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Howto install calibre on frugal installed puppy

Posted: Tue 18 Mar 2014, 03:18
by vanchutr
How to install calibre (in frugal-installation puppy)?

(1). I'd installed calibre in puppy_oveprecise_5.7.30
(2). puppy_oveprecise_5.7.30 was frugal installed in sda3 (this partition is formatted as ext2) (in directory /mnt/sda3/precise).
(3). Boot and create a pupsave (e.g named this as oveprecisesave-cd.2fs). This oveprecisesave-cd.2fs will be create in your root directory - in /mnt/sda3/precise)
(4). Reboot puppy_oveprecise_5.7.30 with oveprecisesave-cd.2fs. You will see: folder named /mnt/home. This is /mnt/sda3 with my installation of precise (as described)
(5). Enter /mnt/home and make directory /mnt/home/calibre. Then untar calibre-1.28.0-i686.tar.bz2 in /mnt/home/calibre.
(6). Enter /mnt/home/calibre and at console (rxvt) type this command: ./calibre. Enjoy calibre.