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Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 15:35
by slackfan
erster Eindruck zu Merkaartor: scheint sehr verkapselt...

in der Praxis ist es dagegen sehr einfach. ausserdem gibt es eine gute deutsche Beschreibung im Merkaartor-Wiki.

Merkaartor aus der bisherigen Puppy-Linux-Version (v0.17) scheint eine wichtige Funktion / Anbindung zu fehlen: Das Öffnen von BING-Luftaufnahmen-Weltkarte im Hintergrung. die Ubuntu-Version ( v0.18 ) hat sie.

sehr wertvoll wäre, auch auf Wahl die OSM-Karten selber im Hintergrund darstellen zu können anstatt nur BING-Luftaufnahmen, die nicht immer sehr klar sind.

mit Marble zusammen (auch in Puppy verfügbar) haben die Puppyisten eine komplette hochwertige Kartographie-Umgebung zur Verfügung!

first impression: Merkaartor seems to bee cryptic ...

at using time it is more easy: and the merkaartor wiki also exist on English!

in the actual Puppy version Merkaartor doesn't include a really very interesting function: open the BING aerial world maps in the background (also important would be to open the actual stand of the OSM map itself also in the background alternative to BING because BING photos are sometimes difficult to interpret right). It is available in the Ubuntu version.

with Marble (also available in Puppy Linux) have all Puppyists a really professional approach of cartography at their disposition!

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 17:38
by slackfan
alles was Du brauchst ist nach dem Start wahrscheinlich sichtbar: ein Feld für die Arbeit und Unterfenster rund herum

all what you need is probably open after the start around the cartography drawing field

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 17:41
by slackfan
am besten lädst Du jetzt die Luftaufnahmen von Bing dazu (Ubuntu-Version)

the best you can do now is to add Bing aerial maps in the background

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 17:47
by slackfan
Oh! Ich sehe! Ich hatte zuvor die vielen Werkzeug-Fensterchen ausgeblendet (links sind die beiden schon weg...)!

Oh! I see! I did first made the little Windows with other functions unvisible (both at the left side are already hidden)!

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 18:04
by slackfan
Du kannst jetzt das Rädchen von der Maus drehen und eine extrem gezoomte Startpunkt-Vergrösserung erreichen. Du verschiebst mit den Cursor-Tasten in der passenden Vergrösserung

you now can choice with the mouse wheel the best zooming of your starting point. you can change the position with the cursor keys in the most adequate zooming relation!

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 18:13
by slackfan
jetzt kannst Du wirklich anfangen mit E)rstellen > L)inie!

you can now really begin an select make a line!

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 18:28
by slackfan
markierst oben den Startpunkt mit der linken Maustaste, ein orange Leitfaden erscheint

markierst unten den Zwischenpunkt auch mit der linken Taste. Der blaue Wegstrich mit den 2 Anfangs- und Endpunkten erscheint.

markierst rechts den Endpunkt.


die Kreuzung ist überwunden...

you hit on the start point with the left mouse key, an orange arrow appears

you hit now on the middle point of your way, down, also with the left mouse key: the blue way linie appears with the two points, start and end point.

you it now right on the third point: the crossing is finish!

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 18:32
by slackfan
jetzt kannst Du speichern!

you can now save your work!

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 18:43
by slackfan
beim nächsten Start kommt das Ganze wieder automatisch hervor.

dann bitte diese Werkzeuge testen. Eventuell am grossen roten Punkt drücken. manche Funktionen benötigen, dass man zwei Mal markiert und dabei die Shift-Taste festhält.

at the next start is all automatic here.

please test those tools! if needed, hit at the big red point. for some functions you need to mark 2 objects and hold the shift key between both.

Posted: Thu 27 Feb 2014, 19:45
by slackfan
ich habe jetzt eine 13 MByte umfangreiche Datei. das Ganze wird deshalb sehr langsam, in Abhängigkeit vom Alter und Ausstattung (RAM) von meinem PCsaur. dies hängt mit der Aufrufen der Kacheln von Bing-Lufaufnahmen zusammen, man sieht vorstehend, dass die Genauigkeit unter 20 m :idea: kommt, und dass deshalb unzählige Luftfotos benötigt werden. bei jedem Schritt vorwärts oder zurück kommen neue dazu, gehen welche weg. die Internet-Arbeit ist auch nicht ohne, obwohl ich hier nichts nach OSM lade, nicht ein Mal runterhole: nur Bing-Kacheln!

man kann aber durch Vermindern der Fenstergrösse ganz bestimmt noch sehr lange an einer lokalen Stadtkarte damit arbeiten... die Fenstergrösse spielt auch mit zunehmender Präzision der Karte zunehmend eine untergeordnete Rolle!

