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Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2013, 21:16
by technosaurus
H4LF82 wrote:and i agree that txt files are clunky. it was my suggestion, and i suggested it because it gives me a physical place to put the stdout without having to use a console where i can physically SEE it the moment it gets created. by all means, remove the text file and use the stdout ...someone with a console who trusts their eyes, please!

You might be interested in the Xdialog --tailbox option which can read a file as it is modified.

an adaption of my code could enable that:

Code: Select all

touch /tmp/speech_out
pocketsphinx_continuous $SOMERANDOMOPTIONS |while read ROW DATA; do
case "$ROW" in
    [0-9]*:)echo $DATA;;
done >> /tmp/speech_out &
Xdialog --tailbox  /tmp/speech_out 0 0 &

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2013, 21:53
by H4LF82
technosaurus, thank you! i love xdialog...and was going to suggest it if it didnt come up naturally in the conversation.

Xdialog.will be important because some users will still want a visual representation of "what is going on" as well as an audible one. id like to see the ability for the userto turn Xdialog on and of f...and when it is turned on it should produce an xdialog box that times out if you dont press OK after a few seconds, and should appear whenever the system makes an alert tone...

that way the user is never left wondering what just happened. and anytime the user gets stuck wondering whaat juust happened, the program should loop back and try again. like ths...


Posted: Sun 20 Oct 2013, 01:36
by Ted Dog
Dog clicker(cheap metal tab) is VERY loud, and is making my real farm dog nervous. :lol:

Posted: Mon 21 Oct 2013, 00:25
by greengeek
In terms of extending functionality and expanding user interaction down the track - this info about a program called SphinxKeys seems interesting:

Posted: Mon 21 Oct 2013, 21:52
by technosaurus
greengeek wrote:In terms of extending functionality and expanding user interaction down the track - this info about a program called SphinxKeys seems interesting:
Cool but requires python and most of that is handled in ~5lines of shell for "open" we can try xdg-open (its a rox wrapper in puppy) to open any supported file type and fallback to trying to execute it as a program as in my example stub.
For the sendkeys, scottman is already using xdotool for vlc-gtk (I've compiled a similar key/mouse tool that uses xcb vs Xlib to send events)

Posted: Sat 26 Oct 2013, 00:24
by greengeek
I think we are at the point where quite a few different scripts might come to light for voice-controlled functions for different purposes, so I thought it might be worthwhile to have a separate thread just as an archive for .dic files (and associated scripts if any have been written to match that dic file)

(ie: if you want to write a script using a specific vocabulary you just grab an existing dic file that contains the vocab you need)

Thread here: ... 885#732885

Each project may suit a different dic file (and some projects might even use a number of dic files to suit different instances of pocketsphinx running at different times (sounds clunky but it might work if well written...)

The dic files normally start with a number eg: 6718.lm 6718.dic but it seems to work fine to rename them as long as you reference the new name correctly in the pocketsphinx start parameters

#pocketsphinx_continuous -lm starter002.lm -dict starter002.dic


/usr/bin/pocketsphinx_continuous -lm wordprocessing.lm -dict wordprocessing.dic

Just rename the dic files to identify whatever your vocab is focused on....

Posted: Sun 27 Oct 2013, 17:07
by greengeek
Don't know how, but I seem to have deleted this post. Durn it.

Posted: Fri 01 Nov 2013, 23:31
by greengeek
greengeek wrote:So far I've been trialling voice commands without a preceding "trigger word" like 'computer' as used in the example above but I think there are times when it will be critical to use a trigger word or phrase. I think there are advantages to both methods and I think it might be useful to be able to switch between two modes (simple mode and complex mode)
Sorry to quote myself, but I did succeed in getting the voice menu to switch on command from simple vocab to more complex vocab in order to satisfy different needs.

I will be developing that idea more in the 'part 4' section of this project and have developed a standalone .pet that allows easy testing / demonstration of this functionality: ... 145#731145

Posted: Fri 22 Nov 2013, 18:04
by greengeek
I have put together a puppy that integrates my new version of the voice control functionality. I call it voxpup: Thread here:

I'm still also focusing on improving and extending my original scripts but just thought a full puppy was a good way of testing the functionality so far and maybe getting a wider audience for testing/feedback.