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qt 5 for development?

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 17:08
by amrset

I really like the idea of Puppy Linux - I'd like to develop Qt 5 apps with Puppy. I'd also like to have a C++11 compiler and an Intel threading libraries available as well. Once I'm done with the apps, I'd like to have them run on Puppy as well. No - these will not be cloud related apps.

I'm capable of spinning my own, I'm looking at woof, but any pointers would be great!

I'm happy to share as well :)


Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 18:47
by dancytron
What people did with Qt 4 was build an sfs file that contained all the needed libraries (somewhat stripped down for size). That way, if you wanted to run Qt applications, all you needed to do was download and mount the sfs file on to any version of puppy. So, I think that would be the first task, rather than trying to make a new puppy version.

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 19:07
by amrset
Sounds good,

looking through the puppy documentation online, I didn't see how one my go about that. Could you point me in the right direction?

Thank you,

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 22:34
by dancytron
I've never actually made an sfs from scratch, but this is from the wiki.

There is a script called editsfs that will let you edit an existing sfs file. There is another one by RSH that lets you combine .pet or .deb files into an sfs. I've used these, they are pretty self-explanatory. ... 84c2ab2386

Posted: Mon 14 Oct 2013, 22:53
by amrset
Cool, Thanks!

I'm walking my way through old posts and pages - I'll start with PaDS - then if I have trouble, go back to making a pets first, then converting it/them to a sfs.

Sound like the right track?

So I see Barry is "retiring" from the project -- it looks like there is still a healthy ecosystem around puppy - am I correct? (just want to make sure it's worth spending my time on : )

Thanks for the help,

Posted: Tue 15 Oct 2013, 14:48
by dancytron
Yes, I think you are on the right track.

I am kind of surprised I am the only one responding. I think if you get something roughed out for people to download and test you'll get a lot more response.

I think Puppy will be around for a long time even without Barry, although maybe in a more scattered way than with his leadership.

There is also a dir2sfs script around that would be useful.

Good luck

Posted: Tue 15 Oct 2013, 15:02
by simargl7
>>> What people did with Qt 4 was build an sfs file that contained all the needed libraries
>>> (somewhat stripped down for size). That way, if you wanted to run Qt applications, all you
>>> needed to do was download and mount the sfs file on to any version of puppy.

This simply is not possible, because Puppy based on:
Ubuntu has libpng12
Slackware has libpng14
Arch (previous Archpup, now Alphaos (not real Puppy?!)) has libpng16 at the moment.

Even if that is only difference (and obviously is not), using same Qt is impossible
because of different library (dependencies) versions in a distro compared to the other
one where Qt was compiled.