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A NWP/A NWPUS--A Noob's Word Processor and Utilities Suite

Posted: Thu 11 Jun 2015, 06:27
by Puppus Dogfellow
update 1/1/17: ... 681#937681

this is the thread formerly known as

A NWP/A NWPUS--A Nooby Word Processor and Utilities Suite
robust, extensible, and superseded in ministrosity by pu(/)up!

update 8/27/16: ... 289#920289

update 2/1/16: ... 043#885043
or NWP: The New UUord Processor and Uber Utilities Pack, if you prefer.
(more to the canine, less towards the copro, but having owned a doggus named clivis...anyway, it's a less sh*tty name, one possibly justifiable by the thing's unending customizability...(it's got more blank keyboard shortcut templates than you'll likely ever need or know what to do with, provisions for 9 extra jwm menus, a very easy way to add and edit commands on the fly...)). latest updates:

update, 12/11/15: ... 455#876455

newest update gives you more installation and configuration options. other than that, no major changes from the 12/6 pack.


minor changes, 12/13: ... 681#876681


update, 12/6/15: ... 861#875861


update, 10/31/15: ... 403#870403


updated screenshot, 12/3:
Image ... 440#875440

updated shot of the version on the jwm root 1 menu (you'd need to add
to your jwmrc-personal file to use it, or use the included jwmrc-personal file and get the keyboard shortcuts (and blanks) and other eight menus):



update, 8/15: superseded in ministrosity by pu(/)up!

(which is a stand alone mini-version of soon to be released rc2)

this is the thread formerly known as:

A NWP/A NWPUS--A Nooby Word Processor and Utilities Suite
robust, extensible, minimalistic/it's only an aemenu menu (and a folder you'd need to unpack)

(original thread and opening post continues below)


Nooby Friendly/Nooby Inspired/Nooby Wrought (project had its beginnings in the Nooby WP Toolbar)

here's a screen shot of a jwm version of the menu that will be popping up

screen shots and details to come, but hopefully the menu will give an idea of what this does beyond: it pastes code, resizes and positions windows, allows you to quickly and easily access files, panels, pinboards, desktops, programs...i'll add a table of contents/index of the features to the screenshots post...

word processor, utilities suite, desktop and window controller

self contained and compact (~150kb download, folder (nwp) to be unpacked and added to /).

grab it here: nwpus.tar.xz


(orchestrate helper programs to) make any window that can accept text into a potential word processor/introducing NWP/NWPUS--a minimalistic word processor/robust and extensible utilities suite)

just place /nwp under / and launch with the nwpus script

(you can change the path, but you'll have to do a substitution in the nwpmenu file in /nwp and alter nwpus to reflect the change in the location of the menu file it's reading.)

requires aemenu, wmctrl, and xdotool (included)

unpack aemenu.tar.bz2 and place contents of that and the nwpus script into /root/my-applications/bin or similar PATH directory. install wmctrl and xdotool (included) if you have not already done so.

to be able to launch with gexec (original intention of most of the scripts and why so many have such short titles), highlight the contents (check mark on rox tool bar), and drag to /root/my-applications/bin, selecting link (relative or absolute) from the pop up. this will place the scripts in your PATH (i.e. terminals will also be able to call them) without taking up any of your savefile space. even if you're not running frugal, the speed of linking over copying makes this method preferable.

Code: Select all


#name nwpm  or nwpus and place in /root/my-applications/bin/
killall -q aemenu
sleep 0.1s
aemenu -rc /nwp/nwpmenu	
^launcher code

(thanks again to musher0)

the menu the script is opening (placed in /nwp and named nwpmenu):

Code: Select all

cmd " vgt" "vgt"

menu "defaults/original puppy desktop" 
cmd " audiomixer" defaultaudiomixer
cmd " audioplayer" defaultaudioplayer
cmd " browser" defaultbrowser
cmd " calendar" defaultcalendar
cmd " cdplayer" defaultcdplayer
cmd " chat" defaultchat
cmd " chmviewer" defaultchmviewer
cmd " ~ 'Chooser' ~" /usr/bin/defaults-chooser 
cmd " connect" defaultconnect
cmd "console" "urxvt"
cmd " contact" defaultcontact
cmd " draw" defaultdraw
cmd " email" defaultemail
cmd " htmleditor" defaulthtmleditor
cmd " htmlviewer" defaulthtmlviewer
cmd " imageviewer" defaultimageviewer
cmd " mediaplayer" defaultmediaplayer
cmd " notecase" notecase
cmd " paint" defaultpaint
cmd "puppy package manager" "ppm" 
cmd "puppy control panel" "pcp" 
cmd " spreadsheet" defaultspreadsheet
cmd "screen shot" "tas"
cmd " texteditor" defaulttexteditor
cmd " textviewer" defaulttextviewer
cmd " videoplayer" defaultvideoplayer
cmd " wizardwizard" wizardwizard
cmd " wordprocessor" defaultwordprocessor
cmd "Xlock setup" "/usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun -configure" 
cmd  "Xlock lock screen" "/usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun -locknow"

 menu "rox"
 cmd "rox /" "rox /"
  cmd " ~ ROX-Filer ~" "rox ~"
 cmd " Close All Rox" "cr"
  cmd "  rox Recents  " "rr"
  cmd " rox Bookmarks" "rb"
  cmd "applications" "rox /usr/share/applications"  
  cmd "/etc" "rox /etc"
 cmd "/mnt" "rox /mnt"
 cmd "/mnt/home" "rox /mnt/home"
cmd "my-applications" "rox /root/my-applications/bin"
cmd "my-documents" "rox /root/my-documents"
cmd "rox /tmp" "rox /tmp"
cmd "rox /root/.Trash" "rox /root/.Trash"

 menu "panels"
cmd "panel frame set1" "/nwp/p1"
cmd "panel frame set2" "/nwp/p2"
cmd "panel frame set3" "/nwp/p3"
cmd "panel frame set4" "/nwp/p4"
cmd "panel frame set5" "/nwp/p5"
cmd "panel frame set6" "/nwp/p6"
cmd "panel frame set7" "/nwp/p7"
cmd "panel frame set8" "/nwp/p8"
cmd "panel frame set9" "/nwp/p9"

menu "pinboards"
cmd "pinboard 1" "/nwp/pp1"
cmd "pinboard 2" "/nwp/pp2"
cmd "pinboard 3" "/nwp/pp3"
cmd "pinboard 4" "/nwp/pp4"
cmd "pinboard 5" "/nwp/pp5"
cmd "pinboard 6" "/nwp/pp6"

menu "launchers and consoles" # beginning of menu 
cmd "findnrun" "fnr" 
cmd "gexec" "gexec" 
cmd "grun" "grun" 
cmd "lxterminal" "lxterminal" 
 cmd "pexec" "pexec" 
cmd "prun" "prun"
cmd "roxterm" "roxterm"
cmd "rxvt" "rxvt"
cmd "sakura" "sakura" # program to launch
cmd "urxvt" "urxvt"
end # end of menu   

menu "supplemental 1" # beginning of menu
cmd "close all desktop instances" "cadi" # program to launch
cmd "close current desktop instances" "ccdi" # program to launch
cmd "partview" "partview" # program to launch
cmd "lxtask" "lxtask" # program to launch
cmd "htop" "htop" # program to launch
cmd "winswitcher" "winswitcher"
cmd "jwm -restart" "jwm -restart"
cmd "5copies" "5copies"
cmd "5copiesDir" "5copiesDir"
cmd "nwp" "wp" 
cmd "left full" "b5"
cmd "right full" "b10"
cmd "slocate search all" "slac"
cmd "slocate search limited" "sloc"
cmd "slocate update databases" "sluc"
cmd "spacefm" "spacefm"
end # end of menu   

menu "supplemental 2" # beginning of menu
cmd "chromium" "chromium"
cmd "firefox" "firefox"
cmd "galculator" "galculator"
cmd "gcolor2" "gcolor2"
cmd "gfnrename" "gfnrename"
cmd "gfontsel" "gfontsel"
cmd "goldendict" "goldendict"
cmd "google-chrome" "google-chrome"
cmd "palemoon" "palemoon"
cmd "pfind" "pfind"
cmd "recoll" "recoll"
cmd "xpad-backup" "xpad-backup"
cmd "xpad-clear" "xpad-clear"
cmd "xpad" "xpad"
end # end of menu 

 menu "jwm menu maker" # beginning of menu
cmd "jwmxx-leafpad-grab executables" "cd  /usr/share/applications; grep Exec= *.desktop | grep -o 'Exec=.*' | cut -f2- -d'=' > /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx; leafpad /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx
cmd "jwmxx-geany-grab executables" "cd  /usr/share/applications; grep Exec= *.desktop | grep -o 'Exec=.*' | cut -f2- -d'=' > /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx; geany /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx
 cmd "make a menu entry" "jwmkr"
cmd "add the menu template" "jwmenuplate"

cmd "ae menu item maker" "aeae"
cmd "ae menu slot maker" "aeaem"

end # end of menu 

menu "nwp"

cmd	"poetry" "/nwp/htmltemplatepref" 
cmd	"other" "/nwp/htmltxtwptemplate" 
cmd	"#!/bin/sh" "/nwp/scripttemplate" 
cmd	"vgt" "/nwp/vgt" 
cmd	"NWP/VGT help" "geany /root/my-applications/bin/nwp.readme /root/my-applications/bin/vgt.readme" 

menu "paste and place"
cmd	"Bold" "/nwp/swnwpb" 
cmd	"Italics" "/nwp/swnwpi" 
cmd	"Underline" "/nwp/swnwpu" 
cmd	"Subscript" "/nwp/swnwpsub"
cmd	"Superscript" "/nwp/swnwpsup" 
cmd	"Strikethrough" "/nwp/swnwpstrk" 
cmd	"Big" "/nwp/swnwpbig" 
cmd	"Small" "/nwp/swnwpsm" 
cmd	"linebreak" "/nwp/linebreak" 
cmd	"#!/bin/sh" "/nwp/scripttemplate" 
cmd	"comment" "/nwp/snwpcomment" 

cmd	"preserved breaks and spaces" "/nwp/preotry" 

cmd	"paragraph" "/nwp/paragraph" 
cmd	"parleft" "/nwp/parleft" 
cmd	"parright" "/nwp/parright"
cmd	"parcenter" "/nwp/parcenter" 
cmd	"parjustify" "/nwp/parjustify" 

cmd	"nwpbkmrk" "/nwp/nwpbkmrk" 
cmd	"blockquote" "/nwp/nwpblockquote" 
cmd	"quote" "/nwp/quote" 
cmd	"heading1" "/nwp/snwph1" 
cmd	"heading2" "/nwp/snwph2" 
cmd	"heading3" "/nwp/snwph3" 
cmd	"heading4" "/nwp/snwph4" 
cmd	"heading5" "/nwp/snwph5" 
cmd	"heading6" "/nwp/snwph6" 

cmd	"get css codes" "defaultbrowser" 

	menu "highlight text then click to apply"
cmd	"preserved breaks and spaces" "/nwp/preformatted" 
cmd	"heading1" "/nwp/nwph1" 
cmd	"heading2" "/nwp/nwph2" 
cmd	"heading3" "/nwp/nwph3" 
cmd	"heading4" "/nwp/nwph4" 
cmd	"heading5" "/nwp/nwph5" 
cmd	"heading6" "/nwp/nwph6" 

cmd	"comment" "/nwp/nwpcomment" 

cmd	"Bold" "/nwp/nwpb" 
cmd	"Italics" "/nwp/nwpi" 
cmd	"Underline" "/nwp/nwpu" 
cmd	"Subscript" "/nwp/nwpsub" 
cmd	"Superscript" "/nwp/nwpsup" 
cmd	"Strikethrough" "/nwp/nwpstrk" 
cmd	"Big" "/nwp/nwpbig" 
cmd	"Small" "/nwp/nwpsm" 
cmd	"paragraph" "/nwp/paragraphhl" 
cmd	"nwpleft" "/nwp/nwpleft" 
cmd	"nwpright" "/nwp/nwpright" 
cmd	"nwpcenter" "/nwp/nwpcenter" 
cmd	"nwpjustify" "/nwp/nwpjust" 


menu "go to desktop #  "
cmd "d1" "/nwp/d1"
cmd "d2" "/nwp/d2"
cmd "d3" "/nwp/d3"
cmd "d4" "/nwp/d4"
cmd "d5" "/nwp/d5"
cmd "d6" "/nwp/d6"
cmd "d7" "/nwp/d7"
cmd "d8" "/nwp/d8"
cmd "d9" "/nwp/d9"
cmd "d10" "/nwp/d10"
cmd "d11" "/nwp/d11"
cmd "d12" "/nwp/d12"
cmd "d13" "/nwp/d13"
cmd "d14" "/nwp/d14"
cmd "d15" "/nwp/d15"
cmd "d16" "/nwp/d16"
cmd "d17" "/nwp/d17"
cmd "d18" "/nwp/d18"
cmd "d19" "/nwp/d19"
cmd "d20" "/nwp/d20"
cmd "d21" "/nwp/d21"
cmd "d22" "/nwp/d22"
cmd "d23" "/nwp/d23"
cmd "d24" "/nwp/d24"


 menu "Windows Functions (SELECT)" 
  menu "stick, unstick, layer (SELECT)" 
  cmd  "Stick/Unstick" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b toggle,sticky" 
  cmd "Stick" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b add,sticky" 
  cmd "Unstick" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,sticky" 
menu "Layer" 
  cmd  "below" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b add,below" 
  cmd  "normal" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b remove,above,below" 
  cmd  "above" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -b add,above" 
 menu "Send To   SELECT " 
 cmd "1" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t0"
 cmd "2" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t1"
 cmd "3" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t2"
 cmd "4" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t3"
 cmd "5" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t4"
 cmd "6" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t5"
 cmd "7" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t6"
 cmd "8" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t7"
 cmd "9" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t8"
 cmd "10" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t9"
 cmd "11" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t10"
 cmd "12" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t11"
 cmd "13" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t12"
 cmd "14" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t13"
 cmd "15" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t14"
 cmd "16" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t15"
 cmd "17" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t16"
 cmd "18" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t17"
 cmd "19" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t18"
 cmd "20" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t19"
 cmd "21" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t20"
 cmd "22" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t21"
 cmd "23" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t22"
 cmd "24" "wmctrl -r :SELECT: -t23"
 menu "for single monitors :SELECT:" 
cmd "top half" "/nwp/tophalf"
cmd "bottom half" "/nwpbottomhalf"
cmd "left half" "/nwp/lefthalf"
cmd "right half" "/nwp/righthalf"
cmd "full" "/nwp/fulls"

cmd "upper left quadrant" "/nwp/upperleftquadrant"
cmd "upper right quadrant" "/nwp/upperrightquadrant"
cmd "lower left quadrant" "/nwp/lowerleftquadrant"
cmd "lower right quadrant" "/nwp/lowerrightquadrant"
cmd "centered" "/nwp/lp5"

