............URL:
Does SSL encryption work? PASSED (help)
Do SSL addresses match non-SSL addresses? PASSED (help)

(iii) Text-based web browser - English. NLS (localization) not compiled in.

(iv) Wget from lynx will fail to download https and password-protected links.
To get these escape to CLI with the exclamation key [!] and use wget. Try wget --help for options.
eg. Password: wget -c
Say exit to return to lynx.

(v) If you like this you might want Alpine: ... &start=239

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Joined: Mon 19 Oct 2009, 11:25
Location: Coastal

#2 Post by moB »

Here it is folks!
Google screen shot without image links showing.
(109.17 KiB) Downloaded 943 times
Screen shot of the JohnMurga Puppy site. (Gamma correct used in sanpshot.)
(109.44 KiB) Downloaded 1000 times
Screen shot of google search.
(108.82 KiB) Downloaded 998 times
These sample files will end up in the home (/root) directory.
Find color-style (.lss) desktop icon, mine-types and cern rules.
(18.3 KiB) Downloaded 520 times

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#3 Post by greengeek »

moB - you still with us? Is there a fresh link for this pet? cheers

EDIT : seems like this may be the right place to look:

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