I have now a 13 MByte file with the map of the town. depending on the equipment and RAM of my old PC, the system is not fast any more but it is certainly right so as, you can see it above, the precision is sometime under 20 meter :idea: on a big areal! it is clear that a lot of aerial photos are necessary and each step forward or backward makes a lot of changes and an intensive internet download at Bing (I do nothing with OSM... only use the methods. only Bing aerial photos!).

it is possible to reduce the need selecting a small window. and a big window is not necessary any more, if you already have a lot of details on you map!

von der Maas zum Rhein, von Duisburg, wo Mercator gelebt hat, nach Aachen und Köln...

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2014, 21:08
by oui


Posted: Wed 07 Jan 2015, 05:18
by Pelo
Merci Oui. On va traduire. Ce n'est pas plus difficile que les topics en english. Translation would'nt be harder than with english language with google translator.

Merkaartor 0.18.3

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2016, 23:03
by norgo
Merkaartor version 0.18.3

Compiled under use of Slacko 6.3.0 and
-qt-4.8.6 ( shared )
-libqtwebkit-4.9.4 ( shared )
-gstreamer-0.10.36 ( shared )
-gst-plugins-base-0.10.36 ( shared )
-proj.4-4.9.3 ( statically )
-gdal-2.1.2 ( statically )

Package for Slacko 6.3.0 ( 8.113 k , xz compression , md5 = fe4ddc97640c90a5ac26772f8d49fd2d )

Dependencies: qt4,libqtwebkit,gstreamer,gst-plugins-base

Used for test in Slacko 6.3.0: ( 9.494 k , xz compression , md5 = 46a08e8ce96b909cc5cb33157c01cf9e ) ( 5.682 k , xz compression , md5 = 291975418b12b982bae09d0df75eb590)

Please note:
GDAL has been compiled without SQLite3 and without SpatiLite support.
This means that the feature "export->GDAL SQLite/SpatiLite" will not work in Merkaartor.

Merkaartor 0.18.3

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2016, 18:46
by norgo
slackfan wrote: in the actual Puppy version Merkaartor doesn't include a really very interesting function: open the BING aerial world maps in the background...
The plugin to use the Bing map in the background should be contained in the application by default.
You only have to activate the desired map.

in the menu entry:
Ebene->Karte-Bing Maps->Sichtbar
Layers->Maps-Bing Maps->Visible

you can choose whether a selected map should be visible or not.
This entry has no effect if no card has been selected before.
In the case above Bing Map is activated and visible ( the default is: Map None )

To select a desired Map ( e.g. Bing Maps ), use the menu entry:
Layers->Map - None->Plugins->Bing Maps
slackfan wrote: I have now a 13 MByte file with the map of the town. depending on the equipment and RAM of my old PC, the system is not fast any more but it is certainly right so as, you can see it above, the precision is sometime under 20 meter Idea on a big areal!
it is clear that a lot of aerial photos are necessary and each step forward or backward makes a lot of changes and an intensive internet download at Bing (I do nothing with OSM... only use the methods. only Bing aerial photos!).
Map data to be saved are actually only a few kilobyte.
Why do you save these data at your computer ?
Nobody else can use these data when not uploaded to the openstreetmap server.

If you are running Merkaartor in a live system and your computer has only a little of memory, reduce or deactivate the map cache.

menu entry:
tools->preferences -> backgroundimage -> Cache size

if you've a fast internet connection you can set cache size to "0" (means no cache) to save precious memory.

You also complained about sometimes unclear maps.
Looks like you are working with the preview maps. ( to detect at an orange-colored grid at the map )
In this case click at the "Download more" button. ;-)

Posted: Fri 26 May 2017, 22:27
by norgo
Merkaartor version 0.18.3

Compiled under use of Slacko 700 Beta3 and
-qt 5.6.1 ( shared )
-libqtwebkit 5.6.1 ( shared )
-gstreamer 1.6.4 ( shared )
-gst-plugins-base 1.6.4 ( shared )
-proj.4-4.9.3 ( statically )
-gdal-2.1.2 ( statically )

Package for Slacko 700


Please note:
GDAL has been compiled without SQLite3 and without SpatiLite support.
This means that the feature "export->GDAL SQLite/SpatiLite" will not work in Merkaartor.

