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How to change default window sizes in Fatdog64-630?

Posted: Thu 21 Nov 2013, 13:28
by Aung
A little confused, I have FD630 from and I have Avidemux and default screen dpi is still at 78. I always take my dpi up to 96 and this makes the buttons, for Local News, Politics, Opinion ect. on the news papers I read overlap each other. I generally don't do alpha's etc. but I wanted to see what the new screen size looked like and if it would fix the buttons thing.
While here how can I make my borders and grab handles for windows bigger, what do I edit with Geany to do that. Also the popup window for renaming something is to short, how can I make it longer to include the full name of the folder whatever that I want to rename. When hovering the mouse on a link, the full path of the link is not shown, can that be fixed? Aung

Posted: Thu 21 Nov 2013, 14:53
by Flash
Aung, the forum works better for everyone if you ask one question per thread. Please feel free to start a new thread for each question that you have. :)