menu "for double monitors: SELECT (crosshairs) version" 

cmd "upper left quadrant of left screen" "/nwp/as1"
cmd "upper right quadrant of left screen " "/nwp/as2"
cmd "lower left quadrant of left screen " "/nwp/as3"
cmd "lower right quadrant of left screen " "/nwp/as4"
cmd "quadrant-sized window placed at center of left screen " "/nwp/as5"

cmd "upper left quadrant of right screen" "/nwp/as6"
cmd "upper right quadrant of right screen" "/nwp/as7"
cmd "lower left quadrant of right screen " "/nwp/as8"
cmd "lower right quadrant of right screen" "/nwp/as9"
cmd "quadrant-sized window placed at center of right screen " "/nwp/as10"

cmd "left half of left screen" "/nwp/bs1"
cmd "right half of left screen" "/nwp/bs2"
cmd "top half of left screen" "/nwp/bs3"
cmd "bottom half of left screen" "/nwp/bs4"
cmd "full screen left " "/nwp/bs5"

cmd "left half of right screen " "/nwp/bs6"
cmd "right half of right screen" "/nwp/bs7"
cmd "top half of right screen " "/nwp/bs8"
cmd "bottom half of right screen" "/nwp/bs9"
cmd "full screen right " "/nwp/bs10"

 menu "grid (SELECT)"

menu "grid 1s0 -1s30 (SELECT)"
cmd "1s0" "/nwp/1s0"
cmd "1s1" "/nwp/1s1"
cmd "1s2" "/nwp/1s2"
cmd "1s3" "/nwp/1s3"
cmd "1s4" "/nwp/1s4"
cmd "1s5" "/nwp/1s5"
cmd "1s6" "/nwp/1s6"
cmd "1s7" "/nwp/1s7"
cmd "1s8" "/nwp/1s8"
cmd "1s9" "/nwp/1s9"
cmd "1s10" "/nwp/1s10"
cmd "1s11" "/nwp/1s11"
cmd "1s12" "/nwp/1s12"
cmd "1s13" "/nwp/1s13"
cmd "1s14" "/nwp/1s14"
cmd "1s15" "/nwp/1s15"
cmd "1s16" "/nwp/1s16"
cmd "1s17" "/nwp/1s17"
cmd "1s18" "/nwp/1s18"
cmd "1s19" "/nwp/1s19"
cmd "1s20" "/nwp/1s20"
cmd "1s21" "/nwp/1s21"
cmd "1s22" "/nwp/1s22"
cmd "1s23" "/nwp/1s23"
cmd "1s24" "/nwp/1s24"
cmd "1s25" "/nwp/1s25"
cmd "1s26" "/nwp/1s26"
cmd "1s27" "/nwp/1s27"
cmd "1s28" "/nwp/1s28"
cmd "1s29" "/nwp/1s29"
cmd "1s30" "/nwp/1s30"

menu "grid 2s0 -2s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "2s0" "/nwp/2s0"
cmd "2s1" "/nwp/2s1"
cmd "2s2" "/nwp/2s2"
cmd "2s3" "/nwp/2s3"
cmd "2s4" "/nwp/2s4"
cmd "2s5" "/nwp/2s5"
cmd "2s6" "/nwp/2s6"
cmd "2s7" "/nwp/2s7"
cmd "2s8" "/nwp/2s8"
cmd "2s9" "/nwp/2s9"
cmd "2s10" "/nwp/2s10"
cmd "2s11" "/nwp/2s11"
cmd "2s12" "/nwp/2s12"
cmd "2s13" "/nwp/2s13"
cmd "2s14" "/nwp/2s14"
cmd "2s15" "/nwp/2s15"
cmd "2s16" "/nwp/2s16"
cmd "2s17" "/nwp/2s17"
cmd "2s18" "/nwp/2s18"
cmd "2s19" "/nwp/2s19"
cmd "2s20" "/nwp/2s20"

menu "grid 3s0 -3s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "3s0" "/nwp/3s0"
cmd "3s1" "/nwp/3s1"
cmd "3s2" "/nwp/3s2"
cmd "3s3" "/nwp/3s3"
cmd "3s4" "/nwp/3s4"
cmd "3s6" "/nwp/3s6"
cmd "3s7" "/nwp/3s7"
cmd "3s8" "/nwp/3s8"
cmd "3s9" "/nwp/3s9"
cmd "3s10" "/nwp/3s10"
cmd "3s11" "/nwp/3s11"
cmd "3s12" "/nwp/3s12"
cmd "3s13" "/nwp/3s13"
cmd "3s14" "/nwp/3s14"
cmd "3s15" "/nwp/3s15"
cmd "3s16" "/nwp/3s16"
cmd "3s17" "/nwp/3s17"
cmd "3s18" "/nwp/3s18"
cmd "3s19" "/nwp/3s19"
cmd "3s20" "/nwp/3s20"

menu "grid 4s0 -4s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "4s0" "/nwp/4s0"
cmd "4s1" "/nwp/4s1"
cmd "4s2" "/nwp/4s2"
cmd "4s3" "/nwp/4s3"
cmd "4s4" "/nwp/4s4"
cmd "4s5" "/nwp/4s5"
cmd "4s6" "/nwp/4s6"
cmd "4s7" "/nwp/4s7"
cmd "4s8" "/nwp/4s8"
cmd "4s9" "/nwp/4s9"
cmd "4s10" "/nwp/4s10"
cmd "4s11" "/nwp/4s11"
cmd "4s12" "/nwp/4s12"
cmd "4s13" "/nwp/4s13"
cmd "4s14" "/nwp/4s14"
cmd "4s15" "/nwp/4s15"
cmd "4s16" "/nwp/4s16"
cmd "4s17" "/nwp/4s17"
cmd "4s18" "/nwp/4s18"
cmd "4s19" "/nwp/4s19"
cmd "4s20" "/nwp/4s20"

menu "grid 5s0 -5s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "5s0" "/nwp/5s0"
cmd "5s1" "/nwp/5s1"
cmd "5s2" "/nwp/5s2"
cmd "5s3" "/nwp/5s3"
cmd "5s4" "/nwp/5s4"
cmd "5s5" "/nwp/5s5"
cmd "5s6" "/nwp/5s6"
cmd "5s7" "/nwp/5s7"
cmd "5s8" "/nwp/5s8"
cmd "5s9" "/nwp/5s9"
cmd "5s10" "/nwp/5s10"
cmd "5s11" "/nwp/5s11"
cmd "5s12" "/nwp/5s12"
cmd "5s13" "/nwp/5s13"
cmd "5s14" "/nwp/5s14"
cmd "5s15" "/nwp/5s15"
cmd "5s16" "/nwp/5s16"
cmd "5s17" "/nwp/5s17"
cmd "5s18" "/nwp/5s18"
cmd "5s19" "/nwp/5s19"
cmd "5s20" "/nwp/5s20"

menu "grid 6s0 -6s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "6s1" "/nwp/6s1"
cmd "6s2" "/nwp/6s2"
cmd "6s3" "/nwp/6s3"
cmd "6s4" "/nwp/6s4"
cmd "6s5" "/nwp/6s5"
cmd "6s6" "/nwp/6s6"
cmd "6s7" "/nwp/6s7"
cmd "6s8" "/nwp/6s8"
cmd "6s9" "/nwp/6s9"
cmd "6s10" "/nwp/6s10"
cmd "6s11" "/nwp/6s11"
cmd "6s12" "/nwp/6s12"
cmd "6s13" "/nwp/6s13"
cmd "6s14" "/nwp/6s14"
cmd "6s15" "/nwp/6s15"
cmd "6s16" "/nwp/6s16"
cmd "6s17" "/nwp/6s17"
cmd "6s18" "/nwp/6s18"
cmd "6s19" "/nwp/6s19"
cmd "6s20" "/nwp/6s20"

menu "grid 7s0 -7s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "7s0" "/nwp/7s0"
cmd "7s1" "/nwp/7s1"
cmd "7s2" "/nwp/7s2"
cmd "7s3" "/nwp/7s3"
cmd "7s4" "/nwp/7s4"
cmd "7s5" "/nwp/7s5"
cmd "7s6" "/nwp/7s6"
cmd "7s7" "/nwp/7s7"
cmd "7s8" "/nwp/7s8"
cmd "7s9" "/nwp/7s9"
cmd "7s10" "/nwp/7s10"
cmd "7s11" "/nwp/7s11"
cmd "7s12" "/nwp/7s12"
cmd "7s13" "/nwp/7s13"
cmd "7s14" "/nwp/7s14"
cmd "7s15" "/nwp/7s15"
cmd "7s16" "/nwp/7s16"
cmd "7s17" "/nwp/7s17"
cmd "7s18" "/nwp/7s18"
cmd "7s19" "/nwp/7s19"
cmd "7s20" "/nwp/7s20"

menu "grid 8s0 -8s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "8s0" "/nwp/8s0"
cmd "8s1" "/nwp/8s1"
cmd "8s2" "/nwp/8s2"
cmd "8s3" "/nwp/8s3"
cmd "8s4" "/nwp/8s4"
cmd "8s5" "/nwp/8s5"
cmd "8s6" "/nwp/8s6"
cmd "8s7" "/nwp/8s7"
cmd "8s8" "/nwp/8s8"
cmd "8s9" "/nwp/8s9"
cmd "8s10" "/nwp/8s10"
cmd "8s11" "/nwp/8s11"
cmd "8s12" "/nwp/8s12"
cmd "8s13" "/nwp/8s13"
cmd "8s14" "/nwp/8s14"
cmd "8s15" "/nwp/8s15"
cmd "8s16" "/nwp/8s16"
cmd "8s17" "/nwp/8s17"
cmd "8s18" "/nwp/8s18"
cmd "8s19" "/nwp/8s19"

menu "grid 9s0 -9s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "9s0" "/nwp/9s0"
cmd "9s1" "/nwp/9s1"
cmd "9s2" "/nwp/9s2"
cmd "9s3" "/nwp/9s3"
cmd "9s4" "/nwp/9s4"
cmd "9s5" "/nwp/9s5"
cmd "9s6" "/nwp/9s6"
cmd "9s7" "/nwp/9s7"
cmd "9s8" "/nwp/9s8"
cmd "9s9" "/nwp/9s9"
cmd "9s10" "/nwp/9s10"
cmd "9s11" "/nwp/9s11"
cmd "9s12" "/nwp/9s12"
cmd "9s13" "/nwp/9s13"
cmd "9s14" "/nwp/9s14"
cmd "9s15" "/nwp/9s15"
cmd "9s16" "/nwp/9s16"
cmd "9s17" "/nwp/9s17"
cmd "9s18" "/nwp/9s18"
cmd "9s19" "/nwp/9s19"
cmd "9s20" "/nwp/9s20"

menu "grid 10s0 -10s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "10s0" "/nwp/10s0"
cmd "10s1" "/nwp/10s1"
cmd "10s2" "/nwp/10s2"
cmd "10s3" "/nwp/10s3"
cmd "10s4" "/nwp/10s4"
cmd "10s5" "/nwp/10s5"
cmd "10s6" "/nwp/10s6"
cmd "10s7" "/nwp/10s7"
cmd "10s8" "/nwp/10s8"
cmd "10s9" "/nwp/10s9"
cmd "10s10" "/nwp/10s10
cmd "10s11" "/nwp/10s11
cmd "10s12" "/nwp/10s12
cmd "10s13" "/nwp/10s13
cmd "10s14" "/nwp/10s14
cmd "10s15" "/nwp/10s15
cmd "10s16" "/nwp/10s16
cmd "10s17" "/nwp/10s17
cmd "10s18" "/nwp/10s18
cmd "10s19" "/nwp/10s19
cmd "10s20" "/nwp/10s20
menu "grid 11s0 -11s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "11s0" "/nwp/11s0"
cmd "11s1" "/nwp/11s1"
cmd "11s2" "/nwp/11s2"
cmd "11s3" "/nwp/11s3"
cmd "11s4" "/nwp/11s4"
cmd "11s5" "/nwp/11s5"
cmd "11s6" "/nwp/11s6"
cmd "11s7" "/nwp/11s7"
cmd "11s8" "/nwp/11s8"
cmd "11s9" "/nwp/11s9"
cmd "11s10" "/nwp/11s10
cmd "11s11" "/nwp/11s11
cmd "11s12" "/nwp/11s12
cmd "11s13" "/nwp/11s13
cmd "11s14" "/nwp/11s14
cmd "11s15" "/nwp/11s15
cmd "11s16" "/nwp/11s16
cmd "11s17" "/nwp/11s17
cmd "11s18" "/nwp/11s18
cmd "11s19" "/nwp/11s19
cmd "11s20" "/nwp/11s20

menu "grid 12s0 -12s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "12s0" "/nwp/12s0"
cmd "12s1" "/nwp/12s1"
cmd "12s2" "/nwp/12s2"
cmd "12s3" "/nwp/12s3"
cmd "12s4" "/nwp/12s4"
cmd "12s5" "/nwp/12s5"
cmd "12s6" "/nwp/12s6"
cmd "12s7" "/nwp/12s7"
cmd "12s8" "/nwp/12s8"
cmd "12s9" "/nwp/12s9"
cmd "12s10" "/nwp/12s10
cmd "12s11" "/nwp/12s11
cmd "12s12" "/nwp/12s12
cmd "12s13" "/nwp/12s13
cmd "12s14" "/nwp/12s14
cmd "12s15" "/nwp/12s15
cmd "12s16" "/nwp/12s16
cmd "12s17" "/nwp/12s17
cmd "12s18" "/nwp/12s18
cmd "12s19" "/nwp/12s19

menu "grid 13s0 -13s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "13s0" "/nwp/13s0"
cmd "13s1" "/nwp/13s1"
cmd "13s2" "/nwp/13s2"
cmd "13s3" "/nwp/13s3"
cmd "13s4" "/nwp/13s4"
cmd "13s5" "/nwp/13s5"
cmd "13s6" "/nwp/13s6"
cmd "13s7" "/nwp/13s7"
cmd "13s8" "/nwp/13s8"
cmd "13s9" "/nwp/13s9"
cmd "13s10" "/nwp/13s10"
cmd "13s11" "/nwp/13s11"
cmd "13s12" "/nwp/13s12"
cmd "13s13" "/nwp/13s13"
cmd "13s14" "/nwp/13s14"
cmd "13s15" "/nwp/13s15"
cmd "13s16" "/nwp/13s16"
cmd "13s17" "/nwp/13s17"
cmd "13s18" "/nwp/13s18"
cmd "13s19" "/nwp/13s19"

