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Vivid 6.5 kernel 4.0.1 PAE

Posted: Tue 26 May 2015, 11:35
by azami

Posted: Tue 26 May 2015, 18:34
by peebee
Hi Azami

A few details of your build would be welcome...

Is it a new Woof build or a remaster of 666philb's vividpup?

If a remaster, it looks like you have taken out the big extra applications in vividpup and replaced them with more traditional puppy applications to get the iso size down - do you have a list of what you've removed and what you've added?

Is the kernel your own compile? If so are kernel sources available?

What plans do you have for support and updating?

First tests look very promising....

Posted: Tue 26 May 2015, 18:53
by azami

Posted: Wed 27 May 2015, 09:28
by ally

Posted: Wed 27 May 2015, 10:34
by azami
thank you :!:

Posted: Wed 27 May 2015, 10:34
by azami
thank you :!:

Posted: Wed 27 May 2015, 10:35
by azami
thank you :!:

Posted: Wed 27 May 2015, 10:35
by azami
Internet error made ... :D

Vivid - 4.0.1 Kernel

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2015, 11:47
by sszindian
NOTE: Posted originally in your Tahr thread... sorry if confusion!

To get online PDF files to load & view...

Had to change in file 'defaluthandler' epdview to evince

Same change needed in file 'defaultPDFviewer'

Just thought you would like to know?

Anyway, this is very, very nice super-fast distro for a first-shot. All my 'needed' programs installed and are working just fine, and I like that you are keeping with the standard Puppy files, keep up the excellent work... testing continues! Smile


Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2015, 08:20
by zigbert
Tested this one to see if ubuntu-pup is catching up...
- Of course it booted fine, works fine, and so on, in traditional puppy manner :-)
- The repos seem to be rich, but ppm required a repo-update to install my required dependencies.
- The nvidia/amd drivers offered in this iso is not suited for this kernel.
- The overall theming pleased me.

I am looking for an alternative to my Slacko-5.7, and I like your attitude of keeping things small. If I was looking for something big, I would probably not be testing Puppy at all. My test was very brief, but a few comments:
- aconv is still there, and without a switch to ffmpeg, ffconvert, pburn and pmusic troubles.
- VLC/Deadbeef is far from the smallest alternative
- All dependencies to pburn is covered (pburn -D), and I find that a bit too much for a basic install. Supporting VCD and Nero images is in my eyes out of the scope.


Thank you

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2015, 23:33
by goolwa_pup
i have been using this pup for a while now and havent found any major issues ....i prefer it as it seems to connect my rtl 8192cu mini wireless usb much faster than any other puppy i have tried......IMHO this version of vivid is worth a look if you use the same wireless chip as me...thank you for providing this vivid Azami

Posted: Fri 17 Jul 2015, 09:16
by Smithy
Any problems with the ram indicator on this derivative?
I copied a load of wavs into /downloads to gradually fill up the memory in puppy and didn't notice the freemem applet indicator (well not freemem applet anymore)
changing container_ 0.svg 1 2 3 4 etc going down.
Then it just crashed out after the memory filled up.
Just checking.

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 06:01
by goolwa_pup
i am using an encrypted save file and it seems to be functioning ok

Posted: Sat 18 Jul 2015, 09:04
by Smithy
Ok, maybe it is not a ram indicator anymore, or needs a savefile to cooperate with.
Thanks for checking.

Highlights of Linux 4.1

Posted: Wed 02 Sep 2015, 14:37
by Pelo
Highlights of Linux 4.1 include:
EXT4 gains file-system level encryption (thanks to Google)
Logitech lg4ff driver improves ‘force feedback’ for gaming wheels
Toshiba laptop driver gains USB sleep charging and backlight improvements
Rumble support for Xbox One controller
Better battery reporting in Wacom tablet driver
Various misc. power improvements for both ARM and x86 devices
Samsung Exynos 3250 power management improvements
Support for the Bamboo Pad
Lenovo OneLink Pro Dock gains USB support
Support for Realtek 8723A, 8723B, 8761A, 8821 Wi-Fi cards
Is it worth of it i change from Vividpup immediatly ? What do really mean the kernels ? Do they improve the software or only the hardware drivers ?