Puppy 4.2 Alpha4 Seamonkey Bugs & Fixes

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Puppy 4.2 Alpha4 Seamonkey Bugs & Fixes

#1 Post by WhoDo »

I have just uploaded the fourth and final, final ( :P ) alpha for Puppy 4.2 Deepthought with Seamonkey and Claws mail. There are still a few issues with this one although it's pretty solid:

Known issues:

1. I have removed the latest CUPS which produces a 404 error when attempting to load the manager on my test machine.
2. There are still only two desktop icon thems - Deepthought and Stardust - until we can get someone to sync the icon names properly. I haven't had time.
3. grub-gfxboot is installed but not configured. Catdude and I are working together to get it configured properly - almost there
4. Blinky starts up but disappears after any jwmconfig change
5. epdfview doesn't work because it is missing CUPS dependencies
6. I broke ROX right clicks by updating to a later version of ROX filer. It only looks for a SendTo directory in /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net when ROX right clicks creates an OpenWith directory - rename and it works fine.
7. I haven't set /usr/share/doc/home.html as the default home page for Seamonkey. It's there and contains the link to the puppy web portal but you'll need to add it manually to test.

On the positive side, I have updated to the most recent ROX filer in the dotpets-4 repository without any other apparent ill effects. New applications include Pwidgets (0.6), load-sfs, dhcpd (4.0.10), dosfstools (3.01), gdmap (0.8.1), geany (0.15), Gftp(2.0.19), gphoto2 (2.4.2), icewm-402-v5, libgphoto2 (2.4.4), libsamplerate (0.1.2), ntfs3g (2009.1.1), pburn (2.2.0), tkspider (1.0.4), vorbis-tools (1.20), wget (1.11.4). No-one can say the background stuff hasn't received equal treatment to the bling! :P Xarchive is still in because I still didn't have time to alter all of the dependent scripts. I'm not sure if ttuuxxx has done that so I don't know if the mods are in this release. If they are Xarchive will be out.

Coolpup has also submitted a host of back-end updates and deserves special mention for that effort as well as a lot of work done on the wiki to make life easier for yours truly.

1. http://puppyisos.org/isos/2009-01-to-06/4.2-alpha4/ (user=puppy pwd=linux)
2. http://www.pkagfiles.net/puppy-test/
3. http://www.puppylinux.ca/puppyfiles/test/

If the mirrors don't show the Alpha4 it's probably because the admins haven't had time to move the files to the download area ... try again later.

This release is 95Mb, so there is room for CUPS to go back in when it works. As before, if you don't see this boot screen on first boot then you've got the wrong download! :P

STOP PRESS: Zigbert, trio and 01micko have worked hard on Pwidgets and version 0.7 is now available for download. I strongly recommend updating to this before testing. It will be in the next release, no question, and it works like a charm.


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#2 Post by Caneri »

Hi Warren et al,

Ok..ready to go here

http://puppylinux.ca/puppyfiles/test/pu ... monkey.iso
http://puppylinux.ca/puppyfiles/test/pu ... ey.md5.txt

File size is 100354048 bytes

Md5sum is correct.


EDIT: the puppylinux.ca server will be migrating to a new machine soon. We will try to avoid downtime but hey...you never know..and apologies if things break on .ca. It will be only for a short time and will continue to server files into the future.
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jwm menu format

#3 Post by Tom Raft »

I miss the hacked fixmenus script from zigberts DeepThougt theme.

It adds space between icon and text and separates the desription with a - .

The script is part of the jwm_tray package.


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#4 Post by nic2109 »

Eric; have you got problems from different parts of the world again?

I'm d/l ing now and getting 28-30 K/s and it'll take about an hour. My location is in the UK and my ISP is based in Sheffield, Yorkshire if that helps with any trouble-shooting.


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#5 Post by Caneri »


Hey..sorry about that...we are working on the migration to a new machine. This may have something to do with the slow speeds..sorry ol' boy.

When we are moved there should be a noticeable improvement.


PS..anyone else have bad speeds from puppylinux.ca?..er this isn't the thread for that...hmmm
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#6 Post by nic2109 »

Thanks - and good luck with the move.

And yes, it is the wrong place - oops!

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#7 Post by Pizzasgood »

There have been complaints about Puppy automatically copying the pup_xxx.sfs file to the drive on bootup. It offers an option to copy or not when you create the pup_save.2fs file, and that part works fine. If you choose to do it, it copies it then and there. If you choose not to, it doesn't. But then when you boot up again, it automatically copies it, so long as Puppy believes the partition with the pup_save.2fs file is a fast partition (it's supposed to filter out things like USB drives, but I'm not sure how well it does).

IMHO, either it should not auto-copy, or it should not offer the choice at shutdown. Offering a choice and then later ignoring it is pretty rude. Worse than not asking at all.

So today I tracked down the code responsible for the auto-copying. It was all in two tidy little chunks that were close together, so removing it was easy. The file to edit is 'init' from the initrd.gz.

In Puppy 4.12 they are lines 948-961 and 975-985. In 4.20a3 and 4.20a4 they are 985-998 and 1012-1022.

