GXine - Browser Plug-in Available for WMV and WMA?

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GXine - Browser Plug-in Available for WMV and WMA?

#1 Post by RogerS »

I'm using GXine as my multi-media player and have installed the "essential" codecs for the common media types. I've also installed the two gxine plug-ins into the plugins folder of Firefox and Mozilla.

With this configuration, I'm able to use GXine to play most media formats available over the internet. Because I haven't yet configured GXine as the default app for downloads of windows media files -wmv, wma -I must download these files first and play them later in GXine. This is not a big deal, however.

My real problem is playing streaming media that is "embedded" in the web pages of the browser. The two GXine "plug-ins" will start GXine as an external application and play the media in some instances (mpeg, qt, avi), but in other instances (wmv, wma), the plug-ins launch GXine but nothing plays in GXine and the browser merely says "gxine browser plugin" in the place where the image should be appearing.

Have others experienced the same problem, and is there a fix? I guess I'm looking for a GXine plug-in that works with streaming windows media formats (wmv, wma) embedded in a web page.


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#2 Post by MU »

There is an mplayer-plugin for Mozilla.
I don't know if it works in Firefox.


It requires mplayer:


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