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LibreOffice won't uninstall using PPM

Posted: Tue 28 May 2013, 09:29
by Gordy
I'm a total newbie to Linux of any flavor. I test drove some small distros from CDs two weeks ago. To see if some old hardware had useful life left, I did a frugal install of Slako 5.5 on a P2, 256M, 330Mhz - IBM 390x laptop on a dock, wireless PCMCIA card working along with USB 2.0 PCMCIA card. It's slow, but usable - chokepoint seems to be the processor speed, not RAM, but I've ordered 512M of PC100 SODIMM(s) to see if that's correct.
Foolishly installed LibreOffice using PPM, as I wanted a DB to try out.
I've forgotten which repository I got the package from. The install seemed to go OK, but there was one dependancy not found. On cold reboot, machine and browsers were much slower, and video was affected if I tried to start LO. - Its components are in the Start menu with Calc and Base listed twice, under both Personal and Business.
Attempting to slim down and resolve speed issues by removing LO with PPM does not work, as PPM doesn't list it as an installed package. So...
1) Why won't PPM list all the packages it was used to install in the 'Uninstall' list? I did change the repositories that PPM looks to. Will it not find them if it came from one that's not now listed? If so, that would be useful for newbies like myself to know before changing repositories.
2) Since it doesn't list every package installed using it, and therefore can't be used, how do I remove LO using a term session? I tried to do it using commands and syntax found on other Linux forums, but the commands 'weren't found' in Puppy's term window.
3) What are alternative applications to get a DB without having to install an Office suite? I'm not looking for a server DB, just a tiny one with relational capability for personal use.
4) Besides experimenting with Slacko, what tutorials should a newbie go through and / or read for Linux in general (without having to read a whole lot that doesn't apply to Slacko), and then Slacko in particular?

Re: LibreOffice won't uninstall using PPM

Posted: Tue 28 May 2013, 11:50
by simargl

Posted: Tue 28 May 2013, 12:08
by Dewbie
Gordy wrote:
256M, 330Mhz - IBM 390x laptop on a dock, wireless PCMCIA card working along with USB 2.0 PCMCIA card. It's slow, but usable - chokepoint seems to be the processor speed, not RAM, but I've ordered 512M of PC100 SODIMM(s) to see if that's correct.
Before addressing the PPM / LibreOffice issue, you might want to try Wary.
It's a special build of Puppy for older hardware such as yours.
I run Wary (and older Puppies) on this P2/350 all the time.

With Wary, the extra RAM won't be necessary.
But you'll need to go to Menu / System / GParted and add a 256MB Linux swap partition.
This will give you virtual RAM, much like the pagefile.sys found in Windows.

Re: LibreOffice won't uninstall using PPM

Posted: Tue 28 May 2013, 12:18
by L18L
Gordy wrote:...Foolishly installed LibreOffice using PPM, as I wanted a DB to try out.
You have installed frugally so there is no problem.
Just restart without save file
puppy pfix=ram
and delete that save file.

Or you can see what is installed using console:

Code: Select all

rox $HOME/.packages
file user-installed-packages should list your-installed-packages
the command to delete is rm (remove)....

Code: Select all

rm --help

Code: Select all

man rm
shows a manual page for rm
... and so on

Have fun