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How to switch ISPs without rebooting?

Posted: Sun 23 Jun 2013, 10:11
by surender
I have configured my pup in DHCP for internet.I have two internet connections from two ISP.When I want to change from one ISP to other and vice-versa i have to reboot the pup always.I there anyway i can just change the cable from one ISP to and Other without reboot i get internet connection.Can you please help

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 00:45
by rerwin
I am surprised that no one has responded to your question. Since you put no constraints on the solution, I recommend using Precise Pup 5.6.1 and the frisbee network manager, even though we are not talking about wireless. I think that what needs to be done is to restart DHCP for it to discover the new network.

To keep things simple, set frisbee as the default connection manager. After you switch ISPs, start frisbee (if not already active) and click on the "Network Interfaces" tab, then click on the "Restart DHCP" button. That should resume the ethernet connection but with the new ISP.

If that works when a browser is not active, you might try the ISP-swap while a browser is active, to see if you can continue browsing after the swap. You might have to click the browser's "Refresh" icon to re-establish the page.