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MACPup not able to install from live CD (DVD)

Posted: Mon 31 Mar 2014, 21:08
by 777funk
I just installed Precise Puppy from a LiveCD and it went very easily... insert disc from boot screen and off it goes.

I tried to install MacPup and it doesn't work but just gives me a boot error. Any ideas?

I downloaded MacPup from the mirror and burned it to a DVD just like I've done with all the other Linux OS's. For some reason it's a no go.

thanks for any tips!

Posted: Mon 31 Mar 2014, 23:37
by rokytnji
What is the md5sum of the downloaded Macpup?

It should be something like what I show for my 550 version of Macpup I have on file. So what is yours?
8e7e731efb14106118d4267e0f54b256 *Macpup_550.iso
8e7e731efb14106118d4267e0f54b256 Macpup_550.iso

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 00:14
by starhawk
What is the boot error, and which (if any) bootloader are you using? If you didn't install a bootloader, that's your problem. If you're using GRUB (grub4dos is different), that could be the issue -- I've *never* had good luck with GRUB... it always gives me the dreaded Error 15 :(