Fatdog64-500 final

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#101 Post by fatdog64kudos »

hello kirk,

I went through the procedure again and an issue comes in step 3)

cp -a /initrd/pup_ro2/* /path2sfsfolder/sfs/


cp: cannot overwrite directory 'root/try/sfs/lib64' with non-directory

I believe the problem is the lib64 link inside /initrd/pup_ro2. Because there exists a lib64 directory in /try/sfs/ ( I used /try directory for my case ). Therefore it cannot copy the link there.

Anyway I continued the procedure.

I created a new .sfs file ( 532 MB ) and then a new .iso

BUT the iso will NOT finish booting.


Loading 'fd64.500.sfs' main file copy to ram done
Setting up the layered filesystem failed
Dumping last lines of /tmp/bootinit.log
mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
writing '/mnt/tmpfs/fd64-500.sfs': No Space left on device
mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /pup_ro2 failed
mount: mounting unionfs on /pup_new failed

SO, NO DICE ! ( At least so far :) )

Any suggestions ? Perhaps you could give it a quick try. Also, I booted from a live CD, not a frugal install.

ONE OTHER POINT: I believe that in step 1) one should NOT COPY the .sfs file. REASONING: one is creating a NEW CUSTOM .iso file in this procedure that will be copied during step 5)

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#102 Post by kirk »

cp: cannot overwrite directory 'root/try/sfs/lib64' with non-directory

I believe the problem is the lib64 link inside /initrd/pup_ro2. Because there exists a lib64 directory in /try/sfs/ ( I used /try directory for my case ). Therefore it cannot copy the link there.
Yes, that's a bug in the devx sfs file. Move the contents of /try/sfs/lib64 to /try/sfs/lib then delete /try/sfs/lib64. Then copy /initrd/pup_ro2. Make sure you copy /initrd/pup_ro2 last.

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#103 Post by mories »

This laptop would boot to the desktop fine before installing the ati-catalyst-10.5.pet
but if I tried to log off the screen would slowly dissolve
and the computer would lock up, after installing the pet all is well.
Please, can you detail the process to install and running ati-catalyst-10.5.pet

I have a laptop with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5430, it boot (with pfix=ram) directly to desktop fine, install ati-catalyst-10.5.pet, but i can't logoff (the computer lock up) for restart X with the new drivers in ati-catalyst-10.5.pet.

Thanks in advance.

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#104 Post by kirk »


You must reboot after installing the ati pet package. Well, you might be able to exit X, then remove the radeon module and then type xwin to restart X.

Also, make sure you run the Xorgwizard (in the setup menu) before installing the pet package.

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#105 Post by mories »

You must reboot after installing the ati pet package. Well, you might be able to exit X, then remove the radeon module and then type xwin to restart X.
But i can't reboot nor exit X, the computer would lock up and do not save the installation of ati pet package.

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Re: ati-catalyst-10.5.pet

#106 Post by Billtoo »

mories wrote:
You must reboot after installing the ati pet package. Well, you might be able to exit X, then remove the radeon module and then type xwin to restart X.
But i can't reboot nor exit X, the computer would lock up and do not save the installation of ati pet package.
I just clicked on the pet to install it and then chose "Restart X server" from the menu and that worked for me.

I just made another bootable flash drive with fatdog64 on it and did it again to be sure.


Building a NEW ISO with SFSs included

#107 Post by gcmartin »

@fatdog64kudos and @kirk thanks for your efforts. Your work is greatly appreciated.

Going back to that step 3). in the instructions for creating a new ISO

....Could someone explain "why the base libraries (fd64-500.sfs) are copied to the SFS build folder AFTER the new SFSs contents are placed there?

I'm missing something here. If a SFS (which is newer than the base FD64 SFS) adds an update needed for either system boot or for proper running of the contents, won't the base "clobber" the work (libraries) done by the new SFSs? I'm sure I'm missing something here and I'm anxious to understand why the base FD64 SFS is last.

I'm just seeking knowledge.
Thanks...anyone in...advance

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#108 Post by mories »

Billtoo, thanks
I just clicked on the pet to install it and then chose "Restart X server" from the menu and that worked for me.
It worked for me.

kirk, thanks also
Also, make sure you run the Xorgwizard (in the setup menu) before installing the pet package.
Not necessary for me.

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#109 Post by kirk »


Actually the add on sfs files do not take priority over the main sfs file. If the devx sfs and the main sfs both have a file with the same name and in the same location, the file in the main sfs will be visible.


Glad it worked for you. With my ati card I have to have a detailed xorg.conf for aticonfig to initialize.

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#110 Post by edoc »

I just scrolled through the 8-pages of this thread ...

I didn't see where one may change the default download folder.

We prefer to choose the default Download folder.

Is this set in Firefox and Seamonkey - or will those settings be over-written on reboot?
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#111 Post by kirk »


That's under Preferences in Firefox. But if you run Firefox as spot, which is the default, you'll only be able to save in folders that spot can write to. So ether you'll have to change your folder's permissions so that spot can write to it or run Firefox as root. To run Firefox as root open a terminal and type firefox or you can edit /usr/share/applications/Firefox.desktop and change firefox-spot to firefox.

