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How to change drive from root to sda1, from the console?

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 17:25
by fixit
How can I change drives ?

I want to go from the root to sda1 which is another partition on the same drive.


Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 17:32
by ally
I think what you are asking will be found in /mnt/sda1 etc.


Re: Change drive

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 18:24
by 6502coder
fixit wrote:How can I change drives ?

I want to go from the root to sda1 which is another partition on the same drive.
It sounds like you are used to Microsoft DOS. In Linux, you don't "change drives." You just cd directly to where you want to be. So assuming sda1 is already mounted, you just

cd /mnt/sda1

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 20:32
by Flash
Or click on the sda1 icon in the lower left of your desktop.

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 21:18
by fixit
ally wrote:I think what you are asking will be found in /mnt/sda1 etc.

That did not work.


Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 21:19
by fixit

I want to change directories from the console.


Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 21:31
by R-S-H
- run the console
- type 'dir' into the console and press enter

If 'dir' shows a directory Startup (plus some more) then you are in /root

- type 'cd Startup' into the console and press enter
- type 'dir' into the console --> should now show its (Startup) content

If you want to change to another drive/directory

- type /mnt/your-hd/your-directory/your-sub-directories/etc/pp

Example (change to /mnt/sda1/data)

- type 'cd /mnt/sda1/data' into the console and press enter (sda1 has to be mounted first)