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Preliminary Pet for libsodium 1.0.2, built within precise

Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2015, 20:07
by s243a
Preliminary Pet for libsodium 1.0.2, built with precise (one of the puppy version I use). ...

This pet is required for DNSCrypt (see thread)

I built it as follows:
0. Make sure that you have both devx and dir2pet
1. Downloaded the code from subversion (I just cloned the trunk section, subclipse is my subversion client)
2. run (located at the top of the trunk folder -- I'm not sure if this step is necessary)
3. run configure
4. in the generated makfile (line 273 set prefix equal to the build location"

Code: Select all

prefix = /tmp/libsodium-1.0.2/usr/local
5. run "make"
6. run "make install"
7. go to tmp
8. type:

Code: Select all

dir2pet libsodium-1.0.2
follow the instruction in the prompt

1. I have not yet tested this but it installed without errors.
2. I did not check the signitures of the source. For how to do it see thread.
3. It looks like there is some sourecode in the pet. See the folder:
I presume that this folder can be deleted. As mentioned elsewhere on the form "pet files" can be edited as "tar files".

Here are the hashes of the pet package
MD5: ac9a6c80a363feb749868bf0d3dab69f
SHA1: 4c46ced8d614836d056826ee36cb9141ef8d973a
SHA256: 354f1e0d2b77da386f133f4d02923d4b99f6699f46664cea7d869b70ea8d98dd