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Porteus 2.1 final available

Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2013, 17:31
by don570
Porteus 2.1 final available

Similar to Puppy but a bit bigger.
I recommend the XFCE version


Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2013, 19:30
by simargl

Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2013, 21:56
by James C
Obligatory Porteus 2.1 LXDE screenshots......

Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2013, 23:03
by d4p
Doesn't matter bigger or smaller iso, anyway liveos booting speed faster than puppy.
Easy and fast (only under 1 minute) to create customize desktop/browser setting.

New feature that I like:
Build your own iso
Just click which one you wish and download
Have fun!

Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013, 12:29
by pchan
i have downloaded the xfce 2.1 and just got to love the booting and shutdown speed!

puppy precise 5.7.1 booting speed if i am not imagining things, is faster than previous puppies.

porteus does have a few things that are quite unique. Like puppy, installing to pendrives or hard drives is very easy, fast and convenient.

easy to also make backups of settings just like puppy.

another thing that i love is the aability to apply cheatcodes. if you add EXIT: to the boot up configuration file, when you shutdown, you are given the option to save the session or to don't save the session. so, if i mess up, i just choose don't save so that my save file will not become corrupted.

Nice! Now, puppy linux and porteus are my favourite operating system.

Posted: Sun 11 Aug 2013, 18:46
by musher0
Hello, all.

I tried the MATE version of Porteus 2.1 and was not impressed by either...
I'm sticking to my Puppies. :) They're leaner and cleaner, and prettier and more effective, if you ask me.



Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 12:56
by Colonel Panic
pchan wrote:i have downloaded the xfce 2.1 and just got to love the booting and shutdown speed!

puppy precise 5.7.1 booting speed if i am not imagining things, is faster than previous puppies.

porteus does have a few things that are quite unique. Like puppy, installing to pendrives or hard drives is very easy, fast and convenient.

easy to also make backups of settings just like puppy.

another thing that i love is the ability to apply cheatcodes. if you add EXIT: to the boot up configuration file, when you shutdown, you are given the option to save the session or to don't save the session. so, if i mess up, i just choose don't save so that my save file will not become corrupted.

Nice! Now, puppy linux and porteus are my favourite operating system.
I think that's something it would be good to include in Puppy.

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 15:02
by mavrothal
Played with porteus 2.1-LXDE for a couple of hours.
Basically is a slackware-based hybrid of puppy (aufs, gtkdialog) with tinycore (loadable modules).
Unfortunately is not as good as any of these, yet.
Their PPM look nice but performs worse then Puppy's (yes is possible :o ) and is far away from Tinycore's.
Login as root once gave me 100% cpu usage and the second time a degraded panel. :?
Boots fast but performs slower than puppy using considerable RAM (~350MB for just the desktop) and 135MB with no office apps and a spartan selection of other apps is not small either.
Looks nice though with LXDE/Openbox and has potential.
I guess by v3 should be quite allright.

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 16:57
by mikeb
Basically is a slackware-based hybrid of puppy (aufs, gtkdialog) with tinycore (loadable modules).
Its a derivative of Slax which itself uses Slackware with some neat wrapping by Thomas to make it modular/frugal etc.
Puppy owes much of its present structure to Slax which pioneered the loadable modules though Slax is much cleaner in several respects. (and predates Puppy 2)

Unfortunately I found Slackware 14 rife with some nasty bugs so unfortunately anything based on it has some major fixing to do.

Perhaps the Slax structure with something more reliable like debian would be a better bet.

Just thought I'd chime in there.

ps a slax 6 based setup is my main system so totally biased :D
pps I have a not save option on puppies and slax.... its a feature worth having generally.

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 17:23
by pemasu
Porteus 2.1 LXDE. I used the net iso creating app. Nice. It includes the wanted loadable modules to the build.

Set time/timezone gui didnt offer me the timezone selection feature. Forum to the help. timeconfig in terminal as superman user. Timezone fixed.
No internet atom clock syncing gui. But there is ntp package in PPM ( Porteus package manager) which has ntpdate. Just needed to hunt atom clock provider address and clock synced. Again in terminal.
No laptop cpu freq et governor switcher gui. I could have downloaded cpufrequtils package and create scripts to switch governors, but I didnt bother.

Porteus2.1 is a dream come true to the terminal superman users. Nice way to learn terminal commands and usage. Puppy users are spoiled.

