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Tor Browser Bundle

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 03:29
by OscarTalks
For more information:-

Quite useful for anonymous web-browsing and for viewing blocked websites.
As a self-contained bundle you can install it in various locations and run it without it affecting any other browsers or installed software.

I put together a package (.pet and .sfs) which installs it in /root/my-applications (user data is stored internally) and has scripts so you can launch it from terminal with the commands tor-browser or torbrowser and you also have a menu entry and .desktop file so you can drag out a launcher icon onto your desktop from /usr/share/applications as usual. Easy to modify it to some other configuration such as running from /mnt/home if you want to.
32bit versions work in lots of Puppies
64bit versions work in Tahrpup64 and Slacko64
Versions 8.0 and later require gtk+3 (slackware) or libgtk-3 (debian/ubuntu)
Version 9.x tested briefly in XenialPup64 and BionicPup32 but does not work in some older Puppies such as Wheezy, in which 8.5.5. runs OK.
(Actually, version 9.x might work in older Puppies such as Wheezy if you add libatomic but you have to use a .deb from a later type such as Jessie or Stretch.)

The browser itself is a modified FirefoxESR
Window geometry is not remembered at each startup.

Comments welcome.

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2014, 15:18
by nmlkngdm
Using a HP Pavilion Entertainment laptop
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5850 @ 2.16GHz

Tor Browser Bundle 3.5 (.sfs file)
Screens from left to right
(1)Dpup Wheezy, (2)Lupumini 2013 12 21, (3)OVPrecise-retro 5.8, (4)Slacko, (5)Upup Raring
Image Image Image Image Image

Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2014, 03:53
by Puppus Dogfellow
3.6 pet and sfs backed up

[...] thanks for your contributions. (i use your google chrome pets now on three of my four computers).

Posted: Tue 11 Feb 2014, 01:23
by OscarTalks
Version 3.5.2 uploaded.
(The version 3.5 now has a very bold "Out of Date" message at start-up).
See first post.

Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2014, 02:40
by Dorothée
Thank you for this very usefull sfs

I would like to know how I could create new sfs each time Tor project uptade the Browser Bundle (quite often).

Is it difficult?


Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2014, 14:58
by OscarTalks
I'm glad you like it.
It is not difficult to create or update the .sfs if you know how to extract the packages into directory structures, arrange the files how you want them and then use one of the tools to convert to .sfs but there are always certain things to keep an eye on when doing this such as ownerships and permissions and making sure you have the bits in there for menu entries and stuff.

Posted: Thu 20 Feb 2014, 04:53
by Dorothée
I already downladed the last Tor Browser Bundle (which is in tar.xz) and tried to convert it to sfs. But so far I didn't manage to use the sfs file I had created (also because it couldn't work as root).

I shall compare your file with the one I have made.

Keep trying... and I'll do it!

Posted: Fri 28 Mar 2014, 16:30
by OscarTalks
Hmm, must just report that I am finding that version 3.5.3 is slightly less reliable than the previous ones when it comes to starting up.

Tor Browser always takes a few moments to get going because of the way it works, but if you find that the browser does not appear after a minute or so I suggest you do the following:-

Open a terminal, type killall firefox and press Enter.
Then try launching Tor Browser again.

Posted: Thu 03 Apr 2014, 05:05
by phredo

In the sfs I am using, 3.5.2, in the "start-tor-browser" file, lines 114-117 are commented out:

# if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
# complain "The Tor Browser Bundle should not be run as root. Exiting."
# exit 1
# fi

These are the lines that would exit if Puppy tries to run in root, which it does. Removing them lets Tor start up.

I learned this from a post about an earlier version (perhaps by the same author?) about a year ago.

Posted: Wed 09 Apr 2014, 01:50
by OscarTalks
09th April 2014

Version 3.5.4 uploaded.
This update contains the fix for the OpenSSL vulnerability
(in Tor - not in your entire system obviously).

See first post.

Posted: Wed 09 Apr 2014, 22:58
by Geoffrey

I repackaged your latest creation for wary 5.5, added the glibc hack and Tor is installed in /opt, running it on a clean install it requires and

Get it from my Dropbox tor-browser-3.5.4-wary_5.5.sfs

Tested, all appears good, plays You Tubes with no apparent problems.


