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Getting dependencies for Slacware 14 packages, in Slacko

Posted: Sat 01 Jun 2013, 13:21
by Wac
I have two Slackware 14 packages which I want to install in Slacko 5.5. The one is a jah.txz file and the other is a slackbuilds.tgz. Slacko 5.5 recognizes these two files as Slacware packages, and can install them if you click on them. The problem is that after the software is install, it don't want to open, so I guess it need extra dependencies to run. Is there a way to ask Slacko which extra dependencies it need to run these software, even before you install them?

Posted: Sat 01 Jun 2013, 13:56
by Semme
Wac- it's:

Code: Select all

ldd /path/to/executable
Lower case "L" there..

Find the path with:

Code: Select all

which jah
.. for example.