menu "grid 14s0 -14s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "14s0" "/nwp/14s0"
cmd "14s1" "/nwp/14s1"
cmd "14s2" "/nwp/14s2"
cmd "14s3" "/nwp/14s3"
cmd "14s4" "/nwp/14s4"
cmd "14s5" "/nwp/14s5"
cmd "14s6" "/nwp/14s6"
cmd "14s7" "/nwp/14s7"
cmd "14s8" "/nwp/14s8"
cmd "14s9" "/nwp/14s9"
cmd "14s10" "/nwp/14s10"
cmd "14s11" "/nwp/14s11"
cmd "14s12" "/nwp/14s12"
cmd "14s13" "/nwp/14s13"
cmd "14s14" "/nwp/14s14"
cmd "14s15" "/nwp/14s15"
cmd "14s16" "/nwp/14s16"
cmd "14s17" "/nwp/14s17"
cmd "14s18" "/nwp/14s18"
cmd "14s19" "/nwp/14s19"
cmd "14s20" "/nwp/14s20"

menu "grid 15s0 -15s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "15s0" "/nwp/15s0"
cmd "15s1" "/nwp/15s1"
cmd "15s2" "/nwp/15s2"
cmd "15s3" "/nwp/15s3"
cmd "15s4" "/nwp/15s4"
cmd "15s5" "/nwp/15s5"
cmd "15s6" "/nwp/15s6"
cmd "15s7" "/nwp/15s7"
cmd "15s8" "/nwp/15s8"
cmd "15s9" "/nwp/15s9"
cmd "15s10" "/nwp/15s10"
cmd "15s11" "/nwp/15s11"
cmd "15s12" "/nwp/15s12"
cmd "15s13" "/nwp/15s13"
cmd "15s14" "/nwp/15s14"
cmd "15s15" "/nwp/15s15"
cmd "15s16" "/nwp/15s16"
cmd "15s17" "/nwp/15s17"
cmd "15s18" "/nwp/15s18"
cmd "15s19" "/nwp/15s19"
cmd "15s20" "/nwp/15s20"

menu "grid 16s0 -16s20 (SELECT)"
cmd "16s1" "/nwp/16s1"
cmd "16s2" "/nwp/16s2"
cmd "16s3" "/nwp/16s3"
cmd "16s4" "/nwp/16s4"
cmd "16s5" "/nwp/16s5"
cmd "16s6" "/nwp/16s6"
cmd "16s7" "/nwp/16s7"
cmd "16s8" "/nwp/16s8"
cmd "16s9" "/nwp/16s9"
cmd "16s10" "/nwp/16s10"
cmd "16s11" "/nwp/16s11"
cmd "16s12" "/nwp/16s12"
cmd "16s13" "/nwp/16s13"
cmd "16s14" "/nwp/16s14"
cmd "16s15" "/nwp/16s15"
cmd "16s16" "/nwp/16s16"
cmd "16s17" "/nwp/16s17"
cmd "16s18" "/nwp/16s18"
cmd "16s19" "/nwp/16s19"
cmd "16s20" "/nwp/16s20"

menu "Landscape"
cmd  "w400h300" "/nwp/w400h300s" 
cmd "w450h300" "/nwp/w450h300s" 
cmd "w500h400" "/nwp/w500h400s" 
cmd "w550h400" "/nwp/w550h400s" 
cmd "w600h500" "/nwp/w600h500s" 
cmd "w650h500" "/nwp/w650h500s" 

menu "Portrait" 
cmd "w300h400" "/nwp/w300h400s" 
cmd "w300h450" "/nwp/w300h450s" 
cmd "w400h500" "/nwp/w400h500s" 
cmd "w400h550" "/nwp/w400h550s" 
cmd "w500h600" "/nwp/w500h600s" 
cmd "w500h650" "/nwp/w500h650s" 
 menu "Window Size and Placement"
menu "Left Side Pl acement"
cmd "upper left /2" "/nwp/upl2s" 
cmd "upper left /3" "/nwp/upl3s"
cmd "upper left /4" "/nwp/upl4s" 
cmd "upper left /5" "/nwp/upl5s" 
cmd "lower left /2" "/nwp/lwl2s" 
cmd "lower left /3" "/nwp/lwl3s" 
cmd "lower left /4" "/nwp/lwl4s" 
cmd "lower left /5" "/nwp/lwl5s" 

menu "Right Side Placement" 
cmd "upper right /2" /nwp/"upr2s"
cmd "upper right /3" "/nwp/upr3s" 
cmd "upper right /4" "/nwp/upr4s" 
cmd "upper right /5" "/nwp/upr5s" 
cmd "lower right /2" "/nwp/lwr2s" 
cmd "lower right /3" "/nwp/lwr3s"
cmd "lower right /4" "/nwp/lwr4s" 
cmd "lower right /5" "/nwp/lwr5s" 

 menu "squares, select"
cmd "100s" "/nwp/100s"
cmd "110s" "/nwp/110s"
cmd "120s" "/nwp/120s"
cmd "130s" "/nwp/130s"
cmd "140s" "/nwp/140s"
cmd "150s" "/nwp/150s"
cmd "160s" "/nwp/160s"
cmd "170s" "/nwp/170s"
cmd "180s" "/nwp/180s"
cmd "190s" "/nwp/190s"
cmd "200s" "/nwp/200s"
cmd "210s" "/nwp/210s"
cmd "220s" "/nwp/220s"
cmd "230s" "/nwp/230s"
cmd "240s" "/nwp/240s"
cmd "250s" "/nwp/250s"
cmd "260s" "/nwp/260s"
cmd "270s" "/nwp/270s"
cmd "280s" "/nwp/280s"
cmd "290s" "/nwp/290s"
cmd "300s" "/nwp/300s"
cmd "310s" "/nwp/310s"
cmd "320s" "/nwp/320s"
cmd "330s" "/nwp/330s"
cmd "340s" "/nwp/340s"
cmd "350s" "/nwp/350s"
cmd "360s" "/nwp/360s"
cmd "370s" "/nwp/370s"
cmd "380s" "/nwp/380s"
cmd "390s" "/nwp/390s"
menu "400-800"
cmd "400s" "/nwp/400s"
cmd "410s" "/nwp/410s"
cmd "420s" "/nwp/420s"
cmd "430s" "/nwp/430s"
cmd "440s" "/nwp/440s"
cmd "450s" "/nwp/450s"
cmd "460s" "/nwp/460s"
cmd "470s" "/nwp/470s"
cmd "480s" "/nwp/480s"
cmd "490s" "/nwp/490s"
cmd "500s" "/nwp/500s"
cmd "510s" "/nwp/510s"
cmd "520s" "/nwp/520s"
cmd "530s" "/nwp/530s"
cmd "540s" "/nwp/540s"
cmd "550s" "/nwp/550s"
cmd "560s" "/nwp/560s"
cmd "570s" "/nwp/570s"
cmd "580s" "/nwp/580s"
cmd "590s" "/nwp/590s"
cmd "600s" "/nwp/600s"
cmd "610s" "/nwp/610s"
cmd "620s" "/nwp/620s"
cmd "630s" "/nwp/630s"
cmd "640s" "/nwp/640s"
cmd "650s" "/nwp/650s"
cmd "660s" "/nwp/660s"
cmd "670s" "/nwp/670s"
cmd "680s" "/nwp/680s"
cmd "690s" "/nwp/690s"
cmd "700s" "/nwp/700s"
cmd "710s" "/nwp/710s"
cmd "720s" "/nwp/720s"
cmd "730s" "/nwp/730s"
cmd "740s" "/nwp/740s"
cmd "750s" "/nwp/750s"
cmd "760s" "/nwp/760s"
cmd "770s" "/nwp/770s"
cmd "780s" "/nwp/780s"
cmd "790s" "/nwp/790s"
cmd "800s" "/nwp/800s"
menu "over 800"
cmd "810s" "/nwp/810s"
cmd "820s" "/nwp/820s"
cmd "830s" "/nwp/830s"
cmd "840s" "/nwp/840s"
cmd "850s" "/nwp/850s"
cmd "860s" "/nwp/860s"
cmd "870s" "/nwp/870s"
cmd "880s" "/nwp/880s"
cmd "890s" "/nwp/890s"
cmd "900s" "/nwp/900s"
cmd "910s" "/nwp/910s"
cmd "920s" "/nwp/920s"
cmd "930s" "/nwp/930s"
cmd "940s" "/nwp/940s"
cmd "950s" "/nwp/950s"
cmd "960s" "/nwp/960s"
cmd "970s" "/nwp/970s"
cmd "980s" "/nwp/980s"
cmd "990s" "/nwp/990s"
cmd "1000s" "/nwp/1000s"
cmd "1010s" "/nwp/1010s"
cmd "1020s" "/nwp/1020s"
cmd "1030s" "/nwp/1030s"
cmd "1040s" "/nwp/1040s"
cmd "1050s" "/nwp/1050s"
cmd "1060s" "/nwp/1060s"
cmd "1070s" "/nwp/1070s"
cmd "1080s" "/nwp/1080s"
cmd "1090s" "/nwp/1090s"
cmd "1100s" "/nwp/1100s"
cmd "1110s" "/nwp/1110s"
cmd "1120s" "/nwp/1120s"
cmd "1130s" "/nwp/1130s"
cmd "1140s" "/nwp/1140s"
cmd "1150s" "/nwp/1150s"
cmd "1160s" "/nwp/1160s"
cmd "1170s" "/nwp/1170s"
cmd "1180s" "/nwp/1180s"
cmd "1190s" "/nwp/1190s"
cmd "1200s" "/nwp/1200s"

  menu "X and Y Axes (SELECT)" 
   menu "X  (SELECT)" 
  menu "X 0-200 (SELECT)" 
cmd "x0s" "/nwp/x0s"
cmd "x10s" "/nwp/x10s"
cmd "x20s" "/nwp/x20s"
cmd "x30s" "/nwp/x30s"
cmd "x40s" "/nwp/x40s"
cmd "x50s" "/nwp/x50s"
cmd "x60s" "/nwp/x60s"
cmd "x70s" "/nwp/x70s"
cmd "x80s" "/nwp/x80s"
cmd "x90s" "/nwp/x90s"
cmd "x100s" "/nwp/x100s"
cmd "x110s" "/nwp/x110s"
cmd "x120s" "/nwp/x120s"
cmd "x130s" "/nwp/x130s"
cmd "x140s" "/nwp/x140s"
cmd "x150s" "/nwp/x150s"
cmd "x160s" "/nwp/x160s"
cmd "x170s" "/nwp/x170s"
cmd "x180s" "/nwp/x180s"
cmd "x190s" "/nwp/x190s"
 cmd "x200s" "/nwp/x200s"

   menu "X 210-400 (SELECT)" 

cmd "x210s" "/nwp/x210s"
cmd "x220s" "/nwp/x220s"
cmd "x230s" "/nwp/x230s"
cmd "x240s" "/nwp/x240s"

cmd "x250s" "/nwp/x250s"
cmd "x260s" "/nwp/x260s"
cmd "x270s" "/nwp/x270s"

cmd "x280s" "/nwp/x280s"
cmd "x290s" "/nwp/x290s"

cmd "x300s" "/nwp/x300s"

cmd "x310s" "/nwp/x310s"
cmd "x320s" "/nwp/x320s"
cmd "x330s" "/nwp/x330s"
cmd "x340s" "/nwp/x340s"
cmd "x350s" "/nwp/x350s"
cmd "x360s" "/nwp/x360s"
cmd "x370s" "/nwp/x370s"
cmd "x380s" "/nwp/x380s"
cmd "x390s" "/nwp/x390s"
cmd "x400s" "/nwp/x400s"
    menu "X 410-600(SELECT)" 

cmd "x410s" "/nwp/x410s"
cmd "x420s" "/nwp/x420s"
cmd "x430s" "/nwp/x430s"
cmd "x440s" "/nwp/x440s"
cmd "x450s" "/nwp/x450s"
cmd "x460s" "/nwp/x460s"
cmd "x470s" "/nwp/x470s"
cmd "x480s" "/nwp/x480s"
cmd "x490s" "/nwp/x490s"
cmd "x500s" "/nwp/x500s"

cmd "x510s" "/nwp/x510s"
cmd "x520s" "/nwp/x520s"
cmd "x530s" "/nwp/x530s"
cmd "x540s" "/nwp/x540s"
cmd "x550s" "/nwp/x550s"
cmd "x560s" "/nwp/x560s"
cmd "x570s" "/nwp/x570s"
cmd "x580s" "/nwp/x580s"
cmd "x590s" "/nwp/x590s"
cmd "x600s" "/nwp/x600s"

     menu "X 610-800(SELECT)" 

cmd "x610s" "/nwp/x610s"
cmd "x620s" "/nwp/x620s"
cmd "x630s" "/nwp/x630s"
cmd "x640s" "/nwp/x640s"
cmd "x650s" "/nwp/x650s"
cmd "x660s" "/nwp/x660s"
cmd "x670s" "/nwp/x670s"
cmd "x680s" "/nwp/x680s"
cmd "x690s" "/nwp/x690s"
cmd "x700s" "/nwp/x700s"

cmd "x710s" "/nwp/x710s"
cmd "x720s" "/nwp/x720s"
cmd "x730s" "/nwp/x730s"
cmd "x740s" "/nwp/x740s"
cmd "x750s" "/nwp/x750s"
cmd "x760s" "/nwp/x760s"
cmd "x770s" "/nwp/x770s"
cmd "x780s" "/nwp/x780s"
cmd "x790s" "/nwp/x790s"
cmd "x800s" "/nwp/x800s"


     menu "X 810-1000(SELECT)" 
 cmd "x810s" "/nwp/x810s"
cmd "x820s" "/nwp/x820s"
cmd "x830s" "/nwp/x830s"
cmd "x840s" "/nwp/x840s"
cmd "x850s" "/nwp/x850s"
cmd "x860s" "/nwp/x860s"
cmd "x870s" "/nwp/x870s"
cmd "x880s" "/nwp/x880s"
cmd "x890s" "/nwp/x890s"
cmd "x900s" "/nwp/x900s"

cmd "x910s" "/nwp/x910s"
cmd "x920s" "/nwp/x920s"
cmd "x930s" "/nwp/x930s"
cmd "x940s" "/nwp/x940s"
cmd "x950s" "/nwp/x950s"
cmd "x960s" "/nwp/x960s"
cmd "x970s" "/nwp/x970s"
cmd "x980s" "/nwp/x980s"
cmd "x990s" "/nwp/x990s"
cmd "x1000s" "/nwp/x1000s"

     menu "X 1010-1300(SELECT)" 

