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How to tell which key was pressed?

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 15:46
by R-S-H

how can I check and get the result if any key like Strg, Alt or Shift is pressed?

I want to use/do this in bash.



Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 16:54
by Karl Godt
No straight idea .

evbug.ko kernel module if enabled, would show .

xev is another small program to show keys .

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 17:01
by Flash
Yes, xev has worked for me. :)

R-S-H, you might find the answer toward the end of this thread. Here, maybe.

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 17:29
by R-S-H

thanks for the posts and the links.

I would like to try Xev but could not find it.

Any link to download Xev?



Found it: it's in Puppy! :lol:

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 17:37
by L18L
R-S-H wrote:I would like to try Xev but could not find it.
And what about

Code: Select all


Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 17:56
by R-S-H

as I've edited in my previous post, I've found it in the OS. But it seems not to be useful.

I need to get the code from pressed key to be submitted by a variable. To have a window opened and to watch the results in the terminal is not really useful to my purposes.

I'm looking for a solution like this:

Code: Select all

if [ "$MyKey" = "MyKeyDefinitionHere" ]; then

Code: Select all

if [ "$MyKey" = "MyKeyDefinitionHere" ]; then

Code: Select all

if [ "$MyKey" = "MyKeyDefinitionHere" ]; then



Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 19:03
by Keef
I suppose you could pipe the results of xev to a text file, grep the results. then put that into a variable.

Code: Select all

xev | cat > keypress
Then again, I don't know how to get rid of the xev window, which would be a pain.

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 19:48
by SFR
It's rather ugly low-level trick, but should (more or less) do what you want.
Anyway, I can't come up with nothing better. :wink:

The main downside (or advantage) of this method is that it detects keystrokes globally, regardless of which window/application is currently in use (i.e. focused).

Code: Select all


# In Puppy it seems to be always /event0, but in other distros it may vary.
checkkey() {
  dd if="$KEYBOARD" bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | cut -f8 -d ' ' | head -1

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Just an example how to use the above function:

echo "Press q to quit"

while true; do
  sleep 0.1 # <- to prevent oversensitivity

  case $KEY in
    002a ) echo "Left Shift" ;;
    001d ) echo "Left Control" ;;
    0036 ) echo "Right Shift" ;;
    009d ) echo "Right Control" ;;
    0038 ) echo "Left Alt" ;;
    00b8 ) echo "Right Alt (Alt-Gr)" ;;
    0010 ) echo -e "\n'q' has been pressed, exiting..." && break ;;
    * ) echo " (other key...)" ;;


read -t0.1 -N 255 KEY	# Empty keyboard buffer, to avoid junk on exit

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# PS. To get hex codes of other keys, launch this in terminal:
while true; do dd if=/dev/input/event0 bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | cut -f8 -d ' ' | head -1; sleep 0.1; done

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 20:40
by R-S-H
SFR wrote:it detects keystrokes globally
That's exactly how it would used to be! :D

After you doing the basic script for the LazY MAID as well as your work done on the variomenu (der-schutzhund) again a nice working solution/script. You're a real coder with rich knowledge!

How do you say, in English: Hat's up (right? - in German this would be: Hut ab!)!

Thank you very much, SFR! :D


Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 23:16
by muggins
I wonder if this could be modified to suit your needs?

Posted: Thu 09 May 2013, 02:43
by Flash
That's a big page which takes a while to stabilize at the relevant spot, so be patient and wait for 10 or 20 seconds.