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Public Security positions stated by Technology leaders to US

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2015, 21:57
by gcmartin
Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Apple have ALL said similarly the same things about what they find best for government behavior with its Public. Read this from Apple yesterday.

Technology providing advice/guidance.

Finally THEY win!

Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2015, 06:31
by gcmartin
If you haven't heard by now, look at this report.

In the prior post, IT industry leaders and Consumer Advocates spoke to the politicians.

Security. There is NONE! Or, only for the rich few. This is happening as if, we are in an echo chamber. Starts in one place, then cascading echos.

In Northern Hemisphere, I used to wonder throughout my life about a Christmas song we sing as kids: "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". The stanza "... He knows when you been ..." has always alarmed me. As a High Schooler we debated in class "1984 by George Orwell" 25 years before 1984, having a consensus that in our democratic society, that will NEVER happen.

It has happened, and now, it will be legal.

My real problem is this: If they can see us, shouldn't we be allowed to see "them". Can 'you' accept the fact of who the pawns are in the game? The means for control is now cast in cement.

Most/many of us have been running in the wrong direction on this subject. Snowden has for years been telling us this: Get to your politicians for citizen privacy laws. But we are too slow to react. Yes, it not the browser on your desktop! Or PUPPY checking to see if there is Internet connection by pinging a trusted site. Those do NOT factor in what is occurring except to keep one busy looking the wrong way. If you didn't write your local politician (remember those people who make your laws) yet, too late! Maybe you can remove them next time you vote.

I have always known my PC pinging a trusted site has NEVER been a threat. But, the attitudes my politicians take in the laws they make regarding my privacy, IS the threat as it affords ...

I think we are witnesses to supporting the "Day the world became clearer". but not for us.

(Although this is USA, it has worldwide implications. If we can stop it from spreading, it will be localize to there, only. There may still be chance to turn the tide/slow it.)

Security agency reports ClosedSource security vs OpenSource

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 17:44
by gcmartin
A recent report explains the major difference in Closed source over Open source in Security.

It important as this presents a realistic look at vendor software versus open source and the issues that are present as it pertains to security. Thus from an OS perspective, continuing to use Apple/Microsoft bring some advantage when necessary.

My use of PUPs extends beyond just the mere security aspect(s). But, I clearly understand what the report shares.