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Gimp 2.8.4 for Precise or Slacko or Raring

Posted: Fri 22 Mar 2013, 00:37
by don570
This version of Gimp will run only on Precise puppy linux,
PreciseNOP or Slacko or Raring.

It won't work on distributions like Wheezy or Wary.

I recompiled to make the foreign locales work. You must install the
NLS package of course to show a foreign language menu!!

I don't know the benefits of this version, but
it's stable and will export to many image formats.

You can choose either an SFS or a PET file to install.
Don't install both!
edit: pet version - fixed :lol:

gimp-precise-2.8.4.sfs (11.2 MB) (11.4 MB) (only needed for foreign languages)


new compile of gimp

Posted: Sat 23 Mar 2013, 16:16
by don570
I recompiled and built the packages again.
I was able to get the menus to show foreign
language text if NLS package installed.

Note: I compiled with python disabled
since it's not installed in standard installations.
Apparently some effects need python, but
I haven't noticed any problems.

I stripped the apps but they're still quite big.


corrected pet

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2013, 18:30
by don570
oops. I didn't test the script in pet

I would have realized it was wrong.

Posted: Mon 25 Mar 2013, 13:51
by darkcity
thanks for this, GIMP keep getting better 8)

Posted: Mon 25 Mar 2013, 17:33
by don570
I fixed the pet package by getting rid of script :lol:

I noticed that earlier gimp2.8.2 package in Barry's precise repository can run
in Pemasu's Wheezy distribution but wheezy can't use this
gimp 2.8.4 package.


Posted: Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:35
by swiatmar
okay I tried the sfs file on precise puppy 5.4.3
this is what iI get: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
is libgegl not included?
libabl also and other stuff.
Can you tell me wher did you get the right one libraries. Last time I installed it my system broke down? Is it runing okay in your precise nop 5.4.3?

Posted: Fri 29 Mar 2013, 00:35
by don570
I got libbabl and libgegl from site as debian packages for
precise. I didn't bother to compile. It didn't seem to matter.

I loaded sfs into RAM using sfs_load by shinobar.
I should test using the regular method of loading.


Posted: Sat 30 Mar 2013, 16:28
by don570
I finally discovered what was causing problem with sfs file. stores libgegl and libbabl libraries in

Fixed and tested on raring distro.


Posted: Sat 30 Mar 2013, 16:44
by Dean
Thanks don570 8)

Posted: Mon 13 May 2013, 20:26
by don570
I compiled Gimp in Wheezy by Pemasu
(python disabled)
and I discovered to my surprise that the app
will also run in Precise, Raring, or Slacko as well!!

The size of package is bigger!! 18M rather than 11M
I tested on four distros and they worked very well.
(only needed for foreign languages)

EDIT: removed SFS since it didn't work in Wheezy