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Reset the Net with our email self-defense guide

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2014, 12:55
by James C
Reset the Net with our email self-defense guide
One year ago today, an NSA contractor named Edward Snowden went public with his history-changing revelations about the NSA's massive system of indiscriminate surveillance. Today the FSF is releasing Email Self-Defense, a guide to personal email encryption to help everyone, including beginners, make the NSA's job a little harder. We're releasing it as part of Reset the Net, a global day of action to push back against the surveillance-industrial complex.
Email encryption is a simple way to give yourself a shield that can protect you and your community from the giant surveillance system we all face. If you need any proof of the effectiveness of these tools, remember that Snowden used them to leak his precious information safely. Many effective shields, wielded well and held together in solidarity, make a strong wall. The Email Self-Defense Guide will lead you all the way through the process of sending and receiving your first encrypted mail.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2014, 14:26
by Flash
Yes, well, if you use Yahoo mail or Gmail, they could disable your account for encrypting your email. If they do disable your account, you can't find out why. ... 2P20140603