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Russian Hackers Amass Over a Billion Internet Passwords

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 22:22
by James C
Russian Hackers Amass Over a Billion Internet Passwords ... .html?_r=0
A Russian crime ring has amassed the largest known collection of stolen Internet credentials, including 1.2 billion user name and password combinations and more than 500 million email addresses, security researchers say.

The records, discovered by Hold Security, a firm in Milwaukee, include confidential material gathered from 420,000 websites, including household names, and small Internet sites. Hold Security has a history of uncovering significant hacks, including the theft last year of tens of millions of records from Adobe Systems.
By July, criminals were able to collect 4.5 billion records — each a user name and password — though many overlapped. After sorting through the data, Hold Security found that 1.2 billion of those records were unique. Because people tend to use multiple emails, they filtered further and found that the criminals’ database included about 542 million unique email addresses.

“Most of these sites are still vulnerable,

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 22:28
by RSH
more than 500 million email addresses
-1 !!!

I have deleted my email account a few days ago. :lol:

I'm doing this frequently.

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 23:41
by gcmartin
There are 7 billion people in the world. Only 1 in 5 have access to computers for personal stuff and less do shopping online.

But, assuming there is much truth to this, one must assume they accessed one of the largest databases in the world. Now which country's DB do I need to access to get this? And, who is the company who found this. Could they be able to do the same? And, ...

Yes, everything we do is monitored by someone else directly or indirectly.

Remember the Christmas song sang by every kid titled "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" where there is a stanza in there which goes "he knows when you are sleeping, he know when you're awake, he know ...". I have often wondered whether the author was guessing, or trying to tell us what "they" have in store for all of us; or maybe the rest of us.

30 years ago, I was in a meeting when we were asked to evaluate how to describe a piece of code capable of causing a system to misbehave. It was then that we laughingly referred to it similar to having a cold. That term has stuck thruout time, now. It is a "bug" as we use to refer to problem code, but, deliberately generated.

Today, everyone struggles to identify the difference between a bug and a virus. Further, we struggle to identify who to trust anymore in code, action, and deed.

There are solutions, believe it or not, but, you wont be led to see it. "Do not touch your dial, do not adjust your set, We ARE in control; We will ..."

Think. Then we can see the way. I am not afraid because I am stupid (that is rhetorical), it is because I can see.

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2014, 02:44
by RSH
So you could say, Open Source Software is Open Source because of we don't trust anyone, that's why we want to see the code and we rather want to be the People who are afraid because of we can see than to be the People who are afraid because of we are stupid. Because of we don't trust anyone and want to see the code, we at least somehow do learn to trust someone.

Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2014, 22:41
by slavvo67
Perhaps we need to be on closed dial-ups again, like the old AOL. "You've Got Mail." I actually really liked that network.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Russia and China have headlines saying U.S. hackers get this or Japan hackers get that or German hackers get... whatever. As long as there is data to be had, there will be people trying to get at it.

It would be so upsetting if someone got into my e-mail account.... I don't think I could handle the stress of signing up for another FREE e-mail account somewhere. I guess the contacts information could be a concern, though. Some Russian dude might start calling my friends and saying bad things about me.

Seriously, though you all make very good points!



Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2014, 00:29
by CLAM01
Let's see, the USA is mad at Russia these days, so they will be looking for something bad to say, and the USA-NSA has been hacking everybody, for some years, stealing information like they thought they were parental-authority, and revelations keep coming out kicking back to the NSA, exposing Chinese hackers working out of Austin, Texas, Romanian data-thieves operating from Herndon, Virginia... Now Russian Gangsters, and they are operating under a covert alias of being a Milwaukee Security Firm? Passing their discovery data to the New York Times? It sounds like an NSA propaganda-mill delivering to their warehouse jobbers for retail distribution to -- to what? Flush out "terrorists" by flagging whoever panics quick to change their passwords? If you are 'loyal' you will trust your government to not let any gangsters who don't have a .gov address gut your bank accounts, after all...

Or do they just want us to hate the Russians, because overrunning Ukraine is costing so damn much more than was budgeted?

I don't know. Hacking through Internet Politics is too much for me.

Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2014, 16:23
by Teh Agnostic Anarco
Laugh, "ohh the russians are coming the russians are coming!!!" cold war hysteria bs.

Why not mention what was "stolen" huh? Give me a break.

Russians and Chinese are defending their countrys unlike western intel agencys that will hack anything covertly and are the real bad guys.

Turth is last major hack any russians did was too gmail as a vendetta for someone hacking yandex.

So before you point the finger try and realize whats really going on.

Putin is no fool thats all I can tell you.

Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2014, 16:25
by Teh Agnostic Anarco
CLAM01 wrote:Let's see, the USA is mad at Russia these days, so they will be looking for something bad to say, and the USA-NSA has been hacking everybody, for some years, stealing information like they thought they were parental-authority, and revelations keep coming out kicking back to the NSA, exposing Chinese hackers working out of Austin, Texas, Romanian data-thieves operating from Herndon, Virginia... Now Russian Gangsters, and they are operating under a covert alias of being a Milwaukee Security Firm? Passing their discovery data to the New York Times? It sounds like an NSA propaganda-mill delivering to their warehouse jobbers for retail distribution to -- to what? Flush out "terrorists" by flagging whoever panics quick to change their passwords? If you are 'loyal' you will trust your government to not let any gangsters who don't have a .gov address gut your bank accounts, after all...

Or do they just want us to hate the Russians, because overrunning Ukraine is costing so damn much more than was budgeted?

I don't know. Hacking through Internet Politics is too much for me.
You think they "overrun" ukraine? Laugh, first part of your post half true, but im afraid most of you westerners will never see whats really going on.

Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2014, 19:02
by watchdog
I think that the only thing which retains one nation to set a devasting cyberwar attack is the fear of a retaliation. As for the atomic bomb. We are in the middle among mad powers. I can't better explain my thought for my bad english.