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 19:00
by Ted Dog
It's strong in areas of puppy weakness, package management. Also it 'borrows' a few puppylinux items, and keeps the P lead character to hid this direct borrowing..... Pburn is an example...

I know they must lurk over here.... So Howdy, keep up the good work..

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 19:13
by mikeb
It's strong in areas of puppy weakness, package management. Also it 'borrows' a few puppylinux items, and keeps the P lead character to hid this direct borrowing..... Pburn is an example...
Well it is called PORTeus....
I lobbed several puppy like scripts into Slax... ..for things that were originally handled by KDE.
Actually borrowing Pburn is pure masochism :D

And where does puppy come from???


grub entries

Posted: Wed 14 Aug 2013, 00:11
by don570
I found that the LXDE version lacked features so
I recomended the XFCE version. It's easy to install on a partition.
Just two folders to drag over to a partition.

Here are my Grub entries.... First to boot as the guest
and I have a porteus save file.

Code: Select all

title Puppy Porteus  login=guest
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
kernel /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz  changes=/mnt/sdc1/porteussavefirst-2.dat
initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz

Here I boot as root without a save file. Note that UUID is used to find the
partition with the boot folder. To find UUID the 'blkid' command is used

Code: Select all

title Puppy Porteus  login=root
uuid cda1bab9-accf-41f5-89b3-01d7b3433526
kernel /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz  login=root
initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz

Posted: Wed 21 Aug 2013, 14:13
by stu91
Installed the xfce version, i like it seems very polished with a decent selection of apps for its download size.
Major downfall for me is wifi issues - i had to blacklist the wl driver to get broadcom b43 wifi working but the connection is constantly dropping out and flooding dmesg with:
[ 1953.591438] wlan0: direct probe to a4:b1:e9:01:e2:31 (try 1/3)
[ 1953.792069] wlan0: direct probe to a4:b1:e9:01:e2:31 (try 2/3)
[ 1953.993056] wlan0: direct probe to a4:b1:e9:01:e2:31 (try 3/3)
[ 1954.194060] wlan0: authentication with a4:b1:e9:01:e2:31 timed out
touch wood wifi seems to be working ok now - not sure what fixed it but copied /lib/firmware/b43 from puppy to porteus and reloaded b43

Posted: Wed 21 Aug 2013, 19:34
by don570
To Stu91:

You should become a member of the Porteus forum and
post your experiences. They need all the help they can get.


Posted: Thu 22 Aug 2013, 01:27
by mikeb
touch wood wifi seems to be working ok now - not sure what fixed it but copied /lib/firmware/b43 from puppy to porteus and reloaded b43
Had to do exactly the same with slax 7 so I guess slackware does not include (much) firmware...perhaps its a copyright issue


Posted: Thu 22 Aug 2013, 10:23
by stu91
don570 wrote:To Stu91:

You should become a member of the Porteus forum and
post your experiences. They need all the help they can get.

I think i signed up on there a while back - will have a look see if i can find my user name.

Posted: Thu 22 Aug 2013, 10:38
by stu91
mikeb wrote:
touch wood wifi seems to be working ok now - not sure what fixed it but copied /lib/firmware/b43 from puppy to porteus and reloaded b43
Had to do exactly the same with slax 7 so I guess slackware does not include (much) firmware...perhaps its a copyright issue

was that with b43 mike? Porteus it seems only has included /lib/firmware/b43-open

Posted: Thu 22 Aug 2013, 11:29
by mikeb
Yes sorry I should have been clearer. Yes the b43. bcm4312 IIRC With older kernels the wl module is happy but more recent b43 seems solid as long as it has the firmware. b43-copy does suggest it is a copyright issue whereby users are usually told to obtain it themselves using fw-cutter. Puppy being off the main track quietly manages to ignore such issues....flash player was another example....more a case of copyleft.

I spent some time on slax 7 which is related hence my interest here. With 7 there were some showstoppers and the devs seemed to ignore reports/fixes if they did not come from the clique or were trivial. (or both!) . Eg the dev module was missing asm so impossible to compile drivers... broken cups etc It seems porteus may have a more human approach :D


Posted: Sat 07 Sep 2013, 07:24
by Gooplusplus
Porteus KDE 2.1 and Puppy (Racy or Precise) are on USB flash drive YUMI-based multiboot collections. (not public yet)

Image Image Image

BTW, the main torrent trackers are down. The torrents are also found on Tuxdistro and Linuxtracker.