cmd "x1010s" "/nwp/x1010s"
cmd "x1020s" "/nwp/x1020s"
cmd "x1030s" "/nwp/x1030s"
cmd "x1040s" "/nwp/x1040s"
cmd "x1050s" "/nwp/x1050s"
cmd "x1060s" "/nwp/x1060s"
cmd "x1070s" "/nwp/x1070s"
cmd "x1080s" "/nwp/x1080s"
cmd "x1090s" "/nwp/x1090s"
cmd "x1100s" "/nwp/x1100s"
cmd "x1110s" "/nwp/x1110s"
cmd "x1120s" "/nwp/x1120s"
cmd "x1130s" "/nwp/x1130s"
cmd "x1140s" "/nwp/x1140s"
cmd "x1150s" "/nwp/x1150s"
cmd "x1160s" "/nwp/x1160s"
cmd "x1170s" "/nwp/x1170s"
cmd "x1180s" "/nwp/x1180s"
cmd "x1190s" "/nwp/x1190s"
cmd "x1200s" "/nwp/x1200s"
cmd "x1210s" "/nwp/x1210s"
cmd "x1220s" "/nwp/x1220s"
cmd "x1230s" "/nwp/x1230s"
cmd "x1240s" "/nwp/x1240s"
cmd "x1250s" "/nwp/x1250s"
cmd "x1260s" "/nwp/x1260s"
cmd "x1270s" "/nwp/x1270s"
cmd "x1280s" "/nwp/x1280s"
cmd "x1290s" "/nwp/x1290s"
cmd "x1300s" "/nwp/x1300s"

     menu "X 1310-1600(SELECT)" 
  cmd "x1310s" "/nwp/x1310s"
cmd "x1320s" "/nwp/x1320s"
cmd "x1330s" "/nwp/x1330s"
cmd "x1340s" "/nwp/x1340s"
cmd "x1350s" "/nwp/x1350s"
cmd "x1360s" "/nwp/x1360s"
cmd "x1370s" "/nwp/x1370s"
cmd "x1380s" "/nwp/x1380s"
cmd "x1390s" "/nwp/x1390s"
cmd "x1400s" "/nwp/x1400s"

cmd "x1410s" "/nwp/x1410s"
cmd "x1420s" "/nwp/x1420s"
cmd "x1430s" "/nwp/x1430s"
cmd "x1440s" "/nwp/x1440s"
cmd "x1450s" "/nwp/x1450s"
cmd "x1460s" "/nwp/x1460s"
cmd "x1470s" "/nwp/x1470s"
cmd "x1480s" "/nwp/x1480s"
cmd "x1490s" "/nwp/x1490s"
cmd "x1500s" "/nwp/x1500s"

cmd "x1510s" "/nwp/x1510s"
cmd "x1520s" "/nwp/x1520s"
cmd "x1530s" "/nwp/x1530s"
cmd "x1540s" "/nwp/x1540s"
cmd "x1550s" "/nwp/x1550s"
cmd "x1560s" "/nwp/x1560s"
cmd "x1570s" "/nwp/x1570s"
cmd "x1580s" "/nwp/x1580s"
cmd "x1590s" "/nwp/x1590s"
cmd "x1600s" "/nwp/x1600s"

     menu "X 1610-1900(SELECT)" 

cmd "x1610s" "/nwp/x1610s"
cmd "x1620s" "/nwp/x1620s"
cmd "x1630s" "/nwp/x1630s"
cmd "x1640s" "/nwp/x1640s"
cmd "x1650s" "/nwp/x1650s"
cmd "x1660s" "/nwp/x1660s"
cmd "x1670s" "/nwp/x1670s"
cmd "x1680s" "/nwp/x1680s"
cmd "x1690s" "/nwp/x1690s"
cmd "x1700s" "/nwp/x1700s"

cmd "x1710s" "/nwp/x1710s"
cmd "x1720s" "/nwp/x1720s"
cmd "x1730s" "/nwp/x1730s"
cmd "x1740s" "/nwp/x1740s"
cmd "x1750s" "/nwp/x1750s"
cmd "x1760s" "/nwp/x1760s"
cmd "x1770s" "/nwp/x1770s"
cmd "x1780s" "/nwp/x1780s"
cmd "x1790s" "/nwp/x1790s"
cmd "x1800s" "/nwp/x1800s"

cmd "x1810s" "/nwp/x1810s"
cmd "x1820s" "/nwp/x1820s"
cmd "x1830s" "/nwp/x1830s"
cmd "x1840s" "/nwp/x1840s"
cmd "x1850s" "/nwp/x1850s"
cmd "x1860s" "/nwp/x1860s"
cmd "x1870s" "/nwp/x1870s"
cmd "x1880s" "/nwp/x1880s"
cmd "x1890s" "/nwp/x1890s"
cmd "x1900s" "/nwp/x1900s"


     menu "X 1910-3000(SELECT)" 
     cmd "x1910s" "/nwp/x1910s"
cmd "x1920s" "/nwp/x1920s"
cmd "x1930s" "/nwp/x1930s"
cmd "x1940s" "/nwp/x1940s"
cmd "x1950s" "/nwp/x1950s"
cmd "x1960s" "/nwp/x1960s"
cmd "x1970s" "/nwp/x1970s"
cmd "x1980s" "/nwp/x1980s"
cmd "x1990s" "/nwp/x1990s"
cmd "x2000s" "/nwp/x2000s"
cmd "x2300s" "/nwp/x2300s"

cmd "x2500s" "/nwp/x2500s"
cmd "x2800s" "/nwp/x2800s"
cmd "x3000s" "/nwp/x3000s"


   menu "Y  (SELECT)" 
  menu "Y 0-200 (SELECT)" 
 cmd "y0s" "/nwp/y0s"
cmd "y10s" "/nwp/y10s"
cmd "y20s" "/nwp/y20s"
cmd "y30s" "/nwp/y30s"
cmd "y40s" "/nwp/y40s"
cmd "y50s" "/nwp/y50s"
cmd "y60s" "/nwp/y60s"
cmd "y70s" "/nwp/y70s"
cmd "y80s" "/nwp/y80s"
cmd "y90s" "/nwp/y90s"
cmd "y100s" "/nwp/y100s"
cmd "y110s" "/nwp/y110s"
cmd "y120s" "/nwp/y120s"
cmd "y130s" "/nwp/y130s"
cmd "y140s" "/nwp/y140s"
cmd "y150s" "/nwp/y150s"
cmd "y160s" "/nwp/y160s"
cmd "y170s" "/nwp/y170s"
cmd "y180s" "/nwp/y180s"
cmd "y190s" "/nwp/y190s"
cmd "y200s" "/nwp/y200s"

  menu "Y 210-410 (SELECT)" 
cmd "y210s" "/nwp/y210s"
cmd "y220s" "/nwp/y220s"
cmd "y230s" "/nwp/y230s"
cmd "y240s" "/nwp/y240s"
cmd "y250s" "/nwp/y250s"
cmd "y260s" "/nwp/y260s"
cmd "y270s" "/nwp/y270s"
cmd "y280s" "/nwp/y280s"
cmd "y290s" "/nwp/y290s"
cmd "y300s" "/nwp/y300s"
cmd "y310s" "/nwp/y310s"
cmd "y320s" "/nwp/y320s"
cmd "y330s" "/nwp/y330s"
cmd "y340s" "/nwp/y340s"
cmd "y350s" "/nwp/y350s"
cmd "y360s" "/nwp/y360s"
cmd "y370s" "/nwp/y370s"
cmd "y380s" "/nwp/y380s"
cmd "y390s" "/nwp/y390s"
cmd "y400s" "/nwp/y400s"
cmd "y410s" "/nwp/y410s"

  menu "Y 420-600 (SELECT)" 
cmd "y420s" "/nwp/y420s"
cmd "y430s" "/nwp/y430s"
cmd "y440s" "/nwp/y440s"
cmd "y450s" "/nwp/y450s"
cmd "y460s" "/nwp/y460s"
cmd "y470s" "/nwp/y470s"
cmd "y480s" "/nwp/y480s"
cmd "y490s" "/nwp/y490s"
cmd "y500s" "/nwp/y500s"
cmd "y510s" "/nwp/y510s"
cmd "y520s" "/nwp/y520s"
cmd "y530s" "/nwp/y530s"
cmd "y540s" "/nwp/y540s"
cmd "y550s" "/nwp/y550s"
cmd "y560s" "/nwp/y560s"
cmd "y570s" "/nwp/y570s"
cmd "y580s" "/nwp/y580s"
cmd "y590s" "/nwp/y590s"
cmd "y600s" "/nwp/y600s"

  menu "Y 610-900 (SELECT)" 

cmd "y610s" "/nwp/y610s"
cmd "y620s" "/nwp/y620s"
cmd "y630s" "/nwp/y630s"
cmd "y640s" "/nwp/y640s"
cmd "y650s" "/nwp/y650s"
cmd "y660s" "/nwp/y660s"
cmd "y670s" "/nwp/y670s"
cmd "y680s" "/nwp/y680s"
cmd "y690s" "/nwp/y690s"
cmd "y700s" "/nwp/y700s"

cmd "y710s" "/nwp/y710s"
cmd "y720s" "/nwp/y720s"
cmd "y730s" "/nwp/y730s"
cmd "y740s" "/nwp/y740s"
cmd "y750s" "/nwp/y750s"
cmd "y760s" "/nwp/y760s"
cmd "y770s" "/nwp/y770s"
cmd "y780s" "/nwp/y780s"
cmd "y790s" "/nwp/y790s"
cmd "y800s" "/nwp/y800s"

cmd "y810s" "/nwp/y810s"
cmd "y820s" "/nwp/y820s"
cmd "y830s" "/nwp/y830s"
cmd "y840s" "/nwp/y840s"
cmd "y850s" "/nwp/y850s"
cmd "y860s" "/nwp/y860s"
cmd "y870s" "/nwp/y870s"
cmd "y880s" "/nwp/y880s"
cmd "y890s" "/nwp/y890s"
cmd "y900s" "/nwp/y900s"

  menu "Y 910-1300 (SELECT)" 

cmd "y910s" "/nwp/y910s"
cmd "y920s" "/nwp/y920s"
cmd "y930s" "/nwp/y930s"
cmd "y940s" "/nwp/y940s"
cmd "y950s" "/nwp/y950s"
cmd "y960s" "/nwp/y960s"
cmd "y970s" "/nwp/y970s"
cmd "y980s" "/nwp/y980s"
cmd "y990s" "/nwp/y990s"
cmd "y1000s" "/nwp/y1000s"
cmd "y1010s" "/nwp/y1010s"
cmd "y1020s" "/nwp/y1020s"
cmd "y1030s" "/nwp/y1030s"
cmd "y1040s" "/nwp/y1040s"
cmd "y1050s" "/nwp/y1050s"
cmd "y1060s" "/nwp/y1060s"
cmd "y1070s" "/nwp/y1070s"
cmd "y1080s" "/nwp/y1080s"
cmd "y1090s" "/nwp/y1090s"
cmd "y1100s" "/nwp/y1100s"
cmd "y1110s" "/nwp/y1110s"
cmd "y1120s" "/nwp/y1120s"
cmd "y1130s" "/nwp/y1130s"
cmd "y1140s" "/nwp/y1140s"
cmd "y1150s" "/nwp/y1150s"
cmd "y1160s" "/nwp/y1160s"
cmd "y1170s" "/nwp/y1170s"
cmd "y1180s" "/nwp/y1180s"
cmd "y1190s" "/nwp/y1190s"
cmd "y1200s" "/nwp/y1200s"
cmd "y1210s" "/nwp/y1210s"
cmd "y1220s" "/nwp/y1220s"
cmd "y1230s" "/nwp/y1230s"
cmd "y1240s" "/nwp/y1240s"
cmd "y1250s" "/nwp/y1250s"
cmd "y1260s" "/nwp/y1260s"
cmd "y1270s" "/nwp/y1270s"
cmd "y1280s" "/nwp/y1280s"
cmd "y1290s" "/nwp/y1290s"
cmd "y1300s" "/nwp/y1300s"

  menu "Y 1310-1620 (SELECT)" 

cmd "y1310s" "/nwp/y1310s"
cmd "y1320s" "/nwp/y1320s"
cmd "y1330s" "/nwp/y1330s"
cmd "y1340s" "/nwp/y1340s"
cmd "y1350s" "/nwp/y1350s"
cmd "y1360s" "/nwp/y1360s"
cmd "y1370s" "/nwp/y1370s"
cmd "y1380s" "/nwp/y1380s"
cmd "y1390s" "/nwp/y1390s"
cmd "y1400s" "/nwp/y1400s"

cmd "y1410s" "/nwp/y1410s"
cmd "y1420s" "/nwp/y1420s"
cmd "y1430s" "/nwp/y1430s"
cmd "y1440s" "/nwp/y1440s"
cmd "y1450s" "/nwp/y1450s"
cmd "y1460s" "/nwp/y1460s"
cmd "y1470s" "/nwp/y1470s"
cmd "y1480s" "/nwp/y1480s"
cmd "y1490s" "/nwp/y1490s"
cmd "y1500s" "/nwp/y1500s"

cmd "y1510s" "/nwp/y1510s"
cmd "y1520s" "/nwp/y1520s"
cmd "y1530s" "/nwp/y1530s"
cmd "y1540s" "/nwp/y1540s"
cmd "y1550s" "/nwp/y1550s"
cmd "y1560s" "/nwp/y1560s"
cmd "y1570s" "/nwp/y1570s"
cmd "y1580s" "/nwp/y1580s"
cmd "y1590s" "/nwp/y1590s"
cmd "y1600s" "/nwp/y1600s"
cmd "y1610s" "/nwp/y1610s"
cmd "y1620s" "/nwp/y1620s"

     menu "Y 1630-2000 (SELECT)" 

cmd "y1630s" "/nwp/y1630s"
cmd "y1640s" "/nwp/y1640s"
cmd "y1650s" "/nwp/y1650s"
cmd "y1660s" "/nwp/y1660s"
cmd "y1670s" "/nwp/y1670s"
cmd "y1680s" "/nwp/y1680s"
cmd "y1690s" "/nwp/y1690s"
cmd "y1700s" "/nwp/y1700s"

cmd "y1710s" "/nwp/y1710s"
cmd "y1720s" "/nwp/y1720s"
cmd "y1730s" "/nwp/y1730s"
cmd "y1740s" "/nwp/y1740s"
cmd "y1750s" "/nwp/y1750s"
cmd "y1760s" "/nwp/y1760s"
cmd "y1770s" "/nwp/y1770s"
cmd "y1780s" "/nwp/y1780s"
cmd "y1790s" "/nwp/y1790s"
cmd "y1800s" "/nwp/y1800s"
cmd "y1810s" "/nwp/y1810s"
cmd "y1820s" "/nwp/y1820s"
cmd "y1830s" "/nwp/y1830s"
cmd "y1840s" "/nwp/y1840s"
cmd "y1850s" "/nwp/y1850s"
cmd "y1860s" "/nwp/y1860s"
cmd "y1870s" "/nwp/y1870s"
cmd "y1880s" "/nwp/y1880s"
cmd "y1890s" "/nwp/y1890s"
cmd "y1900s" "/nwp/y1900s"
cmd "y1910s" "/nwp/y1910s"
cmd "y1920s" "/nwp/y1920s"
cmd "y1930s" "/nwp/y1930s"
cmd "y1940s" "/nwp/y1940s"
cmd "y1950s" "/nwp/y1950s"
cmd "y1960s" "/nwp/y1960s"
cmd "y1970s" "/nwp/y1970s"
cmd "y1980s" "/nwp/y1980s"
cmd "y1990s" "/nwp/y1990s"
cmd "y2000s" "/nwp/y2000s"