I attached a patch. Assuming it is downloaded to the puppy-unleashed/boot/ directory, it would be applied like this:

Code: Select all

gunzip init-rem_auto_cp_to_hd.patch.gz
patch initrd-tree0/init init-rem_auto_cp_to_hd.patch

I haven't actually tested 4.20a4 yet, BTW. Just finished downloading it. I'll give it a run later.

Yeah, I also had very slow speeds from puppylinux.ca. I live in Georgia (the state, not the nation).

Downloads fast from pkagfiles.net though.
Disable automatic copying of the pup_xxx.sfs file to partition in init script.
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#8 Post by nic2109 »

We still have the plethora of partition icons on the desktop - most of which are null (warning road-sign).

Not a big problem, but neither is it a fixed one. :wink:

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#9 Post by seeker »

We still have the plethora of partition icons on the desktop - most of which are null (warning road-sign).
I had this problem in 4.12 when my usb save file was used on machines with different drive/partition layouts. The drive icons and partition types would be wrong from one machine to another. I have this script in /root/my-applications/bin and it is the first thing executed from /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown. It removes the desktop drive icons, and these are then correctly re-created by Puppy at the next boot. You are welcome to use it if you like.

Code: Select all



#read the file header and original saved icons into the temp file.
#skip the .pup_event icons.
drv_icons_off ()
	while read line
	if echo "$line" | grep -q "$pup_event"; then
	echo "$line" >>$temp_file
} < $pin_file

rm -f $pin_file
cp $temp_file $pin_file
rm -f $temp_file

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#10 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

Some notes on first trying out Alpha4:

The Clearlooks-Quicksilver GTK2 theme is very good (the new, improved SeaMonkey actually looks beautiful with it!)--but thanks for putting Stardust back in too.

Sgmixer works; sound is great, configured with no problem. I won't say anything about printing except that I didn't try it and, when I see an announcement that it works again at last, I'll try it.

Desktop drive icons: Well, this is an improvement. Only existing drives are shown with actual drive icons, and no nonexistent drives are shown as mounted. Unfortunately, it isn't quite a big enough improvement: eight yellow triangles with exclamation points in them have been substituted for the icons for nonexistent drives! This, I think, would not create a favorable first impression for a new user, especially one who was easily alarmed or repelled. Please try one more time.

The IceWM taskbar is way too cluttered; less than half the total length is available to show what apps are running, and many of the little icons just duplicate the functions of big ones on the desktop. Plus, the taskbar doesn't have the most useful little icon of all, which is "Show Desktop."

Calendar is back in Claws Mail, I see. This is not an improvement. You can see only a tiny bit of the numbers for the hours along the edges; it doesn't have a To Do list; I don't see how to get any view other than a week-at-a-time view with very narrow columns for the several days. By comparison, Osmo 0.2.0 is fairly feeble as personal organizers go, but it does have a To Do (or Task) list, and it gives you a good-sized view of all your notes and appointments for a day with a quick click on the number of the day. The Calendar feature in Claws Mail is embarrassingly bad and should be trashed, "IMHO."

I checked my e-mail with Claws and got the mail, but I also got an error message saying "The Bogofilter plugin couldn't filter a message. The command `bogofilter -T -b` couldn't be run."

When I type text in my Tcl/Tk text/HTML editor (WISH Supernotepad) while running JWM, the titlebar blinks periodically. This doesn't happen while running IceWM.

Gnocl works, but my almost-completed "Remaster Express" doesn't look nearly so good with the default fonts as it does with DejaVu Serif (which I have installed on Puppy 4.1.1). Could you possibly bring yourself to squeeze in the very good-looking DejaVu Serif and DejaVu Sans Mono fonts in addition to DejaVu Sans, which Puppy already has?

Tcl/Tk 8.5.6 now works correctly--almost. I no longer get the "no ttk" error message when I run Tk apps, and most of mine work right. The exceptions are two that use the Tcl "clock" command. Here's the error message I get when I try to run these from the command line. (Should I PM rarsa about this?)

Code: Select all

# wishrush &
[2] 25927
# Error in startup script: can't find package msgcat 1.4
    while executing
"package require msgcat 1.4"
    ("uplevel" body line 2)
    invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 {
    package require msgcat 1.4
    if { $::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows} } {
        if { [catch { package require registry 1.1 }] } {
    (file "/usr/lib/tcl8.5/clock.tcl" line 23)
    invoked from within
"source -encoding utf-8 [file join $TclLibDir clock.tcl]"
    (procedure "::tcl::clock::format" line 3)
    invoked from within
"clock format [clock seconds] \
        -format "%Y %a %b %d : %I:%M %p""
    invoked from within
"button .date -text "[clock format [clock seconds] \
        -format "%Y %a %b %d : %I:%M %p"]""
    (file "/usr/local/bin/wishrush" line 538)
Also, when I ran WISH CD-Writer, I got a message saying cdrdao isn't in my PATH. Is there a successor to cdrdao for audio CD-writing from the command line? If so, what is it?

