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Searchmonkey revisited.

Posted: Sat 16 Nov 2013, 10:49
by mikeb
Ok thought I would start a thread rather than being at the end of one for a change.

Always used search monkey cos its fast but the user interface seemed a bit quirky. I fiddled with it and reduced it to 2 tabs.
I recently had a further play and its now some sort of power search thingy and I also finished off some functions and removed some redundant stuff and solved a couple of bugs such as the date parameter control was broken.

Most changes are in the user interface so it should just work as it always did but any problems let me know so I can run away.

This is also my second pet I have ever built so I do bend to convention at times


reload "new" Searchmonkey on top of old Searchmonkey

Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 13:39
by don922
I am using Lupu-528.005 which comes with Searchmonkey.

I don't think I can remove the existing Searchmonkey so can I load this "new" no-tabs version right on top of the existing program?

Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 15:09
by mikeb
I think you would be fine installing over the top... redundant settings will be ignored. Thats if it happens to be in the same could always extract the binary only and replace that ...the rest is the same...its a simple bunny.


Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 18:12
by Puppus Dogfellow
is it possible to get any of these tiny search utilities to search for text within files and not just titles? even if you had to add the tools (like unrtf--forgot what the .doc one was called...) for the various file types, it would still be a nice alternative for when you don't want to have recoll (which relies on building sometimes enormous databases) go through its bit.

actually, even a way to just use it to search through plain text files would be most cool. does this feature already exist?

Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:13
by mikeb
enable contents match... contents right section of the gui.
The image shows the result of a quick text search.

I find it very useful for compiling when locating functions


Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:34
by Puppus Dogfellow
mikeb wrote:enable contents match... contents right section of the gui.
The image shows the result of a quick text search.

I find it very useful for compiling when locating functions

awesome. thanks, mike.

do you know of any utilities that do batch conversion to plain text?

Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 19:44
by mikeb
Not of the top of my head...I would guess something in perl or python perhaps.

Content search might still pick out items in rtf for example...suck and see.
One thing that is lacking is unicode support but I could not find anything in linux to do that and resorted to a windows program Agent Ransack.


Posted: Fri 17 Jan 2014, 20:37
by Puppus Dogfellow
mikeb wrote:Not of the top of my head...I would guess something in perl or python perhaps.

Content search might still pick out items in rtf for example...suck and see.
One thing that is lacking is unicode support but I could not find anything in linux to do that and resorted to a windows program Agent Ransack.

(catdoc is the name of the .doc converter.) i can remember reading that odt is basically a wrapper for a zipped text file, so maybe it's possible with that format as well.

recoll works well enough, but using it for a quick folder search sometimes requires one to uncheck boxes and stuff. oh well.


just remembered there's a gnome utility that does it. think it might be called Gnome Search Utility :)

Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2015, 21:29
by mikeb
Just changed the pet in the first post.

Apparently it gave the menu generation in puppy indigestion so thats been fixed. The program itself is the same so only reinstall if you have had a menu problem.


Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2015, 17:15
by amigo
Do you have a tarball of the modified sources, or a patch against the original sources?

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2015, 17:56
by mikeb
Yes no problem ... ar.gz?dl=1

and the earlier one with tabs.. ... ar.gz?dl=1

One thing that might be nice would be unicode content searching...I was unable to find anything in linux land to do that.

I am a 'c' novice ... I find such things slow going :)


Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2018, 19:01
by Luc A.
It's my first post, so let me to present myself : I've became the developper for the Gtk Branch of Searchmonkey since dec. 2017, Adam, the original coder, remains the team manager. As you can see, I'm not fluent in english ;-)

The team has launched for now the 0.8.2 revision, wich can be found on SourceForge. Here is the link : ... edomCookie

We are very interested by the job of MikeB, and wish that Mike contacts our team, if he is interested.

For me, I working on the 0.8.3 release of Searchmonkey, where I've done various things :
- simplified the GUI
- corrected various bugs.
- and, added deep file search in DOC-X, ODT and PDF files.

Here is a screenshot (you can now understand why I'm not fluent in english) : deep search in ODT files with accented chars (see the word désir = desire in english).


I've also started the work to migrate SearchMonkey to GTK 3.0.

The team searches also to add more translations/localizations : for now, we have the english (of course) the french, russian. If you are interested to add more translations, feel free to contact us.
SearchMonkey is aimed for low specs computer : my home computer is a 12 year old, with a single core Sempron processor ...


Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2018, 19:22
by musher0
Welcome to the kennels, Luc_A. !!!

It's good to know that SearchMonkey is being looked after and still developed.

Please feel free to use the PM if you need to contact a forum member individually.

As for me, search in odt and pdf documents is certainly a feature that I need at times.

Bonne continuation !

Posted: Thu 25 Jan 2018, 23:15
by Luc A.
Thanks Musher0 ;-)
You have a PM.

Posted: Thu 01 Feb 2018, 18:23
by mikeb
hello luc
thank you for you interest and glad to hear the project is being updated.
Sorry for the slow reply...I do not get notifications.
As you see its been 3 years since my last post here so I am a little behind but I will take a look on sourceforge.
Also you are welcome to use this thread or create another for anything you feel is useful
bon chance

Posted: Sat 03 Feb 2018, 11:29
by Luc A.
Hello Mike !
Thanks for your reply ! And once more time, congratulations for your job with SearchMonkey.

I hope you and other users can take a trip with the new versions of Searchmonkey (0.8.2 and above).

Adam, the Team manager, and me (for the Gtk side) are thinking about the future design of Searchmonkey, so all suggestions by users are welcome ;-)
We want to get a smart, clean and light APP.