 menu "Height, Width (SELECT)" 

menu "Height (SELECT)" 

menu "Height (SELECT)200-300" 

cmd "h200s" "/nwp/h200s"
cmd "h205s" "/nwp/h205s"
cmd "h210s" "/nwp/h210s"
cmd "h215s" "/nwp/h215s"
cmd "h220s" "/nwp/h220s"
cmd "h225s" "/nwp/h225s"
cmd "h230s" "/nwp/h230s"
cmd "h235s" "/nwp/h235s"
cmd "h240s" "/nwp/h240s"
cmd "h245s" "/nwp/h245s"
cmd "h250s" "/nwp/h250s"
cmd "h255s" "/nwp/h255s"
cmd "h260s" "/nwp/h260s"
cmd "h265s" "/nwp/h265s"
cmd "h270s" "/nwp/h270s"
cmd "h275s" "/nwp/h275s"
cmd "h280s" "/nwp/h280s"
cmd "h285s" "/nwp/h285s"
cmd "h290s" "/nwp/h290s"
cmd "h295s" "/nwp/h295s"
cmd "h300s" "/nwp/h300s"


menu "Height (SELECT)305-400" 

cmd "h305s" "/nwp/h305s"
cmd "h310s" "/nwp/h310s"
cmd "h315s" "/nwp/h315s"
cmd "h320s" "/nwp/h320s"
cmd "h325s" "/nwp/h325s"
cmd "h330s" "/nwp/h330s"
cmd "h335s" "/nwp/h335s"
cmd "h340s" "/nwp/h340s"
cmd "h345s" "/nwp/h345s"
cmd "h350s" "/nwp/h350s"
cmd "h355s" "/nwp/h355s"
cmd "h360s" "/nwp/h360s"
cmd "h365s" "/nwp/h365s"
cmd "h370s" "/nwp/h370s"
cmd "h375s" "/nwp/h375s"
cmd "h380s" "/nwp/h380s"
cmd "h385s" "/nwp/h385s"
cmd "h390s" "/nwp/h390s"
cmd "h395s" "/nwp/h395s"
cmd "h400s" "/nwp/h400s"


menu "Height (SELECT)405-500" 

cmd "h405s" "/nwp/h405s"
cmd "h410s" "/nwp/h410s"
cmd "h415s" "/nwp/h415s"
cmd "h420s" "/nwp/h420s"
cmd "h425s" "/nwp/h425s"
cmd "h430s" "/nwp/h430s"
cmd "h435s" "/nwp/h435s"
cmd "h440s" "/nwp/h440s"
cmd "h445s" "/nwp/h445s"
cmd "h450s" "/nwp/h450s"
cmd "

forum cut my post in thirds...

Posted: Thu 11 Jun 2015, 06:30
by Puppus Dogfellow

Code: Select all

     menu "Y 1630-2000 (ACTIVE)" 

cmd "y1630" "/nwp/y1630"
cmd "y1640" "/nwp/y1640"
cmd "y1650" "/nwp/y1650"
cmd "y1660" "/nwp/y1660"
cmd "y1670" "/nwp/y1670"
cmd "y1680" "/nwp/y1680"
cmd "y1690" "/nwp/y1690"
cmd "y1700" "/nwp/y1700"

cmd "y1710" "/nwp/y1710"
cmd "y1720" "/nwp/y1720"
cmd "y1730" "/nwp/y1730"
cmd "y1740" "/nwp/y1740"
cmd "y1750" "/nwp/y1750"
cmd "y1760" "/nwp/y1760"
cmd "y1770" "/nwp/y1770"
cmd "y1780" "/nwp/y1780"
cmd "y1790" "/nwp/y1790"
cmd "y1800" "/nwp/y1800"
cmd "y1810" "/nwp/y1810"
cmd "y1820" "/nwp/y1820"
cmd "y1830" "/nwp/y1830"
cmd "y1840" "/nwp/y1840"
cmd "y1850" "/nwp/y1850"
cmd "y1860" "/nwp/y1860"
cmd "y1870" "/nwp/y1870"
cmd "y1880" "/nwp/y1880"
cmd "y1890" "/nwp/y1890"
cmd "y1900" "/nwp/y1900"
cmd "y1910" "/nwp/y1910"
cmd "y1920" "/nwp/y1920"
cmd "y1930" "/nwp/y1930"
cmd "y1940" "/nwp/y1940"
cmd "y1950" "/nwp/y1950"
cmd "y1960" "/nwp/y1960"
cmd "y1970" "/nwp/y1970"
cmd "y1980" "/nwp/y1980"
cmd "y1990" "/nwp/y1990"
cmd "y2000" "/nwp/y2000"




 menu "Height, Width (ACTIVE)" 

menu "Height (ACTIVE)" 

menu "Height (ACTIVE)200-300" 

cmd "h200" "/nwp/h200"
cmd "h205" "/nwp/h205"
cmd "h210" "/nwp/h210"
cmd "h215" "/nwp/h215"
cmd "h220" "/nwp/h220"
cmd "h225" "/nwp/h225"
cmd "h230" "/nwp/h230"
cmd "h235" "/nwp/h235"
cmd "h240" "/nwp/h240"
cmd "h245" "/nwp/h245"
cmd "h250" "/nwp/h250"
cmd "h255" "/nwp/h255"
cmd "h260" "/nwp/h260"
cmd "h265" "/nwp/h265"
cmd "h270" "/nwp/h270"
cmd "h275" "/nwp/h275"
cmd "h280" "/nwp/h280"
cmd "h285" "/nwp/h285"
cmd "h290" "/nwp/h290"
cmd "h295" "/nwp/h295"
cmd "h300" "/nwp/h300"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)305-400" 

cmd "h305" "/nwp/h305"
cmd "h310" "/nwp/h310"
cmd "h315" "/nwp/h315"
cmd "h320" "/nwp/h320"
cmd "h325" "/nwp/h325"
cmd "h330" "/nwp/h330"
cmd "h335" "/nwp/h335"
cmd "h340" "/nwp/h340"
cmd "h345" "/nwp/h345"
cmd "h350" "/nwp/h350"
cmd "h355" "/nwp/h355"
cmd "h360" "/nwp/h360"
cmd "h365" "/nwp/h365"
cmd "h370" "/nwp/h370"
cmd "h375" "/nwp/h375"
cmd "h380" "/nwp/h380"
cmd "h385" "/nwp/h385"
cmd "h390" "/nwp/h390"
cmd "h395" "/nwp/h395"
cmd "h400" "/nwp/h400"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)405-500" 

cmd "h405" "/nwp/h405"
cmd "h410" "/nwp/h410"
cmd "h415" "/nwp/h415"
cmd "h420" "/nwp/h420"
cmd "h425" "/nwp/h425"
cmd "h430" "/nwp/h430"
cmd "h435" "/nwp/h435"
cmd "h440" "/nwp/h440"
cmd "h445" "/nwp/h445"
cmd "h450" "/nwp/h450"
cmd "h455" "/nwp/h455"
cmd "h460" "/nwp/h460"
cmd "h465" "/nwp/h465"
cmd "h470" "/nwp/h470"
cmd "h475" "/nwp/h475"
cmd "h480" "/nwp/h480"
cmd "h485" "/nwp/h485"
cmd "h490" "/nwp/h490"
cmd "h495" "/nwp/h495"
cmd "h500" "/nwp/h500"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)505-600" 

cmd "h505" "/nwp/h505"
cmd "h510" "/nwp/h510"
cmd "h515" "/nwp/h515"
cmd "h520" "/nwp/h520"
cmd "h525" "/nwp/h525"
cmd "h530" "/nwp/h530"
cmd "h535" "/nwp/h535"
cmd "h540" "/nwp/h540"
cmd "h545" "/nwp/h545"
cmd "h550" "/nwp/h550"
cmd "h555" "/nwp/h555"
cmd "h560" "/nwp/h560"
cmd "h565" "/nwp/h565"
cmd "h570" "/nwp/h570"
cmd "h575" "/nwp/h575"
cmd "h580" "/nwp/h580"
cmd "h585" "/nwp/h585"
cmd "h590" "/nwp/h590"
cmd "h595" "/nwp/h595"
cmd "h600" "/nwp/h600"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)605-700" 

cmd "h605" "/nwp/h605"
cmd "h610" "/nwp/h610"
cmd "h615" "/nwp/h615"
cmd "h620" "/nwp/h620"
cmd "h625" "/nwp/h625"
cmd "h630" "/nwp/h630"
cmd "h635" "/nwp/h635"
cmd "h640" "/nwp/h640"
cmd "h645" "/nwp/h645"
cmd "h650" "/nwp/h650"
cmd "h655" "/nwp/h655"
cmd "h660" "/nwp/h660"
cmd "h665" "/nwp/h665"
cmd "h670" "/nwp/h670"
cmd "h675" "/nwp/h675"
cmd "h680" "/nwp/h680"
cmd "h685" "/nwp/h685"
cmd "h690" "/nwp/h690"
cmd "h695" "/nwp/h695"
cmd "h700" "/nwp/h700"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)705-800" 

cmd "h705" "/nwp/h705"
cmd "h710" "/nwp/h710"
cmd "h715" "/nwp/h715"
cmd "h720" "/nwp/h720"
cmd "h725" "/nwp/h725"
cmd "h730" "/nwp/h730"
cmd "h735" "/nwp/h735"
cmd "h740" "/nwp/h740"
cmd "h745" "/nwp/h745"
cmd "h750" "/nwp/h750"
cmd "h755" "/nwp/h755"
cmd "h760" "/nwp/h760"
cmd "h765" "/nwp/h765"
cmd "h770" "/nwp/h770"
cmd "h775" "/nwp/h775"
cmd "h780" "/nwp/h780"
cmd "h785" "/nwp/h785"
cmd "h790" "/nwp/h790"
cmd "h795" "/nwp/h795"
cmd "h800" "/nwp/h800"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)805-900" 

cmd "h805" "/nwp/h805"
cmd "h810" "/nwp/h810"
cmd "h815" "/nwp/h815"
cmd "h820" "/nwp/h820"
cmd "h825" "/nwp/h825"
cmd "h830" "/nwp/h830"
cmd "h835" "/nwp/h835"
cmd "h840" "/nwp/h840"
cmd "h845" "/nwp/h845"
cmd "h850" "/nwp/h850"
cmd "h855" "/nwp/h855"
cmd "h860" "/nwp/h860"
cmd "h865" "/nwp/h865"
cmd "h870" "/nwp/h870"
cmd "h875" "/nwp/h875"
cmd "h880" "/nwp/h880"
cmd "h885" "/nwp/h885"
cmd "h890" "/nwp/h890"
cmd "h895" "/nwp/h895"
cmd "h900" "/nwp/h900"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)905-1000" 

cmd "h905" "/nwp/h905"
cmd "h910" "/nwp/h910"
cmd "h915" "/nwp/h915"
cmd "h920" "/nwp/h920"
cmd "h925" "/nwp/h925"
cmd "h930" "/nwp/h930"
cmd "h935" "/nwp/h935"
cmd "h940" "/nwp/h940"
cmd "h945" "/nwp/h945"
cmd "h950" "/nwp/h950"
cmd "h955" "/nwp/h955"
cmd "h960" "/nwp/h960"
cmd "h965" "/nwp/h965"
cmd "h970" "/nwp/h970"
cmd "h975" "/nwp/h975"
cmd "h980" "/nwp/h980"
cmd "h985" "/nwp/h985"
cmd "h990" "/nwp/h990"
cmd "h995" "/nwp/h995"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)1005-1100" 
cmd "h1000" "/nwp/h1000"
cmd "h1005" "/nwp/h1005"
cmd "h1010" "/nwp/h1010"
cmd "h1015" "/nwp/h1015"
cmd "h1020" "/nwp/h1020"
cmd "h1025" "/nwp/h1025"
cmd "h1030" "/nwp/h1030"
cmd "h1035" "/nwp/h1035"
cmd "h1040" "/nwp/h1040"
cmd "h1045" "/nwp/h1045"
cmd "h1050" "/nwp/h1050"
cmd "h1055" "/nwp/h1055"
cmd "h1060" "/nwp/h1060"
cmd "h1065" "/nwp/h1065"
cmd "h1070" "/nwp/h1070"
cmd "h1075" "/nwp/h1075"
cmd "h1080" "/nwp/h1080"
cmd "h1085" "/nwp/h1085"
cmd "h1090" "/nwp/h1090"
cmd "h1095" "/nwp/h1095"
cmd "h1100" "/nwp/h1100"


menu "Height (ACTIVE)1105-1200" 
cmd "h1105" "/nwp/h1105"
cmd "h1110" "/nwp/h1110"
cmd "h1115" "/nwp/h1115"
cmd "h1120" "/nwp/h1120"
cmd "h1125" "/nwp/h1125"
cmd "h1130" "/nwp/h1130"
cmd "h1135" "/nwp/h1135"
cmd "h1140" "/nwp/h1140"
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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1205-1300" 

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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1305-1400" 

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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1405-1500" 
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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1505-1600" 

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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1605-1700" 

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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1705-1800" 

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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1805-1900" 

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menu "Height (ACTIVE)1905-2000" 
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cmd "h1995" "/nwp/h1995"
cmd "h2000" "/nwp/h2000"




menu "Width (ACTIVE) " 

menu "Width (ACTIVE) 200-300" 

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menu "Width (ACTIVE) 305-405" 

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menu "Width (ACTIVE) 410-505" 

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menu "Width (ACTIVE) 510-605" 
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menu "Width (ACTIVE) 710-805" 
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menu "Width (ACTIVE)810-905" 
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menu "Width (ACTIVE)910-1005" 
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menu "Width (ACTIVE)1010-1105" 

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menu "Width (ACTIVE)1210-1305" 
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cmd "w1875" "/nwp/w1875"
cmd "w1880" "/nwp/w1880"
cmd "w1885" "/nwp/w1885"
cmd "w1890" "/nwp/w1890"
cmd "w1895" "/nwp/w1895"
cmd "w1900" "/nwp/w1900"
cmd "w1905" "/nwp/w1905"

menu "Width (ACTIVE)1910-2000" 
cmd "w1910" "/nwp/w1910"
cmd "w1915" "/nwp/w1915"
cmd "w1920" "/nwp/w1920"
cmd "w1925" "/nwp/w1925"
cmd "w1930" "/nwp/w1930"
cmd "w1935" "/nwp/w1935"
cmd "w1940" "/nwp/w1940"
cmd "w1945" "/nwp/w1945"
cmd "w1950" "/nwp/w1950"
cmd "w1955" "/nwp/w1955"
cmd "w1960" "/nwp/w1960"
cmd "w1965" "/nwp/w1965"
cmd "w1970" "/nwp/w1970"
cmd "w1975" "/nwp/w1975"
cmd "w1980" "/nwp/w1980"
cmd "w1985" "/nwp/w1985"
cmd "w1990" "/nwp/w1990"
cmd "w1995" "/nwp/w1995"
cmd "w2000" "/nwp/w2000"




end # end of menu
recreates the stock desktop, adds a number of shortcuts, pastes html code so that formatted text can then be copied and pasted into a regular word processing program, a note-taker like notecase, or a cloud based word processor like google docs, which can be used to easily convert the text to odt, docx, rtf, etc. basically, it's a way to use geany, xpad, or leafpad for word processing since those programs are super quick and sip resources. personally, i like the tabs and other aspects of the geany interface. also, i predominately use it to aid my failing my memory (a number of scripts merely ask xdotool to type something out for you), to resize and position windows, and to call on some programs i've come to find essential. and just as i use spacefm to give peace of mind should i find myself trying to break rox, MochiMoppel's Winswitcher plus this alternate menu system seems like a capable backup should my main windows manager (jwm) die during a session for whatever reason.