Do not wonder, after the very first start you will not be able to move or resize the application window.
Merkaartor generates an config file containing your screen geometry.
Close the application and start it again, it will work for now on.

Tested application in Slacko 700 Beta3 and LxPupSc 17.5.24 T

Pupsave to increase for Merkaartor, new try coming

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2018, 05:17
by hamoudoudou
artfulpup depedancies to download
The following packages will be downloaded:
1. gcc-7-base_7.2.0-8ubuntu3_i386.deb (104K)
2. gdal-data_2.2.1+dfsg-2build3_all.deb (3435K)
3. libaec0_0.3.2-2_i386.deb (56K)
4. libarmadillo7_7.960.1+dfsg-1_i386.deb (561K)
5. libarpack2_3.5.0+real-1_i386.deb (335K)
6. libblas3_3.7.1-3ubuntu2_i386.deb (445K)
7. libdap25_3.19.0-1_i386.deb (1709K)
8. libdapclient6v5_3.19.0-1_i386.deb (321K)
9. libdouble-conversion1_2.0.1-4ubuntu1_i386.deb (98K)
10. libepsilon1_0.9.2+dfsg-2_i386.deb (112K)
11. libfreexl1_1.0.3-1_i386.deb (94K)
12. libfyba0_4.1.1-3_i386.deb (337K)
13. libgdal20_2.2.1+dfsg-2build3_i386.deb (16743K)
14. libgeos-3.5.1_3.5.1-3_i386.deb (1975K)
15. libgeos-c1v5_3.5.1-3_i386.deb (224K)
16. libgeotiff2_1.4.2-2build1_i386.deb (229K)
17. libgfortran4_7.2.0-8ubuntu3_i386.deb (1870K)
18. libgps22_3.16-4_i386.deb (184K)
19. libhdf4-0-alt_4.2.13-1_i386.deb (790K)
20. libhdf5-100_1.10.0-patch1+docs-4_i386.deb (5147K)
21. libkmlbase1_1.3.0-4_i386.deb (145K)
22. libkmldom1_1.3.0-4_i386.deb (861K)
23. libkmlengine1_1.3.0-4_i386.deb (275K)
24. liblapack3_3.7.1-3ubuntu2_i386.deb (6787K)
25. libltdl7_2.4.6-2_i386.deb (420K)
26. libminizip1_1.1-8_i386.deb (66K)
27. libmysqlclient20_5.7.19-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (4153K)
28. libnetcdf11_4.4.1.1-2ubuntu1_i386.deb (1449K)
29. libodbc1_2.3.4-1_i386.deb (663K)
30. libogdi3.2_3.2.0+ds-2_i386.deb (735K)
31. libopenjp2-7_2.2.0-1_i386.deb (414K)
32. libpq5_9.6.5-1_i386.deb (276K)
33. libproj12_4.9.3-2_i386.deb (485K)
34. libqhull7_2015.2-2_i386.deb (451K)
35. libqt5concurrent5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (181K)
36. libqt5core5a_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (11548K)
37. libqt5dbus5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (848K)
38. libqt5gui5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (16623K)
39. libqt5network5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (2894K)
40. libqt5opengl5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (567K)
41. libqt5printsupport5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (726K)
42. libqt5qml5_5.9.1-4ubuntu1_i386.deb (4930K)
43. libqt5quick5_5.9.1-4ubuntu1_i386.deb (5163K)
44. libqt5sql5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (523K)
45. libqt5svg5_5.9.1-2_i386.deb (482K)
46. libqt5webkit5_5.9.1+dfsg-5ubuntu1_i386.deb (42985K)
47. libqt5widgets5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (7849K)
48. libqt5xml5_5.9.1+dfsg-10ubuntu1_i386.deb (446K)
49. libspatialite7_4.3.0a-5build1_i386.deb (7177K)
50. libsuperlu5_5.2.1+dfsg1-2_i386.deb (485K)
51. libsz2_0.3.2-2_i386.deb (24K)
52. liburiparser1_0.8.4-1_i386.deb (140K)
53. libxcb-xinerama0_1.12-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (32K)
54. libxerces-c3.1_3.1.4+debian-2_i386.deb (3519K)
55. merkaartor_0.18.3+ds-2build1_i386.deb (7549K)
56. mysql-common_5.8+1.0.2ubuntu1_all.deb (28K)
57. odbcinst1debian2_2.3.4-1_i386.deb (212K)
58. proj-data_4.9.3-2_all.deb (14787K)

Packages to install: 58
Total download size: 177Mb
Approximate disk space needed for installation: 532Mb

You need more disk space to download the following packages