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Heartbleed bug

Posted: Sat 12 Apr 2014, 01:32
by dcg
anybody heard about the Heartbleed bug . Just read that it is able
to read stuff in memory and that its been around for a couple of years.I thought stuff in the hard drive was at risk but memory is a whole other story. The fear is that hackers will be able to get credit
#'s and password stuff. Is puppy vulnerable?

Posted: Sat 12 Apr 2014, 02:46
by musher0
Short answer: no, not Puppy. It's a server bug. Puppy is a Linux OS for private users,
not a server.

The opening this bug provides is limited to 64 Kb at a time. Revenue Canada Agency
(Canadian IRS) thinks its servers were affected, so they shut down their on-line access
until sometime this week-end. Are they over-reacting? American IRS says it's not been

At 64 Kb a shot, it could take months to gather enough info to do bad things with it on a
large scale.

And it's a bug, not a virus or a spy-bot. A programmer was careless or too tired when
(s)he wrote that bit of code, not ill-minded.

Find a good news feed, and follow the news there. The above info comes from there.

Puppy is and has always been safe to use.