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#112 Post by edoc »

OK re. changing permissions on the save folder.

On our other laptops we tend to use "/mnt/home/savestuff/downloads"

If we install Seamonkey, because we like that suite of integrated tools, does it also come with limited user access?

BTW: Are Firefox and Slypheed in Fatdog already linked so that one may click on a link in E-mail and jump to the browser, and do a Send Link in the browser and have an E-mail pop-up ... or does that all have to be set up manually?
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#113 Post by kirk »

Yep, Seamonkey is setup the same way. I use web based email so I really couldn't tell you if Slypheed would try to call firefox. I haven't set anything up to do that.

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#114 Post by panzerpuppy »

@kirk: Does the official AMD Catalyst driver installer work in FatDog64?

I mean, does the installer compile the kernel module(s) correctly? (it returns an error in Quirky)

Can you try the same in Quirky and see what's the problem?

I'd love to use the latest Catalyst 10.7 in both FatDog64 and Quirky.
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#115 Post by edoc »

Would it be possible to pop up a window to browse folders - then when one chooses one it prompts for a password and then runs a script to change the permissions?

This would seem to maximize flexibility for downloads and still preserve the protection of a User-level account for Internet access.

Our son needs to be able to direct a variety of downloads to different folders and may need to change where he downloads things on-the-fly (so changing permissions in-advance would be much less convenient).

I am guessing others may benefit from the same feature.

[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#116 Post by kirk »

Would it be possible to pop up a window to browse folders - then when one chooses one it prompts for a password and then runs a script to change the permissions?
Might be able to add an option to the right click menu to change the owner of a folder and all of it's sub-folders to spot. I'll attach a untested pet package.

EDIT: Sorry Flash, I misread your post. I think that would require hacking firefox.


I had to patch it to compile with 2.6.34. I think I found the patches on the Arch forums. Anyway that was with Catalyst 10.5, maybe 10.7 supports the latest kernel.

I uploaded Seamonkey-2.0.6. Also, I uploaded a Kompozer pet package a few days ago.
(440 Bytes) Downloaded 363 times

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#117 Post by panzerpuppy »

kirk wrote:panzerpuppy,

I had to patch it to compile with 2.6.34. I think I found the patches on the Arch forums.
I heard 10.7 no longer needs patching (it has k2.6.34 and XServer 1.8 support) :
Phoronix wrote:...this driver supports Linux 2.6.34/2.6.35 and Xserver 1.8 (haven't tried with 1.9)
Can you try Catalyst 10.7, see if it installs without patching and make a .PET package for Quirky?

Catalyst 10.7 has a massive 2D performance improvement over 10.5, support for OpenGL 3.3 and 4.0 and tons of bugfixes.
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#118 Post by fatdog64kudos »


Tried again with partial success:

Started with a pristine Fatdog64-500 CD boot. Followed your procedure with the modification for lib64 issue in devx. Created a new fd64-500.sfs.
Created a new Fatdog64-500_extra.iso and burned the iso to a blank CD using BURNISO2CD.

The same error while booting from the CD as before. All works well up to and including copying to ram; but , then the same error happens as before.

HOWEVER, IF the "new sfs file" is available on the HD, booting from the CD FINDS it and seems to load IT successfully. I tried cc from th CLI and it says "no input files" indicating that the devx is working in this case and all is well.

By now I have burned 4 or 5 CDs which will not boot. Growing pains I suppose :)

At this point, the only hitch is producing a bootable CD that works. Some trick for this ?

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#119 Post by fatdog64kudos »

kirk and gcmartin,

Last night I used kirk's technique to create a custom sfs/iso/CD without the devx sfs, but with 4 other sfs's: audio-all-in-one, fd64-32bit-libs-3, jre1.60_amd64-3 and wine-1.2-rc5-i486-4. This was done booting from a pristine Fatdog64-500 CD and executed completely in RAM (6GB in the machine). Finally, the iso was burned using burniso2cd and verified by the same program. Rebooting from the new CD was successfull and all ran very well. The size of the newly created iso is 316 MB.

I did not copy the original sfs file from the CD to the build folder since the desire was to produce a new custom sfs containing the additional sfs files as a part of the new sfs/iso/CD themselves.

Again, it may be noted that this was accomplished completely in RAM and nothing was saved to the HD. The additional sfs files were located on a pen drive. In fact all HDs were disconnected. I feel that this is a demonstration the power and versitility of Fatdog64 and its ability to use the full compliment of RAM beyond the usual 32 bit OS limitation.

Thanks again to kirk and jamesbond and of course Barry and all who have made puppy possible :)


Enhancing FATDOG64 by repackaging its SFS files

#120 Post by gcmartin »

@fatdog64kudos. Thanks for your efforts. I will try those steps, as posted when I'm back next week.

P.S. It would be nice if you could post that iso you built somewhere. Its a good and valuable piece of work that has wide user desires.

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