guess the forum software or settings aren't happy with my nearly 5000 line menu, but the syntax is so clear (sparse, at any rate) that it is a pretty good illustration of what it does in addition to being a way to grab a copy of what it is.



coming soon: cut time navigating the enormous menu structure byusing xdotool to create shortcuts to specific submenu slots.

some more on windows resizing and placement






Posted: Thu 11 Jun 2015, 07:17
by Puppus Dogfellow

download is under 150 kb....

a tweak to the launch code

Posted: Thu 11 Jun 2015, 23:18
by Puppus Dogfellow

Code: Select all

#name nwpm or nwpus and place in /root/my-applications/bin/
#killall -q aemenu
#sleep 0.1s
aemenu -rc /nwp/nwpmenu
i commented out the killall and sleep commands--it appears to harm nothing while making the menu much more responsive.
coming soon: cut time navigating the enormous menu structure byusing xdotool to create shortcuts to specific submenu slots.

not sure why, but the Up Down Left Right xdotool commands i was going to use to access specific swaths of menu seem to ignore aemenu, though they occasionally appear to sweep over adjacent windows. anyway, the work around is to just copy sections of menu as text files and use the

Code: Select all

aemenu -rc  path/to/file 
script structure to call the pieces. name file whatever you like, place in a /bin to call with gexec or a terminal, drag to a panel or pinboard to click, or set a keyboard shortcut with rox (and/or your choice of windows manager). just look for the

Code: Select all

to see where to start the cut and the

Code: Select all

to see where to finish it. the built in jwm menu maker can make ae menu items from executable paths or commands you highlight.

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 04:16
by musher0
Hi, Puppus.

So that's what you've been doing in your cavern all those months !!! :)

I got my copy ! (I'll need an autograph sometime, too !)

I knew that aemenu was still good for something ! Like putting together
+/- 2,000 script snippets into a meaningful toolbox ! :)

Started exploring it !

B-r-a-v-o !



Re: a tweak to the launch code

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 04:41
by musher0
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:

Code: Select all

#name nwpm or nwpus and place in /root/my-applications/bin/
#killall -q aemenu
#sleep 0.1s
aemenu -rc /nwp/nwpmenu
i commented out the killall and sleep commands--it appears to harm
nothing while making the menu much more responsive.
Hi, Puppus.

About that: that's fine, since you chose to have only one big menu going.

But, believe me, if you had a structure like I like to have, with one main
aemenu calling a second aemenu calling a third aemenu, etc., you'd need
that killall -q.

Maybe refined as
[ "`pidof -s aemenu'" ] && killall -q aemenu
sleep 0.1s
so it's used only if there's really an aemenu lingering in RAM. If there is
none, almost no time is wasted.

But if there is a lingering instance of aemenu in RAM, you need a brief
respite (the sleep 0.1 second on its own line), so the killall utility won't go
overboard and also kill the aemenu command displaying your menu on
the last line. Do you see the logic? :)

Anyway great work with that nwm menu, Puppus. Congratulations are in
order! Keep up the good work!



Re: a tweak to the launch code

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 05:16
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:

Code: Select all

#name nwpm or nwpus and place in /root/my-applications/bin/
#killall -q aemenu
#sleep 0.1s
aemenu -rc /nwp/nwpmenu
i commented out the killall and sleep commands--it appears to harm
nothing while making the menu much more responsive.
Hi, Puppus.

About that: that's fine, since you chose to have only one big menu going.

But, believe me, if you had a structure like I like to have, with one main
aemenu calling a second aemenu calling a third aemenu, etc., you'd need
that killall -q.

Maybe refined as
[ "`ps | awk '$4 ~/aemenu/'`" ] && killall -q aemenu
sleep 0.1s
so it's used only if there's really an aemenu lingering in RAM. If there is
none, almost no time is wasted.

If you don't like awk, you could alternately use this form:
[ "`pidof -s aemenu'" ] && killall -q aemenu
sleep 0.1s
But if there is a lingering instance of aemenu in RAM, you need a brief
respite (the sleep 0.1 second on its own line), so the killall utility won't go
overboard and also kill the aemenu command displaying your menu on
the last line. Do you see the logic? :)

Anyway great work with that nwm menu, Puppus. Congratulations are in
order! Keep up the good work!



it's good to know the killall command's really only necessary if i'm calling multiple menus from a main menu--i think the thing's already too much of a monstrosity to add much to it. progressing another way, i'll probably take chunks/subsets of it (the paste and place or highlight and select wp functions, only the x axis, only grids, etc) and make a few independent menus of them. i figure they could then be called with gexec (i like my shift+spacebar gexec shortcut quite a bit). adding a few aemenu -rc path-to-menu scripts to a /bin directory and launching them with, for example, wp1 and wp1 (two versions of the word processing functions, though each should perhaps contain a less prominent version of the other for convenience), grd (grids), or hwq (halves, wholes, and quadrant menu) strikes me as a pretty effective way to navigate it, or at least divide and conquer it (perhaps more accurate since i can't get the same xdotool commands that speed through jwm menus to do the same for aemenu menus).

anyway, thanks for the feedback, suggestions, and insights, musher0!


Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 05:26
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:Hi, Puppus.

So that's what you've been doing in your cavern all those months !!! :)

I got my copy ! (I'll need an autograph sometime, too !)

I knew that aemenu was still good for something ! Like putting together
+/- 2,000 script snippets into a meaningful toolbox ! :)

Started exploring it !

B-r-a-v-o !



just ran the rox count command on the unpacked /nwp folder:

nwp: 724 K

Total: 724 K (3610 files, 1 directory)
menu's 4700 lines, but in my defense ( :oops: :roll: ) close to a hundred or so of those have got to be blank...


Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 07:59
by musher0
Ok, ok, I apologize, my line count was too conservative! :)

snap to grid active and select stand alone menus

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 16:29
by Puppus Dogfellow
launcher for grs

Code: Select all


#name grs and place in /root/my-applications/bin/
# place attatched grs menu in /nwp or adjust following path accordingly:

aemenu -rc /nwp/grs
launcher for gra

Code: Select all


#name gra and place in /root/my-applications/bin/
# place attatched gra menu in /nwp or adjust following path accordingly:

aemenu -rc /nwp/gra

force next window to be clicked to a set position on the screen

force active window to a set position on the screen

menus were too long to display properly so i've included them as attachments.

i suggest the previously discussed gexec shortcut and gra or grs to activate the menus.

the individual menu items are named after their respective scripts (which can be launched directly if symlinked to the PATH). since the default is for active window, the g in the titles just denotes that it's one of the grid mini-scripts. 1g0 takes you to the first rung of the y-axis (0-100) and the beginning of the x axis (0), which is also navigated in 100 pixel steps. 9g10 is ninth rung down (ie y=800) and 10th step across (ie x=1000). the versions that work on the next selected window follow the same pattern, but they have an s (for select) in their titles in place of the default g.

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 17:29
by musher0
Hi, Puppus.

Both of your files on the google links have the same name, I'm afraid.
I could download only one. Downloading the second one would have
squished the first file.



Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 18:13
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:Hi, Puppus.

Both of your files on the google links have the same name, I'm afraid.
I could download only one. Downloading the second one would have
squished the first file.


musher0 ... sp=sharing grs
grid/select ... sp=sharing gra

oops. must've middle clicked when i should've ctrl-veed or sumthin'...

will fix earlier post. thanks for the heads up, musher.

a number of smaller stand alone menus

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 20:39
by Puppus Dogfellow
here are a collection of smaller menus and the launchers for each:



menus to be moved to /nwp:
dub gra sing wp1 dubs grs sings wp2

launchers to be moved to /root/my-applications bin:
dub dubs gra grs nwpus sing sings wp1 wp2
(subfolder contains launchers, which have the same name as the menus they activate)

contents of requires-nwpus.tar.xz.readme:
requires nwpus.tar.xz/the instructions therein

move launchers to /root/my-applications/bin
move menu files to /nwp
gra and grs are the grid menus from above. wp1 is the main nwp menu and wp2 is the nwp submenu with all the highlight then click to apply commands. nwpus is the menu that's already there--guess there wasn't much of a reason to include it.

sing and sings are the active and select versions of the following

cmd "top half" "/nwp/tophalf2"
cmd "bottom half" "/nwp/bottomhalf2"
cmd "left half" "/nwp/lefthalf2"
cmd "right half" "/nwp/righthalf2"
cmd "full" "/nwp/fulla"

cmd "upper left quadrant" "/nwp/upperleftquadrant2"
cmd "upper right quadrant" "/nwp/upperrightquadrant2"
cmd "lower left quadrant" "/nwp/lowerleftquadrant2"
cmd "lower right quadrant" "/nwp/lowerrightquadrant2"
cmd "centered" "/nwp/lp5a"
and they accurately judge your screen dimensions in all cases. dub and dubs, the versions of this menu for double monitors, are a bit more of a hack based on my asymmetrical 24 inch and 17 inch dual monitor set up. alter the scriptlets to suit your individual needs by adjusting the scripts in nwp:

Code: Select all

cmd "upper left quadrant of left screen" "/nwp/a1"
cmd "upper right quadrant of left screen " "/nwp/a2"
cmd "lower left quadrant of left screen " "/nwp/a3"
cmd "lower right quadrant of left screen " "/nwp/a4"
cmd "quadrant-sized window placed at center of left screen " "/nwp/a5"

cmd "upper left quadrant of right screen" "/nwp/a6"
cmd "upper right quadrant of right screen" "/nwp/a7"
cmd "lower left quadrant of right screen " "/nwp/a8"
cmd "lower right quadrant of right screen" "/nwp/a9"
cmd "quadrant-sized window placed at center of right screen " "/nwp/a10"

cmd "left half of left screen" "/nwp/b1"
cmd "right half of left screen" "/nwp/b2"
cmd "top half of left screen" "/nwp/b3"
cmd "bottom half of left screen" "/nwp/b4"
cmd "full screen left " "/nwp/b5"

cmd "left half of right screen" "/nwp/b6"
cmd "right half of right screen" "/nwp/b7"
cmd "top half of right screen " "/nwp/b8"
cmd "bottom half of right screen" "/nwp/b9"
cmd "full screen right " "/nwp/b10"

if you look at these a1-10 and b1-10 scripts, you see something like this (taken from a7):

wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,2441,5,682,405
after the -e 0, you have x-axis, y-axis, width, height. place a few windows around your screen to correspond to the correct setting for left half of right screen, lower right quadrant of left screen, etc and then run

Code: Select all

wmctrl -l -G 
in a terminal. this will give you the dimensions in the proper order--just copy them over and replace the inaccurate figures in the scripts.

the single settings work on dual monitors, but you'll sometimes get some huge and unusable windows. for the double monitor menu, the full screen left and full screen right commands should work okay regardless of your setup since they're just centering a small window and then maximizing it, but if one of your monitors is over 32 inches, you may need to adjust one (b10) of those as well.

the scripts are short and meant to be called with gexec, but they could just as easily be made into rox or jwm keyboard shortcuts--perhaps something involving an arrow key plus modifier since you'd need an arrow to scroll the menu anyway.


in order to get the PuppyPin Switcher to work (a submenu of the rox submenu on the original nwpus menu), you'll need to make copies of your PuppyPin in /root/Choices/ROX-Filer. Name them PuppyPin-PuppyPin{2..6} and you'll be able to switch between them with the menu (though until you mess around with each, they'll all be identical). the puppy panel sets should work out of the box/folder.

not sure what else may need tweaking to work properly/thanks for testing, musher0!


edit: to automatically generate the 6 puppy pins use:

Code: Select all

#name mk6puppins and place in /nwp or just run in terminal as:  cd /root/Choices/ROX-Filer; for f in PuppyPin{2..6} ; do cp PuppyPin $f ; done

cd /root/Choices/ROX-Filer
# nwp menu entry for aemenu: cmd "make  6 puppy pins for pp# series" "/nwp/mk6puppins"
# nwp menu entry  for jwm: <Program label="make  6 puppy pins">/nwp/mk6puppins</Program>
for f in PuppyPin{2..6} ; do cp PuppyPin $f ; done
or just enter

Code: Select all

cd /root/Choices/ROX-Filer; for f in PuppyPin{2..6} ; do cp PuppyPin $f ; done
in a terminal.

separate menus for width, height, x-axis, y-axis

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 22:08
by Puppus Dogfellow
aewhxy.tar.xz contains:

requires-nwpus.tar.xz.readme (same instructions as previous pack; launchers go to /root/my-applications/bin and the menu files themselves go to /nwp).


ha alter window height, active
hs alter window height, select
wa alter window width, active
ws alter window width, select
xa alter position on x-axis, active
xs alter position on x-axis, select
ya alter position on y-axis, active
ys alter position on y-axis, select

launchers share their names with the menus they launch, but ws interferes with my winswitcher shortcut so i added a copy named "wis": ha hs wa wis ws xa xs ya ys


Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2015, 06:25
by amigo
Where does word processing come into this?

Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2015, 09:45
by Puppus Dogfellow
amigo wrote:Where does word processing come into this?
you need to process words to use it? it's a play on anubis, and mythology is where text editing/word-processing meet with literature, culture, and thought?

i do see your point in that it's grown so far past its original intention (from ... 160#784160, which is a link in the first post) :
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:an ethereally minimalistic word processor:

some background from here:

[forgot that part of the forum isn't open access. that was one of nooby's last posts. maybe it can be of use to someone/someone can make it useful. think i'll eventually make a four panel frame for it and some icons that are less lame. when i figure out what's reasonable to ask of this project, i'll make a request at another part of this board for a pop up toolbar to be made from those eight scripts and/or ask for whatever additional functionality/toolbars the community can come up with. perhaps a button each for export to pdf, odt, rtf, etc.]


quoting myself may not have been the best way to go about this, but it was likely the easiest... :)

Anyway, my request is for those able to make pop up toolbars or meaningful contributions to the point that this can be called a project. dragging the scripts as icons to the desktop or panels, or making them buttons on popups (outside my range of abilities) can turn, or lead towards turning, any text editor/note-taker into a word processor. that's the theory anyway. i'm asking for toolbars and features.

thanks in advance.
but the core menu is still based on that idea:
menu "nwp"

cmd "poetry" "/nwp/htmltemplatepref"
cmd "other" "/nwp/htmltxtwptemplate"
cmd "#!/bin/sh" "/nwp/scripttemplate"
cmd "vgt" "/nwp/vgt"
cmd "NWP/VGT help" "geany /root/my-applications/bin/nwp.readme /root/my-applications/bin/vgt.readme"

menu "paste and place"
cmd "Bold" "/nwp/swnwpb"
cmd "Italics" "/nwp/swnwpi"
cmd "Underline" "/nwp/swnwpu"
cmd "Subscript" "/nwp/swnwpsub"
cmd "Superscript" "/nwp/swnwpsup"
cmd "Strikethrough" "/nwp/swnwpstrk"
cmd "Big" "/nwp/swnwpbig"
cmd "Small" "/nwp/swnwpsm"
cmd "linebreak" "/nwp/linebreak"
cmd "#!/bin/sh" "/nwp/scripttemplate"
cmd "comment" "/nwp/snwpcomment"

cmd "preserved breaks and spaces" "/nwp/preotry"

cmd "paragraph" "/nwp/paragraph"
cmd "parleft" "/nwp/parleft"
cmd "parright" "/nwp/parright"
cmd "parcenter" "/nwp/parcenter"
cmd "parjustify" "/nwp/parjustify"

cmd "nwpbkmrk" "/nwp/nwpbkmrk"
cmd "blockquote" "/nwp/nwpblockquote"
cmd "quote" "/nwp/quote"

cmd "heading1" "/nwp/snwph1"
cmd "heading2" "/nwp/snwph2"
cmd "heading3" "/nwp/snwph3"
cmd "heading4" "/nwp/snwph4"
cmd "heading5" "/nwp/snwph5"
cmd "heading6" "/nwp/snwph6"

cmd "get css codes" "defaultbrowser"

menu "highlight text then click to apply"
cmd "preserved breaks and spaces" "/nwp/preformatted"
cmd "heading1" "/nwp/nwph1"
cmd "heading2" "/nwp/nwph2"
cmd "heading3" "/nwp/nwph3"
cmd "heading4" "/nwp/nwph4"
cmd "heading5" "/nwp/nwph5"
cmd "heading6" "/nwp/nwph6"

cmd "comment" "/nwp/nwpcomment"

cmd "Bold" "/nwp/nwpb"
cmd "Italics" "/nwp/nwpi"
cmd "Underline" "/nwp/nwpu"
cmd "Subscript" "/nwp/nwpsub"
cmd "Superscript" "/nwp/nwpsup"
cmd "Strikethrough" "/nwp/nwpstrk"
cmd "Big" "/nwp/nwpbig"
cmd "Small" "/nwp/nwpsm"
cmd "paragraph" "/nwp/paragraphhl"
cmd "nwpleft" "/nwp/nwpleft"
cmd "nwpright" "/nwp/nwpright"
cmd "nwpcenter" "/nwp/nwpcenter"
cmd "nwpjustify" "/nwp/nwpjust"


To keep with the puppy ethos of small, quick and fast, and to work on an idea Nooby had about using a text editor to do word processing, i came up with the above menu(s) based on a script by miriam (ht-b--highlight something, click to apply bold tags). changing the interface is something all good word processors allow--so do (some) of my menus. helper programs (like look up color codes or font names or search for files or definitions or open up something that can read this stuff as formatted text or open up something that's good for briefly recording words and ideas, etc) struck me as a good thing to include as part of the working core of the menu system, and so i did:

Code: Select all

menu "supplemental 2" # beginning of menu
cmd "chromium" "chromium"
cmd "firefox" "firefox"

cmd "slocate search all" "slac"
cmd "slocate search limited" "sloc"
cmd "slocate update databases" "sluc" 
cmd "gcolor2" "gcolor2"
cmd "gfnrename" "gfnrename"
cmd "gfontsel" "gfontsel"
cmd "goldendict" "goldendict"
cmd "google-chrome" "google-chrome"
cmd "palemoon" "palemoon"
cmd "pfind" "pfind"
cmd "recoll" "recoll"
cmd "xpad-backup" "xpad-backup"
cmd "xpad-clear" "xpad-clear"
cmd "xpad" "xpad"

cmd "close all desktop instances" "cadi" # program to launch
cmd "close current desktop instances" "ccdi" # program to launch 
end # end of menu 
and your files are in folders, part of some sort of filing system it would be a good idea to be able to access:

Code: Select all

menu "rox"
cmd "rox /" "rox /"
cmd " ~ ROX-Filer ~" "rox ~"
cmd " Close All Rox" "cr"
cmd " rox Recents " "rr"
cmd " rox Bookmarks" "rb"
cmd "applications" "rox /usr/share/applications"
cmd "/etc" "rox /etc"
cmd "/mnt" "rox /mnt"
cmd "/mnt/home" "rox /mnt/home"
cmd "my-applications" "rox /root/my-applications/bin"
cmd "my-documents" "rox /root/my-documents"
cmd "rox /tmp" "rox /tmp"
cmd "rox /root/.Trash" "rox /root/.Trash"

menu "panels"
cmd "panel frame set1" "/nwp/p1"
cmd "panel frame set2" "/nwp/p2"
cmd "panel frame set3" "/nwp/p3"
cmd "panel frame set4" "/nwp/p4"
cmd "panel frame set5" "/nwp/p5"
cmd "panel frame set6" "/nwp/p6"
cmd "panel frame set7" "/nwp/p7"
cmd "panel frame set8" "/nwp/p8"
cmd "panel frame set9" "/nwp/p9"

menu "pinboards"
cmd "pinboard 1" "/nwp/pp1"
cmd "pinboard 2" "/nwp/pp2"
cmd "pinboard 3" "/nwp/pp3"
cmd "pinboard 4" "/nwp/pp4"
cmd "pinboard 5" "/nwp/pp5"
cmd "pinboard 6" "/nwp/pp6"

---i even make it easy to manipulate and change your work spaces, another thing that can prove helpful when it comes to arranging, cutting, and otherwise manipulating texts or pieces thereof.

there's also the following from the first post

(orchestrate helper programs to) make any window that can accept text into a potential word processor/introducing NWP/NWPUS--a minimalistic word processor/robust and extensible utilities suite)

just place /nwp under / and launch with the nwpus script

(you can change the path, but you'll have to do a substitution in the nwpmenu file in /nwp and alter nwpus to reflect the change in the location of the menu file it's reading.)

requires aemenu, wmctrl, and xdotool (included)

unpack aemenu.tar.bz2 and place contents of that and the nwpus script into /root/my-applications/bin or similar PATH directory. install wmctrl and xdotool (included) if you have not already done so.

to be able to launch with gexec (original intention of most of the scripts and why so many have such short titles), highlight the contents (check mark on rox tool bar), and drag to /root/my-applications/bin, selecting link (relative or absolute) from the pop up. this will place the scripts in your PATH (i.e. terminals will also be able to call them) without taking up any of your savefile space. even if you're not running frugal, the speed of linking over copying makes this method preferable.
and lower down in the second post is the following, which i had as part of the first, but the forum software didn't allow it so...:

recreates the stock desktop, adds a number of shortcuts, pastes html code so that formatted text can then be copied and pasted into a regular word processing program, a note-taker like notecase, or a cloud based word processor like google docs, which can be used to easily convert the text to odt, docx, rtf, etc. basically, it's a way to use geany, xpad, or leafpad for word processing since those programs are super quick and sip resources. personally, i like the tabs and other aspects of the geany interface. also, i predominately use it to aid my failing my memory (a number of scripts merely ask xdotool to type something out for you), to resize and position windows, and to call on some programs i've come to find essential. and just as i use spacefm to give peace of mind should i find myself trying to break rox, MochiMoppel's Winswitcher plus this alternate menu system seems like a capable backup should my main windows manager (jwm) die during a session for whatever reason.
but i realize that much of this may not be clear, adequate, processed, or processable.

amigo, to tell you the truth, when i get this more sorted, i'm thinking of putting it together as the gaexec paexec (aemenu plus gexec/pexec (utilities) pack), which would admit that it's more of a utilities suite than anything, but i'd still use the /nwp folder under / for its brevity, its nod to nooby and the origins of the project, and its acknowledgement of the ubiquity of word processing (done well or poorly, with good intentions or bad, the way it's more or less identical to thought processing except for the records left behind...) in our lives. i'm not dying at any accelerated rate, but this type of philosophical musing/idea processing seemed to be how nooby spent much of his waking time, at least the time he shared with us.

i had no real or great connection with him, but i think of this menu suite as the word processor i started to put together for him as he died or seemingly just as soon as notification came that he had passed. but i'm a little deranged in that i think of us all as organisms that are essentially apparatuses processing our environments and (aware of it or not) our internal representations of them. yes, there are myriad more aspects to what defines humanity, but amigo, my friend, we truly are a buncha word-processing creatures.

soooo, ya think i should request it be moved? desktop or utilities? i view you as an expert (alien2pet thread alone was enough to convince me), but i think witnessing me plod through this stuff can be of benefit to those who are even less experienced than i, especially if the stuff works. it's much faster to open and close these text processing windows than full blown word processors, and hopefully familiarity with text editors will help lead the uninitiated into a comfort zone containing scripts and terminals and the like. so, nooby word processing also in terms of a newbie getting a grasp and then hopefully some mastery of the content (how to linux, how to html (--the wp codes are more or less html cheat sheet codes--), how to use a text editor/geany, how to make formatted text, how to add items to this menu system...) needed to further customize and take control of his/her computing experience.

a way to launch the programs in /nwp directly with pex/gexec

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2015, 00:59
by Puppus Dogfellow
here's a way to launch the programs in /nwp directly with pexec or gexec without adding the folder to the PATH or symlinking hundreds of scripts:

Code: Select all


pexec| xdotool sleep .7s type '/nwp/'

adds the folder's path automatically to the pexec launcher when it pops up (you may be able to use less than a .7 second delay--if you use another launcher, you may have to adjust it regardless (i needed 1.2 for prun on my slowest machine but 1 was fine for pexec/gexec--didn't try lower*), allowing you to use, for example, rr to get to the rox recents or x1520 to position a window on the x axis. see a little further down in ... 711#846711 for more on terminal shortcuts/the briefly named scripts.

hopefully you'll find this method of calling programs and files fits in with the flow of your work and is easy to get used to. at any rate, it's a way to save on keyboard shortcuts while sacrificing very little speed compared to dedicated key assignments.

right click on the script dragged to the desktop to give it a rox keyboard short cut (edit > set keyboard shortcut). the syntax for it as a jwm keyboard shortcut is

(here making it windows key plus spacebar:)

Code: Select all

<Key mask="4" key="space">exec:pexec| xdotool sleep .7s type '/nwp/'</Key>
add to /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal.

on my slowest computer (a dell netbook with 1gig ram, 1.6 ghz dual core something or other, 24 open browser tabs, mostly with flashblock, many already opened to how-tos, wikis, and videos of ants--at the time there was enough background noise to consume over 750mb of the 1000 total) i was able to reduce the delay to .3--no failures or misteps in roughly ten goes. .2 fails without exception (on the 1.6 dell but is okay on a machine somewhat over ~2.2).

here's the, which is required by


here are some separate wmctrl and xdotoo packages (32 bit already included in nwpus.tar.xz): (check your package manager if you need the 64 bit wmctrl),, and 64 bit xdotool-2.20110530.1-3.1.2.x86_64.rpm

nwpsup1.tar.xz: a few reworked menus, a few updated scripts,

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2015, 21:36
by Puppus Dogfellow

contents (overwrite conflicts in /nwp):

1 g lwr5p300a lwr5p900 mn nwp rs topmid3a upl3x555 upl4x444a upl5x1000a upperrightmargin4a upr4x1444a w wp3 2 h lwr5p600 lwr5p900a mv o s upl3x400 upl3x555a upl4x888 upl5x345a upr3ma upr5p450a wn x botmid3a lwr5p300 lwr5p600a maxminmovwinreq.readme mx owm sup upl3x400a upl4x444 upl4x888a upl5x790a upr3tomargina upr5p950a wp1 y

the pexec/gexec/aemenu shortcuts for resize (res), maximize(max), minimize (min), windows menu (win), and move (mov) require the following keyboard shortcuts to be added to /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal

you can open it in a terminal with:
geany /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal

then search for "key" and paste the following in that section:

Code: Select all

<Key mask="A" key="Escape">fullscreen</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="Escape">showdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="Escape">window</Key>
<Key mask="AC" key="Escape">move</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="Escape">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="Escape">maximize</Key>   
<Key mask="SAC" key="Escape">resize</Key>

(see below for the shorter shortcuts)

add the contents of the folder containing this readme to /nwp

s will activate a version of the supplemental menu and o will launch the original windows menu (an old jwm project) when the pxc script below is run:

Code: Select all

#name pxc
pexec| xdotool sleep .3s type '/nwp/'
#(trying to keep the thing self contained and distro/spin independent, but that shortcut really works best when activated with the keyboard, something jwm does especially easily it seems to me.)

new shortcuts with the above pexec script searching through /nwp/:

1 single monitor menu
2 double monitor menu
g grid menu
x x axis menu
y y axis menu
w width menu
h height menu
mv move
wn windows menu
mx maximize window
o old windows manipulation menu
s new version of supplemental menus

(all items are set to work on active window)

here is the owm menu (launch with the pxc script/shortcut key and o):

