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how to add external ppas to ppm ubuntu precise ?

Posted: Wed 22 May 2013, 08:37
by lvds
Hi everyone :-)

When using ubuntu I often have to get some software from external repos ppa so I edit /etc/apt/sources.lst and run apt-get update then I run apt-get install my-software (I also install gpg pubkeys before).

How can I do the same with puppy so the external ppa appears in puppy packet manager ? So far it only sees the ubuntu repos... where are the settings for the repos ?

Also, maybe it is another question: I got apt-get running in puppy-precise, and ran apt-get update, but when I want to apt-get something it does offer to pull a lot of things that surely are already in puppy, only apt-get don't know about them : Is it possible to have apt-get in sync with the puppy packet manager and build the local database of installed softwares ?

Many thanks for your help.

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 20:27
by lvds
Partly solved...

You can add more repositories to use in puppy packet manager (PPM) by editing file:

Code: Select all

geany /root/.packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS
then re-start PPM, click "configure" button, click "update" button and follow on-screen instructions. Click "ok", then click "quit" button.

Re-start PPM. In puppy 5.5 It can only handles 5 repos actives at the same time, and one is in grey so you have only 4 left to choose from. If you decide to change the active repose, you will have to re-start PPM.

Note, I encountered many problems when trying to install meta-packages from external repositories (i mean outside the ubuntu repos). Normal packages are ok, just run the dependencies check.


About the second part of my question, how to keep apt-get in sync, I've discovered this is a known problem that many people have encountered. Because apt-get is a very strong and reliable packet manager, everyone is trying to use it but we all have the same problem. I don't know how to solve this so if someone have a solution, please tell us.

Best regards

Posted: Fri 24 May 2013, 12:22
by BarryK
I documented how to add a PPA to the PPM here:

...if using latest Precise 5.6, you won't need to do Step 1.

Posted: Fri 24 May 2013, 14:27
by lvds
BarryK wrote:I documented how to add a PPA to the PPM here:

...if using latest Precise 5.6, you won't need to do Step 1.
Yes, thanks, well maybe now we can improve the ppm. Most people are lost when using it, that is not because of a lack of documentation. It's only that it is complicated, re-starts etc... And the problem with meta-packages that don't pull... Maybe it would be great to have ppm only for pet files, and have apt-get for ubuntus repos or external ppas. Because we need to trim down the packs downloaded, apt-get could be embedded in a script: so when you want to download and install, you launch (for instance) puppy-apt-get which recognizes all usual apt-get parameters, then the script download/trim/install the softwares in the "puppy way". It builds up the apt-get database and don't pull the specific things puppy already have etc..

The actual PPM could become more like synaptic and work in sync with apt-get too, BUT if we have this puppy-apt-get, we could simply use synaptic, as a graphic front-end for puppy-apt-get.

There is a lot of documentation on the net, explaining to newbies "open a terminal, type apt-get install my-software" ... etc so nearly everyone have become used to this by now.

And about PPM, indeed we already have the latest Lazy-fred packet manager for SFS and PET that is really excellent, maybe there is no need to re-do anything, just use this packet manager by default. Most people I talked to, told me their first choice is the quickpet tool. It is so simple and efficient. The all wishes is that puppy repos need consolidate and centralize, get organized and make it clear for everyone.

So we could have quickpet by default, Lazy-fred PPM for experienced people, and puppy-apt-get for everything ubuntu.
We need something clear :-)