And now for something really bizarre. When I first :roll: tried to open "Remaster Express," I got the following error message:

Code: Select all

# cd /mnt/sda6/david/Computing/puppy/remasterex-4.1.1/usr/local/bin
# ./remasterex &
[1] 1942
# Error in startup script: couldn't read file "/mnt/home/david/Computing/puppy/remasterex-4.1.1/usr/local/lib/remasterex/commonprocs.tcl": no such file or directory
    while executing
"source [file join $libdir commonprocs.tcl] "
    (file "./remasterex" line 51)

[1]+  Exit 1                  ./remasterex
But then I could open the supposedly missing or unreadable "commonprocs.tcl" file OK in WISH Supernotepad; ROX-Filer correctly showed its icon and displayed its properties; I put the contents into a hacked copy of Remaster Express, and then it worked, just as the unaltered script has worked all along in Puppy 4.1.1. I wonder what's going on here!

Oh, and one more little thing: What if I don't want an analog clock and a calendar on my desktop? How do I get rid of them? :roll:

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More then 3 sfs files

#11 Post by Béèm »

Is that little tweak in this 4.2?
If not will it be in future releases?
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#12 Post by Flash »

I only just discovered the IceWM option and tried it out. The default color scheme is a bit garish for my taste but that's ok, I'm sure I can change it. :) Otherwise I'm very impressed by IceWM. SeaMonkey seems to start much faster in IceWM than it does in JWM. Anyone else notice the same thing?
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#13 Post by ttuuxxx »


Find all 3 streamtuner packages at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=38590

Also if you want the one with libsamplerate included with streamtuner/Aqualug its 685kb and located at
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... h&id=14951


GutenPrint is located at (same as 4.2A3)
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... no-ppd.pet

Ghostscript <-- small version
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... 4-i386.pet

Foomatic filters <-- (same as 4.2A3)
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... .0.0-1.pet

Cups <---small version
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... h&id=15049
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Last edited by ttuuxxx on Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:53, edited 14 times in total.
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#14 Post by ttuuxxx »

hi guys do you really want items removed from the IceWM taskbar and if so which its do you think should be on the chopping block?
on the right side maybe the icewm network and cpuload? Since we have blinky and free memory. You can always see the cpu load via htop
on the left side we have
xterm, default browser, rox, pfind, sound, desktop 1,2
its you, you tell me and I'll remove, and do you want show desktop back?
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#15 Post by jcoder24 »

On switching to icewm there is a name-less window that loads and can't be closed. This doesn't happen if icewm is started as "startx icewm" as opposed to "startx icewm-session".

Also 4 instances of /usr/share/icewm/startup are running according to ps. It seems as though there is a startup instance for each of freememapplet-tray, xpad, icemtray and parcellite. This can be confirmed by killing each of these processes and running ps.

See image for clarification.

As for xpad, i don't think it should be auto loading by default.

I prefer the modified default icewm theme.

EDIR: The freememapplete_tray is not in the tray.
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#16 Post by ttuuxxx »

jcoder24 wrote:On switching to icewm there is a name-less window that loads and can't be closed. This doesn't happen if icewm is started as "startx icewm" as opposed to "startx icewm-session".

Also 4 instances of /usr/share/icewm/startup are running according to ps. It seems as though there is a startup instance for each of freememapplet-tray, xpad, icemtray and parcellite. This can be confirmed by killing each of these processes and running ps.

See image for clarification.

As for xpad, i don't think it should be auto loading by default.

I prefer the modified default icewm theme.

EDIR: The freememapplete_tray is not in the tray.
That extra window never happened before, I'll work out why.
Also it has to be icewm-session to start icewm, because that loads the startup script which loads, freememory applet, blinky,etc
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#17 Post by jcoder24 »

k. just noticed that all four of those processes in /usr/share/icewm/startup are proceeded by a sleep and &&. Don't know if it helps any. Also there is no freememapplet in my tray.

I had tried icewm-402-v1 building with 4.12 unleashed and had the same issue with the window.

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#18 Post by ttuuxxx »

hi jcoder just wonder are you trying this version with 'puppy pfix=ram'??
I think you might be pulling up some previous save file stuff.
I didn't get the extra opened window when booting up, just finally got alpha 4 up and running 2 minutes ago, plus I have blinky and freememory working like it should,
lol I need to run puppy pfix=ram also I just noticed i have some printing options. Must be in my pupsave file.
brb ttuuxxx
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Mon 09 Feb 2009, 04:01, edited 1 time in total.
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#19 Post by ttuuxxx »

ok I loaded up without my pupsave file, Icewm loads perfectly, I would like to get rid of the xpad splash screen, its nice having xpad on the taskbar but splash screens are a pain.
It did load to the right right IceWm theme which is good, I have tooooooo many hard drive icons on my desktop, here's a pic.
I'll start on cups now.

Hey WhoDO did you remove the shutdown menu again?? it was part of the /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.icewm_menu in the latest icewm package
if anyone wants to see the shutdown menu,
open a console and type
it will apear
also since the /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.icewm_menu menu has been changed we have lost the refresh icons in the menu
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Mon 09 Feb 2009, 04:00, edited 1 time in total.

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#20 Post by jcoder24 »

Ran from qemu without any virtual drives which is like pfix=ram.

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