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Puppy on an Android phone (galaxy s3)

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2014, 15:56
by samedog
This started as a puppy chroot'd over fedora chroot'd over android but it was lame to use another distro as "bridge", now i have a full working chroot'd filesystem with working X server (framebuffer).

So... since after like 8 months of (NOT)hard work my "puppy-on-android" project was a success, now i'm working on this:

- Android app to deploy a puppy SFS or IMG (main system + devx) chroot'd over android
- Xorg (and/or VNC) server scripts to set up the environment for puppy.
- init and "shutdown" scripts for puppy.
- A *GOOD* VNC server with support for different languages and layouts.
- A good GTK theme (phone screen size fucks with the resolution and DPI)
- Modded JWM for better use and navigation of the screen.
This will be a chrooted system running over the android kernel just because i don't feel like compiling the whole linux kernel, making it compatible with more than 1 phone and creating a custom ROM out of that.

Will be compiling and testing on:
- Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300)
- Samsung Galaxy S4 (i9505)

Update: Touchscreen working, integrated keyboard working:

Also here is a X remote display test video, with android ui and puppy running in coexistence.

older videos (newer to older):

Framebuffered X

Video of the "ghost" puppylinux on the android framebuffer:


Sharing this just for giggles and amusement, maybe will try to make some "puppy-phone" in the future, who knows? since the galaxy S3 quad core processor allows for really nice compiling speeds i'm already doing some naughty arm stuffs.

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2014, 17:03
by bark_bark_bark
It would be awesome if this could be done with a kindle fire hd.

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2014, 18:24
by samedog

Posted: Wed 26 Nov 2014, 18:37
by samedog
Does anyone know how can i make xorg run in framebuffer with forced WxH resolution?

Posted: Thu 27 Nov 2014, 01:44
by samedog
The framebuffer didn't worked as expected, gonna see if i can do something like a layer over the android gui or something.

Posted: Thu 27 Nov 2014, 20:45
by samedog
Recompiling Xorg right now, maybe will be sharing some .pets i'm making on the run (so far: x11vnc and Python 2.7.8 ).
Planning on update the glibc and gcc, already working on some small gtk-apps to have better control of the system (onscreen keyboard, etc)

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2014, 02:08
by samedog
Funny thing: as far as i know no ARM chroot'd distro has made the touchscreen work on the framebuffer xorg, if i get it to work it will be a nice step for puppy.

Posted: Sun 07 Dec 2014, 11:17
by veronicathecow
HI, I to would love to see puppy on an android phone. So nice to have a proper system on a small device. Keep up the good work.

Posted: Thu 01 Jan 2015, 14:15
by battleshooter
So beyond my league, but very exciting. Hope you keep playing samedog as it's quite an unexplored realm.

Posted: Wed 18 Feb 2015, 10:57
by dog_dancer
congratulations man, it is a Good work, Would be nice as android rival

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2015, 12:57
by samedog
Bump with new video:

Posted: Fri 17 Apr 2015, 15:48
by Atle
Impressiv. Excellent. Amazing.

Me want.

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2016, 14:06
by Deacon
samedog wrote:Bump with new video:
How did you do this exactly? And are you creating a modified pup image? Will this work on the average Android tablet? I have a cheap Kindle Fire tab which I will probably overwrite with Cyanogenmod soon