How to open Rox Panels at startup/as toggles? [Solved]

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Puppus Dogfellow
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an update for the above pet

#31 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »
(new page--that's the previous pet, but the update comes solely from the pinstall below. new thread page so i'll include it as it's referenced)


Puppus Dogfellow wrote:click to take a better look at the default naming scheme and color layouts:

rox allows icon assignment to any file through the right click menu, and i rarely use that root/Desktop folder, so i've been thinking of it as an alternative to the menu system. a folder of scripts or executables, a folder of icons to represent them, and just stick them on the panels. swap panels and you swap the keyboard shortcuts you assigned to the icon--it's really very versatile when you think about it and why i chose an alternate location for the generated icons.

here's some more on panels: ... 656#781656

you may not want to override puppy's default icons in their other contexts, so as an alternative to associating the above with the directories themselves, you can associate them with scripts that call them (either individually or in sets). the following puts some scripts and icons to associate with them. sometimes you need to restart X (or wait til you reboot) for them not to look blurry on the desktop, but they're generally fine on the panels and will stretch or shrink to fit them.

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/{scripts,icons/{pans,defaults,dirs,conf,cus}}
6txpm "CR" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tcr.xpm
6txpm "JCONF" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tjconf.xpm
6txpm "RCONF" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6trconf.xpm
6txpm "PAN" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tpan.xpm

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox -D /
#close all rox directories
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/cr
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/cr

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox /etc/xdg/ /root/.config/ /root/Choices/ROX-Filer /usr/share/applications/panels
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/rconfr
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/rconfr

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox /root/.config/micro /root/.jwm/ /etc/xdg/templates/ /etc
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/jconfj
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/jconfj

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox  /usr/share/applications/panels
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/pan
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/pan
if you want a menu entry (will open up the folder with all the clickable icons--p1-p9 in the terminal also toggle them in or on/off):

Code: Select all

echo $' 
[Desktop Entry]
Name=panel frames
Comment=open panel main directory
Exec=rox  /usr/share/applications/panels

' > /usr/share/applications/PanelFrames.desktop 
jwm -reload

shortcuts assigned to the panels toggle in and out with them, which has both advantages and disadvantages (basically unlimited, possibly context sensitive; downside is your having to duplicate steadies if relying solely on the panels for keycuts (they set up the same way you set them for desktop icons--right click, edit, set keyboard shortcut)).

anyway, that's another use for this stuff.
from default colors and an update for the above panel pet
Subject description: (the non general issue (i.e. mcc dependent) version of the pinstall script)( ... 69#1031769)
Make Concurrent Copies (and optionally label the versions)
Subject description: now also a tiny word processor (12-99 kb depending on version)( ... 162#884162)


Code: Select all


#no menu entries unless you add .desktop to the files in /usr/share/applications/panels
#drag either individual panel toggles or the entire folder to a desktop or panel--i usually have one panel carry all and one carry just its own name (to help me identify it and make turning it off easier)
#for more on icons that work well with panels (i opened the xpm images in a text editor to get the icons you see on this script.)
# version2 below:

mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox -D /
#close all rox directories
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/cr
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/cr

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox /etc/xdg/ /root/.config/ /root/Choices/ROX-Filer /usr/share/applications/panels
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/rconfr
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/rconfr

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox /root/.config/micro /root/.jwm/ /etc/xdg/templates/ /etc
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/jconfj
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/jconfj

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox  /usr/share/applications/panels
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/pan
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/pan


echo $'/* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"14 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #423256",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #C1FF62",
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tcr.xpm 
echo $'/* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"35 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #423256",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #C1FF62",
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tjconf.xpm 

echo $'/* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"35 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #423256",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #C1FF62",
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6trconf.xpm

echo $'/* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"21 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #423256",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #C1FF62",
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tpan.xpm

echo $' 
[Desktop Entry]
Name=panel frames
Comment=open panel main directory
Exec=rox  /usr/share/applications/panels

' > /usr/share/applications/PanelFrames.desktop 
jwm -reload

the mcc utility makes text icons that you can use on your own scripts for machines that don't have it. the update for the previous pet gives a desktop entry for the panel and some example scripts and icons (you can right click associate pretty much any image, but these are very lightweight) for them. they'll also almost always expand (always contract) with the panel, and the rare times they don't expand, they leave a clickable slot the aligns with the scale of the larger panel).

you could of course also drag regular icons and desktop elements to the panels and not worry about icons, or leave your scripts bare and allow the panels to display their names. if using them solely to make swappable keycuts, just use one pixel icons--you'll fit more that way.


--p. dogfellow.


here's the updated pet in one piece:

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