Code: Select all

cmd "Top Half" "/nwp/tophalf"
cmd "Half Width and Height, Middle Top" "/nwp/topmid3a"
cmd "Left Half" "/nwp/lefthalf2"
cmd "Right Half" "/nwp/righthalf2"
cmd "Bottom Half" "/nwp/bottomhalf2"
cmd "Half Width and Height, Middle Bottom" "/nwp/botmid3a"

cmd "Upper Left Quadrant" "/nwp/upperleftquadrant2"
cmd "Upper Right Quadrant" "/nwp/upperrightquadrant2"
cmd "Lower Left Quadrant" "/nwp/lowerleftquadrant2"
cmd "Lower Right Quadrant" "/nwp/lowerrightquadrant2"

menu "/3"
cmd "Upper Left Margin" "/nwp/upl3a"
cmd "Upper Left, 400 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl3x400a"
cmd "Upper Left, 555 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl3x555a"
cmd "Upper Right, Start at Midpoint" "/nwp/upr3a"
cmd "Upper Upper Right Margin" "/nwp/upr3ma"

cmd "Lower Left Margin" "/nwp/lwl3a"
cmd "Lower Left, 500 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/lwl3x500a"
cmd "Lower Right, Start at Midpoint" "/nwp/lwr3a"
cmd "Lower Right Margin" "/nwp/lwr3ma"

menu "Left Side Placement"
cmd "lower left /2" "/nwp/lwl2a"
cmd "lower left /3" "/nwp/lwl3a"
cmd "lower left /4" "/nwp/lwl4a"
cmd "lower left /5" "/nwp/lwl5a"
cmd "upper left /2" "/nwp/upl2a"
cmd "upper left /3" "/nwp/upl3a"
cmd "upper left /4" "/nwp/upl4a"
cmd "upper left /5" "/nwp/upl5a"

menu "Right Side Placement"
cmd "lower right /2" "/nwp/lwr2a"
cmd "lower right /3" "/nwp/lwr3a"
cmd "lower right /4" "/nwp/lwr4a"
cmd "lower right /5" "/nwp/lwr5a"
cmd "upper right /2" "/nwp/upr2a"
cmd "upper right /3" "/nwp/upr3a"
cmd "upper right /4" "/nwp/upr4a"
cmd "upper right /5" "/nwp/upr5a"

menu "/4"
cmd "Upper Left Margin" "/nwp/upl4a"
cmd "Upper Left, 444 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl4x444a"
cmd "Upper Left, 888 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl4x888a"
cmd "Upper Right, Start at Midpoint" "/nwp/upr4x1444a"
cmd "Upper Right Margin" "/nwp/upperrightmargin4a"

cmd "Lower Left Margin" "/nwp/lwl4 a"
cmd "Lower Left, 400 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/lwl4x400a"
cmd "Lower left, 900 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/lwl4x900"a
cmd "Lower Right, Start at Midpoint" "/nwp/lwr4a"
cmd "Lower Right, midpt. plus 400" "/nwp/lwr4p400a"
cmd "Lower Right Margin" "/nwp/lwr4rghtmrgna"

menu "/5"
cmd "Upper Left Margin" "/nwp/upl5"
cmd "Upper Left, 345 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl5x345a"
cmd "Upper Left, 790 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl5x790a"
cmd "Upper Left, 1000 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/upl5x1000a"
cmd "Upper Right, Start at Midpoint" "/nwp/upr5a"
cmd "Upper Right, midpt. plus 450" "/nwp/upr5p450a"
cmd "Upper Right, midpt. plus 950" "/nwp/upr5p950a"

cmd "Lower Left Margin" "/nwp/lwl5"
cmd "Lower Left, 333 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/lwl5x333a"
cmd "Lower Left, 666 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/lwl5x666a"
cmd "Lower Left, 999 pixels to the Right" "/nwp/lwl5x999a"
cmd "Lower Right, Start at Midpoint" "/nwp/lwr5a"
cmd "Lower Right, midpt. plus 300" "/nwp/lwr5p300a"
cmd "Lower Right, midpt. plus 600" "/nwp/lwr5p600a"
cmd "Lower Right, midpt. plus 900" "/nwp/lwr5p900a"

here is the sup menu (launched with (the pxc script plus) s):

Code: Select all

 cmd " vgt" "vgt"
 cmd "xpad" "xpad"
 cmd "winswitcher" "winswitcher"

cmd "close all desktop instances" "cadi" # program to launch
cmd "close current desktop instances" "ccdi" # program to launch
cmd "partview" "partview" # program to launch
cmd "lxtask" "lxtask" # program to launch
cmd "htop" "htop" # program to launch

cmd "jwm -restart" "jwm -restart"
cmd "5copies" "5copies"
cmd "5copiesDir" "5copiesDir"
cmd "nwp" "wp" 
cmd "left full" "b5"
cmd "right full" "b10"
cmd "slocate search all" "slac"
cmd "slocate search limited" "sloc"
cmd "slocate update databases" "sluc"

menu "supplemental 2" # beginning of menu
cmd "chromium" "chromium"
cmd "firefox" "firefox"
cmd "galculator" "galculator"
cmd "gcolor2" "gcolor2"
cmd "gfnrename" "gfnrename"
cmd "gfontsel" "gfontsel"
cmd "goldendict" "goldendict"
cmd "google-chrome" "google-chrome"
cmd "palemoon" "palemoon"
cmd "pfind" "pfind"
cmd "recoll" "recoll"
cmd "xpad-backup" "xpad-backup"
cmd "xpad-clear" "xpad-clear"

cmd "spacefm" "spacefm"
 menu "rox"
 cmd "rox /" "rox /"
  cmd " ~ ROX-Filer ~" "rox ~"
 cmd " Close All Rox" "cr"
  cmd "  rox Recents  " "rr"
  cmd " rox Bookmarks" "rb"
  cmd "applications" "rox /usr/share/applications"  
  cmd "/etc" "rox /etc"
 cmd "/mnt" "rox /mnt"
 cmd "/mnt/home" "rox /mnt/home"
cmd "my-applications" "rox /root/my-applications/bin"
cmd "my-documents" "rox /root/my-documents"
cmd "rox /tmp" "rox /tmp"
cmd "rox /root/.Trash" "rox /root/.Trash"

 menu "panels"
cmd "panel frame set1" "/nwp/p1"
cmd "panel frame set2" "/nwp/p2"
cmd "panel frame set3" "/nwp/p3"
cmd "panel frame set4" "/nwp/p4"
cmd "panel frame set5" "/nwp/p5"
cmd "panel frame set6" "/nwp/p6"
cmd "panel frame set7" "/nwp/p7"
cmd "panel frame set8" "/nwp/p8"
cmd "panel frame set9" "/nwp/p9"

menu "pinboards"
cmd "pinboard 1" "/nwp/pp1"
cmd "pinboard 2" "/nwp/pp2"
cmd "pinboard 3" "/nwp/pp3"
cmd "pinboard 4" "/nwp/pp4"
cmd "pinboard 5" "/nwp/pp5"
cmd "pinboard 6" "/nwp/pp6"

  menu "jwm menu maker" # beginning of menu
cmd "jwmxx-leafpad-grab executables" "cd  /usr/share/applications; grep Exec= *.desktop | grep -o 'Exec=.*' | cut -f2- -d'=' > /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx; leafpad /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx
cmd "jwmxx-geany-grab executables" "cd  /usr/share/applications; grep Exec= *.desktop | grep -o 'Exec=.*' | cut -f2- -d'=' > /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx; geany /root/my-documents/Text/jwmxx
 cmd "make a menu entry" "jwmkr"
cmd "add the menu template" "jwmenuplate"

cmd "ae menu item maker" "aeae"
cmd "ae menu slot maker" "aeaem"


end # end of menu  
menu "defaults/original puppy desktop" 
menu "launchers and consoles" # beginning of menu 
cmd "findnrun" "fnr" 
cmd "gexec" "gexec" 
cmd "grun" "grun" 
cmd "lxterminal" "lxterminal" 
 cmd "pexec" "pexec" 
cmd "prun" "prun"
cmd "roxterm" "roxterm"
cmd "rxvt" "rxvt"
cmd "sakura" "sakura" # program to launch
cmd "urxvt" "urxvt"
end # end of menu   

cmd " audiomixer" defaultaudiomixer
cmd " audioplayer" defaultaudioplayer
cmd " browser" defaultbrowser
cmd " calendar" defaultcalendar
cmd " cdplayer" defaultcdplayer
cmd " chat" defaultchat
cmd " chmviewer" defaultchmviewer
cmd " ~ 'Chooser' ~" /usr/bin/defaults-chooser 
cmd " connect" defaultconnect
cmd "console" "urxvt"
cmd " contact" defaultcontact
cmd " draw" defaultdraw
cmd " email" defaultemail
cmd " htmleditor" defaulthtmleditor
cmd " htmlviewer" defaulthtmlviewer
cmd " imageviewer" defaultimageviewer
cmd " mediaplayer" defaultmediaplayer
cmd " notecase" notecase
cmd " paint" defaultpaint
cmd "puppy package manager" "ppm" 
cmd "puppy control panel" "pcp" 
cmd " spreadsheet" defaultspreadsheet
cmd "screen shot" "tas"
cmd " texteditor" defaulttexteditor
cmd " textviewer" defaulttextviewer
cmd " videoplayer" defaultvideoplayer
cmd " wizardwizard" wizardwizard
cmd " wordprocessor" defaultwordprocessor
cmd "Xlock setup" "/usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun -configure" 
cmd  "Xlock lock screen" "/usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun -locknow"


the /3 /4 /5 refer to the screen dimensions and the thirds, quarters, or fifths of that the command reduces the window to as it positions it.

forgot to include the shorter versions of the main nwpus launcher and the launcher for the two main versions of the nwp word processing section; my suggested titles are n, n1, and n2 respectively--you can copy the versions from /root/my-applications bin over to /nwp with that as the new name or just enter

Code: Select all

geany /nwp/n  /nwp/n1  /nwp/n2
into a terminal and copy each of the following to the correct file. you'll probably have to run

Code: Select all

chmod 755 /nwp/n  /nwp/n1  /nwp/n2
afterward since it's unlikely the permissions will be set correctly (text is green in stock puppy if all is well). you could also go there with rox, right click > permissions > yes or quiet.

anyway, here's the filling for the three files:

Code: Select all

aemenu -rc /nwp/wp2 


aemenu -rc /nwp/wp1 

aemenu -rc /nwp/nwpmenu

last of the word processor menus until i learn css code...

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 04:59
by Puppus Dogfellow
it's often quicker to have the machine spit out the tags and leave the placement to you rather than have it auto delete then recreate the the text with the tags in place. the following menu just pastes the beginning and end tags for various formatting functions--it's up to you to paste them and/or follow the instructions that get printed along with them ("instructions" usually something no more than "delete this and put your text here to preserve breaks and spaces. all this other stuff is not visible when the document is viewed in a browser," and frequently something a good deal less.)


Code: Select all

aemenu -rc /nwp/pst
#name n3. n is the original nwpus menu, n1 is the full word-processing menu without any of the supplementals. it has n2 and n3 as submenus but gives some prominence to the overall document formatting commands from from n3; n2 is just the highlight and click to apply word processing/html code section, and n3 is the paste and place section of the main (word processing) menu. place this and the following pst menu in /nwp

Code: Select all

cmd	"poetry" "/nwp/htmltemplatepref" 
cmd	"other" "/nwp/htmltxtwptemplate" 
cmd	"preserved breaks and spaces" "/nwp/preotry" 

cmd	"Bold" "/nwp/swnwpb" 
cmd	"Italics" "/nwp/swnwpi" 
cmd	"Underline" "/nwp/swnwpu" 

cmd	"vgt" "/nwp/vgt" 
cmd	"NWP/VGT help" "geany /nwp/nwp.readme /nwp/vgt.readme" 

cmd	"Subscript" "/nwp/swnwpsub"
cmd	"Superscript" "/nwp/swnwpsup" 
cmd	"Strikethrough" "/nwp/swnwpstrk" 
cmd	"Big" "/nwp/swnwpbig" 
cmd	"Small" "/nwp/swnwpsm" 
cmd	"linebreak" "/nwp/linebreak" 
cmd	"#!/bin/sh" "/nwp/scripttemplate" 
cmd	"comment" "/nwp/snwpcomment" 
cmd	"get css codes" "defaultbrowser" 

cmd	"paragraph" "/nwp/paragraph" 
cmd	"parleft" "/nwp/parleft" 
cmd	"parright" "/nwp/parright"
cmd	"parcenter" "/nwp/parcenter" 
cmd	"parjustify" "/nwp/parjustify" 

cmd	"nwpbkmrk" "/nwp/nwpbkmrk" 
cmd	"blockquote" "/nwp/nwpblockquote" 
cmd	"quote" "/nwp/quote" 
cmd	"heading1" "/nwp/snwph1" 
cmd	"heading2" "/nwp/snwph2" 
cmd	"heading3" "/nwp/snwph3" 
cmd	"heading4" "/nwp/snwph4" 
cmd	"heading5" "/nwp/snwph5" 
cmd	"heading6" "/nwp/snwph6" 

so, just put both of those in /nwp and launch with the pxc launcher...


following has come in handy:

Code: Select all

xdotool type 'aemenu -rc /nwp/'
#name ael (ae(menu)launcher) and place in /nwp to launch with pxc

all upgrades updates (minus the menu launchers originally for /root/my-applications/bin) plus:
aemenu.tar.bz2,,, xdotool-2.20110530.1-3.1.2.x86_64.rpm,,,, the updated nwp folder, the pxc launcher, and the ael launcher-maker: Gaexec_Paexack.tar.xz


edit two: some minor bug fixes (one of sets of vgt help/nwp help only opened blank files) and the addition of about 40 largely jwm specific configuration files and menus:


alternate version of the pexec/pxc launcher.

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2015, 16:38
by Puppus Dogfellow
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:more legible font for the comments:

modified version of pexec launcher to use with the gaexec paexack and the nwp/nwpus directory/word processing/"word processing" functions. use if the original pxc is giving you time delay grief; this version doesn't have xdotool type anything, so timing and system idiosyncrasies don't come into play. arrow right to access the scripts in /nwp, type to enter a regular run command ("/nwp/" is already entered, but it's highlighted. typing overwrites it, the arrow key brings you to the end so you can enter the short script name). i suggest adding the two scripts that follow this one to your chosen PATH location or /nwp. since there doesn't appear to be any system conflict with a program named f or t, this would be the simplest way to quickly make up for the autoclosing pexec's lack of tab complete--findandrun does a nice job of that and you can choose whatever shortcut you want to be able to quickly reach a terminal from pxc or np, which is what i'm calling this script at the moment.

Code: Select all


#modified version of pexec launcher to use with the gaexec paexack and the nwp/nwpus directory/word processing/"word processing" functions. use especially if the original pxc is giving you time delay grief; this version doesn't have xdotool type anything. arrow right to access the scripts in /nwp, type to enter a regular run command. i suggest adding the two scripts that follow this one to your chosen PATH location or /nwp. since there doesn't appear to be any system conflict with a program named f or t, this would be the simplest way to quickly make up for the autoclosing pexec's lack of tab complete--findandrun does a nice job of that and you can chose whatever shortcut you want to be able to quickly reach a terminal from pxc or nwpp (which is what i'm calling the script at the moment, though i suppose pwn and np are both arguably more inspirational).

# edit line below to preload other commands, i.e. history=/nwp/s1/ will start the search in a subdirectory of nwp...
[ -z "$history" ] && history="/nwp/"

# create and run dialog
CMDLINE=$(yad --width=350 --skip-taskbar --center --on-top --fixed --sticky \
              --title="nwpp" --window-icon="gtk-execute" \
              --entry --entry-label="Run command:" --editable \
              --column="command" --entry-text $history)

# if the command line is empty, exit now
[ -z "$CMDLINE" ] && exit 0


# run the command

exit 0

Code: Select all

#name t and place in root/my-applications/bin  and/or /nwp
#uncomment the terminal of your choice

Code: Select all

#name f and place in root/my-applications/bin  and/or /nwp
#uncomment the launcher of your choice
here's the original pexec thread
from here