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Personalized Settings - FirstRUN - QuickSETUP for PUP starts

Posted: Tue 22 Jul 2014, 20:25
by gcmartin
"FirstRUN" = "Personalized Settings" = "QuickSetup" can be found here! Please contribute or report as you find appropriate.

Why this thread

Posted: Tue 22 Jul 2014, 20:31
by gcmartin
@Shinobar a few years ago, inspired this community by presenting technology to take a booting PC all the way to a functional desktop without the delays that were customary in the "text-based" approach used in "days of old". Additionally @Shinobar assisted several developers addressing individual needs for PUPPY use of this technology.

This is an excellent service for many-many obvious reasons over the old method. In addition to it getting the user speedily to the desktop, it also provides a "simple standard education" to any USER for what his PC is. Further, the user gains confidence and understanding as they, personally and safely, controls his/her system, from FirstRUN's management screen.

The approach he introduced began to get good use among the PUP distro developers, and BarryK adopted and made additional revisions to what is used by many developers in today's PUPs.

In a single screen, he not only captures all of the elements of the old boot steps, but advances all of that with a "single-screen visual" of most of the elements any PC needs to participate on a home LAN network needing to reach the internet with no impact as well as speedily covering the local desktop requirements.

A single screen, initial start, that is so outrageously clever most of us see it as all too obvious for a systems desktop's start. In short, it replaced all the individual unforgiving steps to a user-friendly, understandable, single visual for system starts.

Further, without having to hunt down individual utilities to do any of what it offers, a user, at ANY time can go to the Puppy Menu>Setup>"FirstRUN" and on their desktops they will view what they set, or modify the base system's requirement as needed.

Barry Kauler has retired. He has given much of his life to getting us to where we are today. This has left @FirstRUN without a thread for any needs which would arise as Puppy moves from its WOOF roots to the WOOFCE approach now used for new Puppy distros.

This thread intends to be a pointer to another thread dedicated for developers/users of FirstRUN and any improvements it would offer to the Puppy community. That would be a place where developers would know about its latest version (similar to what is provided in the GRUB4DOS thread). As well, it would also provide developers a place for contributions and a place for user reports.

This thread is opened as a pointer to FirstRUN, its thread on the forum. This technology is a Puppy Linux exclusive.

A Revisiting request to our Puppy Linux Exclusive...FirstRUN

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2014, 16:52
by gcmartin
Puppy Linux has an exclusive. I continue to reference this exclusive by an original name that I called FirstRUN (it is also known, depending on which developer presents it as"Quick Setup First-RUN setting", "Personalized Setting", etc)

It was introduced to the community a half-decade ago by @Shinobar. It move Puppy out of the dark ages of system initial boot into a comfortable X desktop version speeding the system to productive use without the old incomplete text mode approaches of old. It was, and still is, "Brilliant". Since that time, in working with other developers, many under the cover system issues were addressed by the several contributors in Puppyland. Our own Puppy inventor-pioneer @BarryK, ultimately picked it up and added additional contributions to what it is today. And, today, this single utility provides so much benefit in the single screen's quiet way, it is taken for granted by all of us. Every modern PUP since 2009 includes FirstRUN (except for one) and it is so unassumingly helpful that almost no one remembers those times of old, nor see the under-the-hood benefits it provides in system setup by the simple question we answer/verify.

This is a Puppy Linux exclusive, as NO OTHER DISTRO THAT I KNOW OF, offers anything as simple or even close to this level of brilliance in system starts. It gives each and every users an initial sense of system control, yielding a desire to continue feeling other things will be as easy to do, too.

It has moved the progress needle further along in such a way that it has eliminated much that newbies(and experienced-knowledgeable users, as well) was frustrated by at initial system start before this came to be. As well, most every users knows that one can revisit FirstRUN via the Puppy Menu in Setup to correct/change items which might be necessary at any point in the life of the distro's use.

Is it perfect? As it stands...Yes!
Can it be improved, probably, but one must admit, it has certainly impacted PUPPY use, Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB) in what I consider one of the most brilliant of any seen in all Puppy distros since its introduction.

So, one may ask why is there a thread opening on FirstRUN? It is because hardware chipsets is changing and peripherals are changing as well. Linux, now OFFICIALLY recognized as an OS is getting more and more contributions from manufacturers who want there peripheral used by those of us in the Linux community. As such, there are changes in video, in audio, in LAN, in touchpads on keyboards (laptotps), in touch screens (found in desktops/laptops/touchpads/Chromebox/etc, languages, and in various other items which all of us will be using or helping others at some points in our PUPPY lifetime.

So, this is a highlighter to try to centralize any efforts to improve FirstRUN. Is there any additional peripheral that Puppy Linux's FirstRUN can address which is not met by today's version. As PUPPY moves to WOOFCE generation, this nifty bit of Puppy exclusive brilliance should NOT be overlooked.

Although this is now included in EVERY PUP distro (except 1), if needed, the current PET is addressed in this thread, here.

Again, as I have done in the past to these individuals, THANKS @Shinobar, @01Micko, @TaZoC, @BarryK, and any others who in work directly or indirectly have made this what is is today as it eases understanding of the system's initial use and invites a comfort level of control to anyone new to Puppy Linux.

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2014, 18:46
by slavvo67
GCMartin and others:

I agree this is an excellent tool that easily goes overlooked because it's an expected regular part of the Puppy interface.

If I may suggest a few things just from my own experiences, when the mouse doesn't work, the mouse fix does not seem to do the trick for me. I've had to unplug and put in a different usb port. Maybe that could be enhanced?

My laziness kicks in, the firewall checkbox should be automatically yes, in my opinion as should be the number lock.

Lastly, it would be nice to somehow incorporate a default application chooser.

Just some suggestions to an already great tool.

Thanks for bringing this often overlooked item to the forefront.

Kind regards,