Edit: youtube don't seem to work now that I have created a save file, you have a fix for that?

I find that wary runs painfully slow on my PC, yet I have no problems with Carolina, Precise, Slacko etc.

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2014, 03:07
by Dorothée
phredo, thank you for the info

as Geoffrey already uloaded Tor 354, I'll use it. But I keep your tip in my "boîte à outils"


Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2014, 11:19
by OscarTalks
Geoffrey don't seem to work now that I have created a save file, you have a fix for that?

I find that wary runs painfully slow on my PC, yet I have no problems with Carolina, Precise, Slacko etc.
Not sure, but the YouTube issue may be related to the cluster of nss libs not being found. There are the ones in the SeaMonkey directory but there is one symlink missing from /usr/lib in Wary and I think /etc/profile doesn't always place those libs in the path. Also those libs are a bit old now. The solution may be be to modify the package with symlinks or wrapper script lines to ensure that the newer nss libs in the Tor's Browser directory are added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

As for the slowness, the only thing I can think of is that Wary's kernel is uniprocessor whereas the others are not.

Posted: Fri 02 May 2014, 19:52
by OscarTalks
New version 3.6 assembled, tweaked and uploaded.

See first post.

The previous couple of versions were problematic for me. They tended to hang at startup fairly often. There are quite a few bug fixes listed in the changelog for this version so I am hoping it is all resolved now. Initial tests look good but I'll be keeping an eye on it.


Posted: Sat 03 May 2014, 22:06
by ferretgrandpa
Hey Oscar, thanks for the TOR 3.6 pet.

Works like it should with my Lucid 5.2.8, on an old Gateway NV52 Laptop via USB. Thanks again.


Posted: Sat 03 May 2014, 23:15
by mikeb
Whats the difference between getting the tor daemon and configuring firefox or seamonkey like ... mendations
or similar?
If I do that then i seem to be anonymous and can say access a blocked site using it. In fact i never used to know about the dns setting I just set the proxy.


Getting tor to work...

Posted: Sun 04 May 2014, 01:45
by Daniel50
Hi, it was mentioned earlier in this thread that removing lines 114-117 should make tor work in puppy. however this approach has worked in the past for me, but with the new version it doesn't.

On another note Oscars sfs worked fine for me in x-precise, so it kind did all the work for me... I am still a little curious on how you did it however?

also, would you consider working on a for x-precise? I have never got this to work in puppy, despite numerous attempts.

thanks, Dan

Posted: Thu 29 May 2014, 13:55
by dream.catcher
safesocks 1 in tor can i use this bundle with vps without the dns warning?

Posted: Sun 08 Jun 2014, 19:52
by phredo
Tor-browser-3.6-x86.sfs works fine on my non-PAE Slacko 5.6, but won't start on the same computer with non-PAE Slacko 5.7.0, with the same installation, as far as I can tell, on the same computer. After I click on "connect", the "Connecting..." box opens, a few notices pop up on that box, but it sticks at "Please wait while we establish a connection to the Tor network", with the blue bar at about 40% of the way across.

Just to make sure, I loaded devx_slacko_5.7.0.sfs and kernel_sources-3.4.82-slacko_4g_f2fs.sfs, but it still does the same thing, both the pet and the sfs.

Posted: Mon 09 Jun 2014, 02:05
by OscarTalks
Hmm, yes, I wouldn't expect devx and kernel sources to make any difference. Is the system clock set to the correct time? Tor Browser refuses to start if it is wrong, although if this is on the same machine I would expect the clock is right when you change Pups.

Starting from terminal with the command torbrowser or tor-browser will give a bit more information about where it is stalling.

I have had intermittent problems with the last few versions not always starting properly. If it only half starts and hangs you have to do killall firefox in terminal and then try again. There are some lines of code that I put in the launcher script to make it so that just clicking the menu entry or icon a second time would do that automatically, but those lines are commented out. You can uncomment them if it helps, but then be aware that any running Firefox will be killed if you launch Tor Browser at the same time.

I just tested it in a fresh Slacko 5.7 non-pae loading the .sfs of Tor Browser on-the-fly and it started and ran OK for me here.