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A Short Ode to Barry K

Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2013, 05:17
by darry1966
There was a man who lived in Perth who created something of worth, called Puppy.

He sweated and toiled, no way would he be foiled from creating the Ultimate Distro.

His creativity for ten years would inspire many of his peers.

So here's to you Barry - thanks.

Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2013, 06:06
by Iguleder

Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2013, 10:54
by Karl Godt
As a Limerick :

There was a man who lived near Perth,
who created something of worth.
He sweated and toiled,
no way would he be foiled.
Puppy Linux he created on earth.

He moved on into Perth.
After a short search.
Burglars had robbed his machines,
so things got weird it seems.
Thieves seem not to live in Perth.

His creativity for ten years
would inspire many of his peers.
Woof became the bone
of the back all alone.
Peers walk the dog with droop ears.

And after a while,
woof woof and with a smile,
rhyme is the bash,
kit that always last,
digged up a root spine.

He does not need wine,
nor does he drink wine.
If he would do,
he for sure caught flu,
on a Melbourne lane.

Who had seen him lately,
that guy that codes vastly.
to the peers
they hope he enjoys his time greatly.

Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2013, 18:54
by darry1966
Karl Godt wrote:As a Limerick :

There was a man who lived near Perth,
who created something of worth.
He sweated and toiled,
no way would he be foiled.
Puppy Linux he created on earth.

He moved on into Perth.
After a short search.
Burglars had robbed his machines,
so things got weird it seems.
Thieves seem not to live in Perth.

His creativity for ten years
would inspire many of his peers.
Woof became the bone
of the back all alone.
Peers walk the dog with droop ears.

And after a while,
woof woof and with a smile,
rhyme is the bash,
kit that always last,
digged up a root spine.

He does not need wine,
nor does he drink wine.
If he would do,
he for sure caught flu,
on a Melbourne lane.

Who had seen him lately,
that guy that codes vastly.
to the peers
they hope he enjoys his time greatly.
Nice Karl. very awesome tribute to Barry.

Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2013, 19:14
by Smithy
The name is K, Mister K....Barry K.. .Ok?

The Guys and Gals who enjoy my dog

Ain’t succumbed to the software fog

They live in the light where code is funny

The rewards are scant, but they’re milk and honey.

So on I go to pastures new, where tablets are rife

And the industry’s askew.

But the pawprint is left, and a good one it is

So don’t go giving the Puppy some dis.

Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2013, 23:06
by Karl Godt
PM by Jasper wrote:Hi Karl,

A great man who once lived near Perth
Created something of worth
He sweated and toiled
But wouldn’t be foiled
Thus he nursed Puppy Linux from birth.

When he moved near the centre of Perth
Robbers tried to destroy all his mirth
Though he came back to life
Without huge signs of strife
Which proved him the salt of the earth.

His magic’s lasted more than ten years
And he inspired many users and peers
To chew on the bone
And be far from alone
In walking those dogs with droop ears.

Though he codes at the speed of light
Many Aussies will know him by sight
With huge woofs and cheers
From the world’s users and peers
Barry’s disks burn by day and by night.

My regards
After responding that I like it very much, Jasper answered :
Hi Karl,

Add and/or change anything you like - the best advice may yet come from irishrm.
Btw : Me thinks, I am surrounded by gay girls .. :wink:

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 09:23
by 01micko
Ha! Nice thread.. some good, bad or indifferent creativity... which really is all good!

Don't for get this by headfound.

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013, 10:31
by anikin
01micko wrote:Don't forget this by headfound.
... and remember where it comes from
great song indeed