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Risk dotpup game doesn't display right at low resolution?

Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2006, 21:48
by ndujoe1
I am usinga 800 x 600 resolution and the Risk game does not display all of the features below. For example the end turn button doesn't appear.

In the 1024 x 728 mode everything is displayed properly.

Is this a limitation of the Risk video display or can this be changed?

Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2006, 23:57
by MU
The game is in /usr/local/Risk

I found a readme there, it says:
Risk - Yura Mamyrin (

SUN Java 1.4 or higher must be installed to run Risk

Miniumum Resolulation is 1024x768
However, you can use a trick.

Open in your Editor the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Search for this line:
Modes "800x600"

replace it with
virtual 1024 768

Restart X, and now your screen scrolls when your mouse reached the side on a 800x600 resolution (if that is the maximum your card can use).

Maybe you can use both:
Modes "800x600"
virtual 1024 768

If X should refuse to start, delete this line, use the comandline-editor mp:
mp /etc/X11/xorg.conf

This only will work with the xorg-xserver.
