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Audacity 2.0.3 -Slacko Precise Raring

Posted: Thu 11 Apr 2013, 00:31
by don570
I've been experimenting ---> trying to get audacity 2.0.3 and 2.0.4beta
to work in puppy. Note that these are very big pet packages.
You need 3x the size of package available in free space to install!!

Here's the method I've devised.
First install a package full of necessary libraries
This first step is very important!! Then install the audacity2.0.3
pet (or SFS). The order of the installation is very important, since the
operating system must be fooled. Apparently Ubuntu installs libraries in
different locations than Puppy linux.

Note on method: was made from libraries stolen from other pet packages.
I made package from downloaded
debian packages and assembled with alien2puppy script.

Tested on Slacko 5.5, Precise, Precise NOP, Raring.
Doesn't work on Wheezy or Carolina because they
have older glib. 10MB 18MB

audacity-2.0.3.sfs 18MB

Optional foreign language locales:

Some notes:

1) A bug in Audacity version 2 still remains :cry:
If you open preference window and then close it, the top window menu
is blank. The solution is to resize the audacity window (click the upper
right resize icon)

2) This version of audacity doesn't recognize sound cards very well,
at least it didn't recognize mine. Ubuntu uses pulseaudio driver. The solution
for me was to set the audio so that a sound file will play over the speakers
using 'retrovol'. Then audacity automatically used that setting.

Improvements to pet package:

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 16:12
by don570
Improvements to pet package:

I made MIME for .aup file
so the file launches with a click. 8)

I put in right click for Thunor file manager if pet version
of package is installed(see image)



Posted: Mon 02 Dec 2013, 12:48
by koulaxizis
The SFS version works fine! Thank you! :)

Posted: Sat 18 Jan 2014, 21:31
by Phillip21
Thank you for this - I have just installed Audacity in Slacko 5.6 without any problems whatsoever, and sound playback seems OK on the default settings.

Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2014, 17:56
by scabz
hey don570 i have compiled audacity-2.0.5-i686 in precise 5.6.1, can you put together a right click pet for me. if not no worries man.

i have also compiled in precise 5.6.1 hydrogen-, jack-audio-connection-kit-0.121.3-i686 and qjackctl-0.3.11-i686. i will post everything as soon as i can.

Posted: Fri 27 Feb 2015, 14:11
by darkcity
I've tried installing on Slacko 5.3.1 but there are many missing dependencies.

After installing, wx, flac, vamp, soundtouch, twolame

I gave up at libportSMF

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2015, 21:10
by don570
I would recommend Audacity 2.1

It's been very stable except for one strange bug
with the time shift effect.


3 years later

Posted: Thu 20 Oct 2016, 16:50
by Limbomusic
Just wanted to say Thank You :-)

I spent the last 2 evenings trying to get audacity working on slacko 6.3.0
Coulndt get the pet from ppm to work (some missing libs, I,m not good with commands and all that) - and I tried about 5 different .pets - Finally I got the 1.3.12 version working - I edited an mp3 file ok, but after closing audacity chrome wouldnt start, and after reboot, slacko woulndt start, so it broke my save-file.... ugh. (had it backed up tho)

Then today I tried your pets (first the lib pet and then audacity pet) and Hallelujah! Everything working okay ! I edited an mp3 and added an effect, export/save - and puppy/chrome still working a ok.

Thank you SO much (3 years later;-)