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XP Theme for Puppy Rocks

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2005, 11:43
by pitbull
Installed the XP theme just for fun, this is amazing you have to try it! It's so funny, this tiny distribution looking like an OS that won't even install on my old laptop, nice one.

XP Theme Screenshot

Go here and get the XP theme from DotPup

XP Theme For Puppy Linux

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2005, 11:54
by Alienx
there are some other interesting IceWM themes here too :wink:

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2005, 14:47
by papaschtroumpf
I like the one with the "Berry" version I think it's called. The background is different with "moons" in the sky, see the second picture here:

The first one by AlienX is cool too.

I'm still working on an icewm Unleashed and one WinXP theme will be included (probably the Berry one).

Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2005, 23:46
by flamesage
How do you download IceWM from puppy?

Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2005, 23:52
by Bruce B
To download icewm and many other dotpup packages
  • Start ->
    Setup ->
    DotPup Rox-app packages
The browser will take you to the pages. For icewm look under GuestToo's packages.

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2005, 11:41
by pitbull
Window manager thoughts on: Fvwm95, JWM & optional IceWM

After using the XP theme in IceWM I have changed my mind a bit. It still looks cool, but I have to say that Barry has gone to a lot of effort to make FVWM95 really work. The only real problem is that the Mozilla and Dillo browsers oversize past the tool bar hiding the location bar at the bottom of the page.

Also, IceWM doesn't show iCal in the apps menu, and instead shows Xcal which isn't as good. You can still run iCal by manually running the program. Which reminds me, is there a simple way to make a start menu or desktop shortcut, or even a new folder on the desktop? Maybe a trash bin?

The already installed 2nd choice in the start menu is JWM which is quite clever and does size windows properly, but it doesn't have FVWM95's neat dock apps. Oh and I'd love to see a WIFI strength dock app. :)

This is still a very good distribution, still looking at getting better sound configuration.

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2005, 17:07
by Rich
pitbull wrote:
Also, IceWM doesn't show iCal in the apps menu, and instead shows Xcal which isn't as good. You can still run iCal by manually running the program. Which reminds me, is there a simple way to make a start menu or desktop shortcut, or even a new folder on the desktop? Maybe a trash bin?
There is a trash bin currently being developed in this forum section.

As far as Icewm menu settings and desktop applications go, there is a thread about it here that explains most of what you were asking.

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2005, 21:03
by GuestToo
my icewm menu has Ical in it:

maybe you are using an Icewm menu for an older version of Puppy? the 1.0.3 menu is on the dotpups page:

Icedock might work with Jwm as well as Icewm (i haven't tried it)

windows managers

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2005, 22:36
by Lobster
pitbull wrote: but I have to say that Barry has gone to a lot of effort to make FVWM95 really work.
The best version of icewm (IMO) is in Pizzapup
Which you can see at the bottom of this page

The reason for its stability is the control over the window manager that is possible with a specialised build.

The specialised window managers (including fluxbox) are not going to be as perfectly integrated BUT they are very usable and increasingly so.

It seems to me that Barry does not fix or improve what works (take note)

I find increasingly I use FVWM95 - it works even though icewm and flux are more pleasing emotionally and are 90 to 95% all there.

It is all fun


Tip: Styles can be applied quickly to selected text.

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 01:02
by Glitchman
pitbull wrote:The only real problem is that the Mozilla and Dillo browsers oversize past the tool bar hiding the location bar at the bottom of the page.
This is precisely why I use the AutoHide feature for the taskbar, by uncommenting the following line in .fvwm95rc:


I mainly do this as a workaround for my limited video options.

Going back to the original topic, I sincerely hope that Puppy never looks like XP by default. As a Windows NT4 user primarily, the first thing I do on an XP box is to turn off as much of the eye-candy as possible to make it behave somewhat like 95 or NT. One of the great things about Puppy is that it is NOT Windows XP. But as long as XP themes remain to be optional, then I don't mind. :)

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 11:27
by pitbull
Glitchman, thanks! The autohide works! Also thank you to all who have answered. Yes, I'm here to get a functional OS I agree with you.

Lobster: Did I miss something? I couldn't find Pizzapup only Puppy Barebones 1.0.3

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 12:51
by Lobster
How about just above the Puppy at the bottom of this page? :)

Boot Options introduced with 1.0.2 Puplets